The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort

Chapter 97: Brother Xiu is here


The moon is dark and the wind is high.

King Yin dragged his weak body out of the gloomy and strange-smelling forest. Under the moonlight, his complexion was pale, as if covered with a layer of wax paper; One kick, unknowingly, thinking that he had drunk too much.

Eunuch Liu's situation is not much better than his. Although he doesn't have to run into the forest all the time, he pulled weeds too hard in the afternoon. Now that he sat quietly for a while, all the muscles in his body are sore, especially his old waist, which seems to be broken at any time. . So even though he saw King Yin who might fall down at any time, he didn't have the extra strength to help him up.

King Yin dragged his heavy steps and got into the carriage with a body that seemed to no longer belong to him.

Eunuch Liu raised an arm that also didn't seem to belong to him... He thought he had raised it, but in fact he didn't, he said weakly: "My lord... are you... all right?"

"This king didn't..." Before he finished speaking, King Yin felt a colic in his stomach, as if his intestines were twisted into twists by a pair of hands, he covered something, staggered into the forest with a pale face .

Eunuch Liu looked helplessly at the sky. This was the twenty-seventh time tonight. In this forest alone, they went in and out, and went in and out, seven or eight times. For more than an hour, they hadn't left the sphere of influence of Rhinoceros Village. Woolen cloth!


King Yin's vomiting sound came from the woods.

King Yin... stepped on shit.

King Yin found the excuse of "I have something to do" when there was movement in his belly, so Qiao Wei and others didn't know that he was about to die, so Jing Yun recited today's words to Qiao Wei very calmly. Qiao Wei rewarded him with a sweet kiss for the homework he was studying. His face was slightly flushed, and he was so shy that he couldn't help but want to take a bite.

Qiao Wei couldn't help being a little worried. Will such an honest and innocent child be bullied when he grows up

A certain "pure" Xiao Jingyun who might be "bullied" hugged Xiao Bai, obediently said good night to his mother, and went back to the house to take care of his younger sister.

In the evening, Qiao Wei went to the town to do business, and Xu Shijie followed her like a dog.

After doing farm work all afternoon, Xu Shijie was actually too tired to move, but since the obtrusive master and servant finally left, he was able to occupy Qiao Wei by himself, how could he let go of such a unique opportunity

The beauties, cute babies, and sky-high mission money are all his, his, his!

Qiao Wei ignored Xu Shijie and walked out with three jars of preserved eggs.

Xu Shijie volunteered to stretch out his hand: "I come, I come, I come, how can you, a girl, do such rough work... son—"

Qiao Wei unceremoniously put two of the jars into his arms. The huge weight almost broke his slender arms. He wailed, "Where are the horses and carriages?"

I can't stand it anymore...

Qiao Wei smiled: "I don't have a carriage, I usually walk."

Shuanzi's father, who came to clock in on time every day, drove the carriage away silently...

Xu's finding a husband for Qiao Wei, of course, would not find someone too bad, otherwise Qiao Wei would look down on her and refuse to be with him, wouldn't her work be in vain

Let's talk about Xu Shijie, who was originally from the capital, and his family ran a small business handed down from his ancestors. He was not considered rich, but his family was well-off. Xu Shijie was the third child in his family, he was neither as hardworking as his older brothers, nor as clever and cunning as his younger brothers, and he refused to listen to his father. It was a coincidence this time, his father arranged a marriage for him. The other party was a lame scholarly lady, whose status was really high, but unfortunately she was a cripple. He really doubted how much his father hated him to find such a partner for him.

His aunt's companion and Mama Lin from the Enbo Mansion were distant cousins. Mama Lin said she would introduce him to a marriage with a widow.

He has calculated the dowry, it is more than what he has earned in more than ten years.

Between the widow and the cripple, he almost chose the former without hesitation. Of course, some of it also meant to be against his father.

He is not a native farmer. He has plowed the land and endured hardships. Those are all bluffs. He is just a delicate young master with delicate skin and tender flesh, and he has never done anything.

The whole afternoon of farm work has already killed him, and now he is holding two jars that weigh a thousand catties, isn't it killing him

Qiao Wei glanced at him, and sighed: "It's fine if you can't hold it, you go back, my son is so capable, but his father can't even hold two jars, I really doubt if it's his own!"

