The Rice Pot Next Door

Chapter 71


Xie Fengsheng never expected that the cheapest investment in his life would encounter unprecedented rejection as soon as he said it. He knew that Qiao Feng might hate Song Zicheng, but he didn't know that Qiao Feng's resistance to Song Zicheng was so deep, as soon as he heard the name, he categorically denied his proposal.

Xie Fengsheng had to persuade him, "Business is business, and grievances are grievances. Can you be more mature and don't confuse them?"

"I dislike him."

Xie Fengsheng was also a little angry, "Why do you hate him so much? Have you been assaulted by him?!"

"Xie Fengsheng, I am angry."

"I'm still angry! I'm so angry!"

"Then your husband is angry, remember to find me another one when you are finished."


Qiao Feng hung up the phone, his face was a bit ugly. I think Xie Fengsheng had also misunderstood his sexual orientation at the time. At that time, Qiao Feng endured it. Now this guy has become more serious and has started to misunderstand his relationship with his rival. Simply unbearable!

Lanshan was originally sitting on the carpet and reading in the sun, but when she heard that Qiao Feng was angry, she was so curious that she looked up at him. Qiao Feng's spleen is dying, and it is really not easy to make him angry. Lanshan was very curious about what Xie Fengsheng did to him.

As if he could feel her gaze, Qiao Feng turned to look back at her.

The two of them met, and the blue shirt smiled embarrassedly.

Qiao Feng got up and walked over and sat beside her. He saw the book she was holding in her hand, with a black cover, three or four centimeters thick, and a large format. It looked like a serious masterpiece. In fact, it was a popular science book on quantum mechanics, especially for those who had no basis in science. An introductory book read by Xiaobai. Lanshan wanted to know about Qiao Feng's career, so he bought a copy and read it now.

"Do you understand?" he asked.

"Yes," Lanshan nodded, "I saw Newton and Hook fighting. The world of scientists is quite exciting."

What she so-called being able to understand means being able to understand scientists fighting? Qiao Feng was a little funny, rubbed her head, his expression relaxed.

Lanshan was holding the book, tilted his head to look at him, and asked, "Why were you angry just now?"

Qiao Feng shook his head, "Small things, don't mention it... Are you really going for an interview tomorrow?"

"Yes, I also want to have a career, OK?"

After Lan Shan came back, she figured it out. Such a tall thing as "pursuing the value of life" is usually thought by those tall people. When she is a mortal, she should not worry about it. If she thinks too much, she can easily get confused. So she decided to steadfastly run a business. Since she has been in the auto industry for so many years, this is an advantage, it is better to continue to mix in this industry. Of course, being a front-line sales employee is too tired and too busy, so she sets her sights on the management, such as the sales manager. She has industry experience and client resources on hand, so she is still competitive in this regard. The 4S store tomorrow is a joint venture brand. The store is located at the North Fifth Ring Road, not too far away, and the subway is very convenient. The disadvantage is that the brand is not high enough and the business situation is not very good. But it is precisely because of this that she has This is an opportunity for airborne management to interview.

Qiao Feng didn't want the blue shirt to go to work-no matter what kind of work he went to. Of course, he also knew that no matter how close the two were, he could not replace the blue shirt to decide her own life. So he had to complain silently in his heart.

Wait, wait until you become my wife and have your own car dealership. Then I want to be a manager and become a president. However, you must restrict your working hours, and not allow your work to take up too much of your time that belongs to me. Also, I can often go to your office to play, give you a loving lunch, and we can also be in your office like this... Qiao Feng's thoughts drifted a bit far.

As he was thinking about it, his cell phone rang again. He answered the phone, said a few words and hung up. Then he looked at the blue shirt and asked, "My parents invite you to have a meal at home on the weekend, okay?"

sure. Lanshan nodded, well, finally I still want to see the parents. Speaking of her, she is a little nervous. Mothers always have the right to speak when it comes to their children’s life-long events. I don’t know what Qiao Feng’s mother thinks of her, will she dislike her...

She was a little nervous and couldn't help frowning.

Qiao Feng stretched his finger to press her eyebrows and asked, "What's the matter? Don't you want to go?"

"No... Qiao Feng, do you think your mother would like me?"

Qiao Feng looked at her strangely, "She has no reason not to like you."

Lanshan sighed and thought, how do you understand. She loves this man, of course she is willing to be with him forever, but when the two really talk about marriage, they always have to face some practical problems. For example, long-distance relationship, for example... Age difference.

Lanshan also knows that people like Qiao Feng are not suitable for going in circles, so she directly asked, "Have you ever thought that I am older than you, three years older."

Qiao Feng was stunned, "What then?"

"Then, by the time you have 41 flowers, I will be old and yellow. When there are so many young girls around you, you don't want me." The more blue shirt said, the more saddened I was, and he couldn't help her mouth shrinking.

Qiao Feng smiled, "It turns out that this is what you are worried about. Blue shirt, don't think so. I think the difference between the two of us now is very suitable."

"Why?" She rolled her eyes, wanting to hear how he comforted her.

Qiao Feng put his hand on her shoulder and replied solemnly, "I am younger than you, so when you reach the age of thirty as a wolf and forty as a tiger, I can satisfy you."

"You...!" The blue shirt was dumbfounded, raised the book in his hand and patted his chest, "You rascal! I'm serious!"

"I'm also very serious," Qiao Feng held her hand and looked at her with a smile, "Really."

Lan Shan turned her head to ignore him, she threw away the book to get up, just halfway up, but was dragged by him directly into her arms. Qiao Feng hugged her tightly and said, "Listen to my explanation."

