The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 10: Justice patch


He didn't wait for the old housekeeper to scramble away, and he didn't wait for the chief guard to come to rescue him.

Benjamin, who instantly realized that someone wanted to murder him, was furious and shot immediately!

He raised his right hand and pointed his palm at the old butler.

A pure white light shone from the ring on his right hand.

The radiance flowed out of the ring like living things, crawled and squirmed on his skin, and formed eye-like patterns on his palm.

I didn't see him emitting any rays or firing any light cannons, but the old housekeeper suddenly let out a miserable cry, and he froze.

"Uh ah ah ah—"

Amid the extremely mournful wailing, he maintained a rather distorted and painful posture lying on the ground. The whole person turned into a crystal-like bloody ice sculpture.

Not frozen to death, or covered in ice.

Rather, his whole being "turned into red ice."

But there was no trace of frost on the floor in front of the old housekeeper.

After freezing the old housekeeper to death, Benjamin did not relax at all.

With a shake of his right hand, the ice sculpture transformed by the old housekeeper shattered and exploded in all directions!

Seeing this attack, the captain of the guard who was cautiously retreating with his sword didn't dare to underestimate it. He immediately jumped back and landed on the stern of the boat, grabbing a guard and standing in front of him.

The guard was immediately pierced into a hedgehog by the flying blood ice. The guards who were eating on both sides were caught off guard by Benjamin's ice needle.

As soon as these ice thorns landed on his body, they immediately melted and submerged into his body. Within two or three seconds, his skin was immediately covered with dense black lines like spider webs, and the chief guard threw the corpse into the sea without hesitation.

It didn't take long for the other guards who had been injured by the blood ice to freeze, with black net-like lines oozing from their skin.

Benjamin opened his fisted right hand indifferently.

The head of the guard's pupils shrank slightly, and jumped up high—

In the next second, the guards with black lines all over their skin exploded instantly.

Black and purple flames burst out of their bodies, instantly engulfing those who were close enough to them.

A large amount of black smoke, like tiny mosquitoes, burst out from the corpses burned to death by the flames. The black smoke merged in the air, forming a huge hand and attacking the captain of the guard.

"... from the transformation school."

Seeing this terrifying attack, the chief guard's expression relaxed instead.

Indeed, the transformation school is the wizard school that is least afraid of crowds.

Whether it is people, animals, plants, gems or cursed objects, they will be pried by their levers, and they will continue to be transformed into their own power. There is no limit.

But at the same time, the transformation school is the school with the fewest instant spells.

Their place is the battlefield or the laboratory.

Yes, those mysterious powers that Benjamin used were nothing more than the active abilities he got from the spell.

In front of Klaus, a silver-rank melee fighter, Benjamin had no room to cast spells.

Because he still has to protect Don Juan.

And he has no scruples.

Klaus' previous flustered mood has gradually calmed down.

When he jumped to the highest point in the air, he had already drawn the long sword in his hand.

The silver gauntlet of his long sword shone with brilliance, and some light streams that were obviously darker than Benjamin's light streaks flew out from it, and printed on the back of his hand, fingers and blade.

The next moment, it was as if gravity had been reversed, he changed direction lightly in the air, and ran wildly on the invisible slide like a sonic hedgehog, faster and faster!

"Windrunner? Windrunner who changed from swordsman?"

Seeing this, the old man murmured and sneered, "Ye Luzi's superhuman..."

He still didn't cast the spell.

Just staring at Klaus calmly, while turning the ring on his right hand.

"I place a spell here—"

He chanted softly in a very low voice. If Annan was not right behind him, he would not be able to hear what the old wizard was muttering:

"First, I will never take half a step back in this battle!"

As soon as the old wizard finished speaking, an illusory rune appeared in front of his eyes, and then disappeared.

He continued to read: "Second, I will give up using spells in this battle!"

After he finished speaking, he twisted the ring back again.

At this time, Klaus is still running freely in the air, faster and faster, faster and faster!

The black cloud of smoke behind him even nearly touched him at first, but was quickly dropped by him. And as Klaus galloped, the air around him gradually became blurred.

After a few laps of acceleration, he ran to a very high place, and then began to dive towards the ship floating on the sea—

The old wizard stared at him with one eye slightly squinted, and pointed to Klaus with his right hand.

Can you finally catch me


Klaus was ecstatic and emotional.

He had been memorizing the powers used by the old wizard.

"Crimson Crystal" is a must-have ability for wizards of the transformation school. Its normal lock time was four seconds, and Benjamin sped it up to a second and a half. And the latter unknown ability obviously needs the inferior red crystal as a medium to release it in the air.

And it only takes him a fifth of a second to—


It was like the sound of a leather wallet being slammed to the ground.

In front of the old wizard, an illusory barrier suddenly appeared, and it took a heavy shot with the swooping Klaus!

The barrier was instantly covered with cracks, but Klaus' charge was stopped!

Klaus was mercilessly bounced away, and the whole person was bounced backwards.

In less than a second, the "Inferior Red Crystal" quickly locked on.

This is a temporary ability fed back from the spell of "abandoning the use of spells", [extreme ability]!

This is a power that can speed up the efficiency of the power!

"Uh ah ah—"

Like the old butler, Klaus immediately wailed in pain.

