The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 96: In the battle to win the son, Jing Yun with a black belly


In the elegant and chic bedroom, Mrs. Xu was wearing a loose white robe, leaning on the beauty couch.

Mother Lin came over with a bowl of dark concoction: "Madam, drink it quickly, it's not hot anymore."

As soon as Mrs. Xu smelled the smell, she felt nauseous: "Take it away, I won't drink it!"

Mother Lin said earnestly: "What if you don't drink it? You stayed in the prison all night. The place is very humid, and you are afraid of evil spirits entering your body. You should drink this bowl of medicine, so as not to fall ill like a young lady."

Thinking of that prison disaster, Mrs. Xu became angry. A well-behaved person was able to break Ji Wan. What kind of shit luck did Mrs. Qiao have? Why can I easily escape every time

"You said, it can't be that Shen's spirit in the sky... bless her?" Xu asked coldly, she is now living in Shen's house, using Shen's furniture, and spending Shen's money. If she really turned into a ghost, wouldn't she be cursing her in the dark every day

Seeing Xu's terrified look, Mother Lin waved her hands to persuade her, "Ma'am, the Taoist priest has done the trick, and we also rearranged the house according to the Taoist priest's instructions. The porch, the cabinets, and the head of the bed are all attached to the Taoist priest's clothes." What about the talisman, what lonely ghosts can come into our yard? Don't worry too much, drink the medicine quickly, so you can sleep well."

There are five members of the family, not to mention the eldest son studying abroad, the remaining four, three of them went to prison, the only one intact is the youngest son who had a good relationship with Da Qiao, thinking of this, it is impossible for Xu not to be afraid: "Mr. Didn't you give me a peace talisman? Bring it to me quickly, I want to wear it!"

Lin's mother put the safety talisman that Xu bought for one hundred taels of silver on Xu's neck. Xu pinched the bright red safety talisman and felt more at ease in an instant. Lin's mother handed over the medicine bowl again, and she squeezed her nose tightly. , drank it down in one gulp, and then, while wiping his mouth with a handkerchief, he asked, "How is Missy?"

Mother Lin replied: "Miss took the medicine and fell asleep."

"It's always not good, it's also worrying." Xu sighed.

"Don't worry, the eldest lady has a good fortune, and she will recover!"

Mrs. Xu nodded: "Now that's all I can think about. By the way, what... Xu... What's going on with Xu Jie?"

"It's Xu Shijie." Mother Lin corrected.

Xu said lightly: "Well, he is the only one, are you sure you can rely on him? He won't make any trouble for me again, will he?"

Mother Lin smiled confidently: "No, he was chosen by us. His family background, his appearance, and his appearance are impeccable! If he is going to be Da Qiao's cheap husband, are you afraid that Da Qiao's will not agree?"

This method was thought up by Mrs. Xu when she was in prison in Jingzhao Mansion. Didn't Mrs. Da Qiao lose her memory? Don't you want to pester the prime minister? Then she will arrange a husband for Da Qiao. She doesn't believe that after having a husband, Da Qiao will be ashamed to hook up with men outside!

Of course, this matter looks easy, but it is somewhat difficult to do. The various documents alone have almost exhausted Xu's relationship, and the money is sent out like a stream of water. However, the money has nothing to do with Shen's dowry and The Ganoderma lucidum hall is nothing compared to it, so the Xu family is still willing to invest in it.

The not-so-spacious main room of the Luo family was packed to the brim. In addition to Xu Shijie who came to recognize his relatives, there were two more tall and burly strangers... For the Luo family.

As for Qiao Wei, she naturally recognized the two of them. The young man with a good skin but a bad stomach, poor character, low IQ, low EQ, touching and intermittent neuropathy is a certain son of the current Holy Majesty—Yin Wang.

The sissy next to him who loves the orchid finger... I think it is a certain chief executive.

She had never seen a eunuch in her previous life, and Qiao Wei's eyes swept towards Eunuch Liu's crotch out of the spirit of medical research dedication.

Eunuch Liu felt a chill in his crotch when he was stared at by this substantial gaze, as if he had been stabbed there again, he was so frightened that he almost didn't cover his pants on the spot!

