The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 128: mirror image


Because they both realized something was wrong, Annan and Salvatore didn't talk for too long.

It also happened... Noterdam had to watch his wife and couldn't stay outside for a long time.

After eating and drinking enough and sending Noterdamm back, the two of them went directly to the police station.

This is not the same as previously planned.

Originally, Salvatore didn't intend to get involved with Annan in such troublesome matters...

But what happened in Notre Dame's old house before made him feel a little terrified.

Without the shadow urging him, he followed Annan's pace directly.

Because he also has something to ask Bishop Daryl...

"... Noterdamm? You mean the tax collector?"

After listening to Annan and Salvatore's narration, Bishop Darryl had a weird expression on his face: "You said, he is at home with his soon-to-be-pregnant wife... No. 44, Qingshui Street? His wife's name is Memi, and she has a bit of a temper. big pregnant woman?"

Annan's heart moved, and he asked: "What's the matter, is there a problem here?"

"The problem is big..."

After getting a definite answer, Bishop Darryl muttered in a low voice.

He glanced at Annan and couldn't help sighing.

How could this guy be so troublesome...

After dismissing the other people in the room, he spoke slowly.

And what the fat bishop said next made Salvatore feel a little cold:

"Noterdam should be living at No. 12 Rustwater Street now... His new wife hasn't married him yet, let alone pregnant."

The fat bishop glanced at Annan and Salvatore with a strange expression, and pointed to the map behind him:

"—but if it's a pregnancy, it's Mammy... That's a nickname, her full name is Merris Noterdamm. But...

"She died of dystocia two or three years ago."

"… Well."

Hearing this, Salvatore couldn't help but shivered, and his face became a little ugly.

Annan glanced at him and asked Bishop Darryl, "So, Grandpa Daryl—do you have any clues about this

"Or, do you think this might be a ritual of a false god?"

"As far as I know, probably not."

Bishop Darryl quickly shook his head: "Both Skeletal Lord and Rotten's abilities don't involve 'time' and 'resurrection'. Although Skeleton Lord has the ability to make corpses move again, it's impossible for the two of you Can't tell the difference between a living corpse and a living person.

"According to your narration, the false gods who can achieve this effect are the 'Faceless Poet' or 'The Bell Ringer'. But their human body and church power are not in Noah's Kingdom... Moreover, they are far away from us far away.

"So, this matter should have nothing to do with the gods. At least, it is certain that it is not a church conspiracy."

Otherwise, we'd definitely notice it.

His Excellency Bishop said so.

Bishop Daryl's words were full of confidence.

He looked at Annan and exchanged glances.

Immediately the fat bishop spoke and asked in a low voice, "Do you need me to take a look?"

Although his attitude was very tactful, the meaning in his words was very clear——

Bishop Darryl was suspecting that Noterdam might have obtained a sacrificial ceremony related to the "Faceless Poet" or "The Bell Ringer".

This is the only way to actively communicate false gods without the participation of the "church".

Annan was silent for a while, then shook his head: "Don't worry..."

Salvatore was staring at the map, frowning and thinking for a long time.

Seeing his appearance, Annan's heart moved: "Do you have any thoughts, senior?"

"... I have an idea, Don Juan."

Salvatore's expression was serious, and he said slowly while recalling: "I seem... I heard a similar ceremony from the teacher before. But it's not related to those two false gods, but..."

He said, silent for a while.

He stretched out his hand and silently pointed to the two residences of Noterdamm.

The West District is at No. 44, Qingshui Street, close to the Lord's Mansion.

No. 12 Rust Water Street, which extends out of the slums in the East District.

If you regard the commercial avenue in the middle as a mirror.

Then in the circular Roseburg territory... these two residences happen to be completely symmetrical.

Immediately, Salvatore asked slowly.

"Don Juan, have you ever heard the name... Michelangelo?"

Hearing what Salvatore said, Annan and Bishop Darryl looked at each other, and said nothing in silence.

On the other side, Salvatore was still stroking the map, measuring the land with his fingers, and confirming something on the map.

He whispered: "The teacher once told me... almost five years ago, a very powerful wizard in the Duchy of Winter held a forbidden ceremony. His name is Michelangelo Buonaro, People called him 'The Eye of Lag Time'.

"Although he is only a golden-ranked great wizard, many great figures who have mastered the truth of themselves should also respect Master Michelangelo."

"Because Master Michelangelo is particularly good at spells related to 'mirror surface' and 'time' elements.

"He can turn reality into a mirror, step into the past world that is symmetrical to the mirror of reality at will, and the time is synchronized but reversed, and he can freeze and materialize one of the two worlds at any time.

"After he freezes time, people in the past will not be able to see him. And the attacks he caused in the past will all be synchronized and mirrored back to reality. Therefore, older wizards, as long as they know his ability , no one is willing to offend him..."

Having said that, Salvatore took a deep breath.

He said slowly: "But this master who controlled the time spell had a big problem in the taboo ceremony five years ago, and failed at the last moment... unfortunately fell."

At this moment, Annan blinked.

He vaguely realized something.

Annan looked at the fat bishop, and said in a cold voice: "Meris Noterdam, when did you die?"

"Two years ago. To be precise, it was two years and six months ago, maybe a few more days."

Bishop Darryl replied immediately.

To be a priest, one must have a good memory. Otherwise, you may die unexplainably at an unknown time...

Salvatore turned around.

At that moment, Annan saw a flash of calm, indifferent and confident in the eyes of this senior who was always blank:

"—the exact date of death of Master Michelangelo, November 30, 1498.

"The current time is December 9, 1503 in the new calendar.

"If the days when Meris Noterdamm died in childbirth were any mirror...

"Now is only a few days away from the mirror time five years ago."

Salvatore said slowly: "And Mr. Noterdam also said...

"His wife is due to give birth in a few days."