The Rice Pot Next Door

Chapter 75: Mr. Wu X Little Rape


After returning to the company, Little Rapeseed pretended not to leave, thiefly stayed in the president’s office and tried not to go out, reducing the frontal contact with the president. In addition, Wu Wen’s younger brother became ill again. As soon as he worried, Forget the little rapeseed for a while.

When he finally remembered to take care of her when he was free, the girl had been low-key for a few days, and she always smiled flatly when she saw him, wishing to put her tail wagging around behind her to show her loyalty.

Wu Wen moved his compassion for a while, and did not drive her away.

However, she is not pleasing to the eye anyway.

Wu Wen thinks that since she is so idle and can chat about other people's gossip everywhere, it is better to send her more work.

As a result, the daily work of small rape suddenly increased. She is required to write the minutes of the meeting, she is required to organize the department assessment, and the media contact asks her to run...

Not only that, because she steadily suppressed the hatred and when there was a problem with the work of the President’s Office, the last spearhead was always pointed at her accurately, which made the other members of the office feel a straight increase in happiness.

It's... It's miserable.

There is still an hour before the end of get off work that day, the assistant to the president brought some materials to Little Rape, and smiled, "Mr. Wu needs you to draft an important document. The content and requirements are clearly written. The electronic version of the information will be sent to your email directly. . Well, Mr. Wu hopes that you can give him the information today."

In other words, don't leave work if you can't finish it today.

Little Rape clenched her fist and pressed the information, her eyes gleamed, her teeth gritted bitterly.

The assistant always felt that her eyes were glowing green, and he heard the sound of her teeth grinding. So he asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Little Rapeseed smiled like a ghost, "Sooner or later I will put you to sleep!"

Assistant: Damn it!

He ran away quickly. The assistant didn't expect that when he was under the unspoken rules, the other party was still a girl... Oh no, what is this, of course it is a girl! No, no, this is not the point. The point is that he has a wife and he is very loyal to his wife, OK

Damn it's messy...

Little Rape didn't know that she had accidentally caused a panic of a good man. She grinded her teeth and imagined that she put Wu Wen to sleep, and he cried and cried for responsibility... Thinking she was not angry anymore, she started to be silly.

After the obscenity, when I look at the time, I have half an hour left!

Well, anyway, she couldn't finish it before she got off work. Today, she was determined to work overtime. Thinking of this, she was calm again, so she started to look at the information carefully.

Little Cole, he has no talent and is stupid. She also knew that she was stupid, so she had to use diligence to make up for it. Therefore, although her work ability is not the most prominent, but it has always been good.

At 8:30 in the evening, Little Rape checked the file again, confirmed that it was correct, and sent it to Wu Wen's work mailbox. She stretched, packed up her things, and picked up the takeaway boxes left over from the table. In hot weather, if leftovers are thrown into the trash can in the office, it is easy to produce a strange smell, so she usually throws it in the trash can outside.

She carried a satchel in one hand and a take-out box in the other, and stepped out of the office in high heels.

When Wu Wen came out of the office, he happened to see Little Rape from the back. He stepped up lightly, trying to scare her.

I don’t know why, he is always prone to evil and fun when facing Xiao Caiwei’s snake essence disease, probably because of his sense of justice on behalf of Tianxingdao...

When Wu Wen approached, he lowered his head and called her slowly with a voice on the back of her head, "Xiao~Cai~薇~~~"

His voice was erratic, and it sounded chilly. Little rape's body stiffened, and her hairs stood upright in fright. As soon as she was about to look back, she immediately warned herself: Don't look back!

Rumor has it that people have three lamps, one on the head and one on each shoulder. The light is the sun. When the light is on, evil spirits dare not approach, but if people turn their heads violently, the light on the shoulders will be extinguished. Then those lonely ghosts I'm so happy...

So ghosts always call that person’s name behind their backs when they harm people, trick him/her back, and occasionally slap people on the shoulders for the same purpose.

This kind of brain tonic made Little Rape sweat all over her body, her neck stiffened and her footsteps kept going. Finally, finally, she felt that the thing behind really patted her shoulder.

Ahhhhh! ! !

She ran away.

She carried a bag in her left hand and carried a take-out box in her right hand, her forearms unconsciously opened to the sides, and she swayed on the ground in high heels, looking like a grumpy penguin. Wu Wen didn't expect her to move so loudly. Just about to speak to her, he saw her foot twisted and her body fell obliquely. He immediately changed his mouth, "Be careful!"

Little Rape had already moved away from Wu Wen. When Wu Wen rushed over, she had already completed a tragic touch to the ground, lying on the ground motionless, like a piece of human-shaped clay.

Wu Wen squatted and helped her up, "Is it all right?"

Little Rape sat up and saw that it was Wu Wen, and suddenly knew that the thing was him just now. She was ashamed and annoyed, angry and wronged, and exclaimed, "What are you doing!"

Wu Wen had a guilty heart, and his voice was a little weak. "It's just a joke, who knows you are so courageous."

Little rape turned her head to ignore him with anger. She saw a trash can not far away, so she threw the takeaway box along the entrance of the trash can.

Not surprisingly, it missed. The takeaway box touched the trash can and bounced to the ground.

Wu Wen sighed, stood up and walked over, stooped to pick up the box, and threw it into the trash can. He really didn't expect that he would still pick up trash for others.

When he was throwing away the garbage, Little Cole looked at his figure, her eyes rolling steadily.

When Wu Wen came back, she clutched her ankle and groaned, "Oh, it hurts!"

Wu Wen frowned, took her hand away, and checked her ankle, "Isn't it the foot you twisted just now?"