Prince Yin's expression on the side was a bit ugly. He was standing in front of her majesticly, but she didn't look at him. Instead, she looked at his eunuch's crotch.


When Qiao Wei looked away, she happened to meet King Yin. Qiao Wei ignored the threat in his eyes, snorted softly, and turned her face to tease the little baby.

King Yin, who was ignored again, almost wanted to throw up his sleeves and leave.

"That..." Aunt Luo looked at King Yin, then at Eunuch Liu, and felt that the two men had an aggressive aura, especially the young man, who was so noble that she dared not look directly at her. She collected herself and asked, "Excuse me yes… "

Eunuch Liu said kindly, "Ma'am, this is my master, surnamed Li."

"Oh, Mr. Li." Aunt Luo asked Eunuch Liu, "You... why did you come to my house? Are you here to buy shrimp or preserved eggs?"

Aunt Luo really couldn't connect the man in front of her with Jing Yun's father, so she thought that the two of them came to buy some good things after hearing some rumors that the Luo family had something good.

King Yin frowned, and a trace of disgust unconsciously flashed across his eyes.

As a prince, he would go to such a poor place to buy things

Eunuch Liu glanced at his master indiscriminately, and smiled embarrassingly: "To be honest, my master is here to recognize relatives."

"What kind of relative do you recognize?" Aunt Luo asked, thinking of something, her eyes lit up, "You are Xiaowei's family!"

Eunuch Liu said with a smile: "Yes, yes, yes, yes! Madam, you guessed it right!"

Aunt Luo took Qiao Wei's hand: "Xiao Wei, your brother!"

Eunuch Liu almost fell down!

Auntie, auntie, my prince has no indecent habit!

Qiao Wei laughed and said: "Godmother, you made a mistake. This son's status is very expensive. I can't climb up to their family." This is the prince. If she were his sister, wouldn't she be a princess

"It's good that you know." Prince Yin said coldly.

Eunuch Liu quickly winked at his master, they came here to recognize relatives, not to quarrel, didn't you see that there was already a counterfeit sitting here? It shows that Da Qiao's is very popular! The prince's impression in Da Qiao's mind is terrible again. In this case, if the prince quarrels with Da Qiao again, he will find himself guilty.

"Ma'am." Eunuch Liu smiled flatteringly, "Don't get angry with the master, the master is here to pick you and the young master back to the manor today."

Everyone was taken aback, another one came to pick up Qiao Wei and the children back home? what the hell is this

Qiao Wei has lived in the village for almost three years. She is lonely and has no food or clothing. Why did no one come to recognize her relatives at that time? The land was also bought, the house was built, and the business was booming. Suddenly, two groups of people came out of nowhere. This is really... a bit intriguing.

Qiao Wei looked at Eunuch Liu with a faint smile: "What kind of wind is blowing today, bringing so many relatives to me? Who am I, your son? Take me back to the house with my status?"

Eunuch Liu said with a smile on his face: "Look at what you said, don't you know who the young master is?" As he spoke, he glanced at Xu Shijie from the corner of his eye and snorted mockingly.

Qiao Wei pinched her bright chin, and raised her eyebrows as if she had an epiphany: "It's a coincidence that you are here to recognize your wife and children, and so is Mr. Xu. Who should I trust?"

Eunuch Liu and King Yin didn't know about her "amnesia", so they thought she was deliberately making things difficult for them, and King Yin said with a dark face: "Don't get cheap and act like a good boy, this... Young Master came to pick you up in person, it's enough to give you face gone."

It was for Jing Yun's sake, otherwise, if he gave birth to his child behind her back, he would have killed her!

"Oh, you are so arrogant to be a cheap father! I see that you are not here to recognize your relatives, but to smash things? Mr. Xu, do you think so?" Qiao Wei smiled and looked at Xu son.

Mr. Xu got Mama Lin's instructions before coming here, and he would do anything to please Mrs. Da Qiao, not to mention Mrs. Da Qiao was born so beautiful, he was willing to follow her: "Madam is right, They really came from bad people."

