The Richest Daughter is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 47


Miaomiao dragged Zhou Shu and followed closely behind the PE teacher. She didn't hear what Yan Xing'er said, but the sports committee did.

The physical education committee was randomly selected by the physical education teacher, and directly selected the tallest girl in the class. She is average. In the past two weeks, I heard Yan Xing'er and Yan Zhuzhu say that she looks like a man. Now I hear it. The two of them talked about others again, and couldn't help but say, "Why do you two talk so much? You have to discuss everything about others, long-tongued woman?"

"What's your business, man?" Yan Zhuzhu glared at her dissatisfied.

The sports committee snorted coldly, "Whether others are good-looking or not, what does it matter to you whether you are good at sports? Why, you can talk about others, but others can't talk about you?"

After speaking, the sports committee immediately followed the team in front.

Yan Xing'er and Yan Zhuzhu were very angry.

Miaomiao took Zhou Shu to the place where the standing long jump was tested. The weather was very hot, so Miaomiao took off her jacket, revealing the short-sleeved T-shirt inside.

Before, her T-shirts were all loose, but today they are slim, and after taking it off, the curves of her upper body are revealed.

Among the girls in the first grade, Miaomiao is considered a relatively well-developed one. As soon as the clothes are taken off, many girls think that her body curve is very beautiful.

The teacher came according to the girl's student number, and asked everyone to come one by one. Each person had three chances, and the highest score was recorded.

Miaomiao also took the long jump test when she was in elementary school. Her sports performance has always been good, but not particularly outstanding. It belongs to the type that can pass all exam items, a little beyond the pass line, but not particularly top-notch. But because of the long-term exercise, the physical strength is better than the average girl.

After Miaomiao entered junior high school, the student number was 5. The student number in the junior high school class was girls in the front and boys in the back, girls 1-14 in the front, and boys 15-32.

The first person to play is the sports committee. She is tall and has really good sports performance. One jump is 1.8 meters.

For a girl in the first year of junior high school, 1.8 meters is a very good long jump result.

After the first four jumped, it was Miaomiao's turn for the fifth. Miaomiao stood on the jumping line, shaking her hands to find the feeling, and then jumping gently, one meter seven.

Yan Xing'er and Yan Zhuzhu were a little surprised. This data is quite good for a girl in the first year of junior high school.

Yan Xing'er and Yan Zhuzhu originally thought that Miaomiao's legs were so thin and the curves were beautiful, and there was not a whole protruding muscle on her legs, so she should have no strength in her legs, so she would just jump a meter. five.

Who knew that she looked very relaxed, so she jumped one meter seven.

Miaomiao tried again, and it was still 1.7 meters. After finding the feeling, she jumped seriously for the third time and jumped 1.78 meters. For a girl in the first year of junior high school, this result can be played well.

The girls in the class were assessed, one was full, two were excellent, four were good, and the remaining seven were qualified.

Yan Xing'er and Yan Zhuzhu felt a little uncomfortable when they saw this result. Although Miaomiao's long jump performance is not particularly good, but with such thin legs jumping so far, their thick legs haven't gone so far, what's going on? It is said that if there are muscles on the legs, the explosive power of the legs will be stronger? They don't feel it!

Today's physical education class only takes one test, and everyone will be free to move afterward. Miaomiao and a few girls dance the rubber band together. In the past two weeks, she didn't even remember the names of the girls in the class, so she was too embarrassed to dance the rubber band. , I remembered last week, and I brought a new rubber band when I got home on the weekend.

Wen Miaomiao, the "master" of rubber band jumping, is back in the arena!

Every child came from a different elementary school, and there may be different rules. After Miaomiao and everyone discussed the rules, they started to play.

When I watched this scene not far away from the physical examination, I remembered the rubber band jumping when I was a child, which is really full of memories.

These children also took advantage of the extra time in the first and second days of junior high school to dance the rubber band. In the third year of junior high school, the number of physical education classes was reduced, and there were only two classes a week, so there was not so much time for free activities.

