The Return of the Wife

Chapter 12: Are you in pain again?


Li Sang saw Zhuang Jinling behind Zheng Ke, his pupils shrank slightly: "Zhuang Jinling? Why is he with Zheng Ke?"

Haven't the bodyguards and waiters already chased the father and daughter away from the auction? Why are you back again

Northern Yin Cangmo raised his eyebrows: "Zhuang Jinling should have given the crystal block to Zheng Ke for auction."

Li Sang's face was very ugly, she sneered and said: "It seems that Zheng Ke is trying to fight against me to the end, he just picks up the things I don't want, and he is slapping me Li Sang in the face."

She looked coldly at Zheng Keke who politely invited Zhuang Jinling to sit in the first row, and called the waiter to bring some snacks for the children.

Others also noticed Zhuang Jinling, and everyone speculated about his identity.

Zheng Ke signaled the auctioneer on the stage to start the auction.

There are all kinds of items in the auction, ranging from ordinary antiques, to mutated animal and plant meat and fruits that can heal wounds and make the body white and tender.

Zhuang Jinling couldn't sit still when he heard that a catty of meat and a fruit of mutated animals and plants sold for more than 10 million yuan. He raised his finger and poked Yaya's little face: "How many of these things have we eaten?"

Yaya was eating jelly, her cheeks were bulging, and she felt very poked. She blinked her eyes: "A lot."

"..." Zhuang Jinling calculated in his mind. They have eaten tens of billions of food in the past few years. If he hadn't eaten these foods, his body would not be so smooth and fair, without any wounds. He took a deep breath and asked, "Where are you?" Is there any food left?"

Ya Ya shook his head.

In order to get to Hecheng earlier, they didn't hunt on the way. They ate the food stored in her space, and they had finished eating the food before entering Hecheng.

"Oh—" Zhuang Jinling clutched his chest with a heartbroken look on his face. If they still had this food and could sell it, then at least they would not have to worry about running out of money for a while.

Yaya thought he was sick again, and said anxiously: "Father, are you in pain again?"

"No, no." Zhuang Jinling put down his hand quickly: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

When the penultimate item was being auctioned at the auction, the auctioneer brought a tray from the backstage to the auction stage, and then tore off the red cloth covering the tray to reveal the items inside.

Li Sang saw three pure crystal blocks on the tray, and he clenched his fists on his legs, without even realizing that his nails were inserted into his palms. She stared at the crystal blocks on the stage with fiery eyes, wishing she could shatter them all.

The auctioneer who was in charge of explaining the items pointed to the pure crystal block and said with a smile: "Before the auction, I would like to ask if you know what these are?"

Everyone stared at the crystal block carefully, and then stared at each other, discussing in low voice: "It looks like a crystal block."

"Is it a crystal?"

"It can't be a crystal. How could the auction auction an ordinary crystal? Even if it's a crystal, it's impossible to use it as the finale."

"That's true, but if it's not crystal, what gem is it?"

"This should be the mysterious thing that the auction said."

Before the auction was held, there was news that there were mysterious items in the auction that everyone had never seen before, and many people came for this name.

Someone asked the auctioneer, "Don't be a fool, you're tempting us, tell me what this is."

The auctioneer smiled: "This is a crystal block, a first-class crystal block dug out from the body of mutated animals and plants."

Everyone was stunned.


"How can the crystal block be transparent?"

The auctioneer added: "We have already identified that it is not a crystal block synthesized from a special material, but a real crystal block, which is indeed a crystal block dug out from the body of a mutant animal or plant. At the age of five, you need to absorb crystal block energy to enhance your internal strength. Most of you here are parents. You should know that when children absorb crystal block energy, the most worrying thing is that the children are young, do not know how to control themselves, and are afraid of them. In the process of absorbing energy, the impurities are also absorbed into the body and lead to madness. But with this crystal block in my hand, you don’t have to worry about children’s death due to energy absorption, because this pure crystal block contains There is no trace of impurities. Although it is only the first level, it can absorb the energy effect of the second level. You can boldly let your children absorb it. Parents, in order not to let your children lose at the starting line, why are you still hesitating? Hurry up if you want it Let's start, the starting price is 80,000 yuan, and the bid price should not be less than 5,000 yuan each time."

