The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 91: Progress, Kiss Hong


In late May, the weather gradually became hotter. Qiao Wei opened the window to the maximum, sat cross-legged on the kang with a mat, and wrote the improvement method of saline-alkali land stroke by stroke.

She was not a native farmer in her previous life, nor did she come from an agronomy department. She knew these methods because she often went to the countryside with the dean’s mother. Of course, the orphanage itself also has its own vegetable garden. She likes to grow vegetables. Looking at the bare soil, she always Growing green seedlings inch by inch, and then growing into vegetables or fruits, the sense of accomplishment is really more satisfying than eating a big chicken leg.

However, although she knew a lot of Korean characters, her writing was still not satisfactory.

"Son, how do you write irrigation?" She asked Jing Yun who was reading a book across from her.

Jing Yun picked up the pen, and wrote two beautiful big characters on the paper with his pretty little hands.

Seeing her son's impeccable calligraphy, Qiao Wei's jaw almost dropped: "You really know how to write such a difficult character?"

It's so beautifully written...

What I wrote myself was a disaster in comparison...

Qiao Wei was too embarrassed to take it out to make a fool of herself.

Jing Yun put the slips away neatly, and said to Qiao Wei, "You read it, let me write it?"

In the past and present lives, people who are dozens of years old together, actually want to find a five-year-old child to ghostwrite, and it is a shame to spread the word, but who let this be her son? Her son is amazing, isn't it because she teaches well

Thinking of this, Qiao Wei felt relieved, and handed the pen and paper to her son happily.

Jing Yun wrote very steadily and seriously, regardless of his posture, expression or calligraphy on the paper, he was just like him, neither arrogant nor impetuous, just looking at Qiao Wei felt his heart calmed down.

She is already so outstanding at only five years old, I really dare not think about what will happen when I grow up, I am afraid that I will fascinate a bunch of girls.

"Okay." After writing the last word, Jing Yun put the pen on the pen stand, and handed the paper to Qiao Wei with both hands.

Although Qiao Wei did not study calligraphy deeply, she could tell that her son's handwriting had improved compared to last month. She touched her son's little head proudly, and leaned over to look at his little tofu-like face. I kissed him!

Jing Yun's little face slowly turned red.

Qiao Wei still remembers the envious look in Jing Yun's eyes when he visited Shu to eat shrimp, which was indeed a bit unfair to the baby born in the same birth. After thinking twice, Qiao Wei decided to take her son to catch fish to make up for his suffering. Create a small mind.

Wang Shu was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, not knowing that her mother took her brother on a "date" and left her alone!

Qiao Wei gestured to Aunt Luo, and said silently, "Jing Yun and I will go out for a while."

Aunt Luo waved her hand and fanned the two little babies on the bed—Wang Shu and the little baby.

Xiaobai pricked up his little ears, and followed in a hurry.

"What are you doing here?" Qiao Wei gave Xiaobai a disgusted look.

Xiao Bai snorted, wagged his little tail, and jumped into Jing Yun's arms.

Jing Yun hugged it, and asked suspiciously: "Mother, why is Xiaobai growing so slowly? Tieniu's Dabai has grown to the height of my knee."

Because Tieniu wanted a Xiaobai, Aunt Liu bought him a white Chinese pastoral dog about the same size as Xiaobai, and named him Dabai. A few months passed, and Dabai had grown into "beginning to take shape", but Xiaobai was still just milk Xiaobai.

"It's not that it grows slowly, it didn't grow at all." Qiao Wei looked disgusted. She was so upset at the beginning that she agreed with her daughter to keep this little guy. a few dollars.

"Is it sick? Why doesn't it grow?" Jing Yun asked puzzled.

Yeah, why not long? After eating so many good things for her, she didn't grow a piece of meat on her body. What a waste of food!

Qiao Wei took her son to a stream near the mountain forest. The shade was cool, the birds were singing constantly, the stream was crystal clear, and fish could be seen swimming in the water.

Qiao Wei put the fish basket on her back aside, took out a small one from it and carried it on her son's back, then took off her shoes and socks, rolled up her trouser legs, revealing a pair of slender little feet, which were illuminated by the water like white jade Show a bit of clear color.