"It's my own! It must be my own! Who said I can't hold it anymore? Don't you think I'm holding it well?" Xu Shijie gritted his teeth, and carried the two jars that were about to fall to the ground into his arms again.

Qiao Wei walked like flying, holding the jar as if she was holding nothing, walking without panting, and humming a little tune.

Looking at Xu Shijie again, he was almost exhausted.

By the time Rong Ji arrived, Xu Shijie was basically useless.

Boss Rong asked to put away the three jars of preserved eggs: "Xiao Qiao, who is it?"

Qiao Wei glanced at Xu Shijie, who was almost paralyzed from exhaustion, and said with a smile: "Free labor, you don't need it for nothing, you don't have to be polite."

Boss Rong said angrily: "Look at what you said, how can I order the people you brought at will? I have to arrange decent errands, right?"

Xu Shijie felt relieved.

Boss Rong grinned: "Then clean the toilet."

Xu Shijie absolutely fell—

Yao Qing has been here for a few days, and has been doing odd jobs in the kitchen. The most he does is washing and cutting vegetables. Although Qiao Wei brought him in, everyone seems to treat him equally and did not give him any special treatment.

The village head's wife heard about Yao Qing's situation, and approached Rongji with her daughter in the name of eating lobster.

The two sat at the food stall and ordered a pot of lobster for two.

Qiao Wei brought the freshly cooked stewed vegetables to the food stall, and caught sight of the village chief's wife. The young woman beside her looked somewhat similar to her, and she looked extremely intimate. She should be the daughter she was talking about. Qiao Wei stepped forward to say hello: "Madam, what brought you here?"

The village chief's wife introduced her daughter with a smile: "This is Ah Yue, Ah Yue, this is the little Qiao I told you about."

Ah Yue greeted Qiao Wei.

The village head's wife looked around and asked, "Xiao Qiao, why didn't you see Yao Qing? Is he cooking in there?"

Qiao Wei pretended not to see that she was asking the question knowingly, and replied: "He is washing the shrimp."

Ah Yue's complexion suddenly became a little ugly: "He came to you to learn his craft, not to be a small worker who washes shrimps!"

Qiao Wei smiled lightly and said, "Of course he doesn't just wash the shrimps, he also washes all the dishes in the kitchen, and cuts them up after washing. Only after the masters are satisfied with the cuts can they be put into the pot and put on the plate."

Ah Yue bit her lips, grabbed the sleeve of the village chief's wife, and asked, "Didn't you say you were a chef? Why did you go to do chores for others?"

The village head's wife wiped her mouth: "The chef also has to practice his basic skills well."

"I think in those restaurants, cutting vegetables is cutting vegetables, and washing vegetables is washing vegetables. There is a clear division of labor, and the chefs are only responsible for doing it!"

It is true that some masters are not responsible for cutting vegetables, but that does not mean that they will not. His basic skills are very solid. Take Master He from Rongji as an example. The shredded radish can be threaded through a pin. How delicate is this knife

Anyone who kindly introduces a job to someone, but is treated like a donkey, will feel a little uncomfortable.

Qiao Wei's smile also faded a little: "What's for this meal, I invite you."

The wife of the village head knew that her daughter had offended someone when she saw Qiao Wei's cold smile, she pulled Qiao Wei aside and explained: "Little Qiao, Ah Yue has been spoiled by me and the village head, she is ignorant and doesn't know how to speak. Through your brain, don't be as knowledgeable as her."

It's not that Xiao Qiao has to meet her, but she doesn't like hot faces and cold asses, and she doesn't owe her anything: "Ma'am, if you think Yao Qing is not good with me, you can always find another way out for Yao Qing. "

The wife of the village head hurriedly waved her hand and said: "Don't get me wrong, why do I think it's not good for Qing'er to be here? If it's not good, I won't send him here, right? Look at your business, every table All seats are full, and there is still a line outside, the whole street belongs to your lobster, the most authentic, it is Qing'er's blessing to learn the craft from you!"

Qiao Wei thought to herself, there should be something wrong here.

Sure enough, the village chief's wife rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "Little Qiao, can Yao Qing really not be a master?"

