The Rice Pot Next Door

Chapter 17: tigress


After guessing the blue shirt's thoughts, Qiao Feng felt that it was necessary for him to clarify the words. So he said seriously, "I don't fall in love with a girl with an IQ of less than 140."

The blue shirt waved his hand, "Come on, just say you don't fall in love with a girl, I understand."

Qiao Feng frowned, "I said I am not—"

Lanshan didn't wait for him to explain, but interrupted him, "You are not gay, you are a straight man, a pure man, a fighter!"

Qiao Feng was a little uncertain, "Do you really understand?"


He nodded with confidence, as long as he understood.

The two of them began to lay out their meals and started to eat. Before Qiao Feng moved his chopsticks, he heard the mobile phone prompt on WeChat. He clicked on it, and it was Carina who sent him a picture. It was a bowl of tomato and egg noodles with red, white and yellow. It looked very beautiful.

Qiao Feng pretended not to see it, put down his phone and started eating.

Ding Dong, it rang again.

Carina: Not as good as you cooked.

Qiao Feng hesitated and replied: Happy birthday.

Carina: Thank you! I thought you forgot! (Moved) (moved)

Qiao Feng: Well, I want to eat.

He put down the phone again, and it rang reluctantly.

Carina: I miss you a little bit.

Qiao Feng: Don't miss me, I'm going to eat.

Carina: I want to see you.

Qiao Feng looked up and thought for a while, and replied: You told me this, does your boyfriend know

Carina: We broke up.

Qiao Feng: Oh, I want to eat.

Carina: Joe Feng!

Qiao Feng didn't know how to end the conversation, he had hinted so obvious, she still refused to give up.

Lanshan was eating while watching Qiao Feng switch between the two modes of "put down the chopsticks and pick up the phone" and "put down the phone and pick up the chopsticks". Finally, he held the phone and looked a little embarrassed.

"What's the matter?" Lanshan asked.

Based on how she gets along these days, Qiao Feng believes that although Lanshan is a little stupid, she does a good job of dealing with ordinary people. So he handed her the phone, "Can you help me end this conversation?"

In line with the principle of respecting the privacy of others, Lan Shan started with the bowl of noodles without looking forward to the chat history. When I saw that Qiao Feng had actually cooked for this person, Lanshan felt a little sour inexplicably, as if the baby he had found was shared. She looked at him inquisitively, "Who is she from you?"

"A regular friend."

Lanshan curled his lips, "I don't believe it, you have cooked for her."

Qiao Feng pursed his mouth, "Just a bowl of noodles."

Just a bowl of noodles? An indescribable sense of excitement floated in Lanshan's heart. She said, "This person obviously has ideas for you."

Qiao Feng shook his head decisively, "Impossible."


He did not answer.

After Lanshan read the chat log, the Carina sent another message, and she said, "'Why ignore me?' She cried, cried wool and cried... Qiao Feng, are you familiar with this person? Are you afraid of offending?"

"Unfamiliar, not afraid."

"Then I will help you back?"


Lanshan replied: I hate you.

Then she returned the phone to Qiao Feng and asked, "What will you do tomorrow?" Tomorrow it was her turn to rest. As for Qiao Feng, he seemed to have nothing to do with the sky.

Qiao Feng replied, "Teach you to buy groceries in the morning and play tennis in the afternoon."

"Have an appointment with someone?"

"You can play tennis alone."

"It's boring to be alone, it's better for me to accompany you."



Song Zicheng had a stack of documents in front of him, and some were placed in the tablet. He was holding the tablet and looked at it page by page, with a focused expression.

The jar sat beside him silently, paying attention to the small LCD screen.

The two of them were sitting in a quiet coffee shop, making a cup of Chinese white tea in front of them. The light in the coffee shop is a bit dark, and the bright light of the LCD screen outlines their facial lines, making their faces dyed with a cold temperament.

After looking at it for a while, Jar said, "The investigation is really very careful. You deserve to be a professional detective."

Song Zicheng ignored him.

Tanzi said again, "Brother Cheng, if you are investigating the beautiful blue lady like this, will she be unhappy if she knows?"

"Yes. So I won't let her know."

Jar shook his head, "I have known you for so many years, and I haven't seen any woman you care so much about finding a private detective. Is it worth so much effort, Brother Cheng, what is so good about this woman? Don’t you just look pretty..."

Song Zicheng turned his attention away from the tablet computer, he looked forward, his eyes a little empty. In the past few days, whenever he mentioned the blue shirt, Song Zicheng would immediately think of her stunning beauty and arrogance that day. He is not a big-hearted person, how can he not bear the hate, and gritted his teeth with hate, but only he himself knows how much unwillingness there is in this hate. The more you hate, the more you want to conquer her, put her pride under your feet, and the more you want...

"Jars, women are like food. Soft and delicious are not unpalatable, but they are only suitable for people with bad teeth. The ones that are really delicious are those that are strong and chewy. Such women, the more they chew, the more they taste. Don't get tired of eating," Song Zicheng said.

Jars sincerely praised, "Brother Cheng, you are so wretched."

