The Rice Pot Next Door

Chapter 66: Dissected


Lanshan received a call from Qiao Feng during breakfast, saying that he had arrived at Baita Airport.

She patted her forehead twice to make sure she was not dreaming, then put down her chopsticks and ran out. Both Lantian and Shang Pingping were taken aback, and asked her what she was going to do.

"Pick someone!" Her voice threw in from the crack in the door.

The old couple looked at each other and guessed something.

However, after a while, the baby girl came back. She didn't bring money...

Bringing the wallet, the blue shirt took a taxi to the airport, where I saw Qiao Feng. He lost a lot of weight, his face was also very haggard, and he was still a little blue now.

Lanshan looked a little distressed, and asked, "Did you sleep well last night?"

"No," he shook his head, "I didn't sleep last night."

Blue shirt touched his face, "What's wrong with you? What happened?"

He looked at her, his eyes calm, his brows showing fatigue. He said, "This is about to ask you."

Lanshan did not speak, but lowered his head. This shows that she is somewhat guilty.

Qiao Feng did not reveal. The two stopped a taxi together. The driver asked them where they were going. Lanshan opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer.

"Go to the XX hotel," Qiao Feng replied, taking a look at the blue shirt. "Don't worry, I won't make you embarrassed."

She lowered her head again.

The car drove smoothly on the highway, the sun had already risen, and the golden sunlight sprinkled on them through the glass, making people's skin warm. The two did not speak any more, and when they arrived at the hotel, the blue shirt sent him in.

"Why don't you take a break first?" She suggested looking at his dark circles under his eyes.

Qiao Feng stood by the bed with his chest folded, fixedly looking at her, "Blue shirt, let's talk."

"Yeah." She nodded.

Qiao Feng sighed and said quietly, "Blue shirt, do you know that I love you."

The blue shirt didn't expect him to confess like this, her eyes were red, and she bit her lip, "Qiao Feng—"

"I heard my mother say,'Like' means want to see that person every day, and'love' means thinking about the future with that person seriously. Blue shirt, I not only like you, I also love you, I have serious I thought about my future with you. But I’m very curious.” He paused and looked directly at her. Although his eyes were calm, there was a slight coolness, like the blade of a scalpel. He wanted to cut her skin and look into her. Flesh and blood. He asked, "Blue shirt, is there me in your future?"

On such a fresh and brilliant morning, he asked the question she had been avoiding so directly and bluntly.

Lanshan is a very contradictory person. She is often vigorous and resolute at work, but when faced with life choices, she is always afraid of going forward. She does not think about it or face it, subconsciously hoping that the problem will disappear automatically.

Qiao Feng is also contradictory. He is a gentle person, sometimes even the ink does not look like a man, but for some fundamental problems, he always likes to go straight to the front, display them in the simplest and rude way, and disintegrate them one by one.

At this moment, facing his questioning, Lanshan knew that she was finally inevitable, and she sighed and said, "Actually, I did not intend to stay in City B. After all, my parents only have one child. They are old. I'm older again, I... I always have to stay with my parents."

Qiao Feng clenched his fist and asked, "What about now? What are you going to do now?"

"I don't know." The blue shirt looked dark, and looked at him a little aggrieved. "You think I don't love you, but if I don't love you, I would have broken up with you happily. Why should I break up with you? Drag it to now?"

When he heard the word "break up", Qiao Feng's heart suddenly hurt, as if he was severely gouged by a carving knife. He rushed forward and grabbed her by the shoulder, "I won't break up with you!"

The blue shirt was startled, "Don't get excited, I didn't say to share with you!"

Qiao Feng pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly. His strength was so strong that the bones of the blue shirt were a little bit painful. He buried his head between her white neck and sniffed the faint fragrance of his body. He inhaled and exhaled like a demon, clinging to her tightly, the blue shirt had to hug him back, pat his back lightly, and comfort him, "It's okay, I really won't break up. , I can't bear you either..."

"Then what are you going to do?" He chased after him, he had to have a clear answer in order to feel at ease.

Lanshan couldn't give such an answer. Love is like this. When you are in love, you don't care about it, you really want to stay together. It is all real problems. Lanshan was an ostrich before and was always reluctant to think about this kind of problem, but he suddenly appeared today, suddenly asked about it, and threw out all the problems, so she couldn't help but face it.

She had to say, "Will you give me two days?"

Qiao Feng also knew that it was useless to press too tightly. It might be counterproductive. He let go of her, lowered his head and kissed the corner of her lips, "Okay."

The two huddled together and talked for a while, the mess finally calmed down, Qiao Feng received the guarantee from the blue shirt that he would not break up, and finally relieved. After she left, he took a bath and slept well.

When Lanshan went home, Shang Pingping asked her who came. Lanshan smiled and did not answer, but both Shang Pingping and his wife had guessed it. But what they guess is that this little couple is awkward, and Qiao Feng is probably chasing for reconciliation, otherwise it won't be that sudden.

Before making the final decision, Lanshan did not intend to let Qiao Feng see her parents. In the evening, she asked her parents about their views on City B. The answer was that it was suitable for travel and vacation, but not suitable for permanent residence. The reason was crowded population and traffic pollution.

Lanshan thought to herself, she shouldn't let her parents abandon the place where they have lived for decades for the sake of her own selfish desires to grab air from the people in the capital.

The next evening, when Lanshan hadn't thought about the result, she suddenly found Qiao Feng outside her window.

He was standing downstairs, looking up, as if looking for the right direction. The weather outside was gloomy, and when the blue shirt opened the window, a strong wind came in, making her face almost deformed. She shouted to Qiao Feng, "What are you doing?"

The wind was so strong that what she said was swept away, and he did not hear it. But he found her soon.

