The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 100: What are you looking at?


Hey, no... wait, what do you want

The homeless child suddenly panicked.

Not for anything else...

The main reason is that there are a group of barrage kings who have just come from Yiyi. They have been using the banner of "reading the script for you later" to popularize the relationship between "Ai Lei" and "Amos" for the homeless children. singular relationship.

That is, father and daughter who have no blood relationship, but also lovers, or the wonderful relationship between the sacrificer and the sacrificed object...

No matter what kind of relationship it is, I don't want it!

Damn, what am I supposed to do now...

"Ai Lei" hesitated again after hearing the words.

She said hesitantly: "I still... want to give it a try... I mean, Sir Silver's treatment method... is safer, father."

"It's quick and cheap."

Amos ignored Ai Lei's meaning.

Perhaps because of Ai Lei's lack of cooperation before, his tone became a little tough due to anger.

He rushed over in two steps in three steps, and grabbed "Ai Lei"'s left arm. The lace-trimmed lantern sleeves on her forearms were grasped and deformed under the forceful pull.

Ai Lei staggered a little and was pulled up abruptly.

The dress that only covered her thighs rose up under the violent pull, and she quickly pulled it down with the other hand

The strength with which he grasped Ai Lei's arm was very great... Or because Ai Lei's body was too weak and lacked exercise, the homeless child only felt that his arm was clamped by iron clamps.

"... damn it... it hurts, father..."

"Ai Lei" almost scolded, but she quickly reacted, lowered her voice quickly, and moaned softly with aggrieved face.

Amos seemed to realize that he was hurting his daughter.

He quickly let go of his hand, and apologized in a low voice: "Are you okay, Ai Lei? Sorry, I can't control my body these two days..."

His previously irritable and agitated mood seemed to suddenly disintegrate again.

... Is this person crazy? !

The homeless child complained in his heart.

But there was only a weak expression on his face: "No, no, it's okay...then we—"

"—Come with me to the basement."

Amos interrupted "Ailey" forcefully.

Then he seemed to realize that his tone was a little tough, and he quickly said softly and humbly: "Be obedient, my dear Ai Lei... you will get better soon."

... Are you going to give me... an injection

The hearts of street children are full of horror.

According to the barrage, it seems that Ai Lei is pregnant with a child. And both myself and my children hiccupped in batches...

This old man must have some kind of mental illness, for sure!

This nightmare is too scary!

Although not as scary as before...

In other words, do I have to find a way to escape? But this broken body is too weak, how can I escape

And if he was caught while escaping...wouldn't he be directly annoyed...

He glanced down.

I saw the left arm of "Ai Lei"'s body - the place where Amos grabbed it before, the deep red and purple palm prints and the faint pain have not faded so far. On the white and clean skin like milk, it becomes extremely conspicuous.

I'm afraid this thing will turn green in a while, right

Is it because Amos is strong, or am I weak

At this moment, a new mission reminder flashed in front of the street children:

[Complete portrait]

[Explore the secret of Amos Morrison]


Among the three lines of tasks, the line [Complete the portrait] was marked with a horizontal line from left to right, and the font was grayed out with a (failed) mark behind it.

At the same time, under the task of [Exploring the Secret of Amos Morrison], there is a new line of writing:

[Listen to Amos]

... Wait, it's getting worse.

The homeless child was shocked.

But now that the mission has already said so, he can only bite the bullet and leave Ai Lei's bedroom with Amos.

In terms of external performance, Ai Lei hesitated for a while, but obediently followed Amos and left Ai Lei's bedroom.


Therefore, the players did not see Ai Lei's diary.


The most curious one is Annan.

He looked at the level he had beaten with interest.

There is actually a new solution here

... No, not right.

Annan suddenly reacted.

According to the character of "Ai Lei" in the diary, it should have been impossible for her to sit in the same place honestly and maintain a smile for several hours. In the end, it was just an excuse for Amos to make things difficult for her and refuse to paint for her.

That is to say, in the history that really happened, the situation and choice of Ai Lei and the "vagrant child" are actually the same

"...Is this the meaning of the main mission?"

He vaguely guessed something.

So far, the main tasks he has received in the nightmare are all key elements of "breaking history".

Like he had to stop Don Juan from drinking poisoned wine - because in real history Don Juan drank poisoned wine.

The main tasks in "Gallery: Alley Morrison" are [Complete the portrait], [Explore the secret of Amos Morrison], [Live]...

You know, Ai Lei was not supposed to die here.

This time should be the time when she was pregnant.

She should die in six months.

— but she also failed to complete the portrait, let alone successfully explore the secrets of Amos Morrison.