On the other side, Jing Yun also took off his shoes and socks in a learned manner, and rolled up his trouser legs above his knees, but he was small, and the height was not enough, so Qiao Wei simply asked him to take off his trousers and go into the water with only a pair of underwear.

The place Qiao Wei chose happened to be the shallowest part of the water, and she didn't even pass Jing Yun's thigh when she reached the middle. The speed of the river was so slow that it was almost imperceptible, and Jing Yun, who couldn't swim, had no problem in the water.

This was Jing Yun's first time entering the water, and he was so excited that he stepped on the cool pebbles with his little feet, scaring away all the fish.

Qiao Wei chuckled: "If you step on it a few more times, there will be no fish to eat today."

Jing Yun showed a rare mischievous smile, and turned his head to look at Xiao Bai who was reluctant to enter the water on the bank: "Come on, Xiao Bai, the water is clear!"

Xiaobai took a step back.

Jing Yun ran up to catch it, and it ran away! Soon Diaoying disappeared.

Mink can swim naturally, but this guy is afraid of water. I really doubt that I have raised a fake mink. Qiao Wei shrugged speechlessly, stopped talking to Xiao Bai, and went to catch fish with her son.

The fish here have many natural enemies, no one raises them, and their sensitivity is much stronger than that of domestic fish. If there is any trouble, they will scatter, but who made them unlucky to meet Qiao Wei

Qiao Wei has sharp eyes and quick hands, and she can catch every one! After catching, she threw it into the fish basket on her back. Soon, her fish basket became heavy.

Jing Yun couldn't catch it at first, but after observing Qiao Wei for a while, he quickly realized the trick, watching the small fish in the water without moving, and reaching in with his hand when they swam over!

Fast, ruthless, and accurate!

Qiao Wei raised her eyebrows proudly, as expected of her son, he can learn everything so quickly!

The mother and son fished intermittently for an hour, filled both fish baskets to the brim, and then prepared to head back home.

Qiao Wei first wiped her son's legs and feet with the cotton cloth prepared in advance, and Jing Yun put on the pants and shoes and socks by herself: "Mom, I want to pee."

"Piss." Qiao Wei said casually.

"I'll pee over there." Jing Yun said shyly, he has grown up, and he can't let his mother see his little dick anymore.

Qiao Wei almost laughed out loud, how old are you, why don't you show it to her? She is still a mother!

"Go, little man!" Qiao Wei patted his head and finally agreed.

Jing Yun ran into the woods.

Qiao Wei found a big shady rock and sat down, planning to enjoy the freedom of her feet for the last time, otherwise she would have to "fully arm" herself again when she returned to the village.

It's just that Qiao Wei didn't expect to be disturbed by an uninvited guest when she was enjoying this short period of freedom comfortably.

"How decent is it to expose your body in broad daylight?"

It was a majestic and cold voice of a man.

Qiao Wei lazily opened her eyes, glanced at the other party without knowing it, and said unexpectedly and sarcastically: "Who am I? Instead of escaping the summer heat at home, he ran to this poor place, what? Is my well water not enough? Or did you beat the salt seller to death?"

Beat the salt seller to death

Is this scolding him for being too salty (idle) to panic

Prince Yin's expression turned very ugly in an instant. If someone hadn't found out that there might be a secret stronghold of Ji Mingxiu hidden in this forest, he wouldn't be bothered to go up the mountain himself!

I just wandered around in the mountains all day, but found nothing, but saw a shameless woman by the stream!

A woman's feet are like her body, which cannot be seen by non-husbands.

This woman was exposed to the sun so big, and she didn't feel embarrassed when she saw him coming.

"Put on your shoes!" he said coldly.

Qiao Wei snorted and laughed: "Prince Yin, you are so lenient with the police in the Pacific! Can I do your shit with my shoes on or not?"

"You're like this... it's out of place!"

Qiao Wei shook her feet and sneered: "Don't look at evil, don't you understand? If you think it's not good, then don't look at it, you've seen it all and you're here to point fingers at me, why? Then why do you need to set up an archway?"

"You..." Prince Yin had never seen such a shameless woman, not only acted dissolutely, but also spoke frivolously, which really humiliated Daliang Chao's woman!

"You still watch?" Qiao Wei glared at him.

