The Return of the Wife

Chapter 31: The last day to ask for Zhizhi


Zhuang Jinling's consciousness became more and more blurred, his body became colder and colder, and he didn't know if he could survive the pain. He vaguely heard the footsteps of Beiyin Cangmo leaving, walking further and further away.

Hmph, scumbag!

In fact, Beiyin Cangmo could understand if he didn't save him, but he wouldn't just die here, right

If he dies here, he will not be able to return to his own world, and he will never see his grandpa and friends again.

I don't know how long it has passed, and suddenly I feel my body soaring into the air, as if someone picked him up and walked him to a warm place, as if summer came, his whole body warmed up, and his body didn't hurt so much. Then, he was gently placed on a soft The place.

The pain in Zhuang Jinling's body gradually eased, and his consciousness gradually returned. He slowly opened his eyes, and vaguely saw a figure pressing his legs.

When he saw clearly that the other party was Beiyin Cangmo, he was slightly taken aback: "Beiyin Cangmo..."

He thought that Yin Cangmo would leave him alone because of how much he hated the original owner, but he thought that the other party not only came back, but also took him back to the lounge and used his internal energy to give him a massage.

Needless to say, the bones massaged by the internal force no longer hurt, and the bones still feel warm. This is the first time he has felt so comfortable in the novel.

Beiyin Cangmo watched him wake up, withdrew his hand and leaned to the side and lowered his eyelids, making it hard for people to see what he was thinking.

The atmosphere fell into embarrassment.

Zhuang Jinling wholeheartedly wanted to kill the male lead and return to his own world, but now he was saved by the male lead. At this moment, his heart was very complicated. He hoped that the male lead would be more cruel to him, so he would not be able to deal with the male lead. He hesitated and showed mercy, but the main reason was not to save him. He might have died in the snow, and there would be no such person as Zhuang Jinling ever since.

He muffled: "Don't you hate me? Why save me? Wouldn't it be what you want if I die?"

Not to mention that the hero hates the original owner, even he himself hates the original owner. If he hadn't worn it on the original owner, the first person he would beat up would be the original owner.

Beiyin Cangmo twitched the corner of his mouth mockingly: "Since you know that I hate you, stay away from me in the future, and don't keep dangling in front of me to make people hate you."

He must have had snow in his head just now, so he had a convulsion to get this bastard back. Now he really regrets, regretting that he didn't let this person fend for himself outside.

"It's impossible to stay away from you, but I can say thank you." Zhuang Jinling was embarrassed to look at Beiyin Cangmo, shrank his neck into his coat, lowered his eyelids and whispered, "Thank you."

Beiyin Cangmo saw that he was as shy as a little girl, and sneered.

The two stopped talking, and the lounge fell silent.

At this moment, Officer Yang, who came back from a shift, opened the door and came in. Seeing that Zhuang Jinling was still there, he said in surprise, "Mr. Zhuang, it's so late, why don't you go home and sleep?"

Beiyin Cangmo said: "Go find a car and take Zhuang Jinling back."

Officer Yang took the supper left for him by everyone to heat up in the microwave: "Yuan drove the car outside the city for them to patrol, and the weather forecast sent a message saying that there would be a heavy snowstorm in half an hour. For the sake of safety, I can only wrong Mr. Zhuang to stay here for one night."

Northern Yin Cangmo: "..."

So he couldn't send Zhuang Jinling away tonight.

"Okay." Zhuang Jinling knew that he and Beiyin Cangmo would not be separated until the effect of inseparability disappeared, so he got up calmly and poured himself a cup of hot tea to warm his body.

This time he has learned a lesson, and he must be cautious when changing his words in the future, otherwise he will also suffer. Moreover, he found that when he changed the words, the plot in the book did not change immediately, and only changed after the word changes happened, so he could not see the situation after the word changes in advance, nor could he modify what had already happened. matter.

After Zhuang Jinling drank the hot tea, he sent a message to Zhuang's mother to report that he was safe.

Half an hour later, a heavy snowstorm came, and the scenery outside the house was covered by heavy snow. After a while, the ground was covered with a thick layer of snow.

Standing in front of the window, Beiyin Cangmo saw that the snow was getting bigger and bigger, so he opened the door of the inner room feeling worried. Inside is a surveillance room with surveillance screens all around the walls. There are eight surveillance officers sitting inside. He asked one of the surveillance officers, "Miao Zhun, what's the situation outside?"

Miao Zhun frowned: "The wind and snow are too heavy, blocking the camera, so I can't see the surrounding situation clearly."

Beiyin Cangmo glanced at the surveillance screens around him, and there were almost white images of heavy snow falling: "Did Yuan come back for them?"

"No." Miao Zhun said worriedly: "Boss, it's been more than an hour and they haven't come back yet. Is something wrong?"

"Bah, bah, don't talk nonsense." Police Yang walked in and said, "Yuan Wei and the others are all third-tier fighters, not only rich in experience, but also the range of patrols is full of mutant animals and plants of the first and second ranks, so there is no possibility that anything will happen. Yes, they should be caught by something so they can't come back."

Beiyin Cangmo asked again: "Did you call Yuan Wei for them?"

"I called, but the signal is not good, so I can't get through."

Beiyin Cangmo's right eye kept twitching, and he had a very bad premonition in his heart: "Police Yang, go find a car, I'm going to drive out to find them."

Police Officer Yang said urgently: "Boss, the snow is so heavy now, and a thick layer of white snow has accumulated on the ground, even if we have a car, we can't drive out."

Beiyin Cangmo squinted his eyes and thought for a while: "Isn't there a snowplow in our team?"

Officer Yang said depressedly: "There is a snowplow, but it broke down a few days ago, no one can repair it, so we can only find the car repairer, but the car repairer is busy these days, let's wait a few days and come again To help repair the car, we thought we wouldn’t need it now, so we agreed.”

"Isn't there someone in the team who can repair cars?"

"They are not professional car repairers. They usually only repair ordinary cars, not tracked snowplows."

Beiyin Cangmo lowered his face, only to hear someone say: "I know how to repair."

Everyone heard the reputation and saw Zhuang Jinling who was sitting on the sofa stood up and said, "I can repair tracked vehicles."

Beiyin Cangmo subconsciously felt that Zhuang Jinling wanted to make trouble again and cause him trouble, so he lowered his voice: "Zhuang Jinling, what tricks do you want to play?"

"It's fine if you don't believe it." Zhuang Jinling didn't care about his attitude, and didn't want to prove himself, so he sat down and continued reading his novel.

Police Yang said: "Boss, since Mr. Zhuang can repair it, let him repair it, maybe it can be repaired, and we can find Yuan Wei and them sooner."

Northern Yin Cangmo: "..."

He once saw Zhuang Jinling's car break down on the road. Not only did he not know how to fix it himself, but he also hated the dirty clothes of the car repairer he found and had a very bad attitude. How could such a person know how to repair a car

Seeing that he had no objection, Police Yang asked Zhuang Jinling to try it.