The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 111: The first dead person


"Theoretically speaking, Master Michelangelo, as the Tower Master... cannot leave the Wizard Tower until the White Tower selects a new son of the tower."

Annan questioned.

The wizard Melvin of the Idol School immediately explained: "This is just a theory.

"Master Michelangelo is also good at idol school spells, he can create a temporary substitute for himself to bear the curse."

"Yes, Master Michelangelo does have the possibility of temporarily leaving the wizard's tower..."

Miss Claire concluded softly.

Having said that, a strange silence lingered among the crowd.

Although everyone on the field didn't say anything more.

But everyone knows it in their hearts.

Compared with the possibility of "Master Michelangelo leaving the White Tower"... the possibility of "forcibly killing a tower master in the wizard's tower" can be said to be very small.

Although Melvin provides two directions of thinking.

But in fact there is only one possibility—

That is Master Michelangelo, who did not die inside the White Tower.

But the reason why everyone did not deny the possibility that Master Michelangelo is dead, and everyone is now living in a nightmare...

The explanation is also very simple.

That means everyone is secretly ready to kill.

And this possibility is why they blamed themselves when they were caught murdering.

Annan was almost sure.

At that time, they will say something like this: "I think the possibility is the second. We are in a nightmare, and the dead will be kicked out of the nightmare..."

Annan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Melvin.

This person has a problem. And it's a big problem.

Because Melvin has been messing around until now.

Annan has obviously sealed his ability to cast spells, and has proved that he is harmless.

No normal person would choose to target him.

But after Annan obtained the temporary leadership, he jumped out and reminded everyone that "Gerald killed many people."

After that, Melvin gave everyone an excuse to kill. Let them kill with peace of mind.

While snatching Annan's right to speak, he wanted to muddy the situation and advance the development of the ceremony. That is, the desperate anticipation of someone's death.

It made him look like the murderer—or at least someone on the murderer's side.

But he later told everyone that fighting one-on-one cannot solve the problem.

Yes, Annan knew he was right.

If they fight one-on-one, as long as the murderer can survive, victory is inevitable.

—When people realized something was wrong, there were only four people left.

At that time, the victory will be decided.

So, Melvin wasn't the murderer either.

… unless.

A light flashed in Annan's eyes.

Melvin already knew who the killer was

And he believes that no one can defeat the murderer if it is a one-on-one duel. If a few people die, the remaining people may not be able to defeat the murderer

I see.

That's why he announced the personal information that "Michelangelo may have died outside the tower". The purpose is to allow everyone to knock down the murderer with more fights and fewer joint efforts under the most perfect situation...

Annan looked up.

He glanced around.

Who is it

The person with the strongest one-on-one combat power among them should have been "Gerald" whose spellcasting ability was not sealed.

He should have originally intended to target Gerald.

… However, Gerald did survive to the end.


A light flashed in Annan's mind.


"… Well."

Suddenly, Melvin's face turned rosy.

He stood up suddenly, opened his mouth and widened his eyes.

But he didn't say anything.

He let out a very rude, big belch, and even spattered a little.

The ladies on the table frowned slightly, and Miss Claire, who was dressed exceptionally neatly, leaned back in some disgust.

But they quickly realized something was wrong.

Because of this burp, very, very loud...and long-lasting.

Suddenly, transparent red bubbles blew out of Melvin's mouth.

From the moment the first bubble appeared, a large number of ocean-like red bubbles gushed out.

With the sound of "Hic—", Melvin's chest suddenly collapsed. The whole person was like an inflated balloon that was suddenly burst, the whole person shrank violently inward, blood-colored transparent bubbles gushed out of his mouth quickly, and floated unsteadily into the air.

In the blink of an eye, there was only a piece of skin left on Melvin's neck and waist.

With a thud, his head fell to his lap, and then fell to the ground.

His "body" was light and fluffy, falling loosely. Before it landed on the legs, because the head fell to the ground, they chased after them, pulling the two standing legs and falling down together. The silver ring on his finger fell to the ground with a clang.

And in the entire room, red bubbles floated and filled the entire ceiling. The light reflected on them and refracted down, as if the whole room had been painted red.

no doubt-

Eugene Melvin, is dead.

While everyone was watching, he was killed.

No one uses spells.

No one left the table.

No one even left everyone's sight...

And Eugene Melvin hasn't even had physical contact with anyone yet.

He died inexplicably - after he uttered his judgment.

Even Annan was a little confused.

He couldn't understand at all how Melvin died.

"—Stop, Kim!"

Claire screamed suddenly, attracting everyone's attention.

I saw the red-haired boy with bandages around his eyes and his mouth seemed to have been sewn up with thread. At some point, he walked around behind Benjamin, and clasped his neck firmly with his right hand.

Is the School of Destruction vs. the School of Transformation

Annan's heart skipped a beat.

The way Melvin died was indeed like being killed by a wizard from the Transformation School...

Benjamin smiled wryly and remained motionless. Slowly raise your hands to signal surrender.

"It's really not me..."

Benjamin sighed, and said helplessly: "Although this does seem to be my technique... it's really not me.

"I have no reason to kill him. And if you don't believe it..."

The expression of the old wizard suddenly became calm: "I can also kill another person for you to see."

As soon as he finished speaking, the red-haired boy Jin suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood. His whole body seemed to be drained of strength in an instant, and he fell to his knees in pain, gasping for breath, but his face soon turned purple, and a A vein popped out on his arm and face.

And when Jin's blood fell on the ground, it began to sizzle and burn, igniting the carpet. His cough made the cups and saucers in the room tremble in sync, and the whole room seemed to be buzzing.

The next moment, the carpet under his feet suddenly moved.

Moving quickly with Jin, he landed in front of Claire calmly.

And the chair under the old wizard Benjamin suddenly pulled out countless twisted and sharp branches, each branch was covered with sharp thorns, and Benjamin was fixed on the chair. As long as it moves, it will be tied into a sieve.

Claire's face was serious, and she casually picked up a cup with half a cup of black tea in it, and splashed the black tea in the air.

The red liquid swayed in the air, surrounding her.

She shook the teacup in her hand, and ordered to Benjamin with a sullen face:

"Undo the spell on King, Benjamin."

But Benjamin's complexion did not change.

The white-haired old wizard just smiled mockingly.

"Oh, you're not afraid of me killing someone now?"

He looked up at the others again: "Guys, are you just looking at it like this? Well... that's fine too."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jin's coughing sound gradually stopped, and his expression became less scary. He was still kneeling on the ground and panting violently—Annan felt that the whole room seemed to be trembling slightly between his breaths.

"Let's go."

Uncle Ghirlandaio of the Prophet School suddenly ran over and whispered in Annan's ear.

Annan pondered for a moment, then immediately nodded in response.

Both he and Ghirlandaio left quickly.

Maria hesitated to glance at the three people who were in a stalemate atmosphere, then looked at Annan and the two who were running away, and after thinking about it, she followed Annan and the others. The dumb Merlin also followed silently when he saw this. up.

In the blink of an eye, there were only three people left in the house.

None of the three spoke.

Crower looked down at his teacup with a gloomy expression. Jin stood up slowly, reached out and loosened the eye strap.

And Benjamin looked calm, drinking black tea.

It was as if they couldn't see the eyes of the two of them at all.

After a long silence, Klauer still pulled Jin away.

Only Benjamin... and Melvin's body remained in the room.