King Yin's cold gaze made Mr. Xu tremble in fright, and almost fell off the chair. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and stabilized himself.

He cleared his throat, and said to the master and servant, "Who are you and why are you pretending to be me?"

"Pretending to be you?" King Yin slapped him, but Qiao Wei swung the stool to block him. The stool was chopped into pieces by him, and Qiao Wei's arm went numb.

Luo Yongzhi opened his arms to protect his mother, wife and children behind him.

Mr. Xu tried his best to maintain his composure on the surface, but a layer of cold sweat had already dripped down his clothes.

"If you smash my stool, you will lose money." Qiao Wei stretched out her hand, "Ten taels of silver."

"Twelve taels for a broken stool?" Eunuch Liu blurted out his screams. After he finished, he realized that the other party was no longer the little widow who could be bullied at will. She was Mr. Jing Yun's mother, and the master still counted on Mr. Jing Yun To please the emperor, a mother is more expensive than a child, she is his ancestor!

Eunuch Liu immediately took out twelve taels and put it on the table with a smile: "Madam, here it is."

The Luo family stared dumbfounded at Qiao Wei's extortion of money, which made her feel confident.

Qiao Wei is short of money, so don't waste it.

After Qiao Wei collected the money, King Yin said, "Can you follow me now?"

"Who said I'm going to leave with you?" Qiao Wei said: "You all stick to your own words, everyone says the public is right and the woman is right, I really don't know who to believe."

Xu Shijie stood up and vowed, "Trust me, madam! I am your husband Shijie!"

Eunuch Liu pushed him aside: "Ma'am, don't listen to him! He came from nowhere and pretended to be my young master. Look at what he looks like a young master. If you look at my master again, don't you think Are Master and Jing Yun carved out of the same mold?"

When he said this, everyone faced the powerful aura of King Yin, and looked at King Yin's face, which really shocked everyone.

Even Qiao Wei herself thought for a moment that the child's own father had come to her.

No wonder when she saw him for the first time, she had a feeling of déjà vu. She asked him if she had seen him before. He didn't say it clearly, but the reaction was clearly that they hadn't seen him before, so she didn't go deeper. thought about it.

After that, although she met him several times, she never looked at his face.

Now, after taking a closer look, the eyebrows and nose are exactly the same as her son's!

But if he was Xiao Baozi's father, why did he keep pretending that he didn't know her

"Don't think that by pretending to be careless, this king doesn't know your dirty thoughts, and your tricks are useless to this king! This king can tell you clearly that no matter how much you play tricks, even if you give birth to this king The king's flesh and blood, this king will never look at you more!"

This is what he said to him himself yesterday.

At that time, she thought he was assuming that she would have a child with him, but she didn't expect that he meant that she had already given birth to his child.

Really... is it his child

She is not convinced by just one face.

Fan Xiaoqin on the Internet, commonly known as Xiao Ma Yun, looks exactly like Ma Yun. Ma Yun himself said, "When I first saw this kid, I thought it was a family member who uploaded a photo of me when I was a child. I really feel that this heroic demeanor You are looking in the mirror..."

But he has no blood relationship with Jack Ma.

King Yin and her son, maybe another pair of Ma Yun and Fan Xiaoqin

Qiao Wei said: "There are a lot of people who look alike in the world, and it would be too hasty for you to believe that you are their father based on this, unless you have other evidence."

King Yin's eyes paused: "You have a scar on your chest, which is caused by a sword wound."

Qiao Wei covered the wound.

King Yin looked at her condescendingly and said, "Did I hit the mark?"

He won't tell Qiao Wei that he stabbed the scar.

"That's it?" Qiao Wei asked, blinking.

"Is this not enough?" Prince Yin asked back, "How close am I to you to see where you are?"

Although Xu Shijie didn't know how the situation became like this, this man seemed to be very familiar with Qiao Wei, but could he be familiar with him? He did his homework!

"My wife was assassinated in Beijing back then. Many passers-by saw it. Maybe you are one of them. It is not surprising to know about it!" Xu Shijie looked at Qiao Wei, "Ma'am, I not only know that you have a sword wound on your chest, I also know that you have a small crescent birthmark on your back."

