The Rice Pot Next Door

Chapter 64: respectively


Lao Wu's gift to Lanshan was a set of HelloKitty electronic products, including a small speaker, a pair of headphones, and a USB flash drive with a cartoon keychain, all in the shape of that kitty. These things are very cute. They are kawaii in Japanese. Blue shirts like them very much.

When Dad put down the things he bought for Qiao Feng before leaving, when Qiao Feng returned home, he saw a small pot specializing in making small octopus balls. Traveling all the way back from the island country with a pot, this is the love of the father...

In the evening, Qiao Feng used this pot to make small octopus balls for Lanshan. The first time he did it, he was a big success. He made six in total and Lanshan ate five. After eating, he praised, "I have to admit now that you are indeed a genius."

Qiao Feng readily accepted this kind of compliment, which is not a compliment, "That's natural."

Lanshan looked at the plates on the table, and asked with a smile, "Why didn't you share the dishes with me? Don't you dislike my saliva?"

Qiao Feng turned away from her and replied in a low voice, "It's not that you haven't eaten your saliva."

Lan Shan suddenly remembered that when the two of them were kissing, he couldn't wait to devour his life, and was a little embarrassed, so he patronized the meal.

When parting at night, Qiao Feng naturally pestered her to kiss again. These days, his kissing skills are improving at the speed of the Rockets, and the blue shirt feels deeply about this. I think he pressed her against the wall and kissed her with a domineering presidential posture, but separated with a single tap. Now he can suck with the tip of her tongue. It felt like... Lanshan felt that he was like a monster and sucked all her energy away, causing her to stand unsteady.

As an old virgin who hadn't had a meatball in more than 20 years, Qiao Feng's reaction was a little sensitive, and a slightly more intense lingering could cause his body to produce magical changes. Lanshan felt that he was using that place to push her again, and she pushed him away in an embarrassing manner.

Qiao Feng entangled her again, and whispered to her with a hot breath, "Blue shirt..."

Lanshan was afraid that he couldn't hold it, so he quickly fled.

Lanshan lived a pig-like life for a few days. Unlike pigs, besides eating and sleeping, she also thought about life. She found that she couldn't think about some things, and the more she thought about it, the more she got lost, so that she suddenly didn't know what to do now. Since childhood, she didn’t have any big ambitions. She has always followed the crowd like this. She learns when others learn, and she also plays when others play. Because of her limited qualifications, her grades have not been consistently high, and her IQ is not enough, so she is very Think less about ideals, life, and meaning. Prior to this, she was most confused when she just graduated from university, not knowing where to go. Being in a bustling and noisy metropolis, I am consciously insignificant because I have nothing, and because of my habits and nostalgia, I don't want to return home to live a peaceful and boring life. Later, she listened to her inner choice, stayed, and after a period of low ebb in her life, she slowly found the state, and she was mixed up and down. Before she quit her job, her income should be more than enough. In the past high school classmates who had better grades than her, many did not earn as much as her, so she was still content.

But now, according to Qiao Feng's theory, stripping off the coat of money, what is she really looking for in her heart

She was suddenly confused.

The blue shirt is a bit tricky these days, and I have to figure out some seemingly illusory and mysterious issues. She didn't look for a job, and went to Qiao Feng's place all day long to eat and drink, not giving birth. Sometimes she also feels that she is quite shameless. After the self-examination, she usually thinks more shamelessly, he is my boyfriend, who should I not rub him against, hum hum...

Qiao Feng is happy to see this. Keeping his girlfriend fat and beautiful has surpassed the content of "exploring the laws of the universe" and has become his main life focus at this stage.

Such a peaceful life was interrupted by a phone call from two thousand kilometers away.

Mother Qiao on the other end of the phone said with excitement, "Qiao Feng, I am going to Beijing this weekend, you can pick me up."

"Okay, should I bring the blue shirt with me too?"