King Yin withdrew his gaze from her little feet. It is undeniable that she really gave birth to a pair of slender jade feet, as if they had been carved, so beautiful.

"What a disappointment!" Qiao Wei put on her shoes and socks reluctantly. She was not afraid that this guy would hate her, but that this guy scolded her for being shameless. Green light, she doesn't want to show this disgusting guy!

After putting on her shoes and socks, Qiao Wei picked up the two baskets on the ground and walked towards the woods.

King Yin frowned, and stopped her: "Don't you know how to salute when you see me? I'm not afraid that I will punish you for a big crime of disrespect!"

Qiao Wei turned around and gave a perfunctory salute: "Is that all right, respected His Royal Highness Prince Yin? The Caomin came from a lowly background and haven't learned the etiquette of those nobles. If you don't do well, I hope you don't dislike him."

King Yin didn't expect her to compromise, but this kind of perfunctory compromise is more ironic than slapping him: "Don't think that if I forgive you again and again, you can really forgive me. Do whatever you want."

Qiao Wei smiled: "You seem to have said this once, there is really no need to emphasize it a second time, I don't have any idea of doing whatever I want with you, if I really do, then we should now... either you die or I live."

Is this woman blatantly telling him that she wants to be his enemy

What a big tone for a village girl!

"Do you know what will happen if you become an enemy of the royal family?"

"It shouldn't be much worse than what I ended up fawning on you, right?"

This kind of insidious and cunning guy, if he fawns on him, he doesn't know when he will sell him, so why waste his expression on kneeling and licking

Qiao Wei shrugged: "There are old people in Caomin's family, and there are young people in the family. They are all waiting for Caomin to go back to cook. Your Highness, a proud son of heaven, must not understand how we ordinary people live a hard life. If His Royal Highness Prince Yin has nothing to say , Cao Min will leave first.”

King Yin had never seen such a woman who didn't know how to flatter her, and he was really angry every time he saw her! No matter how much she tried to curry favor with him, she couldn't curry favor with him, but she completely turned against him because of a little quarrel. Not to mention that he failed in all the things he did, but if he really succeeded, he really trampled a child to death. It really doesn't matter if her child doesn't have the opportunity to be a child prodigy, he is a prince, the whole world belongs to their Li family, just a few ordinary people, what is worth his attention

He stepped forward and grabbed Qiao Wei's arm.

Qiao Wei's martial arts were not as good as his. She was caught by him and couldn't move for an instant. The fish basket in her left hand fell to the ground, and a few small fish jumped out.

King Yin said coldly: "This king said..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, an extremely fast stone flew out of the forest and hit his life gate impartially. The speed was so fast that he wouldn't have noticed it if he hadn't had good eyesight. At the same time, the second, third and even the fourth flew towards him!

With a thought in her mind, Qiao Wei swung the fish reel in her right hand and slammed it at him!

He raised his hand to block it, but the fish basket was blocked, but all the small fish in it fell down, pouring water all over him!

A huge fishy smell spread over him.

He was so disgusted that he let go of Qiao Wei, his eyes sharpened, he pulled out the dagger, and was about to throw it at the "assassin" in the forest. Qiao Wei opened her arms and stopped him firmly, her eyes like torches said: "Dare to touch me!" Son, I will fight you hard!"


King Yin glanced at her strangely, she had already suppressed her playful smile, her brows were cold, and there was a boundless undercurrent in her eyes, like a storm ignited at any time, at this moment, King Yin felt a powerful force in her body. The aura is chilling.

Prince Yin seemed to understand why she kept holding on to him. She dared to fight for her son with a royal family, so how could she forgive herself for causing her son to miss the child prodigy exam

In the end, King Yin didn't move Qiao Wei, and looked at Qiao Wei coldly, and also looked at the forest not far away. I don't know if it was his illusion, but he always felt that there was a familiar atmosphere in the forest.

After the hated prince left, Qiao Wei ran back to the woods and hugged her son who was full of the slingshot: "He's gone, don't worry about him, are you okay?"

Jing Yun shook his head, and asked caringly, "Is mother okay?"

Qiao Wei smiled softly: "No, thank you Jing Yun for helping my mother out."