Miaomiao didn't expect to meet a scumbag teammate. Zhou Shu's sports are not very good. When jumping the rubber band, he sometimes touches the line when he jumps at the second level. He can't jump through the third level, let alone the fourth level.

Miaomiao looked at Zhou Shu with a bit of disgust in her eyes. Zhou Shu was the last in the long jump this time, and passed the edge ball.

Zhou Shu realized that she had been dragging her feet, and she was a little embarrassed. Her good roommate worked hard to help her dance another round.

The boys are practicing basketball shooting today, and they will have an exam next week. Qin Yu shot almost every shot, and after practicing for a while, he rested. He sat on the side and looked at the girl, as if he was looking for something.

When he saw Miaomiao, his eyes fixed and fell on Miaomiao, and his lips rose unconsciously.

Qi Zheng saw him standing there in a daze, but he was still laughing, he followed his gaze to the girl, found the existence of Miaomiao, he couldn't help walking over, and said, "What are you looking at, the girls are free to move around, we No."

Qin Yu retracted his gaze, and the smile on the corner of his mouth disappeared in an instant.

Qi Zheng: "..." No, you are smiling when you look at the girl, and your face is expressionless when you see me, what do you mean? Don't I deserve your smile

Qi Zheng snorted coldly and said, "Qin Yu, who were you looking at just now? Wen Miaomiao?"

Qin Yu's ears were a little red, "No, it's just fun to watch girls jumping rubber bands."

Qi Zheng lowered his head and patted the basketball, and said, "Is it fun to see Wen Miaomiao jumping the rubber band?"

Qin Yu: "..."

"Okay, although everyone in the class knows that you like her, you can't look at her in such an open and honest way. The physical education teacher is still there." Qi Zheng reminded.

"Who said I like her? Don't talk nonsense!" Qin Yu frowned when he heard this, his ears were suspiciously red, but he was very anxious.

Junior high school students can't fall in love, that's puppy love! The teacher has specially emphasized that if someone is in a puppy love, they have to invite their parents.

Although Hongde Middle School is a private middle school, and the high school can be bought with money, no matter how many points in the high school entrance examination, once you enter, no matter who you are, you must abide by the school rules.

And the matter of early love is the most taboo at this age. Most of the children of this age are still in the emotional ignorance period, but they like to follow along.

If this matter gets out, no matter whether they are together or not, the students in the class will look at him and Miaomiao with a bit of ambiguous eyes, which is not good for Miaomiao's reputation.

"Everyone didn't say it, but they actually guessed it in their hearts." Qi Zheng scratched his hair, "Just when you were in military training, you were in a hurry to carry her to the infirmary."

In fact, it was only the second day of military training, and many people couldn't even tell who was who. Unless someone became famous for what they did during the military training, in fact, everyone could only remember their deskmates or roommates around them.

But Qin Yu and Miaomiao's looks are really outstanding.

As the boys in the class discussed this morning, Miaomiao is the most beautiful girl in the class. This beauty is based on the aesthetics of most people. Some people think her little round face is cute rather than pretty, and she can't be said to be the most beautiful girl in the class, but from the point of view of a boy, whether you are beautiful or cute, you see the whole.

Not to mention Qin Yu, although his cheeks are fleshy, most boys of this age have a little fleshy cheeks, and they look at the facial features.

Qin Yu's facial features are very good-looking, and his eyes are beautiful peach blossom eyes. Not many boys have such good-looking double eyelids, and they have to have a good-looking nose and a good-looking mouth. It looks even better when combined, which is even rarer.

He is recognized as the class grass in the class. Some people say that he is the junior high school grass. If the school grass, he may be a little young, but he is not as good as the senior in the high school. After all, the senior is a little older and more attractive. Qin Yu is now Still a little lady.

These two people are so good-looking, people have already noticed them during military training. Everyone still remembers Qin Yu carrying Miaomiao to the infirmary, and they feel that the relationship between the two must be a little unclear. .

No one thinks that they are just ordinary friends.

