The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 138: Hourglass Gallery (third update!)


- Are you a murderer

—Coincidentally, you are also a murderer

Hearing this, Jiu'er even froze for a moment.

Is this a coincidence

Or is it inevitable

At this moment, pictures suddenly flashed in her mind—

"I" leaned on the window to look in, but was kicked back.

"I" took a knife and turned into the house through the window.

The knife was dripping with blood, and the corpse fell to the ground. "I" held a bag of heavy silver coins in his hand, showing a smug smile.

Smiling viciously like a hungry wolf.

—This "self" is exactly the tramp "Amys"!

And the figure holding the window is exactly the same as the pose I drew before!

Jiu'er was silent for a while, and then answered in a low voice: "Actually, I am also..."

Hearing Jiu'er's expected answer, the middle-aged and old people fell silent.

The three of them didn't know how to speak for a while.

I don't know if I can trust anyone else...

But Jiu'er knew that if they didn't tell the truth at this time, the two of them would be more likely to doubt themselves—even if it was to fit in with the group, even if they didn't kill someone, they still had to say "me too".

Jiu'er looked at them, recalling the painting that belonged to the two of them in his mind:

The old man in the painting is not so old yet. He prostrates himself on the ground and stands vigilantly at the entrance of the alley like a dog. And behind him was a fat man with a slit throat and bleeding, dressed in rich clothes.

The middle-aged man in the painting looks flushed from drinking, holding a stone in his right hand, and wants to smash it forward!

… Yes.

Jiu'er's heart sank.

If nothing else, this should be what they looked like when they killed people.

Did Amos really meet them by chance... and not lure them here on purpose

At this moment, the three of them suddenly heard a very miserable, crying sound:


The voice came from far to near, approaching rapidly. But it stopped abruptly at the door.

— that was the voice of the young man who had just left!

The three of them looked at each other, and Jiu'er and the middle-aged man immediately walked towards the door.

But soon Jiu'er realized that the old man hadn't followed, so he looked back.

The old man's first reaction was to find the empty wooden shelf that Jiu'er was supporting just now, and after holding it with his hands, he kicked it hard twice, kicking it away. A few more pokes with the hand turned it into two long wooden handles with broken short handles.

When he saw Jiu'er approaching, he paused slightly.

The old man looked at Jiu'er with his squinted triangular eyes, and silently handed over the other one.

He leaned close to Annan, didn't look at him, but said in a very low voice: "You go ahead... I'll watch your back."

Jiu'er nodded sharply.

She naturally knew that this old man was not a good person... It was actually quite unsafe for him to be the last one.

But even if she knew it in her heart, she couldn't say it at this time.

Because after knowing each other that the three of them were murderers, the relationship of trust between them was already shaky.

And Jiu'er's mission goal is... to make at least one person live until dark.

The difference with street kids is that…

Among her tasks, there is no "survive".

In other words, as long as it keeps the tinder alive. As long as one person can escape... that is her victory.

— even if that person is not herself.

"Dead by Daylight..."

Jiu'er murmured.

She doesn't like playing this game very much... because she always feels sudden inexplicable fear and then loses her mind.

But she never expected that after she really entered the world of horror games, she would be able to maintain her sanity, start to think and act quickly, and even react much faster than usual...

Are people really forced out

At this time, Jiu'er heard an unusually obvious door opening sound.

That middle-aged man should be the one with the best physical fitness among them.

He tried hard to open the door, tugging and pushing. The wooden door made a pitiful muffled sound, and was even pushed open a small crack several times and then closed again. It's like being caught by a slender and fragile door bolt, or someone on the other side is trying to close the door desperately...

Suddenly, the middle-aged man's movements stopped.

Because the three of them could clearly hear the sound of eating coming from outside the door.

That person ate very deliciously, even eating and drinking.

Even babbling.

Just listening to this movement, Jiu'er's stomach became even hungrier...

"who is it?"

The middle-aged man asked vigilantly.

But the people outside the door seemed to ignore him completely, and they were still eating, drinking, and gobbling up Xilihulu.

Unable to bear the oppression of fear, the middle-aged man couldn't help pushing open the door.

But the moment he opened the door...

The voice outside the door suddenly disappeared.

And what was in front of them was not the hall. In other words, it is not the original hall...

