The Rice Pot Next Door

Chapter 20: Clash


After Qiao Feng made the tea, Lanshan carried a small tea cup to dry it in one gulp, then tasted it like a decent, and concluded, "It's not as delicious as ice cream."

"The cow chews the peony."

"But it's quite comfortable to drink in my stomach."

"You know the goods."

The blue shirt took a sip and drank two more. After drinking, she wiped her mouth and found that her mobile phone rang on the coffee table and the caller ID was "BOSS".

BOSS is Song Zicheng. Lanshan has been so happy and busy these days, and almost forgot about this person, but with the 10,000 yuan bonus as a clue, she can remember him at any time.

The blue shirt was serious and respectful, "Hello, boss?"

Song Zicheng didn't talk nonsense with her, "Blue Shirt, a member of the sales department named Hao Min, ask me to send you a copy of the information."

"..." Lanshan felt that this matter was a bit illusory. She did ask Hao Min to help her get the information, because Hao Min took the subway to drop by, but how did Hao Min get the big boss to run errands

Song Zicheng seemed to have guessed the blue shirt's doubts, "She has something to do temporarily, I think she is embarrassed, and she just happened to be on the way, so I will help."

Lanshan instantly respected Song Zi, not every BOSS could be so close to the people.

After the explanation, Song Zicheng asked, "So are you at home now?"

"Yes, here! Which way did you go, boss? I'll wait for you at the intersection."

"No, I will call you when I get to the gate of your community, and you will come out when the time comes."

"Okay, trouble the boss!"

After hanging up the phone, Lanshan was in a good mood, and killed two more cups of tea.

Qiao Feng's mood is a bit complicated. Lanshan doesn't seem to be good at tasting tea, but she seems to like to drink his tea, uh...

Forget it, no matter how you drink it, it will end up in the stomach, Qiao Feng thought. This way, the thoughts were smooth, and he made a few more cups for the blue jersey.

Then his cell phone rang. He was a hapless courier. I don't know how many times he was stopped by the guard. He called Qiao Feng to pick up the courier himself.

Qiao Feng put down the phone, looked for the entrance guard, and went to the hallway to change his shoes. Lanshan gave him the phone with a wink. Qiao Feng took the phone, said "thank you", and went out.

Then Lan Shan sat at Qiao Feng's house, waiting for the BOSS's call while drinking tea, but did not wait for a while. Qiao Feng didn't even come back.

She couldn't help but took her phone to see, and then she was Spartan.

Why does her mobile phone suddenly have a password? Did the phone fix it by itself? This is too scary...

Lanshan slapped his head, what is he thinking! This is not her mobile phone at all, this is Qiao Feng's mobile phone!

She and Qiao Feng's mobile phones are the same brand and the same model, and they don't have a mobile phone case. It is really easy to confuse them when they are put together. Just now she flattered and took the initiative to get Qiao Feng's phone, but it turned out...

Lanshan secretly scolded herself as stupid and wanted to call Qiao Feng, but she couldn't solve the password.

She was about to go downstairs to find Qiao Feng, and then suddenly there was an incoming call from this mobile phone, and the caller ID was "stupid".

I'm still "stupid"... Lanshan looked at the phone and guessed in his mind the relationship between this "dumb" and Qiao Feng. As far as she knows, Qiao Feng is stubborn, and he saves ordinary mobile phone contacts, and he will definitely save his name seriously. In his mobile phone, what kind of person is this kind of person who looks rough but actually very coquettish? Does the form exist

Another question: Does someone answer or not answer the phone

Lan Shan looked at the phone screen, she found the series of numbers after the name was a bit familiar...

Damn, isn't that her phone number? !

She answered the phone decisively, "Hello, Qiao Feng?"

"Lanshan, I helped you get the information from Song Zicheng. Well, he has already left."

Lanshan was a little surprised, "Do you know what our boss is called? Well, it seems that BOSS is not as cold as the surface..."

Qiao Feng is not interested in studying whether her boss is cold or hot. He asked, "Why am I a'beast beast' in your phone?"

"Ah? Uh... That..." Of course these two words are homophonic "Shou Shou", but how could Lan Shan tell him the truth.

Qiao Feng was dissatisfied, "Do you want to say that I am a beast in clothing?"

"No..." Lanshan didn't like being passive during the conversation, she asked, "Qiao Feng, I asked you, why am I "dumb" in your phone? Schrodinger has such a tall name, come to me. "Stupid" is gone? I'm not as good as a cat!"

"You used the wrong quantifier."

"..." The blue shirt's voice became imposing, "Please answer my question head-on."