"We're just friends." Qin Yu emphasized, "I can't take care of each one if others say it or not, but don't talk nonsense."

Qi Zheng made a move to zip his mouth, and then the zipper seemed to be broken and said, "But since you are just friends, you'd better not look at her all the time. Boys play with boys more, girls more often. play with girls."

"Humph." Qin Yu felt uncomfortable after hearing this. Why can boys only play with boys and girls can only play with girls

He just likes to play with Miaomiao, doesn't he

These little brats are so precocious, and everyone thinks that others are in love with each other, that is your filthy thinking! Such a pure friendship is considered puppy love because of gender differences. Why

Qin Yu was very upset and could only continue to practice shooting.

After the gym class, everyone went to the locker room to change back into their clothes.

Miaomiao was careful when changing clothes, for fear of being seen by others, she took off her shirt with her back to others, and then quickly put on her school uniform.

It was at this moment that she heard someone behind her whispering: "What are you covering, it looks like someone is looking at you."

Miaomiao turned her head in confusion, and saw Yan Xing'er staring at her with a disdainful expression on her face.

Miaomiao snorted coldly: "Isn't it because some people are watching, some people are really funny, staring at others changing clothes, and I don't know what intentions they have."

Yan Xing'er glared at Miaomiao angrily, and Miaomiao stared back.

Bigger than anyone else? Did you compare

Miaomiao's little round face is too cute, and her angry look is fierce. Zhou Shu looked at him and thought it was very cute, and then glared at Yan Xing'er: "Why are you watching Miaomiao change clothes? Are you a pervert?"

"I didn't look at her." Yan Xing'er said.

"You didn't look, so what did you mean? You didn't look, how did you know she covered it? Even if you didn't look at Miaomiao but someone else, then you looked at it too. Don't people just have to cover it up, no? Is it because you are watching?" Zhou Shu said.

Yan Xing'er was so angry that her teeth were itching, "Oh, I can't tell you anything, I won't talk nonsense with you!"

Miaomiao then turned around cautiously, and quickly changed her trousers to skirts.

There are many girls with edema constitution. When they get up in the morning, their legs are very thin, and in the afternoon, their legs are thick.

This is because standing or sitting for a long time and the calf is in a vertical state, the blood circulation of the body is not good, resulting in the thickening of the calf. The reasons for these are food problems, such as eating too salty, and the reason why I don't like to exercise.

Most of the girls in the first year of junior high school are not so serious, but there are also a few. From this comparison, I feel that Miaomiao's legs look thinner and thinner.

Before going back to the classroom, Miaomiao stopped by the canteen and bought a bottle of winter melon tea in a carton box. She just took it out of the refrigerator. She bit the straw and drank it, so that she could only suck a little out, but it was delicious.

Many people who finished physical education came to the canteen to buy drinks. Miaomiao waited for Zhou Shu to choose a drink at the entrance of the canteen.

When Yan Xing'er came out, she saw the winter melon tea that Miaomiao bought, and a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Choosing the cheapest drink, I am afraid that the family's conditions are average. It should cost her a lot of money to send her to Hongde Middle School.

Yan Xing'er held the ten yuan bottle of drink in her hand, raised her chin, and left arrogantly.

Miaomiao looked at her puzzled, not understanding why she raised her head so high, originally her nostrils were more obvious, so looking up makes her nostrils more obvious.

Does she think she looks good looking at people through her nostrils

I really don't understand her!

Miaomiao sipped the winter melon tea with an innocent face. Zhou Shu walked out of the canteen and saw her standing at the door waiting for him. There were two steps in front of the canteen. Standing under the steps, Miaomiao looked a little short and cuter.

Zhou Shu felt that she could not do it anymore, she was clearly a few centimeters shorter than Miaomiao, but why did she think her little roommate was so cute! Want to hold QAQ!

"Class is coming, we have to go quickly." Miaomiao said.

Zhou Shu glanced at her straw, and she was bitten badly...

