The Rice Pot Next Door

Chapter 22: Pantera


The blue shirt was very shocked, and she fell into a kind of dreamy, moving and a little excited emotion. Standing among the peony flowers, she suddenly shouted, "Qiao Feng!"

Because the tone was too high, it produced a heart-piercing effect. Qiao Feng was startled and ran to the balcony. He was still holding a frying spoon in his hand.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

Lanshan smiled, "Where did you get these flowers?"

"Idiot, of course I bought it."

"Where did you buy it?"

Qiao Feng was very involved in cooking just now and was suddenly interrupted, and the people in front of him were unharmed. He was a little unhappy now, "Of course it is the flower market. Otherwise, where do you think it is? Zoo wholesale market?"

The blue shirt asked again, "Bought it for me?"

"Don't be passionate about yourself."

The blue shirt had to force him to admit, "Did you buy it for yourself? Are you a big girl, love flowers?"

Qiao Feng looked down at the oily frying spoon in his hand, "I'm just afraid you will steal things from others."

What kind of shit reason is this... Lanshan decided to erase this sentence from his memory.

Qiao Feng sniffed, "The mushrooms are fried." Abandoning these words, he ran back to the kitchen.

Although the mushrooms were fried, Lanshan still had a very happy meal. After eating, she followed Qiao Feng’s buttocks for a walk. Qiao Feng looked down upon her as if she was a foe when she met a dog, and said, "You might as well Schrodinger."

"Schrodinger is not afraid of dogs?"

Qiao Feng nodded, "It's only afraid of mice."

The blue shirt is so surprised. Are you afraid of dogs and mice? Is that little eunuch really just a cat as simple as...


When I went to work in the morning, Lanshan saw that my colleagues were gathered together for a lively discussion. She leaned over curiously and saw that the center of the crowd was a financial magazine.

Lan Shan took a look at the financial magazine, and it turned out to be Song Zicheng on the cover. The BOSS is so handsome that he can't use PS for the magazine photos, and the blue shirt is amazed.

Several female colleagues have begun to drool over his beautiful photos.

The blue shirt has no nympho. Firstly, she is a flower by herself. Secondly, she mixes with Qiao Feng every day. The beauty of that boy is as good as his computer skills. Over time, she has become a person who has seen the world.

A male colleague gave Blue Shirt the background of Song Zicheng: the rich second generation of wealth. When people voted for such a 4S store, it was just for fun. People are more popular than others, so the level of a person's mixing depends on his reincarnation posture...

Lanshan disagrees. It is a fact that the rich second generation mixes well, but there are so many second generations in the world, and ordinary people can still have a bright future as long as they are good enough.

She suddenly thought of Qiao Feng. Qiao Feng’s grandfather is a farmer, and his parents are said to be teachers in colleges and universities. They are not very grassroots but they are by no means a wealthy home. Qiao Feng is doing well now because he has a very high gold brain and does things. Focused and patient. Another example is Wu Wen, who seems to have no background at all. He started his own business at a young age and has a good mind and strong ability. Now that he is successful in his career, he can completely say: Lao Tzu is not a rich second generation, Lao Tzu is a rich second generation. Be his father!


A small person appeared in Lanshan's mind, clapping the successful pair of people.

After gossiping for a while, everyone was in position. The head of the administration department ran to the exhibition hall with a pile of things to stop by. Seeing the blue shirt, she said with joy, "BOSS is giving you benefits!"

There were no customers in the exhibition hall at the moment, so Lanshan asked, "What is it? Money?"

"Talking about money is so vulgar... It's a VIP package at a hot spring resort!"

As soon as everyone heard this, hula la, the chief executive counted the blue shirts and their group, and put sets of tickets. Lanshan took the ticket and took a look. The original price was more than 1,000, and it looked good.

Someone sighed, "There are more than one thousand per person. If everyone in the company sends it out, how much will it cost?"

Lanshan smiled and said, "Silly? The boss must get the benefits from nearby. How could it be possible to spend more than a thousand to buy this stuff for you? I think, this hot spring resort, or the BOSS family opened it. Either it was opened by his friend, the discount is low, and the cost is enough. And it’s unlikely that you won’t need to spend a penny when you go, the things inside are expensive!"

Everyone nodded in agreement. But what does it matter? Anyway, there are hot springs to soak, or "VIP-level exclusive service", la la la...

Lanshan didn't guess wrong, that hot spring resort is indeed the property of Song Zicheng's family. As for why he suddenly wanted to give benefits to employees... According to the private investigator's investigation, Lanshan liked to soak in hot springs. So 90% of her will go this time. If you want to go to the hot spring with this ticket, you need to make an appointment at least one day in advance, and you will leave your name and mobile number when you make the appointment. If Lanshan is going to go, Song Zicheng will know in advance, and then he can meet her at the hot spring resort...

The jar was a little bit incomprehensible, he felt that Brother Cheng seemed a little crazy, as for such a lot of trouble

To this, Song Zicheng's answer is, "You don't understand."