At this time, the raindrops suddenly crackled down and quickly formed a pouring trend. Lanshan waved to Qiao Feng, "It's raining, don't stand stupidly!"

It's raining, and the words can't be heard more clearly. Qiao Feng stood there, looking at the blue shirt through the rain curtain, standing still.

"This fool!" Lanshan sighed, and went out downstairs with an umbrella.

She saw Qiao Feng and pulled him back. Qiao Feng shook her hand and explained, "Sorry, I just figured out something suddenly, so I came to you. I didn't know it would rain so quickly, nor did I intentionally enter your house under such circumstances... "At least you should bring some gifts.

Lanshan didn't listen to his rumors, and when he walked into the corridor, he took his umbrella and pulled him home.

Lantian and Shang Pingping had been alarmed, and they couldn't laugh or cry when they saw their daughter bringing a chicken back. Who says that one generation is inferior to one generation? Young people can simply toss each other out. Lantian took his own clean clothes and asked Qiao Feng to take a hot bath first, and then he gave him some ginger sugar water to get rid of the cold.

When Qiao Feng came out of the shower, he held the ginger sugar water that the future father-in-law handed him personally, and thanked him with excitement. Shang Pingping observed in secret and found that this young man was very modest and polite.

After a polite greeting with Qiao Feng, Lantian and Shang Pingping returned to the bedroom, leaving the two children to talk in the living room.

Qiao Feng held the hot ginger syrup and drank it while blowing it. He drank the ginger syrup as a ginseng soup. Lanshan stabbed his arm, "What are you going crazy?!"

Qiao Feng put down Jiang Tangshui and looked at her seriously, "I said I figured it out."

"What have you figured out?"

"Blue shirt, I can't bear to embarrass you."

Although he still didn't understand what he meant, the words similar to love words made Lan Shan feel sweet in his heart. She smiled and asked, "What do you want to understand? Can your wave function shrink?"

"Not this," he shook his head, "First of all, I want to declare that I will not accept long-distance relationships. If we want to be together, or you stay in City B, or I stay in City H, there is no third option. Since you are embarrassed by your stay in City B, then I will stay."

The blue shirt was startled, "Are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy, I have considered it seriously. City H also has a university, and I can do academic research here. City B and City H are not far away, and the flight is only one and a half hours away. We can often go back to visit my dad. Mom, you can also make video calls with them. Technology can shorten the distance between people." He looked at her with clear and clean eyes.

He said so calmly, but the blue shirt felt sore in her nose and astringent in her eyes. She shook her head, "No, the university here is too far away from B. I can't ruin your future just because of me."

"My future lies in my own hands and has little to do with which university I work at. Now that the Internet is so developed, I can do my academic work anytime, anywhere."

Lanshan still shook his head, "No, are you stupid? And to be honest, City B is always better than City H. You are used to staying there. How can I let you leave your hometown?"

Qiao Feng laughed suddenly. He held her head, their foreheads against their foreheads, and he looked into her eyes.

Then he smiled and said, "What should I do then? I just love you, I can't bear to feel sorry for you. I am willing to follow you, no matter what problems you encounter, all problems will make way for you."

Lanshan opened her mouth, the tears finally rolled out, and she choked up, "Why are you so stupid? I've never seen you so stupid!"

He wiped her tears gently with his fingers, and replied, "I'm not stupid, I'm a genius."

Lan Shan bit her lip, tears streaming down her eyes, her eyes were clouded and blurred by moisture. Qiao Feng said while helping her to wipe her tears, "I think you should have cried because you were moved, but I still feel uncomfortable seeing you shed tears, blue shirt, don't cry..."

"Oh," they interrupted with a light cough not far away. Lantian looked apologetically at the two people who turned around. He said, "I'm sorry, I was a little worried, so I listened to some of your conversations." Then, he waved to the blue shirt, "Sweater, you come, I I have something to say to you with your mother."

Lanshan followed his father to their bedroom, and Qiao Feng sat on the sofa, holding up ginger sugar water to drink.

Shang Pingping saw her crying red eyes coming in and sitting beside her. She took the blue shirt's hand and smiled, "Your dad and I have heard everything. Actually, I was worried at first, but just now After listening to those words, I believe he really takes you to heart, so you must not miss him."

Lanshan nodded.

Shang Pingping said again, "But Shanshan, your dad and I disagree with some of your ideas."

Lanshan looked at his parents unexpectedly, "What?"

Lantian explained, "Back then, I went to school outside, and later I worked outside. Do you know what your grandfather said? He said, "When Kitty grows up, he should fly to the place he desires. How can I keep him by my side? That's. Now, Dad will give you these words. Shanshan, when you grow up, you should go where you want to go."

Shang Pingping said, "At first, I thought you were arguing with Qiao Feng. I knew it was because of this. I should have told you a long time ago. Sweaters, your dad and I certainly do not object to your staying in H city. , But the premise is that you make a choice based on your own inner desires, rather than being trapped by filial piety. We love you, because we love you, so we will not restrain you, you should fly where you want to go. "

Lanshan heard his parents' confession, and the tears that had just stopped fell again, "But who will take care of you after I am gone?"

"Stupid boy," Shang Pingping shook his head, "We can take care of ourselves. When we can't take care of ourselves one day, of course we still have to take care of you. But who knows when that day will be? How could I be because of this possibility. Keep you by your side?"

"But… "

Lan Lan waved her hand to interrupt her, "No, the voyage between the two cities is only an hour and a half. If you want us, please check back often. You can also make video calls. Well, your mom and I are going to buy a computer this year. It will be fine when you teach us."

Lanshan still wants to talk, Shang Pingping said, "If you make a choice that is not from your heart because of our existence, we will not be happy."

The blue shirt lowered his head and wiped his tears. She has lived for twenty-eight years and has never felt like she has so much.