The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 15: Desperate Jon


Those bloody bandits are at it again—

Jon was almost desperate.

His thigh was hit by a spherical buckshot, and the pain caused him to lose his balance instantly and fell to the ground.

Seeing the group of militiamen behind him surround him again, he couldn't bear to close his eyes.

He knew that he simply did not have the strength to defeat these bandits.

But he can't just watch these robbers steal the truck!

Because he is the captain of the militia guarding Frozen Water Port, this is his duty!

… In fact, this is also the duty of other militias.

But they were afraid.

The number of these militiamen is seven or eight times that of the opponent. But he was afraid of those few bows and two guns and dared not go forward!

Because everyone is afraid of death. No one wants to be the first.

So Jon realized that he had to act. Even if you will be knocked down if you move, you must act...

Because if he doesn't go, then the militia in Frozen Water Harbor will suffer!

The militiamen in Frozen Water Harbor didn't attack the robbers at all when they saw them-if such a thing spread, others would think that these robbers were raised by themselves. Those caravans can also throw the blame on them and claim compensation from them.

Even if they can negotiate whether to pay compensation, it will affect the reputation of Frozen Water Port, and even affect the reputation of their militia.

You know, the new lord is coming soon!

If they are entangled at this time, the problem will be troublesome!

Will the lord really listen to their explanation? I'm afraid it wasn't for seeing the compensation bill at that price, and driving them all out of the militia when they got angry!

This is even the best result!

It's a good thing not to be beheaded!

This is by no means unfounded worry.

… because it’s not the first time.

This group of robbers who don't know where they came from is already the second time they have robbed Frozen Water Harbor.

At the beginning of last month, this group of robbers with rifled guns and many horses came to Freezing Water Harbor to rob once.

At that time, they didn't know the depth... and rushed to fight each other.

As a result, they paid five lives. The old captain was also shot twice, one in the abdomen and one in the shoulder. Three days later, he passed away.

Frozen Water Port is a border city, and only Yinjue's church is stationed there.

But it just so happens that Sir Silver's priests are the most money-hungry priests of the Righteous God.

They have no other downsides. He is also very gentle to civilians, and never bullies others... But no matter what he does, he wants money.

For them, everything in the world must have a price - including human life. They are not even stingy people, because Yinjue's church requires them to collect money, but also requires the priests to spend a lot of money, and they are not allowed to store large amounts of cash in their hands for a long time.

The cost of treating lead bullets is three to five times that of treating amputated limbs, and double that of gunshot wounds in the abdomen. After two bullets, the final medical expenses are enough to make people desperate.

The old captain didn't pay that money in the end, so he died.

So Jon became the new captain of the militia.

He felt that the death of the old captain was too bad.

He didn't deserve to die here.

It's just humiliating—

The old captain was a veteran of the October War. He has superb military swordsmanship, and survived the war against the Duchy of Winter twice.

Now the old captain has retired and returned to his hometown to serve as the captain of the militia and train the new militia... Although he is very strict, drunk and crazy, but Jon loves him very much.

Because Jon also hopes that he can become a frontline soldier.

So he hoped that the old captain could teach him some "not to be passed on" techniques, and tell more about his story in the Second Infantry Regiment.

But every time the old captain heard such a request from him, the old face with a smile on his face changed after he had finally managed to coax him, and he scolded him out without saying a word.

At first, Jon thought it was the "secret sword" that the old captain was reluctant to part with. But then he slowly understood... This is because the captain didn't want him to join the army.

Since then, his admiration for the old captain has fallen to the bottom.

Jon thought he was scared.

He's not a veteran who has won... but a deserter who dreaded the war.

This thought continued until last month.

Facing the group of well-equipped robbers, the old captain was the first to charge forward.

In his fifties, he held a sword alone and stopped three robbers. But the robber had a horse after all, and he was soon beaten and scarred.

At this time, the militiamen who were cowering behind had the courage to rush forward, and tried to set up temporary roadblocks against the bandits to restrict the movement of the horses according to what the old captain had taught them.

But the group of robbers immediately retreated and fought, and successfully broke through before closing the encirclement.