"I have a birthmark on my back?" She didn't have the habit of looking naked in the mirror, so she didn't know about it.

Aunt Luo walked around behind her, and gently raised the corner of her clothes: "It really is!"

Xu Shijie smiled smugly.

Qiao Wei looked at the angry King Yin: "You... don't know this."

King Yin choked.

Qiao Wei raised her chin and folded her hands on her chest: "You said you were the child's father, but you didn't even know I had a birthmark on me. It's suspicious, Mr. Li."

King Yin clenched his fists tightly, who could see what's on your back

"How do you know?" Yin Wang grabbed Xu Shijie's lapel.

Xu Shijie held back the panic in his heart, and said seriously: "She is my wife, of course I know!"

Prince Yin didn't believe it. Five years ago, he was just a useless "cold palace" prince, but for him, Da Qiao would rather betray the marriage contract with the prime minister's mansion. With such persistence, how could he throw himself into another man's arms

One looks like Jing Yun, and the other knows Qiao Wei's privacy. Which one is the child's father

"You all claim to be the child's father, so let me ask you, what is my last name, where do I live, who else is in my family, how did I meet you! How did I get separated!"

"I'll say it first!" Xu Shijie raised his hand, "We separated five years ago. At that time, you were just pregnant. The doctor said it was twins. I was so happy that I went to the temple with you." Pray for the child, but I met robbers on the way and took you away. There is also a lady, your name is Qiao Wei, your ancestral home is in Yunnan, and I am a distant cousin. The marriage was arranged for us very early at home. Coincidentally, in the second year of our marriage, both father-in-law and mother-in-law passed away, and your natal family... only one seventy-year-old aunt is left."

Mrs. Shen is from the capital of Yunnan, and Mrs. Xu couldn't think of other places for a while, so she made it up on Qiao Wei.

Fearing that Qiao Wei would not believe it, Xu Shijie took out a box: "Look, lady, this is your household registration and road guide, and this is our marriage certificate. Xiaowei, you are really my wife!"

The Luo family is a bit square.

When King Yin looked at the document with the official seal, he knew that his next words would not be convincing. He saw the problem too simply, and he didn't expect that someone would come prepared.

Interesting, really interesting!

Aunt Luo pulled Qiao Wei into the room: "Xiao Wei, what's going on? You told me before that the child's father died, so why are there two? Who is the real one? "

Qiao Wei laughed dryly: "To be honest, I don't know either."

"What do you mean? Why don't you know?" Aunt Luo asked.

Qiao Wei touched the back of her neck: "There is something I haven't told you. I was seriously ill last winter, and when I woke up, I forgot about the past."

"I said why are you acting weird all of a sudden? Why are you hiding such a big matter from me? It's okay, I see, I'll go and tell them." Aunt Luo walked to the main room and said to the two: "It's like this , Xiaowei fell ill not long ago, and doesn't remember the past, you all go back first, let Xiaowei be quiet, and when she remembers who is the child's father, she will go away with whoever."

After leaving Luo's house, Eunuch Liu asked in a low voice: "My lord, do you think Madam really doesn't remember, or is she just pretending?"

King Yin snorted coldly: "Of course she's pretending! She's trying to get her, and she's avenging my king's sword!"

Eunuch Liu wanted to ask where your confidence came from, but he was afraid that the prince would cut off his head if he said it: "In that case, you should treat Madam better, let Madam calm down earlier, and bring Madam, young master, and young daughter back to you. Palace."

The two stood at the door for a while, but when Xu Shijie came out, Eunuch Liu took a weak breath: "What is that kid doing in there?"

"Xiaowei, don't worry, I've plowed the land! I will!" Xu Shijie took a shovel and chased Qiao Wei out. The two of them walked towards Qiao Wei's field without looking at Prince Yin who was standing aside.

Eunuch Liu was so angry that his teeth were itching: "Stinky boy, you actually stayed to help Madam farm the land! What a fucking thief!"

Eunuch Liu entered the house and found a shovel and a basket: "My lord, let's go!"

"What are you doing?" King Yin frowned as he looked at the farm tools in his hand.

