The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 136: black picture frame


Just staring at those huge, crooked portraits piled up on the wall, Jiu'er felt a strange chill rising slowly from his back.

She felt as if her consciousness was submerged in water, and it was difficult to breathe. It felt like the surrounding air was gradually becoming hot... as if he was being stewed by something.

Under the intense unease, all the bones in her body were creaking. It's like an iron bar attracted by a magnet, wanting to break out of the body and throw it at those huge oil paintings.

"… Hungry… "

"I think… "

"Absolutely... stop..."

"... run away... immediately..."

In the scorching air, Jiu'er heard small whispers.

It seems that many people are speaking to themselves in low voices at the same time, so they can't hear anything.


Amos's clear voice sounded behind Jiu'er.

The moment he heard that voice, Jiu'er instantly woke up from the hallucination.

In that short moment of hallucination, she noticed that her erosion rate had increased by 3% silently.

"—Here you have to have an inspiration. Okay, make another three checks, and you lose three san points."

"—Wait, everyone here has to increase their erosion speed when they see this painting? Then isn't it necessary to increase their erosion speed every round? This level is so dangerous?!"

"—No, I think it should have risen when I saw it for the first time... Maybe it won't rise."

"—I'm the only one who doesn't feel the horror in this painting..."

"—One thing to say, in fact, I also..."

Seeing Jiu'er looking at a painting, the erosion rate increased, and the players who were watching outside exploded one after another, sending out line after line of bullet screens non-stop.

… a bunch of jerks.

You guys are just bullying that I can't have quality interactions with you right now...

Seeing a group of bullet screens mocking him float over, Jiu'er gritted his teeth with hatred.

She has made up her mind.

No matter what - as long as I can get out alive, I have to trick them all in!

This live broadcast can't convey her fear just now...

Gotta show them all a look at the painting!

Jiu'er believed that if they also increased their corrosion rate, they would definitely help lure other people in...

While thinking about it in her heart, she replied in a low voice: "Very... very shocking."

"Yes, you still use the word shock..."

Amos was a little surprised.

He couldn't help laughing out loud.

Apparently, the homeless man's sincere evaluation without any compliments, nor any pretense, made him feel very happy.

He walked up to Jiu'er and asked casually, "What's your name?"

"... Amis, my name is Amis."

Jiu'er endured the nausea that hadn't dissipated, and answered after recalling it.

Fortunately, not long.

Although interrupted, Jiu'er can still remember "my" name.

"Very well then, Amis. Stand before the frame."

Amos whispered, his voice steady and confident: "I'm going to make you... famous."

After he finished speaking, he supported the homeless man's shoulders and pushed him two steps forward.

Jiu'er vaguely felt the scorching breath of the person in a certain painting on his face.

Then I saw the tramp startled, looking at the wall. But at this moment, he couldn't feel the scorching breath again.

In front of the wall composed of at least 17 or 18 portraits of different sizes, there is an empty picture frame in the lower right corner instead.

No, strictly speaking... it should be called "Black Frame".

In that picture frame, it is not a completely black painting paper.

It is a pre-drawn draft, like a shadow in the corner of a wall. It was just placed in the corner, as if this is not a painting... but a dark door leading to the abyss.

In other words.

It's like this picture frame, originally put this portrait...

—and the people inside escaped.

"You stand right here, Amis."

As Amos said, he took out the black picture frame behind Jiu'er.

Jiu'er noticed that, on the contrary, after pulling out the picture frame...behind the picture frame filled with shadows, the truly dark and lightless wall was revealed.

It was like blackened by carbon smoke.

That weird, uneven, bottomless darkness makes people feel a little creepy...

Afterwards, Amos put the picture frame on the shelf not far in front.

He strode back again, supported Jiu'er's body, and put on a slightly hunched posture, trying to look forward.

After that, Amos stepped back and looked up and down, but still smacked his lips in dissatisfaction.

After thinking for a moment, he took out an empty shelf from the edge of the nearby wall, which was used to prevent the picture frame.

"You stretch out one hand and hold this shelf—yes. The other hand is slightly curled up, and there must be that timid feeling... raise your head slightly, as if looking inside. Imagine that you are holding someone's window , look inside—”

Amos explained carefully to Jiu'er.

Hearing this, Jiu'er already understood what kind of action Amos wanted.

—That’s the feeling of a brat looking into a toy store while leaning on a transparent glass window.

Seeing Jiu'er's new posture, Amos's eyes lit up: "Yes! That's it - don't move, keep your posture... Imagine that you are very hungry. And the window is just made by someone else's house, it is hot The meals…”

After speaking, Amos quickly started painting.

But what happened next.

It is completely different from the painting of the "third floor" demonstrated in the live broadcast of the homeless children...

Jiu'er originally thought that this was just a test of endurance. As long as you keep this movement motionless.

But after Amos started painting officially...

She obviously felt a strong discomfort.

She wanted to move, but her body was imprisoned and she couldn't move at all.

The barrage gentlemen also gradually realized that something was wrong.

Because of the tramp played by Jiu'er, the movements suddenly became more and more real... as if there was really such a very hungry tramp, leaning over someone's window and looking inside.

That is not the category that "acting skills" can accomplish.

Doesn't even look like a real bum anymore.

Because a real homeless man would never have such a clear emotion on his face—the mixture of timidity, hunger, greed and malice, it is more like an almost abstract image of a homeless man that only exists in painting art...

From the perspective of the audience, they can clearly see that the painting in Amos' hands is completed rapidly.

It's almost like a printer. Without any hesitation or alteration, he continued to paint quickly... as if he was not painting according to an image, but instead embodied the image that had been formed in his mind into reality.

The barrage are already amazed by his art.

Annan had seen the portrait Amos drew for Alley before.

But these players obviously haven't seen it...

And now, Amos's painting of the tramp is even more sublime than Alley's portrait.

While the portrait was gradually taking shape, Jiu'er felt that her body was still unable to move, her consciousness gradually blurred, and everything in front of her eyes was stretched.

Just then, she heard Amos's warm and soft whisper in her ear:


"Are you hungry now?"

The next moment, Jiu'er lost consciousness without warning.