The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 145: Gramophone of the Lag Eye


The customs clearance method has been determined, and the rest is just repetitive work.

Moreover, Delicious Wind Goose discovered that the power of the "Javelin" after a time conflict and ignited black flames... just needs to be rubbed to one side, and it is basically enough to destroy those "demons" and "hellhounds".

At the beginning, the delicious geese were still like javelins, and after aiming, they threw them vertically one by one.

Then he just threw it casually.

It's like a bowling ball... It depends on how many you hit.

After repeating it a few times, those enemies were killed one by one by the delicious wind goose.

They can't even see where Tasty Wind Goose is!

"—It's bgm."

Facing a barrage of "???", Annan explained to others: "Have you noticed that when time is going forward, bgm is played backwards; but when time is going backwards, bgm is played backwards?" It's being released."

If it's really just bgm, that's fine.

But since it is mentioned in the cutscene cg, this is the music played by the "gramophone". Especially the curse made by Michelangelo, the eye of time lag... Amos even used the power of the phonograph to solve the current difficulties regardless of the cost.

What is his current difficulty

—The police station in Frozenwater Harbor sent someone to investigate his gallery.

Annan recalled a sentence mentioned in the news:

"—At 2:15 am on March 4th, Sheriff Hiram's investigation team was attacked in the Morrison Gallery. Three police officers died unfortunately, and two police officers also suffered great mental trauma due to the cruel scene The impact caused him to go mad on the spot, and he died of his injuries a few days later.

"—The assailant was shot dead on the spot, and the body was recovered by the police station. The identity is said to be a mercenary from the swamp. More details, including the number of the assailants, are still being kept secret."

Why hide the identity and number of attackers

It doesn't matter at all to this incident. Even releasing their information can divert people's attention even more.

Unless, they also don't know who the attacker is.

Because the attackers are not on the same timeline as them!

There is only one attacker—and he is Amos who is attacking from the future and backward in time!

Of course, what Amos did was not a pure trick like hitting someone with the floor... He might have used a gun, or something else. And in a hurry, not able to kill all of them.

But basically it's the same—

Because the number of "devils" killed by delicious wind goose is exactly five!

They're probably not crazy at all.

It's because the wound is too abnormal to treat... or it may be killed directly.

that hound...

Must be a police dog.

Because the newspaper mentioned, "Previously pets were not allowed in the gallery".

As mentioned above, the police found Ai Lei's body fragments inside the gallery.

In other words, this operation was accompanied by police dogs.

Although this is a "distortion" level nightmare, the images of things in it are all distorted by personal will. But you can still see the prototype...

The nightmare content of this fourth layer is the second last position in the current timeline.

It is just ahead of the position on the negative floor.

In this story, it should be that Amos used the phonograph made by "Eye of Lag Time" with some kind of great regret. Using undetectable and unavoidable means, he killed a wave of policemen and police dogs sent by the Frozen Water Port Police Department from the future.

"According to the routine of the previous layers..."

Annan murmured: "The copy on this floor should be playing the role of a policeman."

But what the hell...

How can we avoid the attack launched from the future? !

The difficulty outside the gallery has not increased too much.

But the difficulty in the gallery is so fucking more difficult than the next level.

This, on the contrary, made Annan firmer in his obsession that "I want to clear the whole ending".

And after Delicious Wind Goose killed all the "devils" and "hounds", he gave his body a meal again and entered cg.

All around Amos, Alley's voices sounded again:

"Turn off the phonograph, Amos!"

Her sharp and high-pitched voice showed obvious fear and disgust: "He's coming soon!"

As Ai Lei's voice sounded, the surrounding space began to shine with a dark red light like an alarm.

"...I'll do it, Ellie."

Amos was silent for a while, then turned around.

He passed through the center line of the corridor as if passing through a layer of bubbles.

This time, he only saw the midpoint of the true T-shaped corridor.

There was a phonograph with a strange shape.

It has a dark golden copper horn in the shape of a tulip, which is very similar to a phonograph in another world.

But underneath it is not a closed wooden box.

It is a transparent crystal box.

There were no record discs in it, or even anything—

Inside the crystal box, there are only two up-and-down mirrors.

The crank slowly rotates with the melodious music, and three short gold, silver and copper needles are connected in the middle of the crystal case.

As the crank slowly rotates counterclockwise, the three short hands also rotate counterclockwise at a synchronous speed.

If you look at it from the front, it looks like an inverted square clock.

Delicious Wind Goose noticed that there were a few words engraved on it:

"If you regret it, crank the crank. I'll give you a second chance, a third chance..."

"But you won't get a fourth chance."

He reached out and touched the gramophone.

In a trance, the properties of the item appeared in front of his eyes:

[Gramophone of the Eye of Lag Time (Twelve Hour Type)]

[Type: Musical Instrument/Tool (Golden)]

[Description: Shake the crank to project the soul projection into the negative time flow]

[Effect: Shake the crank to rotate the clock dial clockwise. After releasing the crank, it will allow the user to temporarily enter the state of "walking against time" (that is, temporarily enter the state of time flow that is consistent with the normal time flow and opposite in direction), and the effect is equivalent to Prophet & Idol spell of the same name, up to twelve hours. In this state, contacting any creature whose soul level is weaker than your own will cause the opponent's soul to be instantly annihilated; For sneak attack (absolutely invisible), does not trigger the annihilation reaction.]

[Cost: The first time you use it, you will get the curse "Transferred Misfortune"; the second time you use it, you will add "Deepening Inscription" to the curse "Transferred Misfortune"; the third time you use it, you will deduct all remaining life.]

[Note: If this spell is successfully used to avoid inevitable death, the user will die immediately.]