"Jing Yun said that when he grows up, he will protect his mother, so that no one will bully her again." Jing Yun said very seriously.

Qiao Wei's heart almost melted, how could there be such a sensible child? It's hard not to feel bad.

The mother and son picked up the small fish that fell out of the fish basket, except for a few vigorous and clever little fish that jumped back into the river. .

The mother and son returned to the village hand in hand.

This is the first time that Jing Yun and his mother have come out to "commit a crime" alone, and the harvest is full, and it feels great!

After returning to the village, the mother and son had a tacit understanding and neither of them mentioned the matter of King Yin (bad uncle).

Luo Yongzhi just came back from collecting prawns from outside. The crayfish business is booming. Boss Rong’s purchase price has also increased by a copper coin. Luo Yongzhi has made more money and is happy with his work. The two restaurants also invited him to supply goods. After obtaining Qiao Wei's consent, he agreed to the other party. The demand of the two restaurants was not large, and the combined daily amount was only 200 catties. He would travel more. , Be diligent, and you can receive it.

Cuiyun felt sorry for him, and persuaded him outside: "Don't work too hard, what are we doing with so much money? It's enough to spend enough, both parents are working, and we have our own land, you can just do it, see. If your feet don't touch the ground every day, you will be sunburnt."

Luo Yongzhi chuckled: "When I make money, I will build you a big house like my sister!"

Women like to listen to good things, and Luo Yongzhi never speaks big words. He dares to say that he really has such a plan in his heart. Cuiyun feels ashamed. Well, Luo Yongzhi has always kept Aunt Luo a secret, and never complained to her. She has been in the family for so many years and has never had a child. He never beat her or scolded her like other men, and has always been very nice to her.

Once being able to marry such a man, Cuiyun would be willing to die.

The couple stayed in the room for a long time, sticking to the bed, not to mention their affection.

When Qiao Wei and Jing Yun crossed the threshold, Luo Yongzhi was already driving a donkey cart to the town to deliver lobsters. Cuiyun walked out of the room fully dressed, with a moistened look that even a fool could see.

"Sister is back." Cuiyun greeted with a smile, rubbed Jingyun's little head, "Did you catch any fish?"

Jing Yun nodded like a pounding garlic: "I caught a lot!"

Qiao Wei put down the fish basket, raised her hand calmly, and buttoned the button on Cuiyun's chest.

Cuiyun blushed.

Qiao Wei lowered the corners of her raised lips: "You're welcome."

People sprinkle dog food every day at home, and she is about to be tortured to death!

Wang Shu's little bun was still sound asleep, Qiao Wei asked Jing Yun to invite the old scholar over for dinner, handling the relationship between teachers, students and parents is as important as handling the relationship between doctors and patients.

Jing Yun went obediently.

Wang Shu also finally woke up. She didn't know that her mother had gone out for a walk with her brother on her back, and she was still happy that her brother was not there, so she could monopolize her mother again.

Qiao Wei went to the backyard with the fish basket, Wang Shu followed along, and asked where did the fish come from, Qiao Wei only said that she caught it, but Wang Shu thought it was her mother who caught it herself. The boss ran out to play with her brother alone behind her back, and she was used to it.

Qiao Wei fetched a bucket of water from the well, soaked the small fish in the basin, and then took them out one by one with a knife to scrape off the scales and cut out the internal organs.

There are many types of fish, such as crucian carp, scorpion carp, horse mouth carp, stone clapper... the most crucian carp, the fish caught this time are not big, the length is basically between two and three inches, and the scales are not easy to remove. .

Qiao Wei chose a brisk knife, brushed it, and the knife moved up and down cleanly.

Wang Shu played with the fish in the basin. At first the basin was full, but she caught every fish. Gradually, there were half a basin, a small basin, ten fish, eight fish, six fish... only two fish remained.

Qiao Wei took care of another small fish, reached out to catch it in the basin, and found that it was gone, she raised her eyebrows, and stretched her hand to Wang Shu: "Hand it over."

Wang Shu's little hand was behind his back: "No."

"Why are you hiding without you?" Qiao Wei wanted to laugh when she saw how she had no money here.

"It's just not." Wang Shu insisted.