It's an extremely long, extremely long corridor, and the corridor is pure red. Small paintings are hung on both sides, and there are wall lamps on the wall between the paintings.

Just as Jiu'er was about to move forward, she was stopped by the old man.

She looked down and saw a pool of sticky blood at the door. And in the corridor, there was also a lot of blood dripping on the ground.

Jiu'er had the courage to squat down and reach out to touch it...

The blood was even warm, she noticed.

"I, I won't go out!"

The middle-aged man who looked very courageous before suddenly backed away in fear and screamed: "If you are go!"

Jiu'er and the old man persuaded for a while, but to no avail.

The middle-aged man made up his mind, but he just didn't want to leave.

The two of them looked at each other and decided to go out and have a look.

They locked the middle-aged man in the house, and each of them left the room with a wooden stick.

" look at the painting."

The old man squinted his triangular eyes and whispered to Jiu'er.

Jiu'er looked up.

A large number of framed pictures were found hanging on both sides of the corridor, depicting the same person.

—It was the young man who had just left here.

Every painting is subtly different.

Seems like a few seconds apart. You can see him running fast.

The paintings on both sides are like cameras set up for continuous shooting at regular intervals, imprinting his every move into the paintings...

And bloodstains fell on the floor in the middle of each painting, intermittently.

Jiu'er and the two of them walked forward side by side cautiously. One person was sticking to the left side, and the other was sticking to the right side, both tacitly avoiding the bloodstain in the middle.

But they went far away and nothing happened.

It's just that the paintings on both sides are getting more terrifying...

Blood soaked around the painting and flowed downward.

The further you go, the more bloodstains... And the young man in the painting gradually turned into a running flesh and blood, and then gradually turned into a skeleton.

The two of them walked to the end in fear like this.

—but suddenly discovered that the door at the end is fake.

It was painted on the wall, a fake door that could be mistaken for the real one!

The real end is actually the midpoint of a T-shaped corridor.

Looking either way through the false door, you can see two different corridors... two doors that are ajar.

Just as the two of them were discussing how to go in a low voice, a scream came from behind them.

It was the voice of that middle-aged man!

But when Jiu'er turned around, she was taken aback.

I saw the paintings on both sides, and I don't know when it turned into a portrait of "Amys" and the old tramp smiling at the two!

The painting next to the two of them was bloody. Jiu'er can vaguely see that the portraits in the distance seem quite normal...

The next moment, the lights in the distance in the long corridor suddenly started to go out in pairs.

Slow at first, then faster and faster from far to near.

In the last blink of an eye, they were in total darkness—

Before Jiu'er could scream, the lights suddenly turned on again.

At the end of the corridor, it became the fake door of the T-shaped corridor again...

It was as if they had just left the room and hadn't gone anywhere.

It's just like…

Like an upside-down hourglass.

Jiu'er looked to both sides, and found that he had really returned to the original position - there were no passages on both sides, and behind him was not a wall with a door... but a door with a door handle and a door gap.

It was as if they teleported back to the door of the studio where the middle-aged man was screaming...

But at this moment, the door behind him was closed.

The old man tried hard to open the door, but he couldn't open it at all. It was as if someone was pulling on the door desperately.

Suddenly, Jiu'er heard the sound of liquid flowing.

Bright red blood began to spill from the crack in the door.

like saliva...

There was very little at first, but then the blood roared violently and poured out from around the crack of the door, as if to drown everything—


The old homeless man was so frightened that he screamed and ran towards the false gate at the end without looking back.

because he knows—

Although it is a fake gate... but there should be such T-shaped passages on both sides!

From there, there might be a way to escape!

Jiu'er originally wanted to run with him.

But she suddenly saw a line of barrage:

"—Why is it so similar to that young man?"

... Wait, could this all be an illusion

Jiu'er's heart moved.

So she didn't run forward...

Instead, ignoring the sea of blood that had already submerged to his waist, he stretched out his hand to touch both sides of the wall carefully.

Although she touched something, she suddenly calmed down and was no longer afraid at all.

Because, that's not how the walls feel.

That is the touch of the drawing paper.

And it's hollow.

I'm afraid it's not a projected illusion—

"You're fucking good at playing!"

Jiu'er finally couldn't bear it anymore, screamed and cursed, venting the fear and anger in his heart.

— She no longer hesitated, raised the wooden stick, and poked it hard towards the wall!