Eunuch Liu said seriously: "Of course I'm helping Madam with farm work! Everyone surnamed Xu knows how to please Madam. If you don't work hard, Madam will ignore you for the rest of your life!"

Prince Yin is a prince, how can he do such a lowly thing

Eunuch Liu persuaded: "My lord, I understand your thoughts, and I don't want you to suffer so much, but you stabbed your wife with a sword back then. You must let your wife out of your anger! Let alone pick up the young master. It’s not too late to go back to the mansion. You should hurry up and coax your wife? Maybe your wife is deliberately looking at your sincerity. If you don’t go, you will lose! You have endured humiliation for so many years, and it’s nothing to farm once. ? The news spread, because you understand the people's sentiments and sympathize with the sufferings of the people, which is a good thing!"

King Yin didn't want to be a pariah for the sake of his so-called good name, but on his father's side, he was really unwilling to let that little idiot steal his status and limelight!

The master and servant finally took the farm tools and went.

Some people in the village saw Xu Shijie and Prince Yin's master and servant, and they all ran to Luo's house to inquire about who the two handsome young masters were and why they were with Xiao Qiao. Joe farmed.

"Are you married?" Aunt Zhang asked, her daughter is not married yet!

Aunt Luo smiled, "It's done, it's all done, and there are dolls."

In the past, the Qinglong gang has always been crooked, but this time it finally came to two pleasing ones, but they are "famous flowers have their own owners", sad, sad!

Everyone went home disappointed.

The sweet sorghum in the field has grown to half a person's height, and it is very strong, but there are some weeds growing in the field. Qiao Wei has been looking for a chance to get rid of the weeds. Today, some free labor came. It happened that she even saved her wages up!

Given that all of them were sons who grew up with golden spoons in their mouths... Orchids didn't count, Qiao Wei kindly showed them how to weed weeds in a standardized and correct way: "...the soil in the saline-alkali land is dry and hard, and it is difficult to weed with bare hands." Weeds are uprooted and that's when we need a shovel...

After shoveling like this, don't throw the weeds around, it will grow wherever you throw it, and you must remember to pack it in a basket.

Fill up the soil so that my sweet sorghum will not be affected by nutrition.

Also, don't shovel the sorghum roots too hard..."

Qiao Wei used both her hands and her mouth to explain in great detail. Xu Shijie gave it a try: "Is that so, Xiao Wei?"

Qiao Wei praised without hesitation: "Young Master Xu is really talented, you can learn it as soon as you learn it."

He was praised, Mr. Xu was very happy, and went to weeding.

King Yin snorted disdainfully: "This kind of thing requires talent? A fool can do it."

After saying that, he bowed and shoveled the weeds with a shovel, and there was a sound of a sound, and a strong young sorghum fell down...

King Yin refused such things as weeding in his heart, not only because he was the prince, but also because the woman was clearly punishing her, holding a plantain leaf on top of her head, leisurely nibbling melon seeds, A few of them were sweating profusely in the fields like silly dicks.

"I've finished shoveling an acre of land!" Mr. Xu shouted excitedly.

King Yin really wanted to slap Xu to death, he shoveled so fast, did he deliberately get him off

Soon, he found out that he also wanted to shoot Eunuch Liu to death.

In order to take back his little master's big plan, Eunuch Liu was weeding with all his might. He took Xu Shijie as his goal and approached it step by step.

He knows how to use his strengths very well, left shovel! Right hook! fill in! Bury!

He is in good shape today.

He caught up with Xu Shijie!

No, he surpassed Xu Shijie!


He has already left Xu Shijie far behind!

Victory is his!

At this moment, the whole sorghum field was boiling for him!

Thunderous applause broke out in the auditorium!

Only Qiao Wei was in the audience.

The sunset is slanting to the west, and the twilight is all in one.

With the continuous struggle of the three people with high intensity and zero rest, the weeds in the sorghum field were finally eradicated.

Jiang is still old and spicy. Although Eunuch Liu is the oldest one, he weeds the most. He has almost contracted half of the ten-mile sorghum field. Qiao Wei doesn't know how he does it.