Does that contrast to "John", there is only a possibility of death if Ellie tries to defy history

Just like Ai Lei, played by Annan, encountered the murder portrait in the study.

So here comes the problem.

Now that Amos doesn't draw for hours on end, he doesn't think Ellie has worked hard. Then he won't go out to buy cakes for Ai Lei to reward her... Naturally, he won't leave home, and Ai Lei won't have time to sneak into the study and check the **.

That is, if the portrait is not done.

The second task is simply impossible to accomplish by conventional means.

But this task did not show failure. Instead, it rose to the top of [Listen to Amos].

Does this mean that although Ai Lei did not enter the study, she is now exploring Amos' secrets in a different way

"—I'm starting to get excited."

"—Woke up at four o'clock in the morning and found that the crabapple flowers were still awake. A pear tree pressed the crabapple..."

"-Shut up in front! These two sentences cannot be used in succession!"

"—God of the child, charge for the master!"

"—Don't wait for the child god, you can rush first..."

"The herd..."

The homeless child muttered inwardly.

That is to say, the barrage is anonymous, otherwise he must write down the names of these people in a small notebook.

Let me tell you, don't be complacent!

You too will have such a day!

He didn't dare to say it this time. No matter how softly he spoke, it seemed that Amos could hear him.

Because Amos' hearing...or perception ability seems to be no longer at the level of ordinary people.


After entering the basement, "Ai Lei" suddenly shivered.

It's too cold here.

It can even be said that it is a bit abnormally cold.


Amos asked with some concern, and then he took off his upper body clothes and put them on Ellie.

"It's my fault I forgot you were a little sick."

He said apologetically: "You wait for me here for a while. I'll go back and get you some clothes..."

With that said, he quickly left the basement and closed the basement door.

After the door was closed, the homeless child seemed to feel even colder.

"Can't you just let me go up and get the clothes by myself..."

he cursed under his breath.

But unexpectedly found that the sound is very pleasant, and there is no momentum.

The homeless child clicked his tongue and stopped cursing.

If Amos dared to let him go up to get clothes, he would definitely change into light clothes that are easy to walk in, go to the kitchen to grab a kitchen knife, and run directly outside the house.

But if you can slip away, you will definitely not lose your head.

If you can't slip away, you must go back and fight.

This has always been his pattern of behavior.

It's just that for him at present, it is still at the level of "slipping away".

"… What's this?"

A wandering child suddenly noticed something strange.

It kind of looks like a bed.

But very fragile. If you dare to use it while sleeping normally, it must dare to collapse for you to see.

Because the bed is made of bones.

And it's not the kind of construction that is filled with 502 and instant noodles... It's just a simple one, put the bones together to make something that is probably a bed, and don't care.

Just by looking at it, you can feel strange.

At this moment, Amos had already trotted back quickly.

He was holding three pieces of clothing in his arms—three dresses, to be precise.

To be more precise... three heavy cashmere dresses.

Not to mention a homeless child, even the barrage was covered for a moment, and then the barrage of "???" began to swipe the screen.

—I get it, he's trying to heat me up.

The homeless child sighed inwardly.

Only Annan knew... This was because there were only skirts and underwear in Ai Lei's hanger.

What this means, couldn't be more clear.

That means, at least after winter sets in, Ellie never leaves the house.

"Put on some clothes, Ellie. Wear two more, or it will hurt a little."

Amos smiled and slapped Allie's ass lightly: "Then lie on it. Come on... Stupid Allie. It's not like I haven't seen it anyway, there's nothing to be shy about."

Do you even know the pain of that prick? No, you actually saw it before? not right...

The homeless child complained wildly in his heart.

But when he looked at the second line of the task list, he could only give a good hum.

The task is the most important, the task is the most important.

Anyway, it's not the worst kind of possibility... probably.

Just then, Amos started gathering things from the corner of the basement.

The moment the homeless child turned his head, he vaguely saw...

That appeared to be some bones.

Lots and lots of bones, and some ribs with meat on them.

Maybe that's why the basement is so cold... because it also serves as a cold store


Suddenly, the stray child just saw something and made a suspicious sound.

I saw a row of dense white bone spurs all over the back of Amos's back after taking off his coat. Like a scorpion.

This made the homeless child stunned for a moment, and the movement of changing clothes suddenly stopped.

Hearing the sound stop behind him, Amos turned around with some doubts.

The next moment, the homeless child's heart almost stopped beating.

A sudden terror gripped his heart.

Just because of the face Amos turned around...

There is no piece of meat, let alone shame.

The skull's dark eye sockets stared straight at his daughter unconsciously, and scratched his cheekbones.

"What's the matter, Ellie," he said in a heavy, echoing voice, "Why did you stop

"What are you looking at?"