"Okay, okay, okay!" Just waiting for your words. Mother Joe was very happy, her tone of voice was brisk, "Son, you are really mother's intimate little padded jacket."

Qiao Feng's black line, "That's what to describe a daughter."

"Okay, okay, I won't talk about it in the future."

"You have said this many times."

"Don't worry, it's true this time. Qiao Feng in my family is all people who have girlfriends!"

Listening to his own mother coaxing him like a child, Qiao Feng felt a little frustrated.

Lanshan learned that Qiao Feng wanted to take her to pick up his mother, and readily agreed. Anyway, she had already met his father, and I felt that Qiao Feng's family was pretty good.

But the plan was eventually disrupted. In the afternoon, Lanshan received a call from her father. In order not to worry her parents, Lanshan didn't let them know that she was out of work. When she talked to her mother on the phone yesterday, she pretended to be very busy.

"Lanshan, your mother is undergoing surgery the day after tomorrow, can you take two days off and come back to accompany her?" Dad Lan said.

The blue shirt seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer suddenly, and his head buzzed and he was dumbfounded. She spoke slowly, "What is the operation? What's wrong with my mother?"

"Uterine tumor, but don't worry too much, it is benign."

Can you not worry! Lanshan asked, "How is my mother now? When did you find out? Why don't you tell me!"

"Don't worry, there is no problem now. The fibroma is benign. It was detected in a timely manner and not large. The doctor has arranged an operation. Your mother is afraid of delaying your work and will not let me talk to you, but I think she is quite good. I miss you, so I ask you if you are not busy at work—"

"Not busy, I don't have a job! I resigned early, I was afraid that you were worried, so I didn't say it," Lan Shan said, choked up a little, "Dad, I will go back tomorrow, no, I will go back today! I will go to book tickets right away. !"

"Why are you out of work? Is the money enough?"

"If you don't work well, you can quit. You have enough money. You don't know how much your daughter can save."

Dad Lan was amused by her, "You do this with me."

Lanshan chatted with her father for a while, and asked her mother about the details of her condition. She didn't understand it very well, but when she heard that the doctor said the problem was not too big, she felt a little relieved.

After hanging up the phone, she saw Qiao Fengzheng looking at her worriedly.

Lanshan briefly explained the situation at home, and then said, "I want to book a ticket back tonight."

"Shall I accompany you?"

"No," she shook her head. "Your mother is coming back too. It's been a long time since I saw you. Not only did I not go to the airport to meet her, but I also packed her son away. What a bad idea."

"Then you go back first, and I will come back to see you... and your mother in a few days."

Lantian sighed, "Well, let's talk about it."

She answered somewhat perfunctorily, Qiao Feng's eyes dimmed, and then he thought that she was upset, and he said hurriedly, "I'll help you book a plane ticket now. Go back and pack your luggage."

"Okay, book the fastest one." Lanshan said, leaning over to kiss him, and before he could respond, he got up and ran home to pack his things.

On this day, the two had dinner at the airport. It happened suddenly, and they were hurriedly marching in a hurry. Before Qiao Feng can clean up his mood, he has to face the difference between him and his lover, not to mention the depression and sourness. Before boarding the plane, he hugged her and parted, he put her arms around her and didn't want to let go.

The blue shirt comforted him, "It's alright, it's not gone, don't be like a little girl."

Qiao Feng asked suddenly, "Have you not told your parents about us yet?"

"Well, let's go back this time." She said, getting out of his arms, pulling the suitcase and hurried away, waving at him as she walked.

Qiao Feng's gaze followed her reluctantly until she disappeared. Reluctant to leave, he stayed at the airport for a while, then ran outside the terminal to watch the plane take off. He didn't leave until her plane flew away.

His girlfriend is gone, in a hurry, carrying her confusion and worry. He felt reluctant and worried for her family. In addition, deep in his heart, in a tiny but important corner, a kind of faint and unspeakable worries suddenly rose.