The blue shirt didn't move anymore, listen to what he wanted to explain.

"I went to school relatively early and skipped grades. The female classmates I came into contact with after adolescence were all three or four years older than me. Although I haven't touched anyone, my aesthetics for women is probably stuck in this age group. , Otherwise it’s impossible for both girlfriends to be three years older than me, right?"

"This... The aesthetics will change, and this doesn't mean much."

"Okay, let's give a scientific argument. Some time ago, the Academy of Social Sciences conducted a survey on Chinese people’s sense of happiness in marriage. In statistics using age difference as a variable, the wife is three or four years older than her husband. The husband and wife in China have the highest sense of happiness in their marriage, followed by the interval where the husband is three or four years older than the wife. In terms of average life expectancy, the average life expectancy of Chinese men is 71 years, and the average life expectancy of women is 74 years. This means that, on the whole, when wives are three years older than their husbands, their lifespan after marriage is more balanced. This is the true sense of'growing old together'. Isn't this the most romantic thing? "

"But… "

"I know what you are worried about, Blue Shirt. You are worried that one day you are not beautiful and I will not love you. But what I want to tell you is that I love not just your beauty, before you , I have met many beautiful girls, but they are only tempted by you. This in itself cannot be explained by simple thinking, right? Every age has the charm of every age, who said you are forty years old Isn’t it beautiful? Besides, I’m only three years old from you. When you’re old, I will be old too. When I’m old, I won’t go to those young girls for excitement. People, whatever Men and women, only when they are unwilling to grow old, do they hope to seek passion from the young and fresh body, so as to reminisce about the feeling of youth. We enjoy life well, and don't let down the time of youth, we will not be old for the sake of old age. I feel regretful, it is naturally impossible to do that kind of low-level things. In the blue shirts, we live together, accompany each other, live every day plainly and fulfillingly, and love each other every day. Then, we live together like this for many days , Get old together, leave this world with a smile together. Really, I can't think of anything better than this, how can you worry about it!"

The blue shirt was very touched by what he said. She only felt that her nose was sore, she leaned gently in his arms, and replied, "I also think it's beautiful."

Qiao Feng stroked her hair and kissed the top of her hair. The sun of early autumn came in through the window, passing over the ends of her hair draped over her shoulders, soft and charming. He rubbed her shoulders, pulled her face and kissed her, and he kissed her very tenderly, like sunshine enveloping her, dazzling, warm and leaving no trace.

Qiao Feng's breathing heated up, he put her down on the carpet, pressed her up and continued kissing, playing with her fragrant tongue, her movements getting bigger and bigger, and the gasping at the end of his nose gradually messed up. Feeling his further movement, the blue shirt quickly pushed him away, "Don't be here!"

Qiao Feng's forehead was pressed against her, and he looked into her eyes and said, "This is your favorite carpet."

The blue shirt's face suddenly burned, in broad daylight, on the carpet, too ashamed! She struggled more violently, and Qiao Feng suddenly stood up. She thought he was ashamed at last, and she was relieved, but he got up and just closed the curtains, and then immediately came back and threw her down.

She didn't expect his true purpose, and wanted to escape again, it was too late.

But she still didn't want to do this kind of thing in this place at this time, so she kept calling to stop.

Qiao Feng glanced at the end of his eyes and saw what was on the side of the couch. His eyes lit up, he leaned over his body, reached out his hand and hooked it, and pressed his head.

Then Lanshan saw Qiao Feng kneeling halfway beside her wearing cat ears, looking at her with a look of "pleasure".

… Is it really good to be cute at this time? !

The blue shirt was speechless, and gritted his teeth, "You, you, you, take it off..." I can't help it!

Qiao Feng shook his head, and the black cat's ears trembled.

Don't... The blue shirt wanted to resist, so he wanted to stretch out his hand to cover his eyes. It's a pity that Qiao Feng has already held her hand one step ahead of her.

Qiao Feng leaned forward, patrolling between the blue shirt's face and neck, sniffing lightly, and the tip of his nose always touched her skin, but he could always move away gently. She was forced to tremble all over by him, so she had to tell her forgiveness, "Stop playing..."

Qiao Feng suddenly opened his mouth, and a word popped out of his mind, so he lowered his voice and said, "Master, do you want to go to me?"

Hey yeah yeah... think!

The blue shirt finally resisted, turned over and pressed Qiao Feng underneath. She was mad at the moment, and she couldn't hold it back, so she personally stripped off the clothes of the two of them, and then they tried the posture of female upper and lower male for the first time.

Then they tried a lot of poses...

Proclaiming adultery in the day, walking on the carpet, this gave them too much excitement. Lanshan felt that her body was no longer hers. She followed him uncontrollably, cooperated with him, and her long legs entangled him, all over her body. At the moment of trembling, he was strangled with all his strength, making him sweat profusely, and even his breathing trembled.

The two of them patronized the affectionate lingering, and for a moment they forgot about the other creatures in the room.

Schrödinger stood on the sofa, his two chubby front paws scratching the armrests of the sofa, and he poked his head out and looked at them curiously. I don't know why these two stupid humans are fighting, and they don't play with it. It meows several times, and it can't arouse their attention. Of course, the noble cats disdain to take the initiative to strike up a conversation with human beings.

It opened its eyes wide and listened to them with its ears. What these idiots said was not as complicated as before. This time, there were only syllables such as "Uhhhhhhh". Although they still didn't understand, it is certain that human language is getting closer and closer to cat language.

Humph. ╭(╯^╰)╮