Little guy, learn to sing against her, it would be when she first wore it, the little guy would not have the guts.

I was too kind to her, not only fattened her up, but also fattened her courage.

Qiao Wei pretended to be serious and said: "I counted them, there are a hundred in total, now I only killed ninety-nine, and there is one left, where is it not in your hands?"

Wang Shu pitifully handed over the little fish. Mother was so cunning that she even secretly counted the fish.

Where did Qiao Wei count? How could she count such two big baskets of small fish? That girl believed it foolishly.

In Wang Shu's eyes, everything is one hundred, as long as you tell her one hundred, she will firmly believe it.

Qiao Wei went into the kitchen after finishing the last small fish, first cut a few pieces of ginger, mashed it into foam, patted the garlic, then mixed with a little salt and red pepper powder made by herself, put each small fish in Apply it on the outside, which can get rid of the fishy smell of the small fish itself and make it easier to taste.

It would be even better if there was curry, Qiao Wei thought.

After marinating the small fish, Qiao Wei took out another catty of flour and put it into the unused seasoning, beat three eggs, poured a spoonful of sesame oil, a layer of chopped green onion, and stirred it into a light yellow batter, then put Put the small fish into the batter.

On the other side, her frying pan was also boiling.

Cuiyun came to add firewood to her, but Wang Shu was not allowed to enter the kitchen, so he lay at the door, stuck his round head in, and looked curiously.

Cuiyun said: "If she wants to come in, let her in. I have been working in the fields when I was her age." Dolls should not be too spoiled, especially female dolls, male dolls are at home anyway, spoiled There are also parents who are raising the baby. If the girl goes to her husband's house, if she can't do anything, it will be disgusting.

Such a cute and cute baby can't be used for work, she will be heartbroken to death. Of course, Cuiyun is also kind in this era.

Qiao Wei said with a smile: "She will only add to the chaos."

Cuiyun understood what Qiao Wei meant, and said earnestly, "Do you still want to pamper her for the rest of your life? She doesn't have a father, and you're going to marry after all. If she's capable, she'll please the new uncle."

Her daughter, why do you want other people to like her? When she finds a man, the first condition is that she must treat her child well, otherwise, she would rather not find him.

Or, it is also possible to raise a few small fresh meat.

The premise is that she earns Bai Fumei.

How far away!

Qiao Wei put the flour-coated small fish into the oil pan one by one with wooden chopsticks. The umami taste of the fish, the aroma of flour and chili, mixed with the strong smell of chopped green onion, all of a sudden floated out of the oil pan.

"No, Jing Yun, I have an appointment to have a drink with Lao Wang from the next village today, so I won't go to your house." The old scholar politely declined Jing Yun, and suddenly, he smelled a strong and delicious aroma of chopped green onions. Sniffing, "What's this smell?"

Jing Yun's eyes lit up slightly: "It's my mother frying small fish!"

The old scholar swallowed his saliva: "Suddenly remembered, the doctor said that I should not drink alcohol recently."

Not only the old scholars were attracted by the fragrance, but also Aunt Zhang and He’s daughter-in-law. The two are neighbors, and Tian is also together. They often go in and out together. The two just went to the field today and were going home for dinner. They were tempted by the fragrance. After walking all the way, I couldn't help but came in and asked, "Is Cuiyun cooking?"

Cui Yun walked out with a smile: "It's not me, it's Xiao Qiao, Aunt Zhang, Mrs. He, come in and sit for a while."

There is no need to sit down, the two just want to see what is fried in the kitchen, why is it so fragrant

Zhang's aunt and He's daughter-in-law went to the kitchen.

Qiao Wei had just finished frying the first pot. The golden fish was dotted with crispy chopped green onions. The oil bubbles were bubbling, making her mouth water.

"Aunt Zhang, Mrs. He." Qiao Wei greeted with a smile.

"What is this? It smells so good?" Aunt Zhang asked.

Qiao Wei smiled and said, "The small fish I caught by myself was wrapped in flour and fried. I don't know if it tastes good. Auntie and sister-in-law should try it?"

Wang Shu ran in, looking at the basket of small fish, drooling!

Qiao Wei gave her one: "Be careful it's hot."

"Huhu, it's so hot!" Wang Shu held the little fish and took a bite, "It's delicious!"

