The Rice Pot Next Door

Chapter 6: hint


At first, Lanshan felt that Song Zicheng had better sincerity when he was inviting guests to dinner. She only found out that he was too sincere when she arrived at the restaurant.

Mom’s, a bottle of red wine is more expensive than her mobile phone.

Lanshan couldn't figure out Song Zicheng's motives a bit. An apology is not enough to write down the book like this, right? Or is it that people don't care about money at all, and just say "I want to have dinner" with the assistant, and the assistant booked it for him

After the order was ordered, but the food was not yet served, Lanshan suddenly saw a familiar person.

… Isn’t that a jar? He was sitting face-to-face with a girl, who was wearing a blue shirt with her back turned to her hair, and wearing a white dress.

The blue shirt felt even more inexplicable. Did Song Zicheng bring the jar, or did he touch it by himself? Or maybe everyone just happened to meet

She was puzzled, and the jar raised his head and saw her. He was so panicked, his eyes swayed from side to side to wink at her.

Lanshan understood that Tanzi was afraid that Song Zicheng would find him. Fortunately, the expression in the blue shirt's eyes was good enough, and the movement of the eyeballs could be found in his thin eyes. She nodded at him comfortingly.

Because the expressions of the two were too obvious, Song Zicheng and the girl in white both noticed the strangeness, and both looked back.

Upon seeing the girl's face, Lanshan finally understood why Jar was worried. Isn't the girl just Song Zicheng's ex-girlfriend Su Luo

Su Luo saw Song Zicheng and Lanshan. She stood up and walked towards this side. Lanshan found that not only was she beautiful, she was also very beautiful, with a white dress that stretched to her ankles, and she was curled up when she walked, and she was full of fairy spirit.

She walked up to their table and glanced at the blue shirt condescendingly. The look in the blue shirt was so understanding, it was like seeing Kaxiali in a Mercedes-Benz, full of contempt, like the turbulent urine of a patient with kidney deficiency, no matter how suffocating it is. Can't help.

Blue shirt touched his nose, a little confused. Isn't she ugly? Why are you despised like this

Su Luo only glanced at the blue shirt, then looked at Song Zicheng and chuckled, "What kind of god I am, I turned out to be a companion. Song Zicheng, your vision is getting worse and worse."

Lanshan finally understood why she despised her. This eldest lady saw her in the KTV box that day, and she probably misunderstood it at that time. As for the reason for the misunderstanding, it may be because the other two girls in the box were there to accompany the wine at first sight, so it was also the third one; or what misleading someone left for Su Luo, these are unknown.

The blue shirt was a little annoyed. Considering the relationship between Su Luo and this President Song, she refrained from getting angry, and just explained in a serious manner, "This lady, I am a car sales consultant, not a drinker."

"The car seller?" Su Luo was taken aback, and immediately seemed to understand something. She stared at Song Zicheng blankly, her eyes flushed, and she bit her red lips with a pitiful look.

This small appearance is quite painful, but Lanshan doesn't want to sympathize with her at all now.

"Song Zicheng," Su Luo gritted his teeth, "you knew her a long time ago, right? You broke up with me because of her?"

Song Zicheng moved his body, his eyebrows were bored. He looked at the cup in front of him and said, "If you divide it, you divide it. Why bother about it too much."

"You cheated."

"Heh," Song Zicheng glanced at her suddenly, his eyes were full of mockery, "It sounds like you haven't cheated."

Su Luo's face changed drastically. She pointed to his nose, her fingertips trembled slightly because of anger, "Song Zicheng, you bastard!"

After saying this, the tears finally fell, and she didn't wipe it, turned and ran out of the restaurant.

The jar caught up again.

Lanshan watched Song Zicheng secretly, and found that there was no sign of unbearable or unwillingness on his expression, which showed that this person had already broken up with Su Luo in his heart. It's a pity that Su Luo is still obsessed and unwilling to realize it. In any case, the girl who was tortured by love was too pitiful, and Lanshan couldn't hate Su Luo for a while, and forgave her for her rudeness.

But, what did you mean by that? Su Luo cheated and put a green hat on Song Zicheng? Thinking of this, Lanshan felt very sympathetic to Song Zicheng again.

Song Zicheng took a deep breath and turned back to the polite and cold-hearted man. He looked at her with a compassionate look in the blue shirt, "Sorry."

Lanshan waved his hand hurriedly, "It's okay, it's okay, right... She seems to treat me as a junior. Would you please explain Mr. Song? What if she retaliates... "This kind of woman who goes crazy with love is the most terrifying. , Murder, mouth, sulphuric acid or something... Thinking about it, the liver trembles.

Song Zicheng looked into her eyes, as if trying to figure out the truth from it. In the end, he returned without success, retracted his gaze, nodded and replied, "Okay."

