The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 143: Reverse Time Corridor


Delicious Wind Goose covered the wound on its abdomen and moved forward slowly.

The rate of decay of the wall and ground behind him gradually accelerated, the floor had already cracked in front of him, and his back felt a little hot from the scorching breath. There was a weird, unpleasant, noise-like creaking sound in the air.

But there was no panic on Meimeifeng's face.

Because he is very clear... After entering the nightmare instance, all players are not using the health of their external bodies. Instead, it borrows all the attributes of the protagonist of the nightmare.

In other words, everyone suffers the same injuries and health at the same movement speed.

Delicious Wind Goose is very convinced that he has avoided all the traps that may drop health. He didn't even accelerate a few times... His current health value is undoubtedly the optimal state when he reaches the fourth floor under normal circumstances.

"I tell you, don't laugh. I'm off to a perfect start."

Delicious Wind Goose glanced at the bullet screen, and sneered: "Believe it or not, when you fight yourself, it is impossible to have more blood than me when you hit this layer

"In this dungeon, the enemy hits us instantly. That is to say, the essential meaning of 'health' in this dungeon is actually 'acceleration distance'."

Annan, who was watching the live broadcast outside, nodded when he heard this.

Delicious Wind Goose is really good.

In fact, this is a problem Annan realized when he first entered the Nightmare Gallery.

Although Amos was injured internally, he seemed to be able to recover his health and strength continuously in the gallery. If he stays still or moves slowly, his health drops very slowly...

But as long as he moves faster, his health will drop; the faster he runs, the faster his health will drop.

In other words... In this dungeon, players can only master one key resource.

That is the "accelerable distance".

"I divide this copy, so far, all traps and chases into three categories."

Delicious Wind Goose walked forward unhurriedly, while at the same time still had the spare energy to keep chatting with silly netizens: "The first one is the level that can be passed by trotting.

"The second type is similar to the situation where the chandelier falls and Brother Sledgehammer breaks through the wall and starts a fierce chase.

"In this case, you must run at full speed: if you hesitated when the chandelier fell, or if Brother Sledgehammer didn't run at full speed after breaking through the wall, you will at least be injured, and you will die if you don't pay attention.

"The third type is the mechanism that must be dealt with in situations like Brother Sledgehammer just now.

"That's not a card bug, but a necessary mechanism. The letter is outside the window, and he asked you to read it. If my guess is correct, the time when Brother Sledgehammer appeared should be to get the letter, open it, and read it. The time to complete the letter.

"If you don't read the letter and run straight away, you can only change to the second situation. But the overall health is limited. Once you choose to run at full speed and force through the mechanism, it is equivalent to using the resurrection coin to refresh one or two sleep... This is It will make it impossible for them to really clear the level. At most, it is just a nightmare to pass through one more level and enter the next level."

Annan nodded upon hearing this.

Yes, that's right... Delicious Wind Goose is right.

In the experience of clearing the third floor, he hesitated a little when the chandelier fell.

Because he felt that since this dungeon would cause amnesia, the traps on the first few floors should not be too difficult. A little acceleration should pass

The result is that he gets scratched by the chandelier and loses some health.

At the same time, the increase in wounds also directly affected his movement speed. But after Annan realized the difficulty of the dungeon, he did not hesitate to use full speed when he was being chased by Brother Sledgehammer on the second floor.

This directly led to the fact that when he was on the third floor, his health was not enough for him to rush through the corridor at full speed.


After Annan woke up, he first measured the length and width of the corridor with his thumb on the first floor, and then precisely controlled the width of his steps. It was because he didn't know the exact arm length and step length of Amos... In order to be able to measure the length of each corridor in advance and make sure that his health was enough to accelerate through the corridor, he recorded the data in advance.

Therefore, Annan chose to take the unpainted fork in the third floor.

It's not just the impact of the Raiders.

Because Annan was convinced at that time that if he encountered the same chase again, his remaining health would no longer be enough to rush to the next level.