What finally ended the battle were two gunshots that lingered in Jon's heart like a nightmare. Every time he had a nightmare, he would think of those two shots.

... The old captain, after all, is not one of those legendary figures with various supernatural abilities, nor does he know spells and divine spells.

No matter how exquisite his swordsmanship is, it cannot be faster than a bullet.

He uttered a miserable howl that they had never heard before, staggered and fell to the ground, completely lost fighting power.

They felt chills when they heard the scream.

But seeing the old captain lying in a pool of blood, they were still angry, and aroused the bloodiness of the young people—

They rushed up.

Then they were routed.

Without the sharp knife of the old captain as the front line, the robbers launched a charge on the spot and completely broke up their formation.

Even before the horse came crashing, they backed away to the sides and back.

They are not powerless. They are just timid.

After the anger burns away, what remains is the residue called fear.

They didn't dare to take a step forward until the robber left. Not even the archers dared to shoot arrows...the two guns were still pointed at them.

Although they can't kill everyone, they can certainly kill the first two people who drew the bow first.

They just watched the robbers take the things away.

Those robbers didn't slaughter them, not even a back knife.

They just chuckled a few times at that time, and left without saying a word, leading the truck.

It is worth mentioning that after the old captain woke up, he seemed to recognize the details of the gangsters.

But no matter how Jon asked, he finally left the world without saying a word, and went to Yinjue's side.

In that battle, a total of six militiamen died.

Two houses were burned and five vans were lost, causing great damage.

Although their city lord has a good temper, he has always been incompetent and weak. After negotiating for a long time, I still paid one-third of the goods payment to the other party and chose to settle the matter.

Half of these compensation payments were made by the militia.

Although they lost money, the story spread.

Since then, there has been no large caravan to Frozen Water Port for more than a month.

The aristocratic lord of Roseburg next door heard the news and claimed that they would send people to suppress the bandits soon. But until now, no one has been here.

Later, I heard that a nobleman was also coming to Frozen Water Port, and his father had a higher title than the Viscount of Roseburg. At this time, more caravans arrived one after another. The main purpose was to give a gift to the little earl. Hearing that he hadn't arrived yet, he just bought something and left in disappointment.

This incident had a very bad impact on the economy of Frozen Water Port.

In recent years, after the commercial exchanges with the Principality of Winter have been suspended, the formerly prosperous Frozen Water Port has gradually become a stagnant port. Rely entirely on internal transactions.

They were originally at the northernmost end of the border and were the terminus of various commercial routes. No caravan will pass by them.

Without the foreign trade with the Duchy of Winter, Frozen Water Port can be regarded as self-sufficient. At least they have a big fish farm.

Not only is there enough food to eat, but also some pearls can be accumulated to supply to the mainland. Some of the rarer pearls are consumables for wizards and lords, so they sell out quickly.

It is usually accumulated for a period of time, and then sold to the convoy together with pearls and shellfish handicrafts, as well as some rare fish.

In the van that was robbed last time, there was a compartment full of two boxes of pearls, and a box of precious blood-soaked pearls.

And this time, there was another batch of pearls in the truck, and the value was even higher than last time!

The common point of these two times is that they did not deploy reliable caravan guards. The last time their guards were cut to the ground as soon as they met, this time it was even more outrageous—they haven't woken up yet.

No matter how stupid Jon was, he realized something was wrong.

Those caravans with normal guards have never been robbed face to face in the city! Even if they are robbed by robbers, they must be robbing on the road... How can they rush into the city and demolish houses and rob, but they just don't kill people

What's more, these robbers came twice in total.

They are all dedicated to these big caravans...

Jon was furious. A large number of suspicious characters flashed through his mind in an instant, but he couldn't determine who it was.

His mind was not working well, and now he was in severe pain, and he couldn't think clearly at all.

All he knew was that if the militia stood by again, they would lose money again. And this time it will definitely pay more.

They can't afford it anymore!

Even if I die alone—

At least this proves that the militia did not stand idly by! Their captain even died in battle...

"—Who are you?"

At this moment, Jon heard a childish yet majestic voice: "Why are you robbing my people here!"