The Rice Pot Next Door

Chapter 53: Love lunch


After Lanshan woke up, he saw Qiao Feng's mouth bend and he looked in a good mood. He can't laugh at this person, he smiles as if he is about to bloom, and he can't wait to attract all the mad bees and butterflies.

Lan Shan felt a palpitation and deliberately curled the corners of his mouth and said, "Smiling so happily, have you seen a beautiful woman?"


She raised her eyebrows, "Cut, is it beautiful with me?"

"more or less."

"huh huh huh huh."

After getting off the plane, the three of them didn't go along. Song Zicheng someone came to pick them up. Lanshan and Qiao Feng took a taxi and went home by themselves. After the two of them went back, they did not go home directly, but went to the pet shop first to pick up Schrodinger.

Schrödinger has become a dominant pet shop. It doesn't like unfamiliar surroundings. After coming to the pet shop, it has always been a little manic. It is not pleasing to look at anyone, catch anyone and stare at anyone, let alone cats, even puppies are afraid of it. Although I'm in a bad mood, I eat a lot, it's like a rice bucket. Fortunately, its owner put enough cat food in the pet shop and didn't eat others poorly.

Cat food is a brand in New Zealand, which is much more expensive than human rations. Sometimes the clerk will look at the bag of cat food with bright eyes: people are not as good as cats these days. Nima really wants to taste what it is. Oh...

After Schrödinger saw Qiao Feng, he was still angry with him and refused to be hugged by him. It remembers that he sent it here.

On the contrary, the blue shirt became a good person, and when he hugged Schrödinger, he did not hide, and was still playing coquettishly in her arms, and the cry was soft and utterly unbelievable.

In the end, Lanshan hugged Schrodinger, and Qiao Feng left the pet shop with their luggage. On the road, Schrodinger had all kinds of intimacy with the blue shirt, and Jane was flattered. It leaned against the blue shirt's arms, leaned back and rubbed her neck against her soft chest. Qiao Feng looked aside with envy and hatred.

Before going to bed at night, Qiao Feng's cell phone kept ringing and shaking like a sudden maddening. It was a series of WeChat message prompts. He was sitting at the dining table holding a warm milk bottle, drinking milk while checking the news.

His family is calling him. They enthusiastically discussed what actions Qiao Feng took today, and strongly demanded that Qiao Feng honor his promise and immediately show up to report.

After checking the news, Qiao Feng finally replied.

Qiao Feng: We kissed today.

Wu Wen:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Da Wu:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Xiao Qiao:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Qiao Feng: Mom, one less exclamation mark.

Xiao Qiao:! …

Wu Wen: Is it interesting? Let's play with it, right? Let’s just play the ending before it even starts, can we let people watch the excitement? ! A bit of ethics, okay! In other words, who is the first to kiss? !

Da Wu: Tell me honestly!

Xiao Qiao: Hmm!

Qiao Feng: I kissed her.

Wu Wen: Ooh!

Da Wu: Ouch!

Xiao Qiao: Aow!

Xiao Qiao: Ow!

Qiao Feng: But she still doesn't know.

Wu Wen: ... downstairs.

Xiao Qiao: As an intellectual woman, I really want to swear. What is going on...

Da Wu: Wife, come on! Remember not to scold your mother...

Wu Wen: What do you plan to do now? Will there be action tomorrow

Qiao Feng: I have a plan, but it must be kept secret.

Da Wu: Come and listen? Don't worry, we will never leak it out, swear by heaven!

Wu Wen: Yes, yes!

Xiao Qiao: Yes, yes!

Qiao Feng: Confidentiality is a principle. I cannot give up this principle because of anyone's promise, otherwise it will not be confidential.

This evening, the three of them felt like they were being teased by Qiao Feng like mice. The key point is that this stinky boy was not deliberate... This is probably the price to be paid for watching the fun.


Early the next morning, the blue shirt was quarreled by Qiao Feng as usual. She used to get up on a point, wash and clean up like lightning, and then hurried out to work, buying breakfast on the road. Qiao Feng thought that this way of life was extremely stupid and harmful, and he kindly expressed that he would help her correct it.

Then he ran to knock on the blue shirt's door every morning. What Qiao Feng and the alarm clock have in common is that they are both very punctual. The difference is that one can be pressed off by reaching out, and the other can be pressed off after opening the door...

Lanshan refused a few times, but he still went his own way, and found his position accurately-a friend.

Later, Lanshan slowly endured it, and was called by Qiao Feng on time every day. After washing, he ran to his house for breakfast.

Today’s breakfast is xiaolongbao, tea eggs and soy milk. The first two were bought at the breakfast shop downstairs, and the soy milk was squeezed by Qiao Feng himself, with a little sugar added, and it was very fragrant. When Lanshan had breakfast, Qiao Feng was still busy in the kitchen. She was a little worried because she had just woke up, and she didn't bother to see what he was doing.