Miaomiao and Zhou Shu hurried back to the classroom and continued the class.

It's been three weeks since the start of school, and the classes will be officially held for two weeks. Because of the National Day in early October, the class is actually about three and a half weeks. When they come back after the National Day, they will have to take the monthly exam.

For the first exam, the exam rooms are divided directly according to everyone's name. The sixth grade of primary school does not have a unified examination in this city. I don't know what everyone's level is. This examination can be regarded as a way for teachers to find out the results of all students.

In the evening self-study that day, when everyone was doing their homework, the head teacher came to see everyone's situation. Before the first period of evening self-study began, the head teacher said: "The time for the National Day holiday has come, and the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival are on holiday together. Don't forget that the monthly exam will be taken when you come back."

"From the next semester, we will be divided into parallel classes and key classes. According to the usual practice, there should be only two classes in the key class. The number of people is about 60-70."

"Since the first class assignment, it is inevitable that students have been changing classes, which will affect the class. Students in parallel classes must be promoted to key classes. They must have at least two exams in a semester to be in the top 50, and the top 70 in the remaining two exams can be promoted. To the key class, so students who want to enter the key class, work hard this semester, it will be much easier than the next semester.”

Miaomiao had always had good grades in school before, but when she came to a new school, she was not sure what her standard was.

The teachers in the class are relatively fast in class, but because the class time is relatively tight, the teacher only occasionally asks the students to get up and answer questions in class, and Miaomiao does not know the level of other students in the class.

Key class... Maybe maybe... No problem, right

Zhou Shu looked at Miaomiao anxiously, "I'm finished, I'm finished, I'm finished! My grades are good and bad, I must be in a parallel class, Miaomiao, your grades are so good, it should be a key class, then we will be in different classes. "

Qin Yu pricked up his small ears and listened, and his heart was suddenly filled with joy. Without Zhou Shu, he would be able to play with Miaomiao in the same class!

Miaomiao quickly encouraged: "Let's work hard together, if you don't know how to ask me, I'll tell you all my learning methods, and let's work together for key classes! In fact, I don't have a clue in my heart, after all, everyone knows each other, I don't know. How are others doing?"

"Yes, but my intuition tells me that you must be in the key class, Miaomiao." Zhou Shu smiled and whispered: "Because you were 300 percent in kindergarten!"

Miaomiao was praised a little high, and pretended to be serious: "I... I will try my best to live up to your expectations."

After Miaomiao finished her homework that day, Zhou Shu began to ask Miaomiao questions.

There are three classes in the evening self-study. The first two classes are homework and need to be kept quiet. The third class may be the teacher's lecture, or the classmates discuss, or the students ask the class teacher who left to supervise them that day.

Zhou Shuhui's topics are all mathematics. She has been poor in mathematics since she was a child. In kindergarten, the teachers did not have high requirements for the children's grades, and the elementary school topics were simple. Can barely 70. Now in junior high school, math is still her nightmare.

It's like she learns math slower than others. The fifth and sixth grades are the mathematics level of the third and fourth grades. Now, the first year of junior high school should probably be about the level of the fifth grade, right

Miaomiao taught Zhou Shu a few questions, and found that she could understand it when she explained it slowly, but she just couldn't answer the questions.

"Why can you understand but can't write the title? Did you not understand the title?" Miaomiao asked curiously.

"I... I should have understood it." Zhou Shu frowned in distress, "But I can't think of the method you said."

Miaomiao frowned and pondered, "Did you suddenly remember the problem-solving routine?"

Zhou Shu hurriedly nodded his head, "Yeah, that's right!"

"In that case, you read the example problems in the book first. Let's summarize the problem-solving routines for a problem type." Miaomiao opened Zhou Shu's math book, and then began to sort out the problem-solving routines for her.

After the routine came out, Zhou Shu understood and nodded, "Yes, the few questions that I don't know how to solve are almost all solved this way."

"Okay, then let's move on to the next question type." Miaomiao said.

