The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 23: Steady as me


"Do you know about nightmare fragments?"

Salvatore also held a cup of black tea and sat opposite Annan.

His always sleepy eyes with thick eye bags caused by staying up late opened slightly, and said in a low voice: "It is said, it is just said... that the foreign trade activities in Frozen Water Port are banned, probably not because of conflicts with the Duke of Winter in the north cause of intensification.

"It's because the Frozen Water Port is cursed."

"... Tell me in detail."

Annan's heart skipped a beat, and he asked, "What kind of curse? Who cast the curse?"

He would not have believed it before saying that a certain place was cursed. But he has also learned before that the extraordinary power in this world is composed of curses, and he has even witnessed the fate of people who suffer from the backlash of the curse.

Well, it is not impossible to say that a region is cursed...

"It's a false god," Salvatore also lowered his voice, as if he was worried about disturbing something, "the real god..."


Annan repeated the word, his heart skipped a beat.

Although he doesn't know the difference between false gods and righteous gods, or what the difference is, but he has not entered the rank yet, and being involved with such a boss always makes him a little flustered.

Why the hell!

I just casually found a vest to transition, and was involved in such a troublesome matter

"Specifically, as long as someone reads or silently reads the name of that false god within the range of seeing the frozen water port, they will be dragged into a nightmare."

Salvatore said slowly: "I didn't tell you his priesthood, just because I was worried that you would think of this name subconsciously, and couldn't help but pronounce it subconsciously.

"This is a set of mystics composed of multiple nightmare fragments, and its chain feature is 'replay'. In other words, if you die from this nightmare, you will lose all the memories in the nightmare and start from the beginning.

"It's okay to have shallow nightmares. But if you fall into deep nightmares unconsciously, the death rate will suddenly increase... After all, you don't know how many times you have repeated the same mistake. It will be easy in It's stuck in an endless cycle of death. Until you are completely corrupted by the curse and turned into an out-of-control monster."

The young mayor took a deep breath.

His expression was very serious: "Silver Sir's church sent people here to purify the nightmare here.

"Because this nightmare cannot accommodate multiple people. No matter how many people the church sends, there will only be one person in their own nightmare. In order to prevent someone from dying in the nightmare and becoming the nourishment of the nightmare, the church only sent one person. come over.

"He is Priest Louis. Although he is just the most ordinary priest, not even a priest. But he is actually an agent from the Silver Hand, and has rich experience in purifying nightmares.

"He needs to perform at least three hundred effective purifications in the nightmare to weaken the entire nightmare and cut off the chain. So the main purpose of his coming here is not to encourage trade or treat people's injuries here. His duty , is to keep entering the shallow nightmare, and escape immediately after the purification is completed... It is a very dangerous job."

When Salvatore said this, he yawned, took a sip of black tea with his cup in his arms, and emphasized: "And I came here to keep this secret from spreading. On the one hand, it is to protect people's lives." Safety is responsible; on the other hand, it is also to prevent Priest Louis from purging desperately for a period of time, only to find that the nightmare here is getting stronger and stronger... "

... In other words, was Priest Louis sent to make copies

Salvatore didn't see it, and Annan's expression became a little weird.

He was still troubled by this matter.

If the players come to Frozen Water Port, but there is no dungeon for them to brush, will the energetic players make trouble...

After all, there are really few people here, and there are no monsters outside for them to kill. And Annan couldn't be sure whether NC could give players some tasks or something.

If players are allowed to enter the game, but can only do some farm work, fishing, building houses, etc., then this foggy continent might as well be renamed "Longing for Life Simulator".

It's fine now.

Annan planned that if the players were full of energy, they would be thrown directly into the difficult game.

Shaking M can be cultivated...

However, Annan was very curious about another matter, and was even wary:

"...Senior, why did you tell me that?"

"Because Frozen Water Harbor doesn't need two mayors. Priest Louis is mainly responsible for purifying nightmares. I don't have holy light, and I can't use spells in nightmares. What can I do when I go in? To put it bluntly, my My duty is to write a letter to the capital asking for support after Priest Louis loses control or dies."

Salvatore said with a smile, it can be seen that he is in a good mood: "That is to say, after you take over this job, my lord... I will return to the Black Tower and advance to Silver."

Annan's heart skipped a beat.

... You don't fucking want to sneak away, do you

Comparing his heart to his heart, Annan suddenly began to wonder whether Salvatore had discovered some huge danger, so he took the opportunity to run away...

Seeing that Annan seemed a little unhappy, Salvatore immediately said: "I'm not leaving immediately. Before I leave, you can come and read my book at any time... If you don't understand, you can follow me at any time. I said. After all, I was the chief back then, and I was also a prefect, so it shouldn’t be a problem to teach you.”

That's about the same.

Hearing this, Annan's complexion became much better.

He wasn't really Don Juan Geraint anyway. If there is really a big problem that can't be solved, just run away if it doesn't work...

Compared with the risks in the future, the benefits that can be obtained now are the most real.

Most importantly, he was finally able to read some books—hoping to get some common sense in this world from Salvatore.

Annan is also very tired just relying on acting skills to communicate with people.

So Annan quickly agreed.

"What are your plans for the future?"

Annan then asked again.

Seeing Annan's expectant and sincere eyes, Salvatore coughed lightly, and turned his head away somewhat unnaturally.

"I should stay in the Black Tower for a long time... I want to work directly in the Black Tower, as a professor to teach, and I can do some research when I have time. It's quite comfortable."

Having said that, he glanced at Annan and sighed softly: "Of course, if the situation in the capital continues to be chaotic, I don't think the Black Tower will be at peace for too long.

"Once the war breaks out..."

He didn't say anything after that, but Annan didn't pursue it either.

The succession of the royal family, the high-level issues of the Duchy of Winter, and the false god who is eyeing the frozen water port...

These things are all intertwined. The deeper Annan went, the more he felt that he was alone.

"The next advanced ceremony may trouble you, senior."

Annan stood up and said to Salvatore seriously.

Salvatore nodded slowly.

His tired eyes opened slightly, and he warned: "Go and read the book first, and adjust your state. The advanced ceremony needs to be performed in a nightmare. I will go to Louis to ask for some information, and I will summarize the nightmare for you. a point.

"Remember, don't do unnecessary things. If you fall into a deep nightmare, no one can save you—understand?"

"no problem."

Annan nodded, and replied very positively: "I'm sure I won't be cheap."

Others said that he was as stable as a defensive tower, so he must be a very stable person.

Annan's evaluation of himself has always been very accurate.