The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 139: racing


Jiu'er just made two attacks without using all his strength, and he easily cut a hole in the wall.

It only took one glance to tell that it was not a hole that could be cut in a wall panel.

It is a tear mark like a punctured "paper"—

The moment Jiu'er saw the hole, she suddenly felt dazed.

After a very brief absence, only darkness remained in the corridor. But it wasn't completely pitch black... She could even vaguely see the setting sun shining through the paper.

It's like the TV screen has been chiseled through.

The sea of blood that gushed out from the crack of the door just now and submerged more than half of her had already dissipated without knowing when.

"... what the hell?"

Jiu'er looked back at the door that was gushing out with blood.

But she froze the next moment.

Because she finally saw clearly what it was—

Yes, that was indeed a door painted on the wall.

Those bloodstains gushing out were also painted on the side of the door!

But it seems to be painted with a strange paint, its existence is only realized when the eyes pass quickly, and it is almost invisible as long as you stare at it.

The picture frames on both sides of the corridor were also painted; the blood stains on the ground were also painted.

Even the two rows of lights are drawn...

This is not a narrow corridor at all, but a space formed by two rows of very huge, standing drawing paper!

Jiu'er's first reaction was to look down at his finger - it had touched the blood on the ground and checked the temperature of the blood when it first went out.

At that time, she should have left some blood on her hands. Even after applying it on the body, there should be some residue under the nails...

But the answer is nothing.

On the other hand, on her pants, you can see faint traces of red paint...

—No doubt, it is all false.

After the three homeless men went out, everything they saw was an illusion.

But just these three or two strokes of graffiti can make Jiu'er live in an incomparably real illusion.

She can even touch the temperature of blood!

You can actually touch and hold the doorknob, you can feel the blood gushing from the crack in the door... you can even feel the touch of the wall.

It wasn't until she had doubts in her heart that she touched it again, and she was sure that it wasn't a wall... but a piece of paper.

But the question is, if it's all fake, it's all hallucinations, it's all stunts... nothing.

People... it must be true, right

Where did those three people go

Looking at the way he came, Jiu'er fell into deep thought.

"—666666 Magic Pen Amos!"

"—Master Amos, please draw me a girlfriend..."

"—Master Amos! Draw me a dozen girlfriends quickly (broken tone)"

"—Master, you are really a master, I'm stumped, please do me a few favors..."

"—Master Amos, do you have any plans to work in Society i?"

"... Let me tell you, you are evil."

Finally, with no one around, Jiu'er couldn't help complaining: "That means there is no superman here..."

Nonsense, why not!

Seeing this, Annan couldn't help but want to raise his arms and shout: "I'm Superman!"

It's just a pity that this super tube is relatively busy...

So he thought for a while and shut his mouth again.

In the subsequent videos, there is nothing worthy of Annan's special attention.

Jiu'er didn't turn back, but broke through the "wallpaper" and escaped.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that Amos realized that the barrier he had set had been broken. He uttered an angry shout, drew a silver revolver, and looked around for traces of Jiu'er.

——Actually, Jiu'er didn't run away, but was nearby.

Because she realized that since Amos needs to use illusions to scare them, it means that he does not have the ability to control them all; and after she broke the wallpaper, Amos did not find out for a long time, which also represented his There is no ability to monitor them at all times.

So Jiu'er turned back after running away.

Hide in a closet nearby.

Fortunately, Amos is blind... After he took out his gun, he hurried to the fourth floor.

This also made Jiu'er realize that the stairs leading to the second floor might have disappeared.

After Amos left, she hurried over.

as expected-

The space layout in the hall is all upside down and chaotic.

She ran back and forth twice, but couldn't find the stairs... It should also be hidden by an illusion, but Jiu'er still couldn't decipher it for a while.

Finally, when Amos came downstairs, she found a place to hide again.

"—dnmd, is it really Dead by Daylight?"

"—No, isn't this ghost too good? The footsteps are so loud, I think I can do it myself."

"—Brother Xiong, this ghost has a gun..."

"-emmmm seems to be..."

"—It's okay, it's just a matter of procrastinating, wouldn't it be over after drilling into the cabinet?"

"—We generally refer to this game as peek-a-boo in academics..."

From here onwards, it is the very beginning——

After Amos went downstairs, Jiu'er quickly ran to the fourth floor.

Panting heavily, she leaned against the wall and looked back vigilantly... for fear that Amos would shoot back again.

Annan looked at the time.

It was already five thirty-five, and Jiu'er was still hiding back and forth very neatly... Amos had already begun to wonder if Jiu'er had escaped.

If there is no accident, he should find it until it gets dark.

— So the victory condition is dark

"It's okay, it seems that Jiu'er has a play tonight and can pass the level."

Annan whispered approvingly, and casually posted the first barrage of the day:

"—Come on! The big brother with the artificial leg!!"

"This is a picture frame, not a fake leg!"

Jiu'er became angry from embarrassment: "Do you still want to watch me cut the artificial leg?!"

But at this time Annan had already turned off her live broadcast room.

Because he is doing two things with one mind, while watching the live broadcast, he is still in the water forum...

And many posts suddenly swiped the screen, indicating that the progress of the strategy on the delicious wind goose seems to be very fast, and he may have to pass the level with his life... Maybe even the first pass!

…Bijiu'er was late at night, but the progress of the strategy was faster

Is the information I gave you so useful

Annan clicked on the live broadcast room of Delicious Wind Goose with great interest.

The title of his live broadcast room is very arrogant and concise:

"If you don't pass the level, you can't download it"

"Okay, have the guts..."

Annan sighed: "I didn't expect to see players racing in wasteland in this world..."

I really miss it.

He noticed that Delicious Wind Goose did not choose the second layer of nightmares that he had just discovered and had an easier way to attack.

Instead, go the old street children's way - to the third layer of nightmares.

"Let me tell you first... how to enter the nightmare on the fourth floor. I have been researching it for a day, and I can definitely pass it. If you die on the fourth floor, let alone you Uncle Goose, this is a new map... Next week's goal When it's time, remember to remind me that I've shown it once."

Delicious Wind Goose chanted confidently.