The Rice Pot Next Door

Chapter 43: reconcile


Lanshan did not go home directly after get off work, but went to an antique shop. She shook the plastic bag open in front of the clerk, crashing, and piled a pile of broken tiles on the table, and then asked the clerk, "I want to fix this thing, can you?"

The clerk was dumbfounded, "I saw someone treat a Pokemon bowl as an antique for the first time."

Blue shirt scratched his head embarrassedly, "No, I just want to fix it."

"You might as well buy another one."

"Can't buy it."

The clerk explained, "To be honest, it is too expensive for you to repair here. It is not worth the loss, and our craftsman is probably not willing to help you repair the Pokemon."

"Um... What should I do then? I'm sorry I don't understand very well. I searched the Internet and came over when I saw your store."

"Go out and turn right on this street and walk to the end. There is a handmade ceramic shop. Go there and ask."

Lanshan collected all the tiles, thanked him, and went out to find the handmade ceramic shop. She also didn't know why she was so persistent, she must fix this broken bowl that was not worth a few dollars.

The pottery shopkeeper accepted the job, and the price was acceptable. Lanshan left the tiles with him before returning home.

It was almost nine o'clock when she got home. She didn't eat dinner and didn't want to eat. She changed her shoes and put down her bag. She just sat in front of the computer and wanted to play two games to relax.

After turning on the computer, she went to pour a glass of water, and when she came back, she saw that the computer had already started and loaded very well. Solid state drives are so great, she thought.

Holding a water glass, she suddenly noticed a fly on the corner of the LCD screen, still crawling, but slowly. She turned her head to find the fly swatter, walked over gently, swiping the fly swatter and hit it without surprise.

Then she took a paper towel to wipe off the body of the fly, but a miracle happened, and she couldn't wipe it off.

Strangely, she took away the tissue and found that the fly was still moving slowly.

Damn it!

There is such a tenacious fly under the sky? The blue shirt curiously stretched out his hand to pinch it, only to touch the flat display screen that was slightly recessed at the touch of a button, and the flies couldn't reach it.

It's still crawling, very leisurely, and very unrestrained.

The blue shirt leaned over and looked closely at the screen, and finally confirmed that the fly had grown inside the monitor.

She was puzzled, how did it get in

She doesn't understand the structure of the display, one person understands, but she doesn't want to find him now-she's still stuck in her heart, so stuffed!

This computer was an assembly machine bought on Taobao, so Lanshan had to go to the Taobao store to find their customer service. The customer service attitude is very good.

Customer Service 002: Hello, what can the younger one do for you

Blue shirt: Hello, there is a fly in my computer screen.

Customer Service 002:...

Lanshan: Excuse me, how can I get it out

Customer Service 002: Dear, the shop is very busy and busy at work. Forgive me for not telling jokes with you, oh dear~

Lanshan: I'm telling the truth, it's true!

Customer Service 002: Dear, if you continue like this, we really can't have fun!

Lanshan: Please believe me...

Blue shirt: Hello

Blue shirt: Are you still there

Lanshan: Listen to me...

Then the friendly customer service ignored her again.

Lanshan glanced at the fly. It was still crawling, not hurriedly, just like those leisurely old bird walkers in the park. She tapped the screen with the pen, and it was not afraid.

She turned off Taobao and was about to search on Baidu to see what to do if flies crawled into other people's screens. Suddenly she found a fly appeared in the lower left corner of the screen between the dazzling icons.

Uncle's, go in again!

Lanshan didn't understand why her screen was leaking. She searched for it for a long time, but couldn't find the damn hole. In desperation, she found the phone for repairing the computer in a nearby community and dialed it.

This time she learned to be smart, and she didn't dare to say that flies got into the screen, because she was afraid that people would not come, so she said that the computer was broken.

When the computer repairer came, the flies on the screen had changed from two to four. Lanshan pointed to the computer screen to explain to him that he was spartan...

He touched the screen and said rigorously, "Sister, I swear by my virginity, unless you take the computer screen apart, flies can't get in. You... This should be poisoned, right?"

Lanshan didn’t believe me, "You really think I’ve never seen the world? Are viruses not all about hacking and changing programs? How can there be such a thing? What do you think of me? This must be some shameless female fly that gave birth to a small nest in it. of."

The younger brother asked her to open QQ. He used a screenshot tool to take a screenshot of the screen, and then pointed to the picture and said, "Look, the figure of the fly is intercepted, indicating that it is not alive. You turn off the computer for sure. It's gone!"

Lanshan just believed it now, and the man who made the virus really fights this year... She touched her chin and said sadly, "What should I do? I can't use the computer anymore."

"Antivirus, do you have antivirus software?"



He didn't need his help in anti-virus, but the younger brother was willing to spend more time with the beauty, so he personally used anti-virus software to help Lanshan check and kill the computer.

As a result, a few strange programs were deleted, but the flies were still crawling freely, and they changed again, this time there were eight.

Eight flies crawling all over the screen, it feels like a caterpillar is arching up and down in the heart, not to mention how uncomfortable. The blue shirt really wanted to smash the screen.

The little brother shook his head and sighed, "No, the humanity who writes the virus is too high, and the anti-virus software is not powerful enough."

"Then what to do?"

"I can only reinstall the system."

"Then reinstall it." There is nothing too important in her computer anyway.

The trick of reinstalling the system is the most proficient in repairing the computer, and it will be done in a while, and finally all the damn flies have been driven away. Lanshan was very happy, and didn't bargain with him, but gave the money directly.

