The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 106: Claire and Kim


Obviously it is a ceremony to choose an heir...

But the main task is to "survive"

Annan raised his eyebrows slightly.

He obviously sensed some deep meaning.

And the other side quests attached to this main quest made him even more contemplative—

[Do not fight anyone]

[Know everyone's real name]

[At least survive until the remaining four people]

Side quests are elaborations of main quests.

—In other words, if there is a battle with other people, or if everyone's real name is not it possible not to survive

So to begin with, what Gerald said, don't trust anyone...

"It's interesting."

Annan murmured, his eyes gradually brightened.

He felt a little excitement... and a great pleasure.

Although he doesn't know the soul-recapture spell at all, and this body can't use Annan's own incapacity spell...but

He had some hunch.

This dungeon... might be his home field.

Annan no longer hesitated, and put away the bone and blood trigger of Mr. Skeleton. Holding up the cane, he tried his best to move forward.

But he didn't walk forward for too long, and his steps stopped.

Annan's pupils shrank slightly.

He just sensed an inexplicable danger without warning. As if he would be killed if he continued to take a step forward.

The perception ability of wizards is very good.

So he immediately chose to trust his intuition.

"… Hello?"

At the same time, Annan showed the same gentle smile as Gerald, and asked tentatively, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"It's best if you're willing to turn around and go back."

The one who answered with a clear and melodious voice was a young girl who looked to be around ten years old.

She has short light brown hair and azure blue pupils. She wears a small white wool shawl and a long-sleeved sweater with cuffs covering half of her palms. She looks very good, but her temperament is a little weak.

But commensurate with it is the snow under her feet—

She didn't wear heavy non-slip boots like Annan, but she was wearing small red leather boots like a noble lady. Long, slim khaki trousers flared close to the boots.

Strange fluctuations continued to spread from her ankles.

The snow under her feet automatically formed and condensed into a solid stone road.

And beside her stood a taciturn red-haired boy.

He has beautiful short red hair, but the white bandages are thickly wrapped around his eyes, and there are marks left by the stitches on both sides of the mouth.

He was wearing a pure white restraint suit similar to a mental patient, and white bottomless cloth shoes. On his forearms, upper arms, chest, thighs, and between his calves, there are dense, black belt-like fixing straps. However, half of the buttons on the straitjacket were temporarily undone, so at least he could walk normally.

He followed behind the girl, and there was a hot current around him. Those snowflakes were melted before they got close to him.

Even though Annan had a harmless face and a gentle tone, the girl with short brown hair still looked at Annan vigilantly.

"—but I'm sure you wouldn't want to do that. Would you... Your Excellency David Gerald."

"There's no need to be so nervous, miss."

Annan sighed, his tone was calm and soft: "Even if we only see that there is a competitive relationship... But now I am nothing more than a poor homeless dog, everyone shouts and beats me. Now I am just a foil for you... You will not Do you really think I can win the election?"

Saying that, Annan smiled self-deprecatingly. He showed his distressed situation, with a pitiful expression like a stray dog on his face: "Can you let me... get closer? I'm really too cold, and I was sent here before I was ready... I see you, Miss. It seems to be quite warm around you... "

Hearing this, the brown-haired girl subconsciously began to look at Annan.

Although his clothes were neat, they were a little worn out. Naturally, the hairstyle can't be said to be smooth and orderly, it can even be called messy and embarrassing. His body was covered with snowflakes, and he was shivering from the cold.

... It is indeed very pitiful.

The girl's eyes softened a little.

Annan continued to lower his figure, and said with a naive smile: "I, Gerald, am just a useless person now. No matter who wins in the end, it is enough to take me in and give me something to eat.

"If you don't mind...can we introduce ourselves a bit more formally?"

As he spoke, Annan bowed slightly and saluted the girl: "Next is David Gerald... he should be a candidate of the Soul Seizing School.

"Everyone says I'm not a nice person... but I'm really just a normal guy with no use and no talent."

Saying that, Annan smiled wryly.

—To be honest, under Annan's repeated praise, if the tea-haired girl still does not give up her vigilance against Annan, then Annan will start to doubt her identity.

This is the most common chat technique.

This is the so-called seesaw principle—

By lowering one's own worth, one raises the other's worth... A man in a bridal sedan chair lifts another. It is especially suitable for the situation where the other party has a clear desire to attack and guard against, but does not tear the face, and it can effectively delay the conflict.

As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling face with your hand. That's the case.

Seeing Annan's weakness, although she still did not let go of her vigilance against the Soul Reaper, she still stared at Annan's pupils and nodded slowly.

"My name is Claire, a candidate for the Shaping School. This is a candidate for the Destruction School, you can call him... Jin."

By the way, she introduced Annan to the red-haired boy who was following her.

Immediately, he sent a polite invitation to Annan: "If it's too cold, it's fine for you to come closer. With Jin here, our place will be very warm."

"Ah! Thank you so much!"

Annan looked at her gratefully, then ran over quickly, startling Claire.

But as soon as she became vigilant, she found that "Gerald" really just rushed to her side—or rushed to Jin's side, Shihashi showed a happy smile, and couldn't help laughing like self-deprecating .

Such a funny poor thing... what the hell was I afraid of just now

That's right, I have a temporary ally.

Maybe it could be better.

Thinking of her friend's entrustment before leaving, she sighed silently.

Even if you say it's dangerous here, I can't just change the itinerary I've been preparing for months with just such a prophecy without beginning or end...

Claire and... Kim

On the other side, Annan secretly wrote down these two names.

Of course Annan could tell that at least one of these two names was a pseudonym. Or they are all pseudonyms.

The purpose is nothing more than to deflect spells of a named nature.

But Annan didn't care much.

after all.

He really doesn't even know a single soul-reaping spell.

All he can use now is the power of words.

Already able to communicate normally.

For him, this is no different from knowing the other party's real name.

The power of "words" cannot be deflected.

It's like he used a funny way to lower the opponent's vigilance... After all, human energy is limited, and being vigilant in all directions at the same time means that you can't defend anywhere. Moderate clumsiness can often make the other party ignore themselves.

And Annan clearly knew that he was really the weakest of the group...

Seven of the most outstanding silver-rank wizards from various schools—although the limited label of "orphan" has to be added, they are definitely not comparable to Annan, who can't even use the soul-killing spell.

Followed the two and walked forward for thirty minutes.

Walking on the floor made by Claire finally felt less tired.

Thanks to Annan's unremitting efforts, the three of them finally became acquainted with each other tentatively.

Annan also finally learned from Claire that Jin is not taciturn by nature, but because his words, movements and even eyes have destructive power beyond his control... So he can only go to the white tower.

Yes, the two of them knew each other before coming here.

After walking forward for more than ten minutes, the Howling Wind White Tower appeared in front of them.

And the man waiting in front of the tower made Annan's pupils shrink suddenly.

because that person...

- Looks exactly like Annan.