The Rice Pot Next Door

Chapter 28: Embrace


Song Zicheng left after returning the blue shirt to the company. Lanshan was still thinking about what he said just now, not knowing if he should really buy clothes for him, he always felt that way weird.

She came back in a clean and refreshing outfit. The colleagues in the company looked at her with a little more inquisitive eyes. The boss is so good to the blue shirt, it is difficult for people to not want to be crooked...

If others don't ask, the blue shirt is not easy to explain, it is even worse if it is too deliberate. So just spent a long afternoon in the sight of everyone, and she hurried away after get off work.

The weather in summer is very fickle. It will be fine when she goes to work in the afternoon. At this moment, when she walks out of the company, the whole sky is locked by dark clouds. It is dark and heavy, as if there will be heavy rain at any time. Blue shirt touched his bag, thinking badly, and forgot to bring an umbrella.

She had no choice but to pray silently, hoping that God would be polite and it would not rain before she got home.

As soon as the prayer was over, the sky began to rain.

Lanshan rolled his eyes and ran into the subway.

When I got off the subway, the rain didn't mean to stop at all, on the contrary, it got bigger and bigger. The raindrops were densely connected in a row, and they were swayed by the wind, forming a twisted curtain that could not be seen at a glance. The accumulated water on the roof gathers and pours down the drainage pipe, like a series of small silver waterfalls, slamming heavily on the ground, forming a continuous "click", like a whip that is pulled down fiercely, and it is very popular. Upset.

The cold wind rushed towards his face with water vapor, and desperately drilled into the seams of the clothes, wishing to make people's hairs sway, it felt quite refreshing. Lanshan rubbed her arms unconsciously, she was a bit cold.

A lot of people were already crowded at the exit of the subway, all of them staying here because they didn't bring umbrellas. There were people pouring out from behind, and the flight attendants had to emphasize "don't block the exit channel" over and over again.

Lanshan thought about the feasibility of pulling his feet and rushing back amidst the noise and crowds.

However, as a beauty, the possibility of being rescued by passers-by is quite high. After less than a minute of thinking about her, a man approached her and asked her if she could go with her.

Lanshan was about to answer "yes" when he was suddenly stopped by someone, "Blue shirt."

The voice was gentle and ran into her eardrum through the rain curtain.

Blue shirt followed the prestige and saw Qiao Feng standing under the steps holding a black umbrella. The rain stream hits the umbrella surface, splashing out countless small water splashes, connecting into a piece, as if covering a layer of mist on the top of the umbrella.

He held the umbrella and stood in the rain, motionless, like a firm mushroom.

Lanshan was still angry at first, but seeing him like this, his anger was mostly gone.

The man standing next to the blue shirt saw Qiao Feng and thought to himself: Will this buddy pick up girls and come out to pick up people with such a big umbrella? Don’t talk about standing two people under this umbrella, standing two elephants is enough...

Qiao Feng held up his big black umbrella and waved to the blue shirt, "Blue shirt, come here."

Lanshan walked over and stood under his umbrella, Qiao Feng took the initiative to take the bag in her hand.

The two walked back together. Lan Shan was silent for a while and asked, "How do you know I didn't bring an umbrella?"

Qiao Feng replied, "I'm just worried that you didn't bring an umbrella." So I came over and took a look. I didn't expect this fool to really not bring it.

Lanshan was very moved, and she must forgive Qiao Feng. She could also see that this was actually a silly child with solid eyes. Although he was a little stupid, he had a good heart, so why should she be angry with him.

However, Qiao Feng suddenly asked, "Lanshan, why did you go to the hotel with Song Zicheng at noon today?"

Lanshan was startled, she stopped, looked at him deeply, and asked, "How did you know that I went to the hotel with him? You followed me?"

Qiao Feng shook his head, "No."

Lan Shan forced to ask, "What the hell is going on?" She didn't tell anyone what happened today, or write it on the Internet. How could he know? If he could know everything, it would be too insecure.

"Your WeChat location function is turned on. I can create a few virtual locations to easily locate your precise location."

Although he didn't understand, Lanshan knew that he had positioned her last, so it wouldn't be unusual for him to know that she was in the hotel.

It doesn’t seem to be much different from tracking? Lan Shan was unhappy, and he suppressed his anger and asked, "Even if you know where I am, how do you know that Song Zicheng is there?"

Qiao Feng looked down at the ground, his emotions in his eyes covered by thick eyelashes, he replied, "I entered their hotel system and saw Song Zicheng's check-in information, but did not see you. So I guess you are together. Go, the room opened with Song Zicheng's ID card."

Blue shirt was angry, she pointed at him, and said angrily, "Qiao Feng, are you sick? Is it interesting to spy on other people's privacy all the time? Are you voyeuristic?"

"I'm not voyeuristic. Blue shirt, what exactly did you do in the hotel?"

The blue shirt sneered, "Ask me why? Aren't you able to bear it? Go check it yourself!"

Qiao Feng was a little helpless, "The surveillance system in their hotel broke down today, and the camera was useless."

"You...!" Lanshan didn't know what to say anymore, she grabbed her own bag, turned and walked away quickly, "Insane!"

Qiao Feng followed, carefully holding the umbrella for her, he asked reluctantly, "Blue shirt, why on earth are you going to the hotel?"

Lanshan said in pity, "What else can a man and a woman do?"

Qiao Feng categorically denied, "Impossible."

"Cut," Lanshan sneered, "Do you know it again?"

"Blue shirt, you are not like that."

Lanshan quickened his pace, "Go away, I'm that kind of person!"

Qiao Feng chased him, "I hope you don't get close to Song Zicheng, he is not a good person."

