The Rich And Honorable ChangAn

Chapter 64


The emperor's will, Xu Changan, didn't know what it meant, but the Yang family didn't want them to leave for a reason, but Xu Changan knew it quickly.

He didn't have a deep relationship with several uncles, not to mention his aunt, so apart from visiting his grandfather every day to ask for peace, he basically never saw the Yang family. Today, not long after the cousin left, someone came over to call him, saying that his grandfather had something important to discuss with him, and specially ordered him to go alone.

When he arrived at his grandfather's place, Xu Changan kept quiet, waiting for someone to take the initiative to tell him the purpose of bringing him here today.

"Chang'an, how many concubines are there in King Xian's mansion? Is there any concubine with high status?" Yang Yuande is Xu Chang'an's grandfather. Changan also honestly explained to people.

Just talking, Xu Changan felt that something was wrong, why is there something wrong with Grandpa's expression

"Grandpa, don't worry, although King Xian likes that girl Nan Xi very much, but her status is low, and her mother is from the southern border. It is impossible for her to have any status, and there is no threat to her grandson." Nan Xi pulled it out and smeared Xiao Qingyan, and understood his grandfather's words as a matter of concern. Seeing his grandfather's speechless excuses, he secretly laughed. Now he knows that his grandfather asked him to come over. purpose.

Isn't the purpose of inquiring about Queen Xian's backyard? It must be planned for his Yang family daughter.

"Yeah! Chang'an, Grandpa admits that he owes your mother a lot. She was not filial back then, but she was my daughter. I shouldn't just leave her alone and let that beast Xu Yongnian harm your mother's life without any scruples. Grandpa has always been ashamed and wants to make up for it. Now that your mother is gone, it is useless to say more, you are his only son, and grandpa has doubled the compensation for your mother's debt to you. "Yang Yuande With a face full of remorse, he still cared about Xu Changan. Since Xu Changan and Xiao Qingyan got married, he also knew that people's hearts are unpredictable, and many things are not what you seem on the surface.

"As my grandfather said, the mother's current fate is her own fault, marriage matters should follow the arrangements of the parents, and the mother is for your elders and ended up like that... Although I am her son, I feel sorry for myself, but I am not annoyed or resentful. Grandpa, you just can’t forgive my father.” Xu Changan’s words were not all lies, his mother’s opportunity really made him feel distressed, but more often he was angry with his mother for not fighting. Accepting adversity will not let yourself fall into such a miserable situation.

Xu Changan didn't let go at all, but he continued without cooperating with Yang Yuande's words. Yang Yuande was annoyed, so he stopped talking, and simply stated his purpose.

"Chang'an, I see that King Xian treats you well, but you are a man after all, and not having children of your own is not a long-term solution. This is what my grandfather thinks. After she gave birth to a son and a half daughter, she will adopt it under your name, so that you can have someone to rely on in the future." It's not that he struggled, but Yang Yuande finally chose this path. The Yang family is no longer what it used to be, there is no one in the court, and many businesses with money in their hands cannot be stabilized. If things go on like this, the Yang family will not only be unable to regain the scenery of the past, but may also slowly decline and become stagnant.

Xu Changan felt amused by his grandfather's natural tone? Could it be that he thought that the virtuous king and concubine could be an outsider like him who could make the decision

"You don't have to worry about this king's back house, Old Yang!" As soon as Xu Changan left, Xiao Qingyan followed. Although Old Man Yang was guarded outside the door, most of the Yang family's servants Knowing their identity, who would dare to stop them

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that this king has long been in his heart and is not going to take his concubine again, even if it's just an ordinary concubine, and I don't need this kind of thing. In the future, Mr. Yang won't have to trouble this king's concubine." Xiao Qingyan originally He has never surrendered his identity in front of the Yang family, and now he directly expresses his dissatisfaction on his face. In addition, Xu Changan just mentioned the matter of Nanxi. Yang Yuande was frightened and hurriedly said yes, his mouth was full of forgiveness, saying He was only concerned about himself, and had no intention of interfering in Queen Xian's house.

Yang Yuande put away his thoughts in fright, but Xu Changan was immersed in his thoughts because of Xiao Qingyan's words.

I have a heart and a belonging... Xiao Qingyan has emphasized his relationship with Nan Xi in front of him more than once. Judging from Xiao Qingyan's attitude towards him after Nan Xi entered the mansion, it is indeed what he said. As for the other two concubines, Without Xiao Qingyan explaining what he knew, Xiao Qingyan definitely didn't care about them!

So... the rest, the rest...

"I've been in a trance since just now, what are you thinking about and you're so fascinated?" When he got to his yard, Xiao Qingyan calmly began to ask the people around him. He probably knew what Xu Changan was thinking. But just wanted to hear it.