He fell directly to the ground, blood-colored crystals appeared on his left arm and right cheek.

The crystallization speed of the spar on his body was much slower than that of the old butler. At least he was able to resist after falling to the ground—

And as this process continued, Annan, who was hiding behind the old wizard, finally saw the model of this ability clearly:

In Benjamin's palm, there is a very slender, illusory pipe like a blood vessel, one end is connected to Klaus, and the other end is submerged in the "eye" pattern in the old wizard's palm.

It seems that he noticed that Annan was peeping, and the "eye" pattern moved a bit!

Its eyeballs were originally in the center, but suddenly shifted to the left.

It's like squinting at Annan!

But Annan wasn't afraid at all.

He just stared back.

What are you looking at

Maybe he noticed "John"'s gaze, or maybe the lines on his palm told him something, the old wizard Benjamin turned his head slightly, and nodded kindly to Annan.

"Don't go, Johnny. Be careful."

Seeing that Annan seemed to be going forward, the old wizard stopped him mercilessly: "Klaus is just acting, he has not lost his fighting power.

"This pain... can't compare to the severe pain during the advanced stage. If he could lose the ability to resist the pain, he would have lost control during the advanced stage."

Hearing this, Klaus, who was still lying on the ground, suddenly stopped screaming in pain.

He raised his head, stared at John, and got up from the ground very slowly. His left eye had crystallized, while his right was bloodshot with rage.

"You betrayed first Don Juan and then me! You are a more shameful betrayer than I, John!

"Do you think you will be fine? You are also a traitor, a spy sent by Grand Duke Winter! If I die, you will die too!"

Klaus growled in a low voice, the muscles on his back twitched and bulged abnormally.

It was as if the ribs of his chest had grown on his back, and a small wing made of bones protruded from his back.

Seeing this, the old wizard's complexion suddenly changed.

He immediately changed his words: "Don Juan, kill him quickly! Use the frost spell I taught you—I'll help you control him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his open right hand was suddenly clenched. The bright red spar suddenly protruded from Klaus' joints, turned jaggedly in the air, and nailed to the deck like a crab.

"What's this?"

Annan raised his long sword without a scabbard and asked curiously.

The old wizard was sweating profusely: "Don't ask, back off! Don't touch him with your weapon!"

After receiving the order, Don Juan immediately opened his right hand, the bronze ring shone faintly, and quickly read in an unknown language:

"The element of freezing, the structure of lines—the frost is the wheel, and the flesh is the road."

He raised his right hand, and the fingertips of his five fingers connected into a circle. An ice-blue magic circle emerged from his fingertips, azure blue lines connected with each other, and a azure blue halo condensed in it.

Then it was thrown out forcefully by Don Juan.

After the halo flew out, it rapidly grew in size in the air, turning into a gigantic Frost Wheel as tall as a person.

The Frost Wheel has no entity, but a hollow and gorgeous shape composed of streaks of azure blue light. Shining with mysterious brilliance.

It landed on the deck without any reaction, it just rolled forward quickly. But when it ran over Klaus, it left behind a hideous, jagged streak of frost.

But it failed to freeze the chief guard who had become more and more mutated.

The chief guard only exerted a little force, and the thin ice covering his body broke apart.

... Isn't the power of casting spells from afar not enough

"Frozen Elements—"

Don Juan's face turned pale, and he bravely ran over, while singing again.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Annan's tug.

"Do you have to use ice?"

"Yes, it's useless with a sword!"

Seeing that his spellcasting was interrupted by Annan, Tang Juan didn't care about being in a hurry with Annan. He just jumped up and down a few times in a panic, and then quickly continued to run forward. At the same time, he said again: "Frozen—"

His singing stopped again, and his footsteps also slowly stopped.

This time it wasn't that he was interrupted by Annan again.

Instead he was stunned:

I saw "John" slashing three swords forward without any hesitation, without any fancy, straight up and down like a New Year greeting.

But three frost marks flew out of nowhere and were engraved on Klaus' body.

Then a surge of cold air burst out, instantly covering the body of the captain of the guard, and freezing him into a lump. The aftermath alone forced Don Juan back, causing him to stagger and fall to the ground.

Klaus' variation was thus completely interrupted. He directly maintained this position and lost his breath.

The old man also raised his eyebrows, and looked at "John" with weird eyes.

This is, the legendary Frost Sword Technique—

Don Juan instantly recognized the iconic ability of the Duke family of the enemy country.

But the old wizard Benjamin knew more than Don Juan.

This is not the cold air that freezes the flesh.

It's the winter frost that is enough to freeze the soul.

The high-level swordsmanship passed down by the Frost Sword Saint three hundred years ago. He didn't name it before his death, and his descendants simply called it "Frost Sword Art".

Contains the elements of frost that have already solidified, and a strong curse that can only be suppressed by the direct blood of Duke Winter, the frost sword technique passed down from generation to generation—

Its real significance is that it is equivalent to the right of succession to the throne of the Grand Duke. Only the successor to the Sword of Winter can get the full version of Frost Swordsmanship.

Why, John would do this trick

Who is he

But just when the old wizard was about to ask John, "John" disappeared in place at some point.

The next moment, the whole world stood still.

Then, the world was suddenly covered with cracks, shattering and melting silently.