"Because you are too stupid, a single word'stupid' cannot be described, so you have to square it."

The blue shirt was a little dazed, "Ping, square?"

"Yes, that is,'dumb' and'dumb' are multiplied together, and the multiplication sign is omitted. When you read it, the two sounds should be the same length, regardless of the severity."

It turned out to be like this, I thought it was a nickname... Is this a new trick to despise her? Lanshan retorted, "You are stupid, your whole family is stupid! All your production teams are stupid!"

"Are you sure this was spoken out of conscience?"

Lanshan felt so sad that she was not noisy enough to sell a science and technology house. It's literally, don't mix up in the future. Her grief road, "Joe wind, you are a beast beast beast by subject by subject by subject! Ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!"

Qiao Feng: "..."

Lanshan suddenly realized, "You said that we are arguing on the phone through a community. Is it interesting to waste the phone bill?"

"What is wasted is your phone bill."

"... beasts!"

"Hey, blue shirt."

"Shut up, beast!"

"Blue shirt, I saw a chicken jar at the door, would you like to eat it?"


Then Qiao Feng carried his mobile phone to pick a jar of chicken. The two discussed happily through their mobile phones, forgetting that they were originally in a "quarrel" mode.


Song Zicheng drove away from Lanshan and his community, and after a while, he got on the ring road. The road was a bit congested, and the SB driver rushed to the road and almost ran his car. He held the steering wheel and cursed lowly, "Fuck!"

Sitting on the co-pilot, Juzi glanced at him worriedly, and asked, "Brother Cheng, are you still angry?"

"Who is angry?" Song Zicheng smiled at the corners of his mouth. He was born with a cold face, and when he laughed, he was a little bit irritating, especially when he didn't laugh.

Seeing that Brother Cheng was like this, the jar was very insecure, so he quietly moved his ass to the right.

In fact, from the moment Brother Cheng called the beauty and found out that it was a man who answered the phone, his face was not getting better. The jar understands this.

He is following Brother Cheng to learn the experience today, and he wants to learn how to pick up girls. In the original normal script, Brother Cheng still had a lot of opportunities to play after seeing the beautiful Lan, but when someone put Brother Cheng together, she sent a little white face out to block her.

In any case, Brother Cheng is also her boss. This woman is too dismissive of her, she looks so beautiful...

What's more hateful is that the little white face doesn't look too arrogant. After seeing Brother Cheng, he tugged and warned: "You don't chase the blue shirt, you can't catch her."

Brother Cheng didn't hold it back, and asked why with a smile.

As a result, people said: "The blue shirt is a person who knows the goods."

Isn't this indirectly cursing that Brother Cheng is not a good product...

Song Zicheng cursed again, pulling the jar from memory to reality. He comforted Song Zicheng and said, "Brother Cheng, maybe Lanshan didn't mean it?"

"I'm not afraid that she did it deliberately, but I'm afraid she didn't do it deliberately."

"What's the meaning?"

"If it is deliberate, it means that she is using Qiao Feng to draw a line with me."

Jar didn't understand, "This... isn't it a good thing, right?"

Song Zicheng explained, “I want to draw a clear line with me to show that she thinks I am interested in him. Before the company investigated the matter, I have already picked myself up. Since then, I have not taken the initiative to contact him, if she still feels that I am I fell in love with her-jar, under what circumstances do you think a woman will always think that a man is interesting to her, and still work hard to create a false impression for this?"

"She is a narcissist?"

"Her character is not narcissistic."

"She... is interesting to you too?"

"At least let it go to my heart, indicating that there is a breakthrough." Song Zicheng said this, his face even more ugly.

Upon seeing this, the jar was rarely wise and asked, "Brother Cheng, do you think she didn't mean it?"

"Yes. Lanshan is actually quite smart. I am her boss. There are many ways to avoid embarrassment or refusing to pursue. There is no need to make such people hate ghosts. They are too petty." Song Zicheng said, suddenly thought of the phrase "Sell." "Cars don't sell themselves", he smiled and thought to himself, this is the blue shirt.

Under his guidance, the jar slowly opened up. "If the blue shirt didn't mean it, does it mean that she has an unusual relationship with that little white face? At least close enough to confuse the phone?"

Song Zicheng nodded helplessly.

"Maybe it's just accident?"

Song Zicheng also hoped that was the case, but in order to boost his morale, he did not seriously analyze the situation, only said, "No one can take away the person I am fond of."

"Then what shall we do now?"

Song Zicheng sneered suddenly, "I'm waiting for her to apologize to me."