In contrast, Xu Shijie and Yin Wang, especially Yin Wang, somewhat disgusted Qiao Wei, they were slow, and their muscles were useless.

King Yin's lungs were about to explode, and she had to work in the fields to atone for the crime of the sword, and she still despised it? !

The three well-dressed people all turned into disgraceful faces, and their waists were almost broken from exhaustion. To express their gratitude, Qiao Wei invited the three of them back to Luo's house for some mung bean soup with a smile.

At this time, Jing Yun and Wang Shu had already finished school, and they were moving a small bench and a chair, sitting at the door to do their homework.

Because Jing Yun received money from others, he had to complete a few extra assignments. He saw that he was left-handed and right-handed for a while, switching freely. There were seven or eight assignments, each with a different font.

By the time Qiao Wei and his group arrived at the house, he had already finished all his homework and put them in his book bag.

He raised his eyes and recognized Prince Yin walking beside his mother.

He is young, so he doesn't have much idea about the similarity of appearance, but he remembers that this is the bad uncle who once bullied his younger sister and Xiaobai, and also bullied his mother.

He lowered his eyes calmly and fastened his book bag.

Wang Shu has a great forgetfulness, he doesn't remember what happened at the beginning, and he doesn't recognize King Yin and Eunuch Liu, mainly because the two of them are covered with dirt, and they are basically unrecognizable in Wang Shu's eyes.

Wang Shu threw herself into Qiao Wei's arms: "Mother, who are they?"

Xu Shijie has never seen such a cute child, and he is really more and more satisfied with his mission. When Mama Lin offered him a sky-high price to coax a pair of mothers into his hands, he thought the mothers were so ugly, stupid, and nobody. It must have made Lin's mother post like this. I didn't expect that one is more beautiful than the other! This pink little girl looks like she has stepped off a New Year's painting, and the little boy standing over there packing up his things has stern eyes, delicate features, and a calm temperament. It looks like a child with a bright future!

God, God, he earned it! Earn a fortune!

Qiao Wei glanced at Xu Shijie, who was secretly poking excited, and then at Prince Yin with a complicated expression. She raised her eyebrows and smiled slightly: "They are Uncle Xu and Uncle Li, and that... Uncle Liu."

"Are they also here to help mother with work?" Wang Shu saw the farm tools and dirty clothes in the hands of several people.

Eunuch Liu's mouth twitched, and he said with a smile, "We're not here to help your mother, we're here to find you."

Wang Shu blinked his big eyes, and asked with a confused face: "Why are you looking for us? Are you buying shrimp or preserved eggs?"

Why did this child fall into the eyes of money like that aunt? I've never seen his master look so handsome and handsome... Cough, I'm a little embarrassed right now.

Eunuch Liu pointed to King Yin: "Little girl, have you seen that young master?"

Wang Shu nodded: "I see."

"Do you know who he is?" Eunuch Liu was persuasive.

"I know." Wang Shu crispy said.

As soon as Eunuch Liu's eyes lit up, he heard Wang Shu say: "Uncle Li!"

Eunuch Liu's face darkened.

Now is not a good time to talk, Qiao Wei decided to take a bath at night, and then chatted with the children about the origins of the two "fathers" in detail while lying on the bed with the children.

Qiao Wei invited several people into the house.

Eunuch Liu sat on one side with his prince, and Xu Shijie sat on the other. Eunuch Liu glanced at Wang Shu who was playing with beads at the gate, and whispered, "My lord, did you see that? That little girl is our first time entering the village." hold your leg." I knew she was the prince's flesh and blood, even if I borrowed a hundred courage from eunuch Liu, eunuch Liu would not dare to push her to the ground.

King Yin also remembered what happened that day, and wanted to go over to talk to Wang Shu, but was stopped by Jing Yun, who said obediently: "Uncle Li, sit in the main room for a while, the mung bean soup will be ready soon, You are a little dirty, I will bring you some water to wash."

King Yin nodded, his son should serve Lao Tzu.

Jing Yun really fetched a basin of clear water, seeing the unkempt man in the clear water, King Yin stood up from his chair in shock!

