The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 127: old house


Maybe it was because of the heavy rain last night.

Even at ten o'clock in the morning, the streets of Roseburg weren't exactly warm.

The servants of the Viscount's Mansion were taken away and sent away. Annan and Salvatore couldn't find a coachman who could take them out.

Fortunately, the Viscount's Mansion is not far from the residence of the tax official, Jum Noterdam.

Annan and the two are not that kind of hypocrisy.

They can stroll over by taking a walk.

"Don't you care about your guards? They did a great job last night."

Salvatore said casually.

Annan just chuckled: "They must not be awake yet."

"...It's already almost noon, isn't it?"

Salvatore turned around in surprise and looked at his companions: "Are you so lenient with them?"

"No, it's just my guess... They must not have slept well when they went back last night."

The little lord with black hair and blue eyes looked at Salvatore with a smile.

He watched them play a copy all night long.

This morning, I also watched them turn off the live broadcast, and one by one went offline like dumpling...

Seeing Annan's appearance, Salvatore frowned slightly: "You look very confident."

"Yeah, do you want to gamble?"

"Don't take me for a fool, Don Juan."

Salvatore sneered: "Since you are so confident, I won't be fooled."

Annan looked at Salvatore with some surprise.

I didn't expect this guy to be so clear-headed and decisive at such an irrelevant moment...


"—So you're not stupid."

Annan exclaimed.

Salvatore suddenly became angry: "Shit, what are you talking about, you dwarf?"

Because of course—

In such small matters, Salvatore usually followed the shadow's advice.

Breathing the fresh air, Annan took a deep breath and felt a little joy.

Yesterday can be said to be quite a long day.

This is especially true for Annan.

After killing Gerald, Justin and Viscount Barbour, he happily watched them kneel all night, and got up at six in the morning to read another book...

He was really tired all day and night, his mind didn't stop, and his body only slept for an hour and a half.

This day is really too fulfilling.

Damn it, do I have to make up for the overtime I owed in my previous life now...

"Ah Choo!"

Salvatore sneezed.

It had just rained, and the sea breeze in the North Sea Territory in December made Salvatore's body tremble slightly.

"are you cold?"

Annan asked with some concern: "I can wear my clothes for you."

Seeing this minor who was more than a head shorter than himself ask with such concern, Salvatore was obviously a little annoyed: "Thank you, Don Juan, but no need, I'm not so cold—

"And, this is already here!"

Following his gaze, Annan saw a modest mansion.

It is about the size of a modern single-family villa, with two floors, and the blue-black stone wall is covered with some kind of plant similar to "creeper". The courtyard is small, and some vegetables can be seen growing inside through the iron railings.

It looked like the house had been lived in for at least thirty or forty years.

Very old.

"...where are their servants?"

Salvatore was a little weird.

He stepped forward and yelled, "Is anyone home?"

Strangely, there is no response inside.

"Aren't you home...huh?"

Salvatore was a little puzzled and wanted to check the door lock.

But it was found that the lock of the iron door was broken from the outside, and the door was not locked.

The two of them looked at each other, keenly aware that something was wrong.

He opened the iron door and walked in.

If it weren't for the two of them being noble would be entirely possible to be regarded as thieves or robbers.

But fortunately.

The two of them didn't need to worry about anything at this time, they just opened the iron door and walked in. Before entering the door, Salvatore specially closed the iron door... to prevent anyone from following them in.


"Are you there, Rum!"

They both shouted.

The hall door was also closed.

But until entering the hall, no one responded.

Even in the whole house, there is no smell of strangers. There was a faint layer of dust on the furniture and the floor.

"...Are you sure his home is here?"

Annan frowned slightly, and walked quickly ahead, holding the satchel at his waist with his right hand—the trustworthy Mr. Boning Knife was inside at any time.

He vaguely sensed that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong for a while.

"Did his whole family go out?"

Salvatore, who was following Annan, frowned slightly and murmured.

He habitually closed the door of the main hall.


Annan's pupils shrank instantly.

He sensed it almost immediately, a strange and strong danger came from nowhere.

A cold feeling penetrated his heart, penetrated from his back and neck, Annan's whole body seemed to be immersed in ice water, as if his whole body was bound, unable to move at all.

Annan and Salvatore looked at each other, and quickly confirmed from Salvatore's eyes full of panic and uneasy bags and dark circles that this guy didn't know what was going on...

"...I think they're coming, Mamie."

A somewhat familiar voice came from the next room.

That was the voice that belonged to Rum Notterdamm.

"Impossible, Rumu. They are just being polite to you... How busy are those two big men?"

It was a woman's voice.

It sounds very capable and a little rushed.

Moreover, Annan could roughly judge that she was not in a very good mood now, and she was very irritable.

"You want me to say... hey?"

Just then, the woman came into the hall.

Seeing Annan and Salvatore appear here, she was obviously startled.

Annan immediately noticed—

This is a pregnant woman. It can be seen from the bulge of the abdomen that she is about to enter the state of labor at any time.

The moment he met her eyes, Annan immediately showed a pure and gentle smile, and bowed to the woman: "Madam, good morning. As you can see, I am Don Juan Geraint—the The bit is Salvatore Heta.

"Mr. Noterdam invited us to be our guests, and so we came. There was some faux pas, and the door wasn't locked—and we went in."

"Yes," Salvatore also reacted, and quickly added, "We shouted twice outside the door... but no one opened the door."

"—You idiot, you shouldn't have said that!"

The deep and hoarse voice of the shadow sounded a little irritable in Salvatore's heart: "You are all exposed, it seems like Don Juan is learning, what is acting! If you can't, let me do it!"

Get out, I can't let you out...

Salvatore muttered inwardly.

Sure enough, just as Shadow said. The pregnant woman glanced at Salvatore suspiciously—obviously, they didn't hear Annan's call.

"It's also possible that our voice is too low." Annan raised his head, looked at the pregnant woman seriously, and let out a clear and tender voice, "We are all guests after all. We shouldn't be too noisy."

It may be that Annan's words are convincing, or that Annan's face made her subconsciously soften her attitude. The pregnant woman couldn't help showing a rare smile on Annan's face: "Where, please sit down, Lord Lord! And this Mr. Mayor, right? I'll get you some tea... Rum, come out! The adults are here!"

After that, she yelled into the house.

Soon, Jum Noterdam came over in a panic.

He reluctantly put on his formal clothes, but still didn't button them all up: "Sorry, I didn't expect you to come so early..."

Annan and Salvatore looked at each other.

That's right, this was exactly the Jum Noterdam they had seen last night.

But what just happened...

The two of them were a little wary.

Annan sat down following Notterdamm's instructions, and his right fingertips swept across the table without a trace.

— no dust.

Annan was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly said, "We came here so early to invite you out for dinner."

As he spoke, he glanced at Salvatore.

Salvatore quickly understood: "Yes, we have something to do today... You know. It's about the viscount."

"Uh, uh... I know. So yeah, going out?"

Noterdam hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

He yelled into the house, "We're going out for lunch today, Mammy! No need to prepare... I'll be right back after dinner!"

Noterdam said, and said to Annan with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, my wife is about to give birth, and I can't walk away... But it's okay if it's not too far away."

"Well, it's okay."

Annan responded broadly and kindly.

Soon, the three of them left the house together.

When leaving the gate, Annan glanced back.

— This time, the house is a little more angry, and the temperature is normal. You can even faintly hear the sound of Memi walking in the house.

It's as if everything is back in place.

… strangeness.

How is this going