After a while, Qiao Feng walked out of the kitchen by himself, holding a transparent rectangular lunch box in his hand. The lunch box was sealed with a layer of rice covered in it, and the rest was all vegetables. Lanshan saw tomatoes and beans.

She was a little strange, "Are you going to go out today? Where did you have no food, and bring a lunch box."

"It's not mine, it's yours," Qiao Feng said, putting the lunch box in front of her, "Take it and eat it at noon. I have already sterilized it, so you don't have to worry about the weather getting bad."

Lanshan was surprised, and reached out to touch the lunch box. The smooth and transparent tempered glass is hot, obviously the things here were made this morning. This is a bento that Qiao Feng specially made for her to take to work.

She was moved in her heart, looked at the lunch box, and asked in a low voice, "Why are you so good to me?"

Qiao Feng opened his mouth and asked, "Can't I be nice to you?"

"... Yes, don't stop."

On this day, Lanshan brought his own meals to work happily. At noon, she went to the staff canteen with her colleagues in the department, heated the food in a microwave oven, and ate it. There are two kinds of dishes in the lunch box, tomato and egg and dried roasted beans. Lanshan stirred with chopsticks to scoop out some of the rice underneath. When the chopsticks were taken out, she found that she was wearing a piece of luncheon meat on it.

This is not the point, the point is the shape of the luncheon meat.

Small, the size of a walnut...heart-shaped.

She faltered, staring blankly at the piece of luncheon meat. The colleagues on the left and right saw it too, and all stopped their chopsticks and laughed and joked.

"Yo, Sister Lan, who made this loving lunch for you, look, this red heart, did you see it jumping?"

"Sister Lan, you are too low-key. If you have a boyfriend, you don't even mention it. Your fans in our company are still eager to see through!"

"Sister Lan, marry the man who makes you a loving lunch!"

"Sister Lan, Sister Lan, is the person who cooks the boss handsome?"

"Sister Lan, your meal is so delicious..."

"Sister Lan..."

The people in the sales department are very sloppy, and the blue shirts are thick-skinned, and they are blushing at the moment. Seeing a few people drooling and staring at her lunch box, she couldn't help laughing or crying while protecting it with her arms, and scolded, "Go go, what's the mess!"

She ate the piece of luncheon meat, turned it over again, and turned out a few pieces, which were still in the shape of a walnut-sized heart.

These luncheon meats are spread on the bottom of the rice. If the blue shirt's observing power is strong, you should be able to see it when you go out, but it doesn't.

Now, she was eating these cautious children one bite at a time while she was lost in thought. What does Qiao Feng mean to make this kind of lunch

Are you confessing to her

Just thinking about this possibility, the blue shirt felt a little excited, as if a strange air bubble had been mixed in his blood, and it was now constantly blowing out. She bit her chopsticks and smiled, her smile was so bright, her coquettish was mixed with insignificance, and everyone was stunned.

Realizing that he was abnormal, the blue shirt stopped smiling and continued to eat.

Then she was a little sad again.

Although this method is likely to be a confession from a normal person, it is Qiao Feng! Qiao Feng's whole body, from the skull to the soles of the feet, from the strands of hair to the tips of his fingers, he is not normal at all!

Who knows if he has a sudden episode of a girl's heart, so he is so careful

Thinking of this, the blue shirt and the black line, she actually felt that this possibility was even greater...

After getting off work in the afternoon, Lanshan didn't go back, and found little rape to meet again.

Little Rape saw Lanshan and asked her, "How are you playing in Hangzhou?"

"I'm about to talk about it," Lan Shan said to her mysteriously, covering his mouth, "What to do, I think Qiao Feng is interesting to me!"

Little Cole stared at her, "Have you increased your IQ?"

"No… "

"That's good, scare me."


Little rape patted her shoulder soothingly, "Sisters, I understand the feeling. When you like someone, you especially hope that he likes you too. Then, always under this kind of psychological hint, you It is likely to have hallucinations."

"Really..." Lan Shan pointed to his finger disappointedly, and then said again, "but his behavior is quite that or something."

Then I told Little Rape about Qiao Feng's trip to Hangzhou and his caring lunch.

"Well, when you have this kind of psychological suggestion, you can always find all kinds of evidence to support it, right? But," Xiao Rape touched his chin, thoughtfully, "It's supposed to be a coincidence to go to Hangzhou. But I don’t know anything about loving lunch. As a mortal, how can I understand the inner world of the great god!"

Lan Xian hung his head and pulled the corner of her clothes, "Think of a way, think of a way, and use your ten-year secret love experience to help me think of a way!"

"Ok, heaven and earth... Ah, I know what to do!"

The author has something to say: I have counted everyone's opinions, and the minority obeys the majority, so I still add blank lines as before.