"It's not that it can't be done, but there is a process for everything. Washing vegetables, cutting vegetables, and doing chores, every master has come here. This is like a martial arts practitioner. It is a basic skill. The master of the kitchen We didn’t hide the cooking from him, he can see what he wants to see, if he only memorizes a few steps, then he can become a teacher at any time. Otherwise, I think so, you can ask his opinion yourself.”

The wife of the village chief asked Yao Qing. Yao Qing agreed with the mother and daughter at first, and it was almost the same after a few steps. Don’t be sloppy. Cutting vegetables may seem simple, but the knowledge inside is also great. For example, the cutting method of beef and pork is different. Cut the beef horizontally and cut the pig vertically. If the beef is cut wrong, the tendons will remain. The meat is so good that it can’t be chewed; the same is true for pork, if it is cut wrong, the meat can be fried into minced meat.

Only after entering this line of work can he know its "broad and profound", Yao Qing is willing to learn and learn it down-to-earth.

What kind of temperament is the son-in-law? The wife of the village chief can't understand it very well. He is noble, proud, and vain. She heard that he was assigned to do odd jobs. .

The village chief's wife said a lot of good things to Qiao Wei, some apologized, and some were grateful. Finally, she and her daughter happily ate a pound of lobster, insisting that Qiao Wei was not treated.

After finishing her work here, Qiao Wei entered her accounting room, and Boss Rong followed behind with a large stack of account books.

Ever since he accidentally discovered Qiao Wei's amazing accounting skills, Boss Rong was lazy on his own and left all the calculations in Qiao Wei's hands.

Being able to control every financial situation of Rongji is what Qiao Wei wishes for, so naturally she doesn't find it troublesome.

Qiao Wei's mental calculations were astonishing. With a glance, the one-page account automatically matched the answer in her mind. There was no need for an abacus, but just to be cautious, she would use the abacus to verify it after the calculation.

The slender fingers tapped the abacus quickly, and the crackling of the beads sounded especially crisp in the silent account room.

Once Qiao Wei gets serious, she will enter a state of ecstasy, not even knowing who is standing behind her.

Ji Mingxiu had been here for a while, and seeing that she was quite devoted, he didn't bother her.

It was hot in summer, and beads of sweat oozed from her forehead and neck. Ji Mingxiu looked around, and found a beauty fan on the cabinet, and took it lightly to fan her. The eldest grandson of Ji's parents has never been so meticulous to anyone.

Ji Mingxiu glanced casually at the "beauty" on the fan. Two people, a man and a woman, went up and down, their clothes half-undressed, and the scenery suddenly appeared. They were doing the cloudy thing behind a rockery. It is women who are full of style.

Little heartless like this pose

The corners of Ji Mingxiu's lips curled into a playful smile, and he looked down at the man who was pressed down by the beauty. A mask was forcibly added to the man's face.

Wait, isn't that his mask

Ji Mingxiu's eyes darkened.

Looking at the "self" who was crushed under him, unable to move, and at the beauty sitting on the "self" with a face full of ecstasy, Ji Mingxiu smiled coldly, took a brush, and carefully outlined the beauty's face After becoming someone's face, and shrinking the proud breasts exposed by the tulle by one size, he put down his pen contentedly, took the newly baked beauty fan, and gently fanned the beauty.

It was two quarters of an hour after Qiao Wei checked all the accounts. She yawned, stretched her arms, and stretched happily. After stretching, she leaned back in the chair and found that her head hit someone Her eyebrows twitched in shock, she pulled out the dagger hidden in her sleeve without saying a word, and turned around to greet her.

Ji Mingxiu moved to the side of the chair, clasped her wrist, grabbed her dagger, and wrapped her other hand around her slender waist. With a sweep of one foot, she tripped and fell heavily to the table behind her. The arm was used as a pillow for her, so she didn't feel any pain from the fall, but the firm slap still made her dizzy.

Almost at the same moment, Ji Mingxiu's body pressed up, pressing her whole body on the table, and his unique aura enveloped her all at once.

Qiao Wei was a little stunned: "Why... why is it you? When did you come here? Why do you always like to play sneak attacks? I really think you are too good at martial arts, or am I too bad at martial arts?"

Ji Mingxiu's eyes were a little dangerous: "I really want to see my 'Kung Fu', huh?"