"better than you!"

Qiao Feng suddenly stopped moving.

Lanshan didn't notice, thinking that the umbrella above her head was still following her, she strode into the rain with her head high, and was suddenly splashed with rain ideas. She was startled and retreated instinctively.

Seeing that she was caught in the rain, Qiao Feng hurriedly stepped forward to help her hold the umbrella. After retreating in this way, the two got very close again.

Lan Shan turned his head, she saw him looking down at her, Xuan Hei's eyes were no longer the usual look, full of disappointment and sadness. Her heart shuddered, and she was a little sad inexplicably, but after another thought, it was him who was clearly irritating!

She lowered her head and snorted heavily.

Qiao Feng moved and walked around in front of her. He patiently asked in a low voice, "Blue shirt, are you angry?"

Lanshan has learned well this time, telling the truth, "Yeah, I'm angry, I've been angry since yesterday, and I've been angry until now! Qiao Feng, you fool, you are so stupid! You—"

He suddenly opened his arms and hugged her into his arms.

Lanshan was startled, "You, you, what are you doing! Let go!" As he said, he struggled.

Qiao Feng held her stubbornly and replied, "I remember you turned to a Weibo and said that when a girl loses her temper, all she needs is a hug."

Lanshan suddenly became quiet.

Qiao Feng held the umbrella in one hand and covered them securely, and held her waist with the other hand, tightening her body tightly. He said softly, "Blue shirt, don't be angry."

Lanshan did not answer. Qiao Feng felt the shoulders of the person in his arms trembling slightly, he let go of her in amazement, and then saw her eyes red and tears crazily flowing outward.

Qiao Feng wiped her tears in a panic, "Yes, I'm sorry."

The blue shirt squatted her mouth, raised her sleeves and rubbed her face boldly. She twitched and said, "It's been a long time since no one has hugged me..." As soon as she spoke, tears welled up again.

"Don't, don't cry."

"I miss home, I miss my parents! Uuuuu..."

Qiao Feng didn't know the logic of the blue shirt's emotional change. After a while, he got better, and then he was angry again, and then he was sad again... He didn't understand.

All he knew was that she was crying now, and he didn't want to see her like this. He felt sorry for her sadness. He took her hand and said, "Blue shirt, if I can do anything for you, please tell me directly."

Lanshan nodded, and the tears continued to flow. She didn't know what was going on, she suddenly cried and stopped playing, making it as if the sky was falling down, but it was nothing at all...

Qiao Feng took the crying blue shirt home. Lanshan finally cried enough when he arrived at his house. He let her wash her face, and then he cooked her with ginger sugar water to get rid of the cold.

The blue shirt was holding the ginger syrup, bulging his cheeks to blow away the steam from the water.

Qiao Feng looked at her red eyes and nose and said, "Blue shirt, I thought about it. There is only one reason for your emotional outburst just now that can be explained scientifically."

"what reason?"

"Your menstrual cycle is approaching."

Lan Shan just drank a sip of ginger sugar water, and was so startled by his words that he coughed repeatedly and almost choked to death. She glared at him, "What nonsense!"

"I'm just discussing science with you."

"To shut up!"

Qiao Feng had to shut up. After a while, he changed the subject again, "Then can you tell me why you are angry?"

Lanshan replied, "First, you embarrassed me in front of so many people yesterday and prevented me from coming to stage."

Qiao Feng thought for a while and looked at her sincerely, "Sorry, I always can't understand the emotions of ordinary people accurately. If you think that way is not good, then I won't use it in the future, but the premise is that you can't sleep in class anymore. ."

"It's alright," the question was incomprehensible, and the blue shirt didn't know what the little genius was insisting on. She waved her hand and said, "I was almost out of anger from yesterday, but why did you spy on my privacy today? Do you know that this is disgusting."

Qiao Feng shook his head, "I can't accept this. The location function of your mobile phone software is turned on, and anyone can explore your location based on this. I'm not a prying eye."

"Then what is going on invading other people's systems?"

"I only saw Song Zicheng's information and deduced it through logic..." Qiao Feng said straightforwardly. As soon as he looked up and saw Lanshan staring at him faintly, he was afraid that she would have another trouble, so he had to admit, "Okay." , I admit that I did improperly, but please rest assured, I am not a habit of spying on other people’s privacy. For example, there are so many loopholes in your personal computer, I have never hacked."

What's so good about this... The blue shirt got embarrassed and asked, "Then what the hell are you making today?"

"I..." Qiao Feng lowered his head, "You ignored me this morning, I don't know why."

"That's it? Of course it's because I'm still angry with you!" Lanshan said, and then he thought about it, well, he didn't know she was angry this morning, Emma was so confused. She waved her hand, "It's okay, I'm going to the hotel today because a daredevil splashed me with vegetable soup. Song Zicheng helped send me to the hotel to take a bath and change clothes. This matter will stop here, let's eat."

Qiao Feng stopped her, "Blue shirt."

"what happened again?"

"I'm not happy today."

The blue shirt is quite strange, "Hey hello, what's the matter with you? Are you coming to Auntie too?"

Qiao Feng was stunned, and then shook his head awkwardly. He looked at her depressed, "You said Song Zicheng is better than me."

"How about my angry words? You believe me? Which man is better than you in the world? Go to the hall and go to the kitchen. He works hard, he is more honest than a cow, and more loyal than a dog than a rabbit, and more clever than a cat. Selling cute..." I am used to selling, and when I say compliments, I will always be bald, not very distracted. But after Lan Shan said these flattering words, he suddenly found that these words used to describe Qiao Feng were quite appropriate. Damn it, what a superb man is this...