Song Zicheng ignored him and continued to look at the information.

Juzi asked, "Do you think Su Luo is chewy?"

"Su Luo is a smart and witty woman, so you don't have to worry about such a woman by her side."

"Then why did you divide it with her?" The jar was still a bit grieving for the goddess in his mind. He pointed to the photo of the blue shirt on the tablet, "Is it because of you, the brown candy?" After a while, he had already taken it to her. Good nickname.

"First, Su Luo wants too much, I can't give it; second, I'm really tired of it. Without blue shirts, there will be yellow shirts and green shirts." Song Zicheng said while flipping through the pictures. After flipping a few photos, the protagonist of the photo changed from one to two.

Jar was surprised, "Which little boy is this? She already has a boyfriend?"

Song Zicheng squinted at the pair of golden boys and girls in the photo, "No."

"how do you know?"

"My money is not for nothing."

Jar was a little unconvinced, "I think this man is not bad, maybe he will be your rival in the future."

Song Zicheng sneered, his smile was unconcealable contempt, he raised his eyebrows, "just him?"

The jar looked at Song Zicheng strangely, "Brother Cheng, do you know this person?"

Song Zicheng did not answer.


Because he wanted to play tennis, the blue jersey changed into a tennis outfit when he went out. Pink polo shirt, bright yellow sports shorts, red and white sports shoes, hair pulled up. The color of this body is like a flower peacock, and it may be ridiculous to wear an ordinary person, but who makes her look good and good, no matter how steep the color is pressed.

In contrast, Qiao Feng is much more low-key. His outfit was only black and white from top to bottom. The blue shirt observed him several times from far to near, and finally shook his head and exclaimed, "Forget it, let me pick some clothes for you later."

The stadium is not far away, and the two plan to walk over. Lanshan refused Qiao Feng's kindness, carrying a racket on the way, and throwing a tennis ball in his hand. Under the sports shorts, her two beautiful legs are slender and well-proportioned, attracting countless passers-by.

The blue shirt walked on the outside of the road, leaning on the blind road, and Qiao Feng walked on her left. An eighteen or nine-year-old boy stepped on an electric unicycle-commonly known as the Hot Wheels, and gradually approached from behind them. Seeing the blue shirt, his eyes lit up, he deliberately changed his direction and drove the hot wheel onto the blind road.

Lanshan was talking to Qiao Feng, when he suddenly felt that his hip was slapped heavily, and then someone next to him passed by like a wind. She instantly understood that she was being assaulted, and she was immediately furious, "Smelly hooligan! Stop it!"

How could he stop, the Hot Wheels ran faster.

Lanshan didn't even think about it, and ran after him.

Originally, people can't get past the Hot Wheels. However, the man in the blue shirt was too vigorous, and while running, he hit the tennis ball hard in his hands, and evenly hit the little hooligan in the back of the head.

The little hooligan was unstable and planted.

Lanshan rushed up, before he got up, she raised her foot and stomped wildly, then hit him with a racket, scolding as she beat, "Smelly hooligan, blind your dog's eyes, dare to insult my old lady! Kill you!"

Qiao Feng looked a little dazed. At the beginning, it turned out that Blue Shirt had been assaulted. As a man, his first thought was to protect her. But now it seems that what really needs protection is the little hooligan on the ground...

Qiao Feng turned around silently and picked up the tennis ball that had been shot aside.

When he came back, the little hooligan had given up resisting, and only wailed, "I'm going to call the police!"

"Report it, report it, it's grandson who doesn't report it!"

Qiao Feng took out his cell phone, "I'll call the police, you can call it leisurely."

"No, it's too much trouble for the police," Lanshan said and stopped, and she kicked the little hooligan on the ground, "I will spare you today, if I dare to—"

"Eldest sister! I dare not do it in my life!"

Lanshan nodded, took away the racket, and waved his hand at Qiao Feng, "Let's go."

Qiao Feng followed her obediently. He wanted to help the blue jersey get the racket, but the blue jersey didn't let it go, so he carried the racket on his shoulder. That action, coupled with her sullen expression, didn't look like carrying a racket, but rather like carrying a machete.

This woman, a little bit brutal...

When they walked far enough out, the little gangster felt that the distance was safe enough, and shouted at the back of the blue shirt, "Tigress! Beware that you can't get married in the future!"

"You!" Lanshan turned around and wanted to run over and beat him, but he had already run away on the hot wheels.

Qiao Feng took Lan Shan's arm, "Blue Shan, don't be angry."


The blue shirt still had a gloomy face-no one would be happy if he was assaulted. She was carrying the racket, fierce and vicious, like a swordsman who blocked the murder of the Buddha and the Buddha. Qiao Feng followed her quietly, his racket neatly on his back, and his long body looked like a handsome swordsman.

After walking for a while, Lanshan suddenly asked Qiao Feng stiffly, "Do you think I look like a tigress?"

"No. You are."

What kind of person, can't you say a little bit of kindness! The blue shirt was dissatisfied and glared at him, "Then you are not afraid of me?"

With a faint smile in Qiao Feng's eyes, he said, "The tiger doesn't bite the breeder."