The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 107: Maria Coldwinter (seeking first order)


… No, she is not Annan Coldwinter.

Annan realized this immediately.

Although they seem to be almost identical in age, height, and appearance...

But the length of the hair is obviously different. Her hair is not shoulder-length short hair, but waist-length long hair... and her gender can be barely discerned from her figure and frame.

And most importantly, her aura.

It can be said to be the complete opposite of Annan.

There seemed to be no emotion in her icy blue pupils, and her half-open eyes were filled with god-like indifference. There was no trace of joy or slack on her face, her hands were crossed and placed in front of her body, her eyes were full of vigilance and alienation.

She was dressed in a pure white, thick robe, with a hollowed-out silver crown on her head. The slender and slender neck is reminiscent of a swan, and the delicate collarbone is hidden under the robe.

-no doubt.

She should be Annan Lindong's sister.

Unlike Annan, there doesn't seem to be a reversal rune etched on her soul... The emotionless ice-blue pupils instantly reminded Annan of the man who taught him the frost sword technique in his memory.

Such a strong and piercing aura can even make people temporarily ignore the fact that she is only fourteen or fifteen years old.

…Speaking of which, Annan is theoretically also fourteen years old.

But his height and appearance would be believed if he was eleven or twelve years old... How old is Annan Lindong's sister this year

The moment she looked back and saw Annan and the three of them, she frowned slightly.

"His Excellency David Gerald."

She let out a cold and childish voice, and her icy blue pupils locked onto Annan immediately: "I didn't expect you to come too."

... How is this Gerald quite famous

Annan had such a thought in his mind for a moment.

He just noticed that when Maria saw the two of them, her eyes were only a little distant. But the moment he saw himself, he immediately became vigilant.

This is probably notorious for thousands of miles...

What the hell did Gerald do? Can let so many important people know him

"I salute you, Your Highness Lin Dong."

Seeing this, Annan immediately saluted Maria respectfully.

The two people beside him seemed to know the daughter of the Grand Duke.

They and Annan gave a wizard salute to Maria at the same time. Then I introduced myself to her.

Seeing this, Maria nodded slightly.

"You can call me Maria."

she said simply.

This should be the real name.

For such a big man, they don't need to use a pseudonym to deflect the curse. There must be someone in the family specially raised to eat and drink, and given the same name as myself; the only function is to block possible "living idols" who name and curse themselves.

So there is no need for her to report her pseudonym to the three.

Annan is different.

Gerald seems to be unexpectedly famous...

There is no possibility of him reporting a false name at all.

He vaguely grasped the key.

In this dungeon, the name seems to be the key to solving the problem...

Afterwards, Maria explained to the three of them: "There should be a delay in the invitation. I arrived here first. But obviously the door hasn't opened yet.

"I think Michelangelo will not let us in until you all come."

I think so too.

Annan whispered in his heart.

He glanced up at the wizard tower.

The gray and white giant tower... It's not so much a "tower" as it is a huge castle. It presents a singular, bilaterally symmetrical structure—rings on either side and a bridge in the middle.

If you look down from the top, you may see a huge dumbbell.

"This is simply the Twin Towers."

Claire couldn't help sighing.

Annan thought so.

... Among other things, which door did you enter through

Or does either one work

They didn't have to wait long.

The other four guests arrived nearby in three batches.

The first one to arrive was an old man with a skinny and haggard face, sunken cheeks and deep eye sockets. His hair was thin and his head was sunken. middle.

After that was a middle-aged man with black hair and black eyes, deep facial features, and a kind and cheerful smile. After he came here, he joined Annan and the others and introduced himself.

His name is Ghirlandaio, and he is a wizard of the Prophet School.

And he himself was a student of Master Michelangelo.

Master Michelangelo himself is best at the spells of the prophetic school, followed by shaping and idols. Therefore, after Ghirlandaio, an enthusiastic middle-aged man, mentioned his school, Annan and the others couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

As for the last two who arrived, they arrived together at the same time.

One of them was a handsome young man with a slightly divine face.

His eyes were closed, his hair was shaved on one side, and the remaining white hair was braided into three braids of different lengths, two hanging in front of him and the longest one behind him.

He is called "Eugene Melvin" by Claire and is a wizard of the School of Idols. It is said that he is also a very famous person... This should also be his real name.

As for the other...

In various senses, Annan is an acquaintance.

His beard was gray, his eyes were determined, and his skin was slightly wrinkled with age. There seems to be colorful brilliance flowing in the muddy pupils.

"...Master Benjamin."

Annan bowed his head respectfully and saluted him.

The other party glanced at Annan with a complicated expression, opened his mouth, and stopped talking.

In the end, he just nodded silently to Annan, which should be regarded as a return gift.


The last candidate to appear in Gerald's nightmare...

It was the transformation wizard who was cursed to death on the ship... Benjamin.

The moment everyone arrived, everyone's consciousness suddenly disappeared for a short time.

When they woke up again, they found that they were in an extremely wide and extraordinarily luxurious hall.

"… oh."

Annan couldn't help sighing.

Claire's eyes widened.

Maria still frowned.

Just because of what appeared in front of everyone's eyes...

It is like a starry sky, lined up according to certain rules, all kinds of statues.

Statue of giant. Statue of a horse man. Goblin statue.

Statue of old man. Statue of a child.

Warrior statue. Statue of a maiden.

Angel statue. Statue of the Serpent.

so grand. so spectacular.

Lifelike is just standard.

"As if with a soul" is just a normal level.

It's like countless frozen historical fragments superimposed on each other.

The most incredible thing is that almost every statue can be combined with one or several adjacent statues to form a picture scroll. And if it is combined with other statues, it will form a new picture and a new story.

At the same time, the arrangement of the statues on the ground seems to contain some magical law.

It's almost like...

"—Like a pawn in the hands of the gods."

Maria said quietly.

Suddenly the atmosphere cooled down.

This is clearly not polite speech.

But because it was too realistic, everyone didn't know how to respond...

After all, His Royal Highness Maria is a child—and the one with the highest status among them.

When a child tells the truth, people don't know how to respond.

In the end, it was Benjamin who clapped his hands and broke the awkward silence: "As expected of Master Michelangelo.

"This is simply a miracle... No, it can almost be called a miracle!"

"—like a miracle, isn't it?"

At this moment, an old man's voice sounded with a smile.

In front of the eight people, a statue of one of the old people suddenly made a sound.

The strange thing is that it is clearly in the center of the hall, the center of the entire stage, the entire canvas... But until it opened its mouth, no one could realize its existence.

A talking stone statue is not a strange thing in the world view of a transcendent.

Especially the works of master Michelangelo... This is more normal.

Therefore, everyone was not surprised, but continued to look at the stone statue of the old man.

—However, although it is not stated clearly.

But they still had some grudges against Master Michelangelo not being there in person.

However, this grievance disappeared instantly when the stone statue spoke the next sentence:

"Then," said the stone statue of the old man slowly, "I will reveal to everyone...

"[Eye of Lag Time] The suicide note of His Excellency Michelangelo Buonaro."