She has drawn him into a erotic picture, thanks to her, for someone else to blaspheme him so boldly, a hundred deaths would not be enough.

Qiao Wei didn't hear his subtext for a while, only felt that the last tune of "um" turned around and turned around, making her feel up and down, as if she had done something shameless and was caught by him of.

But she obviously didn't do anything!

Qiao Wei patted him: "Get up, you're dead again."

Ji Mingxiu hugged her and sat down on the chair himself, while she sat on his lap.

Qiao Wei was shocked by this sudden change, her almond eyes were round and big, her mouth was long enough to stuff an egg: "You, you, you... what are you doing? I warn you, don't go too far, I I haven't promised to be you yet... Uh-"

Lips are blocked.

They have painted him in a erotic picture, saying that they didn't covet him for a long time, how could it be possible

Thinking of how this little heartless little girl would be thinking about how to sleep with him every day, Ji Mingxiu became a little annoyed, and lightly bit her soft red lips.

Qiao Wei patted him on the shoulder in pain.

Ji Mingxiu let go of her lips, looked at her with deep eyes, and smiled coldly: "You have a lot of eyes, Master Qiao."

Qiao Wei raised the back of her hand, wiped the lips kissed by him, and said resentfully: "What are you doing? It's not right."

Ji Mingxiu took the fan: "Who is breaking the rules?"

This fan was accidentally found by Qiao Wei when she was shopping at a street stall. As an adult woman, she couldn't buy a little yellow book, so what happened to buying a little yellow fan? breaking the law

She didn't believe that his house didn't have this thing, maybe his house had a complete set!

But he was so angry, probably not because of her fan, but because she painted the man inside as his face.

Conscience, she didn't do it on purpose, the man on the fan was too ugly, it was unsightly, she wanted to cut that face off, but the fan would break, so she thought of replacing that face It was a face, but she was not good at drawing it, and it was not as good as the original one after drawing it for a long time. As a last resort, she had to draw a mask on it.

She had only seen his mask in ancient times, who wouldn't draw his pictures

"Don't be angry, I didn't mean to YY you."

Although, in fact, I have been flirting a little bit, who made him look handsome and have a good figure, is it a woman who wants to treat him as an adulterer? But she swears, it's just some little flirting, and she has no real idea of what to do with him.

Ji Mingxiu didn't believe this little liar: "It's just very angry."

I did this unkindly, how could I infringe on his portrait right casually? If I had known that just a few random flowers on that mask, it would have distinguished it from his.

The strange thing is that I can't paint other things by myself, but I can easily draw his mask, which is really bewitched.

Qiao Wei was still sitting on his lap, this posture was too ambiguous, and the tip of her nose was full of his seductive breath, her heart beat a little fast: "Then how do you calm down?"

"What do you think?" Ji Mingxiu asked back.

Qiao Wei glanced at him, the heat in her eyes was burning like fire, falling on her face, hot like a soldering iron, Qiao Wei's eyelashes trembled, and courageously, she quickly kissed the corner of his lips .

"Is this okay?" Qiao Wei asked in a low voice.

Ji Mingxiu snorted coldly.

Qiao Wei pursed her lips and kissed again, this time on her lips.

It's a pity that Mr. Prime Minister, who had been crushed in the fan for an unknown number of days, was not satisfied. When she finished kissing and was about to withdraw, he grabbed the back of her head and let her stick it up again.

Xu Shijie finally dragged his tired body to finish cleaning the toilet. He was exhausted to the extreme, so he wanted to go upstairs to ask Qiao Wei to ask for a favor. By the way, he heard that Qiao Wei was alone in the room, so he could find a chance. As soon as he kissed Fangze, who would have thought that he just opened the door when he saw this beautiful scene, and he hurriedly backed out in shock!

When he went out, he was not alert, the woman inside seemed to be his "mother", right? Why did you sit on another man's lap? And kissed!


He slammed the door open, glaring at the man who held his wife in his arms and kissed for a while, "Who are you? Let go of my wife!"

Ji Ming's revision of eating marrow to know the taste was suddenly interrupted, and the negative air pressure all over his body came out. He kissed Qiao Wei's lips, and then glanced at Xu Shijie coldly.

Xu Shijie swore that he had never seen such cold eyes, like a bloodthirsty blade, he could feel the thick murderous aura across most of the room. If you don't doubt that if you say one more word, your neck will be broken by him.

