The Return of the Wife

Chapter 100: I'm bewitched


Except for Zhuang Jinling and Yaya, everyone else was stunned.

"Papapa-papapa-" The vice-colonel slapped himself several times in a row, so hard that his face was swollen, he said anxiously, "What's going on? How could I slap myself? I Bewitched, I must be bewitched."

He looked at the governor and shouted: "It's you, it must be you, it must be you who did something to me."

The Governor was simply inexplicable: "Vice Colonel, what does it matter to me that you slap yourself? Don't make trouble for nothing, you will not be polite if you continue to make trouble."

"Come on, come on quickly." The deputy colonel shouted to the guards outside, "Come on quickly."

The national guards rushed in quickly, seeing the vice-colonel beating himself, they couldn't help but froze: "Colonel, you are..."

The deputy colonel shouted: "Take my hand away, quickly take my hand away, don't let me hit myself again."

The national guards hurriedly pressed his hand, but the vice-colonel couldn't help but want to slap himself.

After several seconds, the vice colonel stopped.

It's really embarrassing to slap yourself in the face in front of so many people in other people's homes.

"Okay, you are doing very well." The vice colonel pointed at the governor angrily and said, and then said to his national defenders: "Let's go."

The guards quickly helped him to leave.

Zhuang's mother frowned: "This person is inexplicable. He slapped himself and blamed us for harming him. Does he have persecution paranoia?"

Father Zhuang sneered: "He slapped himself just now but said the governor hurt him, maybe he was looking for an excuse to trouble the governor."

"He often finds excuses to trouble me, don't mention him, you come with me." The governor led them to the basement.

The vice-colonel who ran out of the governor's villa turned around and saw figures dangling in the room through the floor-to-ceiling windows. His face no longer had the previous generous look, but a vicious expression instead: "Die, I want them all to die." If I die here, I will never have these annoying people dangling in front of me again, so please order me to blow up this place."


The vice-colonel turned his head to look at the scene of drinking wine in the villa again, sneered, turned and left.

About ten minutes later, suddenly, several shells fell from the sky and hit the governor's villa right in the middle. It was as astonishing as thunder, and there was a loud bang, and the nearby villas were all affected. It turned into ruins in seconds, the glass doors of other villas were all blasted, the entire Jinganfang villa area was shaken, the circuit was destroyed, the villa area fell into darkness, and the artillery fire was extraordinarily bright, as if celebrating victory , not put out for a long time.

The residents of Jing'an Square ran out in fright and saw a ball of flames in the direction of the governor's villa.

"What happened to the noise just now? Was there an explosion?"

"It was the sound of an explosion. I don't know where the explosion happened."

"It's in the direction of the governor's villa. Could it be that someone planted a bomb to blow up the governor's villa?"

"Who is it? Who is so bold to blow up the governor's villa?"

"I heard that the Governor held a banquet tonight and invited several military officers to participate. Will everyone be safe?"

"It's not so unlucky, is it?"

Everyone dared to discuss at a distance, and did not dare to get close to the Governor's villa, for fear that another shell would fall from the sky and kill them all.

"Baba—" a car honking sounded behind everyone.

Everyone looked back and saw large trucks coming in from the outside of the villa area. There were nearly a hundred national guards standing in the trunk of each truck, and they all had guns in their hands.

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly made way for them.

After all the big trucks passed by, the brave people immediately followed behind the trucks to see what happened.

The big truck came in front of the bombed villa, and the national guards jumped from the truck to the ground one by one, surrounded the bombed villa, and pointed their guns at the bombed villa.

The peeking people behind knew that the situation was not good when they saw the situation. They thought that these national guards were here to save people, but now it seems that they want to kill the people in the villa. It seems that the governor is in danger.

The national guard in charge of the team waved: "Dig for me, dig out all the corpses for me."

"Yes." The national guards drove the excavator over and dug away all the large wall bricks on the ground, and the small wall bricks were moved away by the national guards with bare hands.

Within half an hour, the first body was found.

A national guard said excitedly: "I found a corpse."

The team leader ran over quickly, and saw a charred corpse on the ground, the clothes had been burned to tatters, the flesh on the body was also blackened, and the face was charred, it was impossible to see Find out who this corpse is.

Then, another national guard shouted: "The corpse was also dug up here."

"We also have corpses here." More and more corpses were dug up.

The national guards put the corpses together. There were adults, children, women, and men in the corpses. Most of them were burnt beyond recognition, making it impossible to identify them.

The leader of the team took a walkie-talkie to his superiors to send a message: "Colonel, we brought out more than 300 corpses, all of which were burned to black charcoal. It's hard to tell who is who. Should we take the corpses back for a thorough examination?"

The voice of the vice-colonel came from the other end of the walkie-talkie: "I'm here to do the autopsy myself."


