The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 13: Klaus, you are not human


Annan quickly understood the meaning of the "Book of Skycart".

I don't know if all the fragments of truth have this function, or if this is the exclusive authority of the "Book of Heavenly Carriage"... The "authority" he obtained is exactly what Annan desperately wanted.

- Control over the player. In other words, the right to delete numbers.

To be more specific... If Annan is upset, he can kill you with one word.

Wearing a rare elite golden monster template, Annan felt very panicked.

Based on basic professional understanding, he has a very good understanding of the urine of the "player" group:

Their biggest hole card in the game is immortality.

As a result, they are fearless, disobeying almost all rules, and relying on a basic "I would like to" mindset to get things done. As braves, they pick doors and take what they see; as superheroes, they take turns in other people's cars to beat people up. They will kill innocent passers-by with weapons at will, or attack chickens in the village with their hands.

They have no stand at all. After completing the task of helping Party A fight Party B, they can take over the task of helping Party B fight Party A after changing hands. If the npc who issued the task can also be attacked, then they may be killed on both sides; if the merchant who sells or carries valuables has low combat power (and is not good-looking at the same time), he may not survive the next day when he meets the player; Riding a horse on the street never looks at the road, and driving does not wait for traffic lights...

In a word, in most cases, the players are a group of horrible saviors who have no sense of justice at all.

There are very few players who can personally substitute into the game environment and have an immersive experience. The vast majority of players are ruthless and cold utilitarians.

For players, their only advantage...

…maybe just good looks.

Players will always have more tolerance for good-looking NC or OSS. Even allowing them a certain degree of whitewashing and a considerable degree of willfulness, there will be a group of fanatical fans.

But if they don't look good, they usually don't have the desire to learn more about this NC.

From this point of view, the players are very real.

And my relatively neutral appearance may also be the safest...

Annan originally held a pessimistic attitude towards this issue. But after getting the Book of Sky Carriage, his thinking changed immediately.

Although he has become an NC in this real world, he can delete other people's accounts...

Then he is equivalent to the GM of this game.

Even after collecting the Book of Cars, he becomes the mastermind of the game!

As long as he can hold some planning rights in his hands, Annan will have great confidence in controlling the players.

What is this, the God of Planning

... However, since this is the case.

Annan looked at the attribute of [this function can be used after 40:33:23] and made up his mind.

If he doesn't do it, he won't stop - he intends to directly create a set of characters.

He can't just borrow Don Juan's identity and become a lord!

He has to work hard to make himself more of a protagonist! To create a compelling style, it is best to make players subconsciously think that Annan is the protagonist of this game...the leader of their cute, respectable and amiable faction.

Annan took a deep breath, and tentatively touched the remaining pages of the book of Tianche.

The moment it came into contact with Annan, it immediately melted into a spot of light, and burned down on the palm of Annan's right hand, forming a strange rune:

A black ring, the only thing missing is the upper point. And at the gap, there is a vertical line embedded in it.

Annan didn't think much of it at first, and thought that the force was quite high.

But after looking at it for a while, he suddenly felt that this symbol was a bit like a computer's power button. At a more rough look, it looks a bit like a meat pad...

He subconsciously pressed twice.

Except for the soft and cool flesh of the palm, he couldn't press anything as a matter of course.


He shook his head and didn't do anything more.

He exchanged his clothes with those of Don Juan, and put all the things that belonged to Don Juan—such as daggers, pocket watches, and letters—on himself.

The relic ring that belonged to Don Juan's mother was also worn by him.

Until this time, Annan found the only token on "Annan" from his inner pocket.

It was a silver badge with a rather delicate relief of a wolf's head on it.

The wolf head can only see one side. It looked to the right, its fur fluttered wildly, and the wolf's eyes were very small light blue gemstones—or maybe ice blue broken diamonds, but Annan didn't have much research on this.

This is a token belonging to Annan's body.

From a safety point of view, he should throw it into the sea without hesitation. Forget the name Annan from now on, and live as Don Juan...until the time comes.

But Annan stared at the badge for a long time, and suddenly laughed.

"What was I hesitating just now..."

Laughing at his timidity, he tucked the winter family crest into his arms.

Intimidated. Not great.

Even the aborigines in this world are afraid, so how to fight wits and courage with the players

Even if his identity is exposed, so what if someone will be against him

Could it be that if one's identity is not revealed, everyone will treat him tenderly? Is it possible to give in and solve the problem

Annan, who just came out of the nightmare, said hehe.

He has just experienced the experience of an upright guard being betrayed... Now Annan has a strong distrust of the average moral level of the world's nobles.

He will raise a group of players in the future, and others should thank himself for not making trouble. Still counting on yourself to back down out of fear

have nothing to say.

If someone comes to find a job, it's done.

Should they be afraid of their players who will be resurrected infinitely

"... Come on, you can go at ease, young master."

Changing Don Juan's body into his own clothes, Annan threw it into the black sea.

Watch it sink down quickly, without a trace.

The corners of Annan's mouth raised slightly, revealing an elegant smile.

This smile is 80% similar to Don Juan's, and the similarity is creepy: "As a reward for borrowing your identity...

"Let me avenge you for being killed."

Don Juan died yesterday or the night before. At that time, they were only one night away from Don Juan's new territory—Frozen Water Port.

Judging from the time, this place should not be far from the frozen water port. After the sun rises, he can set off to explore.

To be on the safe side, Annan finally searched every room below the deck to confirm that the ceremony had been terminated. And there was no one on the deck, not even a corpse... just some blood.

As expected, the mirror and ox tongue used for the ceremony were taken away by Klaus. The room was flushed by him with urine, and the smell of blood became very light.

But the most terrible thing is that Annan found that the cash and jewels brought by Don Juan, together with the several works of art, had been looted.

—Klaus, you are not human!

Even the toilet, comb, quilt and pillow were not left for Annan. The only thing I didn't take away was the two rooms full of wine barrels in the ballast...

These wines can probably still sell for some money. But Annan can't handle it by himself...

A very strong desire to complain was born in Annan's heart:

This Klaus took away all the odds and ends of food, clothing, housing and transportation, and just threw away a bunch of such valuable things from Don Juan and left them there-do you think everyone else is a fool

After confirming that Klaus really didn't even leave a copper coin or a bite for himself, Annan silently made another note for him.

You stole my money, I remember you...

He took out an unopened wine barrel and drank some wine to quench his thirst and strengthen his courage.

Annan took a pile of tinkling bits and pieces, turned his back to the rising sun, and set off alone.