Zhang's aunt and He's daughter-in-law also tasted one each. It was very tender, unlike their fried fish! The flour on the outside is crispy, but the fish inside is so tender that it seems that there are no fish bones, and it can be sucked in.

The smell of chopped green onion is so fragrant, and the ginger and garlic are all just right, suppressing the fishy smell, but not taking away the umami taste of the fish itself.

They didn't realize that there were eggs in it, but they felt that this flour was far more delicious than their fried flour.

Seeing that the two liked it, Qiao Wei made a bowl for each of them and asked them to take it home.

"Why is this so embarrassing?" Aunt Zhang refused.

Qiao Wei said: "It's not something valuable, as long as my aunt and sister-in-law don't dislike it."

Aunt Zhang said: "Look at what you said, it's so delicious, how could we dislike it?"

The two finally accepted it embarrassingly.

Wang Shu ate five sticks in one go, sticking out his tongue because it was so spicy.

Soon, the village head also came. He would not admit that he was attracted by the aroma of fried fish. In fact, half of the village was poisoned by Qiao Wei's fried fish. Cooking so delicious

"Little Qiao!" The village chief entered the kitchen with a smile on his face.

"Uncle Village Chief!" Wang Shu called out sweetly. The village chief came to Luo's house many times, and Wang Shu was more familiar with him than Zhang's aunt and He's daughter-in-law.

The village chief patted her little shoulder happily: "Wang Shu is so obedient."

Wang Shu picked up his small bowl: "Please eat fish!"

Half of them were chewed by her and declared sovereignty...

"Don't make trouble." Qiao Wei shot her daughter a look, and handed the chopsticks to Cuiyun, "Sister-in-law, there is one last pot."

"Okay, let me do it." Cuiyun took the chopsticks, just watched how many pots Qiao Wei fried, and she almost knew how long to fry and what kind of frying was the most suitable.

Qiao Wei led the village chief to the main room: "Are you here to get the method of improving the saline-alkaline land? I've finished writing it, and I'm planning to send it to you after dinner."

I'm wronged, I'm here to fry small fish!

Qiao Wei handed over the "Saline-alkali Land Improvement Law" that she had worked with her son to the village head.

The village chief sighed and left "with nothing to love".

Qiao Wei chuckled: "Wait a minute, village chief, you forgot something."

After saying that, he turned and went to the kitchen, and brought out a large bowl of fried fish, "Thank you for taking care of me these days."

The village head said politely: "Hey, how embarrassing this is? I should be thanking you. You see that you have contributed such a good method, and let Yao Qing come to you to learn the craft."

Qiao Wei smiled and said, "From a village, let's stop seeing outsiders like this."

"It's true, it's true!" The village chief left with the fried fish, smiling even brighter than when he came.

Qiao Wei sent the fried small fish to the mountain, so that Er Gou Ziniang, Aunt Zhao and the masters also tasted it.

After that, Qiao Wei went to the forest to see if she had caught any rabbits and pheasants in the cage she set up.

As a result, she went to the bushes and found that the bait in the cage was gone, and the prey was gone.

Had someone stolen her bait, or her prey

Qiao Caifan's eyes quickly turned cold!

Soon, Qiao Wei smelled a tempting aroma of barbecue.

Who is baking in the woods? Don't roast her prey, right

Qiao Wei rushed over with a murderous look!

Under the big tree that covered the sky and the sun, a man in white was sitting lightly on the stone, with a simple barbecue grill in front of him, and a roasted rabbit hung on the grill. The man's hands, from time to time, brushed a layer of shiny seasoning on the rabbit. His hands are very beautiful, with well-defined joints and slender like jade.

"Haven't seen enough?" The man turned his face, revealing the familiar jade mask.

Qiao Wei put down the knife and breathed a sigh of relief: "It's you?"

Ji Mingxiu glanced at the dagger in her hand and raised his eyebrows: "I just... took your rabbit, and you're going to kill me?"

Her rabbit is to be sold for money, and robbing her of money is killing her, if it were someone else, she would have returned from the robbery long ago.

Qiao Wei cleared her throat and changed the topic: "Why are you here? You stole my rabbit."