Also entered the "Gallery: Alley Morris" by mistake.

The technique of Delicious Wind Goose is somewhat similar to that of Annan.

But because players can record video and don't worry about losing their memory, they will play boldly...

For example, Delicious Wind Goose is gambling.

He bet that since his health is full, it is absolutely impossible to die on the way because he cannot run.

If he couldn't outrun the demons and hounds behind him, it was impossible for anyone to outrun him.

Unless this Demon and the Hound... there are other mechanics.

And even if he dies due to the mechanism, players can still see the content of the mechanism. Then he is not at a loss.

as expected…

The special mechanism really came.

When the delicious wind goose trotted down the corridor to reach the center line, the traces of decay and dilapidation had almost spread to the end of the corridor.

The floorboards creaked and wobbled beneath his feet. It seems that at any time, it may step on the air and fall down.

But he still firmly believed in the reminder given in Ai Lei's letter not to look back.

This may also be regarded as a kind of inertial thinking.

The clues I have worked so hard to get will make me believe even more...

But Delicious Wind Goose really has nothing to do.

After all, this is land reclamation.

Dying from mechanics or something... so normal.

But everything changed suddenly after the delicious wind goose ran across the center line

Delicious Wind Goose looked at the stains on the floor with a dazed expression and stopped moving forward, but began to retreat. The rotten floor under his feet also began to recover as if time went back.

The most important thing is... the extremely unpleasant music in his ears, as if it came from the abyss, suddenly turned into a melodious sound of a violin.

He was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously stopped for half a step.

But just after he stopped.

Delicious Wind Goose suddenly discovered that time seemed to have stood still.

The smudge no longer moves forward, nor does it move backward. The rotten floor no longer spread and cracked, nor began to recover, the sound of the violin in the ear suddenly disappeared, and the weird whispering and barking behind him also suddenly subsided.

Maybe it's because I learned music when I was a child... Annan was the one who responded immediately.

In order to prevent the barrage from proposing weird answers to interfere with the train of thought, Annan did not hesitate to issue a strategy barrage:

"It's played backwards! Before halfway through the corridor, the sound of the violin, people's conversations, and dogs barking are played backwards!"

"… I see."

The delicious wind goose stood motionless on the spot, and slowly breathed a sigh of relief: "I also understand...

"The puzzles on this level may be the easiest. But they may also be the hardest."

The old goose sighed, and raised his head regretfully: "Damn it, I shouldn't have run away at first. It seems that I will stop at this level..."

"I seem to understand."

"Is this hallway... symmetrical?"

"No, it seems that you should walk slowly..."

The barrage is guessing the mechanism.

But there are also smart people who realized the answer a little later:

"Isn't it true that if you go forward, time will move forward... and if you go backward, time will go backward?"


Delicious Wind Goose praised: "Before I die, I will quickly tell you about the mechanism of this layer...

"The corridor is a mirror image. It starts in the middle, and it's completely symmetrical on both sides. In other words... I go to the end and turn back, it's like I'm back to the beginning.

"The point where I entered the book is point a, the middle point is point b, and the symmetrical point a is point c. Then from point a to point b, time will flow countercurrently with my steps... and from point b to point c , time will flow forward with my pace.

"I speculate that going from c to b should also be a countercurrent. Going from b to a may be positive.

"... This may be a corridor that cannot be walked out at all by conventional means."

Delicious Wind Goose said in a low voice: "Here, the speed of time passing has nothing to do with the external time at all. It is in sync with my walking pace. The faster I walk, the faster time passes.

"In other words... I'm in this category, so I shouldn't have to run a single step."

As he spoke, he took two steps back without looking back.

Sure enough, there was a hoarse and noisy sound in the air, the stains under the feet were also extending forward, and the floor was cracking forward.

And Delicious Wind Goose took a few steps forward, and found that the stains were receding, the floor began to recover, and the slow and melodious sound of the violin sounded in his ears.

It perfectly confirmed his guess.

So the delicious wind goose stood in place, lost in thought.