The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 14: followed by


Annan didn't travel too long before he heard the sound of horseshoes in the distance.

The voice was still far away from him.

Annan narrowed his eyes slightly, and slowly stopped, hiding himself.

In front of him is a slightly steep soil slope with sparse pinaceae plants on both sides. Walking all the way eastward from this dirt slope, walking for more than ten minutes, is the beach where he first woke up.

Annan deliberately avoided the path without plants, but under the cover of the natural environment.

He made full use of his height advantage and climbed up the slope as quietly as possible. On the short section of road closest to the top, the dirt slope was quite steep, but with John's broken sword as a trekking pole, Annan was able to climb up relatively smoothly.

He leaned against a crooked tree, using it to stabilize his back, and looked out to the other side of the hillside.

I saw a flat and easy dirt road not far from the other side. Although it is not very wide, it can at least allow four or five horses to move forward side by side.

And a total of more than a dozen horses are speeding forward from south to north.

Fortunately, Annan's location was not a cliff, but a hillside—the terrain on the other side was even lower than Annan's original side.

Perhaps it was because he didn't expect that there would be someone waiting on the top of the hill before the sun rose, and none of the riders there noticed Annan's existence.

This group of people... don't look like serious people.

Annan narrowed his ice-blue eyes slightly, looked at them quietly, and counted their number carefully.

There are fourteen people in total. One person was wearing half-length metal armor, and the rest were wearing tan worn leather armor.

They carried long swords at their waists and small wooden shields on their left arms. There were three men with short bows slung behind their backs, and the leading man held in his right hand a long-handled weapon that resembled a lance but had a hook at the front.

And the two people beside him...

Annan's pupils shrank slightly.

He clearly saw that the two men carried gunpowder weapons that looked like rifled guns on their backs. Several others carried large, sturdy shields on their backs.

So heavily armed, where are they going

Annan looked at the chart once in the captain's cabin.

Don Juan and their ship sailed all the way north.

Specifically, from the southeast coast of the mainland, from about five o'clock to two o'clock.

They were originally scheduled to disembark from the main port of Freezing Water Port, which is the position at two o'clock, the southern part of a sunken inland sea... and the location of the Duke of Winter is on the north side of the inland sea.

So after seeing the chart, Annan immediately understood the situation of the Dukedom of Winter and the Kingdom of Noah.

An inland sea is divided by two countries, each of which uses half; even the ports may be open facing each other.

... If there is a fight, there will be ghosts.

And the continent in front of him is north-south. This probably means that the north of the road is the destination of his trip.

Young Master Don Juan's new territory - the frozen water port of Beihai Territory.

Those six people may be bandits and robbers...

Thinking of this, Annan lightly trotted down the slope and slid down.

He took a careful look at the road, and easily found several fairly clear ruts.

"... Not long ago, a convoy passed by here."

Annan made a judgment with a vague realization.

They did not know where they got the news that there was a caravan staying here. They came here on purpose in the early morning... Considering the travel time, they may have come overnight after hearing the news.

Holding the basic concept that Don Juan's things are his own, Annan quickly formed a complete logical chain in his mind:

Freezing Water Harbor is his territory, so the property of the subjects is his property...

So it was his that the robbers were robbing!

Annan was enraged.

Without thinking for too long, Annan decided to follow.

"—I was robbed of everything and expelled from my hometown. Now you dare to break into my territory. You are really asking for your own death!"

Annan planned to jump out and shout to them if he found out that he could beat them after seeing the bandits.

He thought for a moment, and thought that this line could indeed be said at this time. After all, this is his real experience, and it doesn't violate harmony when he reads it out.

He made up his mind and stopped walking slowly.

He hid the heavy broken sword in a hollow tree hole, marked it, and started to move forward lightly.

Only then did Annan realize that his physical fitness was unexpectedly good.

He ran fast all the way, and he was only panting slightly after running for twenty minutes. The strength in the body can't help but not exhausted, but surging, and the state has become better.

It seemed that the twenty-minute journey was just a warm-up exercise for him.

For his age, that's pretty incredible physicality.

But the point is, his physique is only 7 points.

At this moment, Annan had a thought in his mind:

Isn't the attribute panel of this game an average of ten attributes

... Is it five o'clock

No, just to be on the safe side. Let's just assume ten points is the average.

Maybe people in this world are very physically fit...

By this time, Annan had already heard the dispute coming from the front.

He saw a group of people tangling together.

The tops of the two nearest houses were already ablaze, and beside one of them five or six carriages were leaning against the wall.

Three of the six robbers were trying to put the rope on their horses, while the civilians armed with simple weapons and the militiamen who had gathered one after another were confronting the remaining three.

No, the number of militias is too small.

Annan glanced at it and realized something was wrong.

I don't know if it's because of poverty, or because I came too hastily. Almost none of the assembled militiamen wore armor. And even if you add the unarmored militia, the number of men with weapons is not as many as the robbers.

The robbers in the back row fired another round of rockets, setting fire to two houses.

Not sure how their arrows are handled. The wooden house didn't look like a very easy to ignite material, but the arrow still burst into flames instantly.

The robbers holding swords and shields stood in front of the robbers in the back row in an orderly manner, confronting the militiamen. The two robbers with rifled guns lowered their guns and pointed at the three robbers who stole the carriage, forcing the others back.

Annan watched this scene from afar and slowed down.

He narrowed his eyes.

Something is wrong.

How could these robbers be so orderly

They don't swear at the street, and they don't hurt people at will. Although the formation was a bit scattered, at least there was no mutual obstruction between them, and the shooting bandits' aim was ridiculously high... That kind of big bow may not be able to pull it with a small arm.

In stark contrast to the very disciplined robbers, the people in the town are already in a mess. The militiamen didn't know whether to put out the fire first or stop them from stealing first.

After a brief panic, their opinions were quickly unified:

— Put out the fire first.

After all, the merchants with the convoy were not from their town. But the house is real, their own property.

But at this moment, a stunned young man squeezed forward shouting, and wanted to slash at the robber who stole the car.


At this moment, the two men shot immediately!

They fired almost at the same time, and the gunfire was almost continuous. One shot went off and hit the wall; the other hit the stunned green thigh.

He immediately fell to the ground, and the militiamen surrounded him without hesitation.

To suffer!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Annan ran two quick steps and rushed over—