Jing Yun calmly took another piece of clean cotton cloth: "This is my towel, if Uncle Li doesn't mind it, just use it to wipe it off."

Of course, I don't dislike my son's things.

King Yin calmed down, and after repairing Qiao Wei, that nasty woman in his heart, he washed his face and hands, dried them with his son's towel, and wiped the sweat on his neck by the way.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but he felt a little itchy all over his body.

Jing Yun took the towel and washbasin: "I'm going to see the mung bean soup."

King Yin looked at him with deep eyes. If such a well-behaved child hadn't devoted himself to Da Qiao's belly, he would have liked it very much: "Go."

Jing Yun went with short legs.

Eunuch Liu leaned closer and said with a smile: "Little master really kisses you. Look at him. Since Xu Shijie entered the room, he hasn't said a word to him. This is called blood is thicker than water!"

King Yin scratched his neck, it was so itchy...

Jing Yun turned around and went to the backyard, threw the cotton cloth on the tree, fetched clean water, put soap soap on it, and washed his hands carefully.

Then he went into the kitchen.

It is Cuiyun who cooks the soup.

"Aunt." He greeted.

Cuiyun smiled, and scooped the mung bean soup into the bowl with a large spoon: "Is Jing Yun thirsty? Wait a minute, the soup is still hot."

Jing Yun said: "I'll drink it later, by the way, aunt, my pen is missing, can you help me find it? Don't tell my mother, I'm afraid she will get angry."

"Okay." Cuiyun responded with a smile, took off her apron and went.

Jing Yun whistled, Xiaobai slipped in, Jingyun put Xiaobai on the stove, Xiaobai understood, and poured some boy's mink urine into one of the soup bowls!

The bowl next to it was also splashed a bit. Jing Yun took the bowl away and put the remaining two bowls on the tray. With a small body, he came out with two big bowls of mung bean soup. He was so cute and sensible that it made people feel distressed.

Xu Shijie stepped forward and said softly, "Jing Yun, shall I help you?"

"No need, Uncle Xu." Jing Yun's attitude was very cold.

Xu Shijie made fun of himself, cleared his throat in embarrassment, and sat back in his original seat.

Jing Yun put the tray on the table, and first brought a bowl of mung bean soup to King Yin, with a bit of joy in his expression, but it was not exaggerated: "Uncle Li, here it is!"

King Yin felt very good. He glanced coldly at Xu Shijie who was rolling his eyes, took the soup, and touched Jing Yun's little head: "Thank you Jing Yun."

"Uncle Li, you're welcome!" Jing Yun said sweetly, and then gave Xu Shijie another bowl of mung bean soup.

Xu Shijie stared at him dumbfounded: "Why didn't you call me?"

Jing Yun glanced at him indifferently, and came to King Yin's side in a bouncing manner, and looked at King Yin indifferently: "Uncle Li, is it good?"

King Yin took a sip, and the taste was a bit... hard to describe, and he seemed to feel a little nausea in his stomach.

Jing Yun opened his eyes wide, and asked innocently: "Is it not good to drink? It's all Jing Yun's fault, there shouldn't be so much sugar."

"The candy you put?" King Yin's tone was unconsciously soft, even he didn't realize it.

Jing Yun nodded his head and said, "Well, I want Uncle Li to drink sweet soup, so I put a lot of sugar in it!"

It's rare that his son shows filial piety, he can't refuse, it's not that he loves his son, but he has to deal with his son properly, so that his son can be better used by him when he returns to the palace.

King Yin bit the bullet and drank down a bowl of super sweet but super weird mung bean soup. Under Jing Yun's adoring gaze, he drank down every drop.

"Is it good?" Jing Yun asked with his big eyes blinking.

In all fairness, this is the worst mung bean soup King Yin has ever tasted. The mung bean taste is not much, but there is a faint taste that he can't describe... just an indescribable taste. Tumbling, but looking at his son's expectant eyes, as a father, it seems that he shouldn't say anything that disappoints his son.

King Yin collected himself, and he didn't know how much courage he had used before he said insincerely, "It's delicious."

Jing Yun smiled: "Then I'll serve Uncle Li another bowl!"