The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 135: Hungry Ghost Gate


Hey, this hair and eyes...

Annan keenly noticed Amos's different-colored pupils, one green and one blue, like a Persian cat.

Could it be that Amos in this level has already got part of Alley's body

Annan immediately realized that the timeline of this dungeon should be chaotic.

The time here should be after June and before November.

Annan still remembered that in addition to the stillborn bottle of wine in Amos's basement, there were still many skeletons. Most of these bones are from "missing homeless people".

——that is, the role that Jiu'er is playing now.

Unexpectedly, this theoretically simpler and more orderly nightmare of the second layer, but the timeline is later than the third layer...

… But yes.

The negative level nightmare entered from the first level is even the ending.

In terms of time, it was the last... It didn't even enter the memory at all, but was directly caught up by Brother Sledgehammer and hit gg.

But it's a pity that when Jiu'er entered the nightmare, he didn't get this information.

Otherwise she would have realized immediately who she was playing—

[Entered the gallery: Banquet of the Hungry (Second Floor)]

[Main task: Play as the homeless "Amys"]

Immediately, a large piece of small characters quickly appeared below this line of words:

[Complete portrait]

[Meet the other three homeless people]

[At least one person survived until dark]

What does it mean

Seeing the side quest "At least one person survived until dark", Jiu'er trembled in his heart.

She subconsciously looked up.

Judging from the brilliance of the sunlight, it was about noon.

Because of his identity as a homeless man, Jiu'er couldn't judge whether the hunger in his belly came from not eating lunch or not eating much from several meals, so he couldn't judge the approximate time interval at the first time.

The painter Amos in front of her showed an elegant and calm smile, and stretched out his hand to herself: "If you come to help me draw a picture, I will ask you to take a hot bath and give you clean clothes. And take care of your diet for three days... how?"

In all fairness, this is indeed a very generous condition...

—if he hadn't been up to no good.

"But, but... sir..."

Jiu'er imitated the vagabond's tone, and said tremblingly, "I don't know how to draw..."

"No, no, no, you don't need to paint. You just need to stand in front of the canvas and wait for me to paint your portrait... Soon, about—well, two hours."

Amos took out his pocket watch to check the time, and then showed a refreshing smile: "Is it okay to stay still for two hours? It's half past one now... until half past three."

Jiu'er's heart sank slightly.

Draw until half past three...

It was only about two hours before it got dark.

In other words, I probably won't be able to catch up with dinner...

From the moment I finished painting the portrait, the next two hours were probably a battle royale.

Thoughts flashed in Jiu'er's mind, but his reaction was also very quick. He immediately lowered his head and replied submissively: "Okay, sir..."

He followed Amos and was led into the gallery not far away by his shoulders.

It was rented or bought by Amos, a fairly large and impressive art gallery.

But when I saw the interior decoration of this gallery, I almost committed a ptsd:

Because this gallery is exactly the same as the one she just walked through!

The only difference is that on both sides of the circular gallery, there are really two spiraling staircases... and the end of the gallery—that is, the door through which players enter the next floor every time, seems to point to the exit direction.

Jiu'er's heart moved.

Could it be... Amos is actually trying to escape the gallery

Fortunately, it is not like the almost eerie quietness and darkness of the gallery in the nightmare.

Not only is the light very bright here, there are even some rather noblely dressed guests coming in and out, stopping in front of some portraits.

They were not surprised when they saw Amos bring a sour and smelly homeless man in. They just greeted Amos warmly:

"Master Amos!"

"Master, good afternoon!"

"May the Silver Lord bless you, Your Excellency Morrison."

And Amos just smiled and greeted them: "Well, hello."

His figure is tall and straight, his smile is elegant and calm, and his body seems to be shining with self-confidence, which is extremely dazzling. The moment it appeared, it had already become the focus of the audience.

It's even a little... unhuman.

If he appeared with other painters at the same time, I'm afraid people would notice Amos at first glance; even people who don't know him can realize that this is a very distinguished guest just by looking at him.

The strong aura of self-confidence in him is like a big star who is always surrounded by fans.

In the third layer of dreams, Amos, the amiable father who painted for Alley, is almost completely different...

After leaving the crowd, Amos asked Jiu'er in a gentle tone, "You haven't been home for a long time, have you?"

Jiu'er was startled and almost trembled.

She forced herself to calm down, and tried her best to put on a look of panic: " did you know?"

"Because I see hope in your eyes."

Like a poet, Amos whispered in a melodious tone: "Such a beautiful will not appear in the eyes of people who have completely lost hope in life."

Looking at the somewhat dazed Jiu'er, he smiled and explained naturally: "When you see my guests, you will be curious and want to find out their identities. When you see the paintings I hang on the wall, you will want to see them. Clear the above content.

"This shows that you still have hope for this world. People who are really desperate... They don't care about anything anymore."

Having said that, Amos sighed lightly.

He looked up a little melancholy, not knowing where to look.

His eyes are deep, and the strange-colored pupils seem to reveal a bewitching and magical charm.

Or... that's not an illusion.

They went all the way to the fourth floor, and finally there were no guests—this place seemed to be closed to the outside world, and there was an iron door between the third and fourth floors, which could only be opened with a key.

The fourth floor is Amos' painter, which is more like a luxurious living room.

There are quite luxurious carpets, many soft sofas and warm wooden furniture. You can also see some toys placed alone in the corner of the room, but no children are playing.

And at a tea table next to the hall, there were three sleepy men in white robes with slightly long hair sitting together with somewhat cautious expressions, chatting in low voices.

When they saw Jiu'er, they immediately looked happy. A younger man even waved to Jiu'er.

"They are friends who came to help me paint before you."

Amos followed Jiu'er's gaze and explained, "This is a big plan of mine...a feast for the hungry."

With that said, Amos walked to the wall and tore the heavy red cloth to both sides.

I saw many huge picture frames piled up on the wall.

It showed men in shabby clothes, haggard faces, and green eyes from hunger. They look out of the painting in different postures... Some are lying on the ground, some are curled up in the corner of the wall, some are bending over, hunching, and stretching their necks to look forward, and some are squatting on the ground, like a dog.

It only takes one glance to tell.

They are all bums.

And there are three paintings among them... The people in the paintings are exactly the same as the three men in white robes chatting over there.

Just seeing these paintings, the three of them trembled and couldn't help turning their heads away. I dare not look at my own portrait.

Jiu'er felt a little suffocated for a while.

The person in the painting is not beautiful, but it gives her an unforgettable visual impact...

Even the barrage was silent for a moment.

These seem to be not paintings at all, but solidified souls.

When Jiu'er saw it for the first time, she even thought it was a huge window... and these people were looking at herself from the window in a chaotic space. It was as if he had been reduced in size, being stared at and sized up by countless giants outside the glass windows.

Just looking at it is enough to feel a clear and incomparable fear.

In a daze, she could still see these people shaking slightly, howling silently, drooling, and staring at her hungry.

Like a living thing.

Like a hungry ghost—

[Erosion degree: 3%]