He swallowed hard, Xingzi said, "I... I... I made a mistake, you guys continue."

He turned around with limp legs.

"The door." Ji Mingxiu said.

Xu Shijie didn't dare to turn his head back, so he just stretched out an arm, touched and touched behind him, finally touched the doorknob, and gently closed the door...

"Miss?" Ji Mingxiu looked at Qiao Wei jokingly, his eyes were smiling, but the danger was creepy.

Qiao Wei licked her red and swollen lips from his kiss, and said solemnly: "It's not like you don't know that I was married."

"Just that coward?" A trace of disdain flashed in Ji Mingxiu's eyes.

Qiao Wei couldn't hold back and laughed. In fact, she knew from the very beginning that Xu Shijie could not be the father of the child. It was said that dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes, and children born to mice can make holes. Jing Yun is so good, so what about his father? Could it be a mediocre person like Xu Shijie

King Yin was a bit of a bastard, but at least he had won the top spot in the child prodigy test, and he was of royal blood, so his possibility was higher than Xu Shijie's.

It's just that she really hates King Yin, so she left Xu Shijie to add trouble to King Yin.

"It's not him, it's someone else. My man may not be dead, but he just got separated from me. One day he will come to the door."

"Are you looking forward to it?"

"Of course I don't look forward to it." What can a man who has left their mother and child behind for a few years have anything to look forward to? Besides, she is not the original owner, what does the original owner do if she is married or not? Let her go and spend her whole life in a daze with a man she has never seen before, she might as well be a widow for the rest of her life.

Ji Mingxiu caressed her tender lips with his thumb: "It's fine if you don't look forward to it."


He was never a kind person.

Ji Mingxiu didn't make a special trip to take advantage of someone, but the prime minister's mansion just arrived with a hundred catties of lychees, and sent some to Ji Wan and the old lady, and Ji Mingxiu brought the rest to Qiao Wei.

Qiao Wei distributed some to the people in the restaurant, and sent another ten catties to Chen Dadao. Before leaving, she asked Ji Mingxiu to bring five catties, and brought the remaining large basket of fresh lychees back to Luo's house.

In ancient times, logistics was underdeveloped, lychees could be transported to the capital, and when they did arrive, they were not very fresh, but all the lychees sent by Ji Mingxiu were full of grains, with red fruits and green leaves, as if they had just been picked from the tree.

The Luo family had never eaten lychees, let alone the little buns. When they got up early the next morning, they were so shocked that they couldn't close their mouths when they saw a large plate of bright red fruits on the table.

Wang Shu blinked his eyes and said, "Mother, what is this?"

"Lychee." Qiao Wei peeled one and fed it to her daughter, "Is it sweet?"

Wang Shu took a sip, and his eyes lit up: "Sweet! So sweet!"

It will be sweeter if it is chilled, but unfortunately there is no ice cellar at home, even if you bring ice cubes from Cong Rongji, it will melt in an hour.

Qiao Wei also peeled one for her son.

Jing Yun also likes the taste of lychee, which is sweeter and more delicious than the best wild fruit on the mountain.

Aunt Luo, Luo Yongzhi, and Cuiyun also tasted some in turn, and they all liked this sweet fruit very much.

"Sister, where did you buy this? It tastes really good!" Luo Yongzhi asked.

"A gift from a friend." Qiao Wei peeled one for Wang Shu. Jing Yun saw that his mother had peeled it a few times, and he had already learned how to peel it by himself.

Luo Yongzhi didn't ask who his younger sister's friends were. My younger sister is very capable, so it's not surprising that she knows a noble person. He asked, "Isn't lychee expensive? I haven't seen any for sale in the town."

Qiao Wei had never bought lychees in ancient times, nor had she read related literature, but rare things are expensive, and lychees are definitely not very cheap in the capital, but she didn't think it would be that expensive: "Wait until the next time he comes I'll ask."

Everyone loves to eat so much, if it is not expensive, just buy some for yourself.

After breakfast, Qiao Wei packed four catties of lychees, two catties for the old scholar, two catties for Jing Yun and Wang Shu to distribute to the children in the class, and then asked Cuiyun to send some to Zhao's family.