"Steal your... rabbit?" Ji Mingxiu's meaningful eyes swept across her proud bust.

Qiao Wei noticed his gaze, and her eyes trembled. She hugged her arms and protected her small chest: "I'm not talking about this rabbit!"

"Ah, is that so?" Ji Mingxiu's smile was a bit unbearable, "It's baked, do you want to try it?"

Just taste it, who is afraid of whom

Qiao Wei strode over and sat down on the rock!

Ji Mingxiu cut off a rabbit leg and handed it to her.

The appearance is very good, and it looks very appetizing.

Qiao Wei took a bite without hesitation.

To be honest, his craftsmanship... heck, it's a bit inversely proportional to his appearance. It's also a skill to be able to roast meat so that she can't even bite it.

"Is it delicious?" he asked.

Qiao Wei pursed her lips, and chose the former between hitting him and flicking him kindly: "Have you ever eaten the meat you roasted yourself?"

"No." He said.

It turned out that it was something that I couldn't even eat, but I dared to bake it for her!

"Better than overnight dishes, what do you think?" He smiled slightly.

So it's retaliation for her serving him overnight food? How long has passed, can this guy stop holding grudges like this? !

Qiao Wei stopped eating, put the rabbit leg on the lotus leaf aside, got up and was about to leave.

Ji Mingxiu gently clasped her wrist. He didn't use much force, but when King Biyin clasped her, she was still unable to move, as if her body had been tapped, so she just stopped.

Ji Mingxiu put down the meat-cutting knife, and slowly clasped her soft and slender waist.

Qiao Wei could feel the heat of his palm, which was burning her skin, scorching hot.

He moved closer to her slowly.

"Uncle Ming!"

Wang Shu's little bun's voice suddenly sounded from mid-air.

Qiao Wei immediately pushed Ji Mingxiu away, stood up and distanced himself from him.

Shi Qi flew from the sky with Wang Shu and Jing Yun, Wang Shu was held in his arms, Jing Yun was... hung on his lap...

The three fell to the ground, Wang Shu ran towards Ji Mingxiu with a smile on his face, and threw himself into his arms: "Uncle Ming!"

Ji Mingxiu's smile was a bit indescribable. He glanced at Qiao Wei who was not far away, thinking that the little guy came at the wrong time, but he still hugged Wang Shu, and looked at Jing Yun who fell to the ground with a plop. It hurt for three seconds.

The two little buns saw the rabbit meat on the grill and clamored to eat it.

Ji Mingxiu cut two pieces of the most tender rabbit meat for them, and a rabbit leg for Shi Qi.

To Qiao Wei's surprise, Shi Qi and the two little buns ate with gusto!


With Chef Qiao Zhuyu in front of her, how could she still swallow such an unpalatable thing

"Uncle Ming's roasted meat is so delicious!" Wang Shu bit the rabbit meat with a crunching sound. If he didn't know it, he thought she was gnawing on a rock.

"Is the meat roasted by Uncle Ming delicious, or the meat roasted by your mother?" Ji Mingxiu asked viciously.

Xiao Wangshu said without hesitation: "Of course it's Uncle Ming!"

Qiao Wei's heart received a critical blow of 10,000 points!

The three of them ate up a big and fat hare. The little bun was full and lay down on the grass to dry his belly. When Shi Qi saw his belly, he also lay down, picked up his clothes, and dried his belly. belly.

Qiao Wei and Ji Mingxiu sat back to back on the rocks, with green mountains on one side and three little troublemakers with their bellies on the other.

Neither of them looked back, they just sat there as if nothing had happened.

Suddenly, Ji Mingxiu took Qiao Wei's hand.

Qiao Wei didn't move.

Ji Mingxiu's slender fingers stroked the back of her hand lightly, then suddenly turned around and looked straight at Qiao Wei: "Seventeen, take Wang Shu to pick the fruit."

Shi Qi held on to hope that Shu Fei had disappeared!

Qiao Wei's heart skipped a beat.

He leans closer.

Jing Yun walked over and looked curiously at Uncle Ming who was getting closer to his mother: "Uncle Ming..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he felt his eyes darken, and a warm palm landed on his eyes.

Ji Mingxiu covered his eyes and kissed Qiao Wei's lips.