"… "Really

Little Rapeseed rides the tiger and continued to scream, "Both are twisted, I wear such high-heeled shoes."

Wu Wen snorted, "You also know that your heels are high? As for it, it's not your fault to be short."

Little rape is a little unconvinced, "I'm not short..."

Wu Wen didn't want to lift the bar with her, he held her foot and moved lightly, "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts, you see, it's all swollen."

"Where is it swollen, why can't I see it."

"Well, you can't see it, there is no swelling, then you can go, leave me alone."

Wu Wen was a little helpless, "I'll take you to the hospital."

"You don't need to go to the hospital, just apply some safflower oil and rest for a day, but..." Little rape pointed to his shoes, "My shoes seem to be broken, you have to pay me a pair."

"Okay, how much is it?"

"No cash, you accompany me to the mall to buy it."

Wu Wen feels a little painful, "Are you never finished?"

"Okay, forget it, you go, I can climb home by myself."


In the end, Wu Wen compromised. Little Rape asked the right fingers and whispered, "I can't walk away because my feet hurt now. You can only hold me to go shopping, if you don't want to, forget it."

"Shut up," he said, bending over to hug her sideways.

Ah ah ah hugged by the princess of the male god! Good Star Lake! ! !

Little Cole's body was folded and nestled in his arms, her head leaning gently against his chest, her forehead against his collarbone. She had never been so close to him before, and she was bubbling with happiness at this moment, and she was cautiously plopping and jumping wildly.

Wu Wen only felt that the weight of the person in his arms was very light. She has a small skeleton, not fat, and a soft body. She nestles against him in silence at the moment, like an obedient little animal.

He thought to himself, it would be nice for a girl to look the same! Who would have thought that a girl who looks so docile and cute is actually a snake disease...

Wu Wen held a small rapeseed, got into the elevator with a complicated mood, got out of the underground garage, and then drove her to the mall closest to the company.

He carried her into the mall, and countless people looked sideways along the way. Without squinting his eyes, Wu Wen took Xiao Rape to a women's clothing counter, held her in front of the shoe cabinet, and said, "Say, which pair do you want?"

Little Cole was shocked by the price tag of the shoes, "It's expensive! Don't want it here."

Wu Wen was a little impatient, "Don't pretend to Laozi."

"It's not like that," Xiao Rape shook his head, "Mr. Wu, if you are confused by my beauty, then it doesn't matter how expensive the shoes you gave me, but now it is you who compensate me for the loss, so I should pay the price. Come, if it's too expensive, am I not a blackmail?"

Wu Wen smiled, "You? Beauty? Haha."

Little Rape lowered her head depressed, "I am often called a beautiful woman, OK!"

"That's someone else's kindness, you take it seriously."

She was angry, "You let me down, I want to climb home!"

"Okay, I'll throw you out again."

Wu Wen found that his endurance was too good, he endured her all the way, and now endured holding her to change places, until he found a specialty store that she was satisfied with.

Little rape picked a few pairs that were pleasing to the eye. Wu Wen felt that the heels were too high and she was not allowed to buy them. Finally she sat on the sofa and stool, spreading her hands, "Then which pair do you think I buy?"

Wu Wen chose a pair of pink-blue mid-heel shoes with a bow.

Little rape is a bit disgusted, "No, it's too naive. I want to be the queen of the workplace."

Wu Wen sneered, "I beg you to let the queen go... I'll change my shoes right away."

She sat still, "My feet hurt, you help me."

He took a deep breath... Shinobu!

So Wu Wen squatted down holding his shoes and really helped him change shoes. He felt uncomfortable squatting, so he changed to a more convenient position and half-kneeled on the ground. He held her ankle and gently took off her shoes.

Ouch! The male god changed my shoes! Haoxinghu Haoxinghu Haoxinghu! ! !

Little rape raised her face sweetly.

Even the shopping guide on the side looked at them with a smile.

Wu Wen lowered his head and asked, "Aren't your feet smelly?"

Little rapeseed: "It's not smelly, don't believe you smell it."

Wu Wen rolled his eyes with anger, "You will die for me."

The shopping guide turned around heartbroken. What about romance? Are you kidding me when talking about this topic? …

After changing the shoes and paying the money, I finally completed this messy task. Wu Wen took a sigh of relief and drove the small rape home.

On the way, Little Rape was in a great mood wearing shoes bought by the male god. She couldn't help but sang.

Wu Wen had already cast a shadow over her singing, and he ordered her to shut up.

After closing her mouth for a while, Little Rape said weakly, "Mr. Wu, I beg you for one thing."


"Can you not let me work overtime every day in the future? You see, I'm tired and thin."


"Mr. Wu, I know you want to train me and reuse me."

Wu Wen: Ha ha, you think too much.

Little rape continued, "But, everything must be done step by step, and don't be rushed. Doing this now is tantamount to killing sperm and eggs—"

Wu Wen only felt that his crotch was chilly, and he scolded angrily, "Kill the chicken and get the eggs! Chicken! Chicken!!!"

… What the hell seems to be wrong

Little Rape nodded, "Oh, I'm sorry you didn't straighten your tongue. Don't get excited, Mr. Wu! I'm good at Chinese."

Wu Wen was still immersed in some not-so-good associations. He said solemnly, "You shut up."

Well, I know it doesn't make sense. Little Rape curled her lips and fell silent. When Wu Wen delivered Little Rape downstairs to her house, Little Rape thanked him and said goodbye, then got out of the car, stepped on the shoes bought by the male god and went upstairs happily.

Wu Wen looked at her back like a rabbit in the car, always feeling something was wrong. Seeing the figure getting farther and farther, he suddenly understood: Nima said that he sprained his foot...