However, as soon as she repaired the computer's front foot, she saw a fly appearing on the screen again on her back foot. It's still that place, still the same size, and it's also crawling slowly and slowly.

It's crazy!

She called the little brother who repaired the computer again, but the little brother stopped coming, "If reinstalling the system doesn't work, I really can't help it. If you want to reinstall the system over and over again, I'm happy to collect the money over and over again."

The blue shirt used to be busy during the day, and was running around after get off work. Now he was exhausted and facing the very disturbing flies. There was really no mood to care about it, so he turned off the computer and went to sleep.

The next day was Sunday, and she was so busy that she left behind the things of the previous night. When I got home after get off work, I ordered a takeaway first, and then habitually turned on the computer.

The computer screen was full of flies, black and black, and each one was moving. The blue shirt looked nauseous for a while, and quickly unplugged the power cord.

She shouted heartbreakingly, "Joe! Wind!!!"

After shouting, she stood in the room. Due to the lack of oxygen in the brain, she was absent for a few seconds.

Boom boom boom, someone is knocking on the door.

Qiao Feng's voice sounded outside the door, "Lanshan, you call me?"

I heard...

Lanshan walked to the door and opened the door for him. She lowered her head, embarrassed to look at him.

Qiao Feng asked, "What's the matter?"

She whispered, "Well, can you help me look at the computer..."


Lanshan led him in, she plugged the power back in and turned it on. Then she turned her face away, blocking her vision with her hand, really didn't want to see those flies.

She explained to him, "My computer is poisoned, and the anti-virus software can't kill it, nor can I reinstall the system."

"Well, your virus is written into the system protection file, but it is not in the virus database, and the anti-virus software can't recognize it, so I skipped over."

"Then how did I get poisoned?"

"Although your computer has been reinstalled, there are still loopholes. I will help you kill the virus first, and then fix the loopholes for you."

"My security guard can obviously fill the loopholes."

Qiao Feng stared at the screen and responded calmly, "I am better than it."

… Confident enough!

The confident little genius Qiao crackled in front of the computer, and then said to the blue shirt, "You can turn your head around."

Lan Shan turned his head and saw the clean screen, immediately refreshed. She patted Qiao Feng on the shoulder, "Good job!"

Qiao Feng lowered his head, looked at her hand on his shoulder, motionless.

The blue shirt was a little embarrassed, and pulled his hand back and touched his face, "I, I'll pour you a glass of water."

Qiao Feng tapped the keyboard again, and he wanted to fill the loopholes in the blue shirt.

Lanshan took the cup of warm water over, and originally wanted to put it on the table, but Qiao Feng reached out to take it. He stared at the screen and reached out to hold the cup. The cup was not high, and the blue shirt was holding the side wall in one hand. When he held the bottom of the cup, his fingers naturally buckled the wall of the cup, but it was buckled in her hand.

The blue shirt's heart seemed to be bounced.

The brief contact quickly separated. Qiao Feng drank his mouth while holding the cup. When he opened his mouth, the corner of his mouth finally couldn't help but bends slightly, but it was hidden by the curvature of the edge of the glass.

Lanshan couldn't help but scratched the place he had touched just now, acting like Monkey King.

Qiao Feng explained a few words to Lanshan while filling the loopholes. He heard what he said in Lanshan was purely garbled, so he could earn some impression points because of his nice voice.

Finally got the computer done, Qiao Feng restarted, then drank the water in the glass, "Okay."

Lanshan touched his chin and looked at him faintly, "I have another question."

"what is the problem?"

"After the system was reinstalled, the virus was obviously gone, why did it reappear later?"

"Normally, if this happens, it means that other partitions of your hard drive are also infected, but this time," he said, lowering his head and not daring to look at her, only leaving her with the black top of his head, "because of you I voted for the virus."

"You...!" Lanshan pointed at him with arms akimbo, fingers trembling with anger, "Are you sick?!"

"Yes." The cold isn't healed yet.

Lanshan scratched her head. She felt that she and him could no longer fight, so she took a deep breath and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Qiao Feng lowered his head and replied, "I'm afraid you will ignore me."

"..." The anger of the blue shirt was lost by another sentence. She moved a stool and sat in front of him, and said, "You raise your head."

Qiao Feng looked up at her. I don’t know if it’s an illusion. She always feels that his face is a little pale, and his face is thinner than before. It's only been a few days since then

She softened her tone, "Is that I ignored you? Obviously you ignored me."

He looked into her eyes and whispered, "I'm sorry."

"Huh." Lanshan narrowed his mouth deliberately.

He smiled suddenly, with a gentle smile, with a kind of flattery, "Blue shirts, let's make up."

The blue shirt nodded, "Okay."

"It won't be noisy anymore."


Qiao Feng was very happy, his eyebrows were bright. He smiled at the blue shirt, but he was a little embarrassed and turned to look at his computer. Looking at the clean screen, she asked Qiao Feng, "The virus you gave me, how many flies are there in total?"

"One thousand and twenty-four."

"It's disgusting," she patted her chest, "Is there anything more disgusting than this?"

"There are also cockroaches, one thousand and twenty-four."

The blue shirt fills up the screen full of cockroaches, and the cockroaches crawl all kinds of...

She patted her chest again, then gave Qiao Feng a hand, and said sincerely, "Thank you!"

Qiao Feng puzzled, "Thank me for what?"

"Xie Shaoxia doesn't give in to cockroaches."