A class has passed so quickly, and Miaomiao has almost covered all the topics that Zhou Shu doesn't know about. She felt a little thirsty. After drinking water, she was about to memorize a few English words, but she heard Qin Yu's voice. : "Miaomiao, I don't know this question, can you explain it to me?"

Miaomiao: "...???" Do you also have questions that you can't

Miaomiao looked at Qin Yu in shock, and found that he had a difficult look on his face, and was ready to wait.

What is the problem that can't solve such a powerful little head melon

It's not that Qin Yu is so good and can do any difficult questions, but it's just the first year of junior high. In fact, most of the questions are simple, and Miaomiao feels very comfortable when she does the questions. Unless she is careless, she didn't miss it. What kind of question, so it's hard to believe that Qin Yu can't do it.

After all, when she was in elementary school, she was the second child of Wannian, and Qin Yu was the one who pressed her head down.

Miaomiao looked at it, it was today's math homework, a very simple question.

Miaomiao looked at Qin Yu with a slightly puzzled look, "Yao, this question is obviously very simple, why can't you?"

Qin Yu said with no guilt at all: "I was distracted in math class today, and I didn't hear the teacher say this question type, so I can't, tell me about it."

"Okay." Miaomiao sat down directly with her chair and began to talk to Qin Yu about the topic.

After finishing her homework, Yan Zhuzhu, who turned around to organize her schoolbag, happened to see this scene. Seeing that Miaomiao and Qin Yu were very close, she was so angry that she gritted her teeth.

Hmph, because I look a little good-looking, I hooked up with Bancao. She must have asked the class to explain it to her by asking questions she could not understand.

Before someone took the class workbook and read it, the teacher took away the answers, and the class also wrote every question correctly, and his grades seemed to be very good.

Thinking of this, Yan Zhuzhu suddenly felt her heart beat a little faster.

Qin Yu is good-looking and has good grades.

Wen Miaomiao? It's not bad, let's see what she can get in the monthly exam!

Miaomiao didn't even know that the topic she gave Qin Yu was in the eyes of others, it was all the other way around.

Qin Yu seemed to be listening very seriously, but he was very proud in his heart.

He grabbed Miaomiao and let Zhou Shu write the topic alone!

In fact, Zhou Shu has already finished his homework and asked all the questions that he will not know today. He is now preparing for the content of tomorrow's math class.

Miaomiao said that her mathematics foundation is relatively poor. If she wants to improve her mathematics, it is best to preview it before class. If she knows the content of the next class, she can have a little understanding, so that tomorrow's math class will be easier to listen to. .

Back in the dormitory after school that night, Zhou Shu asked curiously, "Miaomiao, you are so good at math, do you just preview before class, and then you will listen very easily in class, and then you can write the questions correctly?"

Miaomiao said: "No, I basically read the example problems in the book and then write the math problems."

"..." People really are different QAQs! "Are you that great?"

"It was Taro who taught me. He told me that mathematics is all about understanding problem-solving routines. You have thoroughly understood the problem-solving routines, and if the question type changes a little, it's nothing at all. In fact, when our teacher is in class, at the beginning We should start with the basic content, and we should talk about the question types of the example questions in the textbook.”

"So after I understand the questions in the book, I can actually do a few questions myself, but not all of them can get it right." Miaomiao said.

"That's amazing too!" Zhou Shu looked at Miaomiao admiringly, "You're talking about self-study, right?"

"It should be, Taro is great. He used to write all the questions right, but he didn't listen to them in class today, so there are questions he can't understand. He rarely has questions that he can't understand. I was surprised when he asked me suddenly today." Miaomiao said.

Zhou Shu didn't speak. For some reason, she felt that Qin Yu didn't know how, but just wanted to talk to Miaomiao.

But Miaomiao decided that she and Qin Yu were just friends and nothing else, so she should not talk about it. She knew that Qin Yu was a scheming boy.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-08-13 21:24:01~2020-08-14 21:22:58~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 5 bottles of Xiuye; 1 bottle of Ruanmeng Yiyi, 45901169;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!