Ever since he left his grandfather's place, Xu Changan's heart has been beating like a drum. He really wants to clarify with Xiao Qingyan what he just said, but he is afraid that what if he thinks too much? Now Xiao Qingyan doesn't know that he likes him, what if he finds out

"His Royal Highness... Who is the person you just mentioned...?" Did you want to say that person was yourself? But when the words came to his lips, Xu Changan still didn't have the courage, so he could only choose another method and let Xiao Qingyan tell him personally.

"Which one?"

"That's it... It's the one you just said, the person you like, who is he?" In fact, just by looking at Xiao Qingyan's smirk, Xu Changan knew that he was not thinking blindly, and that Xiao Qingyan's rhetorical question was in Deliberately tease yourself.

After knowing what to do, Xu Changan calmed down, no longer led by Xiao Qingyan's nose, and replied directly: "Forget it, Your Highness doesn't want to say it, it should be a gentle and generous lady."

After Xu Changan finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the house. Now Xiao Qingyan was in a hurry. After hurried forward and grabbed the man's hand, he didn't stop, but directly pulled the man and went into the house together.

As soon as they got to their room, Xiao Qingyan sighed a long time, and then complained, "I always thought you were an idiot, but I didn't expect you to be quite clever. You know how to use aggressive tactics."

"It's you, it's you, are you satisfied?"

"… Hmm." Satisfied. Although he knew it for a long time, listening to his own ears is another kind of satisfaction. Xu Changan didn't understand whether his mother also felt this way about his father, so he chose such a person irrationally, but now That's how he is.

He really can't simply lose this person who is so good to him now.

"By the way, we don't want to stay here any longer, but the royal father told us not to go back for the time being, so what are we going to do next?"

"Actually... From what I know about the father, he must have his reasons for this arrangement. We just need to listen." Xiao Qingyan was still worried about the father's body, but now he is relieved a lot. If the father's health Really seriously ill, he can't let himself stay here, he will only let himself go back quickly, since on the contrary, then he has nothing to worry about, as long as he obeys the father's will.

With Xiao Qingyan's words, Xu Changan was relieved, but because of what happened just now, he still wanted to say something, and now he always felt awkward.

"By the way, I haven't finished what I said just now. What I said to your grandfather just now came from the sincerity, not the slightest false statement, so you can honestly be your virtuous princess, and don't have any other thoughts. "

"!" I don't know how Xiao Qingyan said such a sentence, did he realize what he wanted to do? Xu Changan couldn't help but feel guilty. Originally, he really wanted to level up opportunities... and leave.

"Humph! Looking at your guilty conscience, you don't really plan anything in your heart, do you?"

"No! Absolutely not!" Even a mouthful of assurances could not stop Xu Changan's blushing face. He couldn't understand why he was able to make nonsense in front of Nan Xi without blushing or panting, but in front of Xiao Qingyan But it is a guilty conscience when he lies!

"Well, that's good." Knowing that this person was probably lying to him, Xiao Qingyan didn't try to expose it, but just said something more reassuring to him.

"I'll tell you again, what I just said was sincere and without a lie. In the future, there will be no concubines in the Xian Wangfu, and the same will be true of concubines. As for my children, you don't have to worry too much. Qing Yu, that stinky boy, is very careless, and he can't tell how many children he will have in the future. Qing Yu will definitely be crowned king in the future, but there is only one throne, and only one child can inherit it in the future. He will definitely inherit my throne, although Qingyu can't adjust it, he can handle this kind of thing clearly, so you don't have to worry." There are still some words in Xiao Qingyan's heart, he doesn't know whether to say it or not, but he looks like a foolish princess. , he still said it all.

"You don't have to doubt. The emperor didn't want to take concubines back then, but he was the emperor. Although he was supported by the people, he had many things he couldn't do. I'm just a prince, and I don't need officials to worry about my children. I want to Follow your own will, and no one can stop it."

Xiao Qingyan's words slowly said, he was simply figuring out what he wanted to express to others. Xu Changan never imagined that Xiao Qingyan had such a plan in his heart, and with the oath-like words still lingering in his ears, he was suddenly speechless.

"Ha, are you so surprised? You have already confessed to this king, so naturally this king should also show his heart to you." Pulling Xu Changan, who was completely stupid, into his arms, Xiao Qingyan was thinking about right He did something to make him return to his soul, but he didn't expect that the person in his arms suddenly pushed him away and asked with questions on his face: "When did I confess to you?"

"You..." I forgot, this guy is a guy who gets drunk as soon as he gets drunk, and can't remember anything when he gets drunk!