The audience was in an uproar.

This is the first time they have heard of it, and it is also the first time they have seen crystal blocks without impurities.

Someone questioned: "Is there really no impurities?"

The auctioneer smiled and said: "Because there are no impurities, the crystal blocks are transparent. I can use our auction house's reputation as a guarantee, and at the end of the auction, the person who wins the crystal block can try it first before paying the money." , if there is even the slightest impurity, the transaction will be terminated immediately."

With his guarantee, the parents who are concerned about their children's future hurriedly bid: "Eighty-five thousand..."

"Ninety thousand."

"One hundred thousand..."

When Li Sang heard that the price of crystal blocks had soared from 80,000 to 180,000, his mood became worse and worse.

She had previously told the people below to spread the news to prevent people from buying Zhuang Jinling's things, but everyone didn't know what Zhuang Jinling was selling, and they didn't know that the crystal blocks had been transferred to Zheng Ke's auction house. Shy about bidding.

At 200,000 yuan, the bidding stopped, and this price can almost buy the worst third-grade crystal block.

Fortunately, Zhuang Jinling didn't have many crystals in his hands, and selling all the crystals cost more than 10 million yuan at most.

Li Sang breathed a sigh of relief and adjusted his mood.

Those who did not get the crystal block asked the auctioneer: "Are there only three pure crystal blocks?"

The auctioneer smiled: "Of course it's more than three pieces. There are 227 crystal blocks waiting to be auctioned in our backstage. The reason why we didn't put them all up for auction is because our boss thinks that everyone will have a chance to buy the crystal blocks and try them out." , let more people know the benefits of pure crystal blocks."

Originally there were only thirty crystal blocks, but before the auction started, Zhuang Jinling sent another two hundred.

The two hundred crystal blocks were not still sold to Zheng Ke at a price of 35,000, but at a price of 37 points after the auction, and Zhuang Jinling took the big share.

Zheng Ke readily agreed.

"What? More than two hundred yuan?" Li Sang yelled out of composure. Did Zhuang Jinling only have dozens of crystal blocks before? How did it become more than two hundred yuan? Could it be that Zhuang Jinling lied to the people under her command that there were only a few dozen crystals

Her voice wasn't very loud, but she was surrounded by martial arts practitioners and her hearing was sensitive.

Zheng Ke, who was sitting in the front row, heard her voice and smiled back at her.

Li Sang was so angry that he quickly put away the emotions on his face, but the anger in his heart was surging.

Then someone asked: "Are there only first-class pure stones?"

The auctioneer said: "Now there are only first-grade ingots, and it will be hard to say in the future."

Everyone was excited.

If there are more advanced crystal blocks in the future, they no longer have to worry about going crazy or dying due to absorbing impurities.

"If there is a more advanced crystal block, I will buy it for any amount."

"Me too, even if it makes me bankrupt, I'm willing."

"In the future, as long as this auction house holds auctions, I will come and have a look. Maybe there will be better auction items in the future."

Li Sang was going crazy when he heard everyone talking, and it took a lot of effort to restrain himself from getting up and leaving on the spot. If Zhuang Jinling really had higher-level crystals in the future, wouldn't she have missed the opportunity to make a lot of money in the trading field and be with the old man? Opportunity to perform? Moreover, she offended Zhuang Jinling by not allowing people to buy Zhuang Jinling's crystals before. If Zhuang Jinling had higher-grade pure crystals in the future, she would definitely not sell them to the Li family.

The last auction item in the auction is a fourth-level crystal block suitable for any attribute. Some warriors have multiple attributes in their martial arts. They must absorb energy stones from all-attribute crystal blocks to improve themselves, but all-attribute crystal blocks are very rare. The price will be hundreds of times higher than other single-attribute crystal blocks.