A romantic encounter, timing, location, and atmosphere are all indispensable. Just like the rose flower bombing of the jar, the harassment of driving and picking up the phone... It's useless. Even if the girl really agrees to you, it is not moved by your persistence, but mostly because of your stupid money.

When Lan Shan was about to get off work, he received a call from Xiao Rae. The guy said excitedly that she had been promoted and now she is the deputy director of the president's office.

Of course, Lanshan was very happy for her, but it was a little strange when he was happy, "How long did you get promoted in your new unit? Okay, little rape, how come I haven't found your ability to work so strong before?"

"It was my luck. The former deputy director was fired for maliciously seduce the president." This is one of the reasons, and there is another reason, Xiao Rape did not dare to tell Lanshan. Recently, she was ordered by Mr. Wu to closely follow the movements of Lanshan and Qiao Dashen, and report to Mr. Wu regularly. She is a loyal person, always trying to prove to Mr. Wu that Lanshan and Qiao Dashen are just ordinary good friends, good girlfriends, good buddies...

Mr. Wu was still worried, and asked her to "dig deep into the material" again and again.

Uncle fierce.

Now Little Rapeseed is in a good mood, and the two temporarily decided to get together, Little Rapeseed treats guests.

After seeing the small rapeseed, Lanshan showed her the new benefits of the unit. Little rape saw the hot spring package ticket and yearned for it, "I want to go to the hot spring too!"

"You can go with me, but you have to ask for leave."

"No, I just got promoted. I want to work hard and perform well."

"Then you go by yourself this weekend." Lanshan said, putting the tickets back in the bag.

Little rape is a bit embarrassed, "but the tickets are expensive." She has been working as a clerical worker, and the salary is lower than that of the blue shirt. Later, her mother really couldn't stand it anymore, and she forcibly deducted part of her salary every month to help her keep it, which only slightly improved.

The consequence is that she can't buy what she wants to buy.

Lanshan saw the pitiful look of Little Rape, and felt reluctant for a while. Forget it, the hot springs are good, but friendship is priceless... She took out the tickets again, took a shot on the table, and smiled, "Reward you."

Little cole is embarrassed to take it, "Don't give it to me, you also like hot springs."

Lanshan comforted her, "It's okay. I'll ask the boss for another one. Our boss is all right."

Little rape is suspicious, "Will you really go and ask for it again?"

"I said you don't have ink marks. If you don't want them, I'll just tear them off." Lan Shan said, trying to tear it.

Little rape hurriedly snatched it over, "I want it, I want it, thank you Lanshan, Lanshan is a good person!"

Because of this disturbance, Song Zicheng hasn't waited for the romantic encounter for a long time.

By the way, the small rapeseed got the ticket and burned the bag very well, so I went to the hot spring on the weekend. Originally, I wanted to call both my parents, but neither of them wanted to come, so she enjoyed the hot spring pool alone, which was so cool.

After soaking for a while, Little Rape felt a little tight in her chest. She walked out of the hot spring pool, wandered out in a bath towel for a while, and then returned to continue soaking.

Soaking, she fell asleep accidentally.

After a while, another person walked over by the pool.

Wu Wenwenlai was soaking in the hot springs. He had just gone out for a while, and when he came back, he found that his hot spring pool had an extra large living person. He was amazed, and took a closer look. Hey, isn't this that little stutter

I stammered and closed my eyes tightly, I don't know if I was asleep or dizzy.

Wu Wen walked over and patted her face lightly, and yelled a few times, but couldn't wake her. His heart is not good, this girl is almost fainted due to hypoxia.

He hurriedly fished her out, found a wide place to level it, and then leaned over to help her with artificial respiration.

Little Rape woke up and saw the enlarged face of the lover in his dream, he was close to him, as if he was still kissing her

Ah, it's a spring dream again...

Is there any reason for her to miss such a fragrant dream? So she slammed Wu Wen on the back of the head, and greeted him very boldly and kissed him.

Wu Wen: "..." What is the situation!

She kissed so selflessly that she even stuck her tongue out. However, judging from her unorganized number of ways, Wu Wen is quite sure that this person's kissing skills are very limited. So where does her courage and enthusiasm come from

Anyway, the most important thing now is to end this inexplicable kiss...

Her clutches were still on the back of his head, and he raised his head with difficulty, avoiding her, "Calm down, calm down!"

Little rape suddenly rolled over and pressed Wu Wen under her body. I don't know where she is so strong. It can only be said that when a person is not aware of the limitations of her ability, her potential is unlimited.

She leaned on him, holding his face, and leaning over to kiss him, and while kissing, she muttered, "I like you, I like you so much!" The tone was full of affection, with a touch of helplessness and sorrow. . In my ears, it makes people feel a little sad for her inexplicably. Wu Wen looked startled, he thought to himself, do you really like me so much

Then he felt that he had been stunned by this lunatic—how long did they know each other!

Little Cole kissed him reluctantly, rubbing him around while kissing. Wu Wen found out sadly that he seemed to be a little reacted by her...

A man, in his prime of life, hasn't had any sex for a few days, and was pressed to the ground by a beautiful woman in a swimsuit with a petite figure and a smooth skin... So his reaction is just normal, right

So is he going to be stronger by a girl now