Cuiyun thanked them gratefully, and took the lychees for parents and brothers to try.

After that, Qiao Wei packed another basket and carried it up the mountain with mung bean soup to the masters who were working hard on building the house.

Master Zheng jokingly said: "Don't you always send such delicious food! It makes everyone feel embarrassed, and works hard every day, and the construction period has been shortened by half! If this continues, you won't be able to make any money!"

The wages are settled on a daily basis. The longer the delay, the more expensive it will be. Occasionally, everyone will discuss a limit, and it is appropriate to complete the work before the limit. But this time, the masters on the construction site really seemed to be beaten, and the efficiency was raised to a higher level. .

Qiao Wei couldn't help laughing: "Who asked the masters to take care of me!"

"Haha." Everyone laughed happily.

At this time, they didn't know how expensive a lychee is. They only felt that Xiao Qiao was a kind person, with high wages, good food, and respect from the masters. What's more, she was really not easy. Doing business, farming, hunting, and raising children, her efforts are seen by everyone, which makes people feel distressed.

"Let me tell you, you can't even buy this fruit! Xiao Qiao spent a lot of money to transport it from the capital! After eating it, work hard! You can't be sorry for other people's lychees!" Master Zheng was serious on weekdays, motivating people No less.

Qiao Wei smiled and went down the mountain, and the two cheap "husbands" came again.

King Yin vomited and diarrhea all night, the emperor was alarmed, thinking that his son was infected with some kind of plague, he was so frightened that he hurriedly sent someone to his house to check, if he really got the plague, he was sent out of the capital for isolation, as a proof He was strong and strong, and before dawn, King Yin stood up, his face pale as if he had seen a ghost.

Qiao Wei looked at her, staring at her almond-shaped eyes: "Mr. Li! Are you bewitched? You look so ugly!"

Is he bewitched? He obviously had a bad stomach eating at her house!

I really wonder if she added something to the soup, but Jing Yun made the soup, not only he drank it, but Xu Shijie also drank it. Xu Shijie was fine, so it wasn't the soup's problem.

He would never believe that Jing Yun had tampered with the soup. In his opinion, Jing Yun liked him. As long as he came a few more times and settled the relationship with Jing Yun properly, by then, even if the woman didn't follow When he returns home, he can also take Jing Yun away.

Prince Yin stabilized his shaking body, looked at her coldly and said, "I just read a book all night, and I didn't sleep well."

"Mr. Li is really hardworking." After Qiao Wei finished speaking casually, she ignored the two of them, sat on a chair, opened the food box, and began to enjoy her lychee happily.

King Yin looked at the big and red lychees on her table, and frowned in disbelief: "Is this a lychee?"

"Yes, Mr. Li, do you want to try it? Although you have offended me, but the visitor is a guest, I still have this kind of heart." Said, Qiao Wei generously pushed the food box to the middle.

Ji Mingxiu gave away dozens of catties, and she gave away half of it, and left the other half, so I really don't feel bad about wasting it.

King Yin's expression became a bit complicated. The south would pay tribute to fresh lychees into the palace every year. The biggest and best ones would be distributed to the empress, and then distributed to several favored concubines and their heirs, who would be distributed equally to him. Sometimes, there are often not a few grains left, but here is a big box full, no, there is a big basket beside it, all of which are full of grains.

Where did so many fresh lychees come from

King Yin glanced at her calmly: "Do you know that the lychees that were tributed to the court this year haven't arrived yet?"

"Oh." If you don't arrive, you won't arrive, and she doesn't work in the court, and the court won't send her a few.

Seeing that she didn't understand what he meant, King Yin said bluntly: "The emperor hasn't eaten lychee yet." You, a village girl, have already eaten it. From the point of view, the emperor has never eaten such a good one.

Qiao Wei said casually, did the emperor eat or not, what the hell did she do

"Where did you get your lychees?" King Yin asked suspiciously.

Qiao Wei spat out the lychee core: "Where do you care about me? It's definitely not from you."

Xu Shijie leaned forward and tasted one. It was indeed the lychee that made Concubine Yang salivate. It was so sweet and delicious!

Qiao Wei only picks the big ones, and dislikes the small ones.

King Yin's brows frowned even deeper. What he got in previous years was the little lychees that Qiao Wei disliked and refused to eat.