Zhuang Jinling looked at the spar on the auction stage thoughtfully. According to the development of the plot, the crystal block with four full attributes was bought by someone sent by the hero at a price of 700 million. The master was promoted to the fifth-level warrior by absorbing the fourth-level crystal block.

Then should he use the chance of changing the word to make the hero lose four crystals

But even if it is changed, the male protagonist has other ways to improve the level, and it is not worth losing his last chance to change the words.

Sure enough, the last four-level full-attribute spar was auctioned off at a price of 700 million.

After the auction was over, the guests who bought the goods went to the background to trade first, and then participated in the following reception. At this time, everyone was chatting about how good the pure crystal block is.

Li Sang felt upset when he heard this, but he couldn't leave immediately, so he could only chat with other guests, and then heard someone mention Zhuang Jinling.

"Who is that man with the child? Is there anyone in He Cheng? Why is Mr. Zheng so polite to him? And do you think he looks a little familiar?"

Li Sang turned his head when he heard the words, and saw that the person who spoke was Wei Kuan, the young master of the Wei family.

I remember the information from the investigation that Zhuang Jinling was Wei Kuan's little follower four years ago, and they once teased Beiyin Cangmo together, and later because of Zhuang Jinling's disappearance, he was beaten up by Zhuang Jinling's parents.

The corner of Li Sang's mouth twitched, and he walked over to Wei Kuan and the others before Beiyin Cangmo went to the bathroom and said, "Master Wei, you are so noble and forgetful, you don't even know your former good friends?"

When Wei Kuan and the others saw that it was Li Sang, their eyes flashed with vigilance. Everyone knew that Li Sang had a good relationship with Beiyin Cangmo, and the Li family had a higher status than any of them, so they dared not offend them.

Wei Kuan asked: "Who do you say is our good friend?"

Li Sang asked quietly: "It's the person you mentioned just now, do you still remember Zhuang Jinling?"

"Zhuang Jinling?" Wei Kuan and his friends thought for a long time before they remembered who Zhuang Jinling was.

Wei Kuan's friend Lu Junlin said: "Zhuang Jinling? I remembered, wasn't he one of our errand runners before? When did he become our friend?"

Wei Kuan asked Li Sang, "Miss Li, do you mean that the person with the child is Zhuang Jinling?"

Li Sang said: "Yes."

Zou Hejiang, who was standing beside Lu Junlin, frowned: "Isn't Zhuang Jinling dead? When we went hunting with us, he fell down the mountain."

Zhuang Jinling's parents even made trouble for them because of this matter, and that period of time was really miserable.

Li Sang said, "He didn't die, but he's back now."

Wei Kuan said angrily: "Damn it, why didn't this bastard come back when he was alive, and we were beaten up by his parents, and almost died at the hands of his parents."

Lu Junlin said with a sullen face: "I was broken by his parents, and it took me a long time to recover."

Zou Hejiang lowered his voice and said, "Since he's back, we should also settle the account with him for his parents."

Li Sang had achieved what she wanted, so she turned and left with a smile.

Violence flashed in Wei Kuan's eyes, but when he thought of the methods of Zhuang Jinling's parents, he felt lingering fear. Zhuang Jinling's parents were fifth-level warriors, and they were already masters in Hecheng, where there were only seventh-level warriors. He didn't want to be beaten again: "No, we We can't do it ourselves, otherwise Zhuang Jinling's parents won't let us go."

Zou Hejiang: "..."

He was also a little afraid of Zhuang Jinling's parents.

Lu Junlin asked: "Then let him go like this?"

Wei Kuan said, "Of course not."

Zou Hejiang asked: "Then what shall we do?"

Wei Kuan swept across the audience at the reception, his eyes fell on the members of Bei Yin's family, he smiled with his lips curled up: "I have a solution."