Dinner came one after another. This exquisite meal is not unpalatable, but it doesn't taste much better. Moreover, the stomach raised by the whole grains of Lanshan is not suitable for Western food.

She kind of missed the fish stewed with Qiao Feng's steamed rice.

Seeing her wandering away, Song Zicheng asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"Ah, I'm guessing, Mr. Song, which car are you looking at. Would you like to give me some hints?"

Song Zicheng didn't answer, but cut his steak with his head down. His posture for western food is very standard, unlike a blue shirt, he forgot to open his arms while eating, as if he was going to fly out with his wings.

"I really didn't think about this, you can tell me more." Song Zicheng said.

Lanshan thinks, he might still be teasing her. She said, "I recently ordered a R8 from a customer, and he was quite satisfied." Of course, she won't talk about the termination of the contract.

"Didn't you terminate the contract?" Song Zicheng asked.

Blue shirt...

I really don't know what kind of friendship the general manager has with this person, and talk to him about everything. Lanshan coughed dryly, and said, "The contract has not been cancelled. The deposit has been kept, but the customer has been delayed because of something and hasn't picked up the car." She said that was not wrong.

Song Zicheng nodded and chatted with her about R8. Song Zicheng said that the price-performance ratio of this car is average. The blue shirt turned his lips and smiled, "You are an insider, so I don't need to say more. Those who buy supercars who care about the price-performance ratio must be driven by performance. Or else Tomorrow I will arrange a test drive for you, can you feel it for yourself?"

Song Zicheng was noncommittal and added, "I heard that the online evaluation of this car is not high."

"On the Internet, it is said that if you eat bean sprouts, you will die. I eat so much and it’s okay. Online reviews don’t have to cost millions to buy a car. You can comment on a second-hand computer for a few hundred yuan. Okay. Okay, try it yourself and you'll see the answer," Lanshan said, and couldn't help but wink at him, "Who knows who uses it."

Song Zicheng was amused by her playful look. This smile seemed to be very mismatched with him, and it was fleeting. He said, "Well, I'm not free these days, I will go later when I have time."

Yes, I am teasing you again.

Lanshan stopped telling him, and concentrated on eating and drinking.

Ah, yes, wine. They ordered a bottle of red wine. Song Zicheng only drank a little because he had to drive. The blue shirt looked at the meat hurting, and always felt that drinking more would take advantage of it. It's so good that it doesn't flow into the field of outsiders when it enters its own stomach.

Thinking about this, Lanshan accidentally drank a lot, and at the end of the drink, his little face was flushed, and his big eyes were watery, not to mention it was more delicious.

Of course, she is not drunk, she still has this measure.

Song Zicheng drove her back. Lanshan sat in the co-pilot, leaning his head against the car window, watching the colorful lights of the night passing quickly in front of him. Her eyes were a little blurred, she couldn't really see the outside scene, she just felt that countless colorful blocks were crowded together, like an abstract watercolor painting that was constantly twisting.

While driving the car, Song Zicheng looked at her distractedly. Seeing her bewildered, he said, "What are you thinking about?"

"do not know."


The blue shirt was startled, and nodded, "I think it's a little bit."

"How many years have you been in Beijing?"

"Almost ten years. I go to school here and work here."

"It's not easy for a girl to work on her own, right?"

"It's okay." Lanshan said, his eyes were a little empty, as if he was seriously thinking about how difficult it has been for him over the years. In fact, to be honest, except for those with rich and background, who is easy? Every industry has the sadness of every industry. If you want to get it, you will inevitably work hard, she just seeks for benevolence.

There was silence for a while between the two, and Song Zicheng suddenly said, "In fact, you don't have to work so hard."

Hearing this, Lan Shan turned half of his body, leaning on his back, looking at Song Zicheng. He was looking ahead and driving intently, the blue shirt could only see his profile. Well, his profile is very good-looking, his lines are tough, and his brows are softened by the light from the ceiling, not as cold as usual.

After watching for a while, Lanshan said, "Mr. Song, do you know what my motto is?"

Song Zicheng didn't expect that she would ask such a question. He asked, "What is it?"

"It's my personal signature on WeChat."

"Yeah." Song Zicheng nodded. He didn't know what her WeChat signature was.

The conversation just turned an inexplicable bend, and the two of them were silent all the way. Lanshan got out of the car at the gate of the community, Song Zicheng asked half-jokingly, "Don't you ask me to go up and sit?"

Lanshan smiled, "I have already troubled you enough today, I don't dare to take up your time anymore."

Song Zicheng didn't force it, and said goodbye to her.

After the blue shirt disappeared, Song Zicheng turned out the phone, entered the WeChat client, and clicked on the blue shirt's information. Her signature is simple and straightforward:

Selling a car does not sell one's body.