Soon, more than a dozen high-end cars drove behind the big truck, and then the deputy colonel and other officers got out of the car.

Lieutenant Zhou quickly walked up to the vice-colonel: "Vice-colonel, are you sure you killed the governor?"

The vice-colonel looked cold: "The governor's villa has been turned into ruins, is there still a fake?"

"I always feel that things are not so simple." Lieutenant Zhou looked at the hundreds of corpses in front of him, and still couldn't believe that the governor, who has always been cautious and shrewd, would be killed by them so easily. If he was killed so easily, he would have fired directly. People, but it doesn't make sense to only bomb the governor, because once the governor dies, Colonel Luo will take the place of the governor, and there are still many military officers who support and support Colonel Luo to take the position.

Therefore, the governor is very shrewd. He never gathers with Senior Colonel Luo to chat or hold banquets. Even if they get together, he will attract the Vice Colonel and his people. It is impossible for the Vice Colonel to let his people shoot him. All fried together.

"I went into the governor's villa in person at that time, and seeing Senior Colonel Luo and the others there, they definitely couldn't escape." The vice-colonel did not believe that there were other people, and was also worried that the people under him would have the governor's eyes. So I personally went to see who was in the villa who could drop the bomb with confidence.

Lieutenant Tang flattered: "The colonel has confirmed it himself, there can be no mistakes."

Colonel Zhao smiled and said, "You still call him Colonel? We should be able to call him Governor instead."

Lieutenant Tang Lieutenant laughed: "Yes, yes, that's right, we should change our name to Governor."

Colonel Zhao asked the vice-colonel: "Governor, our confidant's serious troubles have been eliminated, what are your plans next?"

The vice-colonel couldn't suppress the joy in his heart, and showed a big smile: "After the body is confirmed, I will invite everyone to a big meal in the hotel to celebrate, then give everyone a promotion and salary increase, and then hold a banquet to celebrate. "

More than 20 military officers immediately thanked: "Thank you Governor."

The vice-colonel laughed, and came with everyone to identify the corpse. He first looked at the clothes of the corpses, and saw that one of the male corpses was dressed exactly the same as the governor he had seen before. His eyes lit up, and he walked quickly to the corpse: "Look, everyone, this one must belong to the governor. The corpse, when I looked for him, he was wearing this suit."

Thinking of the previous events, the vice-colonel got angry again, and kicked the corpse several times: "If you want you to suppress others with power, if you want you to suppress me as a boss, I will kick you to death, you bastard."

Lieutenant Zhou carefully looked at the governor's body, but it was a pity that it was burned beyond recognition, and even his hair was burnt. It was really difficult to tell if it was the governor. He turned to the others and asked, "Do you think he looks like the governor?"

Colonel Zhao whispered: "In terms of height and figure, he looks quite similar. You can see that the ring on his hand is the ring that the governor usually wears."

The vice-colonel signaled the guards around him to take off the ring from the corpse and show them.

The national guard took off the ring and wiped it clean before handing it to them.

The vice-colonel asked, "Is it the governor's ring?"

Colonel Zhao looked at it carefully: "Yes, it is definitely the governor's ring. His ring is quite special. It is made of the bone of a nine-level fire-attributed mutant animal, so he is not afraid of fire. I remember he showed it off. He is It is very meaningful to him to join hands with the deputy marshal to kill the ninth-level mutant animals, and then make the bones into rings."

Lieutenant Tang nodded: "I've heard of this too."

The vice-colonel smiled and said, "Then he must be the governor?"

Lieutenant Zhou suggested: "It's better for us to transport the body back and have someone examine it."

This time, the vice-major agreed with Major Zhou's words: "Yes, it's better to have a clear inspection, and we are more at ease in our hearts. Teacher Guan, call the inspector over."

Lieutenant Tang was surprised and said, "Governor, have you brought all the inspectors here?"

The vice-colonel nodded: "It's hard to look forward to this day. I can't wait for a moment. Of course, I hope to confirm whether the governor is dead in the shortest time."

Master Guan brought five inspectors over.

The five inspectors were well-trained, and within five minutes, they quickly placed all the inspection instruments, while other national guards helped to pull the wires for lighting and energize various instruments.

The inspector then took some flesh from the corpse for inspection, and then compared it with the governor's previous DNA. Within half an hour, the result came out: "Report to the Colonel."

The vice-colonel, who was resting on the side, hurriedly stood up and asked, "How's the result?"

The inspector said: "After inspection and comparison, this body is indeed the body of the governor."

Lieutenant Colonel Tang asked, "Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?"

"Make sure there is no mistake."

The vice colonel and other military officers immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Lieutenant Zhou was finally relieved.

The vice-colonel happily announced: "I invite everyone to a big meal."