The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 27: I am so happy


An hour before the server was launched, a game was rushed to work on the spot—if Annan heard such a demand before traveling, he could directly slap the keyboard on the product manager's face.

Fortunately, how many things have not been done in this system...

Whether it is drawing the UI or writing a story copy, it can be done as long as "Annan stares at him". Exactly what he had in mind.

But the Annan people are still almost tired and stupid.

It is not an easy task to make a cool and gorgeous UI. He could only copy the UI of a game he was working on before. Then use your own system as a prototype template, and remove several functional permissions.

For example, at the very beginning, on the user-end system interface, the title, rank, degree of corruption, personal characteristics, and employment list will not be displayed.

Only health, attributes, levels, and public experience.

"It turns out that the default attributes of Level 1 are really five points..."

Annan sighed.

It's not that he intends to use a castrated version of the system for players.

It is the part that these players will not use temporarily. Annan intends to set it as a level-ranking mechanism and gradually open it up to form a complete content unlocking cycle.

When the level is raised to a certain level, and the main mission is opened to a certain limit, their system will open new functions. In this way, players can be motivated to continue to play actively until the perfect function is turned on.

At that time, it also means that the previous guidance is over. As long as the quality of the game itself is hard enough, it will naturally be enough to attract the remaining players to continue playing.

In this way, some functions are closed first, so that the players' attention can always be focused on the direction Annan wants them to focus on. It will also be better for user guidance-it will not come up and throw a complicated system over, so that they can see it directly.

After all, not all players can study their personal attributes in detail at the very beginning of the game like Annan.

After many players enter the game and see a complex system, they will immediately fall into chaos—or even frenzy.

"What is this? What is this? What should I do?"

In order to prevent the players from having the above-mentioned ignorant trifecta, Annan naturally needs to do a good job of guiding.

Annan naturally understands that too many functions and attributes that are temporarily unused will distract the attention of shallow players. It will make players unknowingly busy with "things that are meaningless at this stage".

In particular, this world is undoubtedly the most free "open game".

First of all, in order to prevent tourist players from running off without knowing where to go, Annan had to build an air wall around the Beihai Territory...

Well, also in order to prevent players from going to the sky and entering the earth, the air wall between the sky and the ground must also be pulled up. For the time being, let's set it within 500 meters from the ground.

In addition, external blocking of hypergame languages such as "players" and "games" must also be set.

Annan is very fortunate to have such a function.

Otherwise, it is conceivable that the unscrupulous remarks of these players will definitely cause Annan a lot of trouble...

Because the initial identity that Annan wrote to them was the guard/servant of "Don Juan Geraint". They accepted the task given to them by Don Juan, and after disembarking, they went to various places to inquire about news, and then gathered at the frozen water port.

And "Return to Frozen Water Port and report to Don Juan Geraint" became the first main task they automatically accepted after they landed.

… by the way, and this.

Annan pondered for a while, and made a special note:

"When pinching the face, it can only beautify upwards, and the beautification range does not exceed 50%."

This is because Annan is more worried about whether there will be players who are particularly good at pinching their faces, and after they are born, they will become some strange species or monsters that people can't help but want to fight at a glance...

After all, the initial arrival identities of the players are Annan's guards or servants. Annan would be ashamed if they were hideously ugly...

"… Huh?"

Annan was startled suddenly: "Can you set the initial panel and level? Can't be higher than me, um..."

But that can't be set to level ten either.

At least the vast majority of players can't do it-so there is too little game content.

"In this way, if they choose guards, let them start with a level 3 swordsman profession. And activate the inauguration panel... Well, let's reduce the experience of their second profession to 50%, and the experience of their third profession to 25%. Let their professional level increase vertically instead of horizontally, so as to avoid the situation of collective non-ranked full-professional masters... "

If you encounter a special talent, just give him a main task and give him a separate small stove.

Annan made up his mind.

The number of players in this world seems to occupy his slot for the Book of Skycart. In other words, he can only summon up to a hundred players now.

If an inexperienced person acquires this ability, they will definitely be recruited in one go.

But Annan, who was born in planning, knew that this would be problematic.

For online game players, the level gradient needs to be widened to a certain extent, so as to stagger the game content they are experiencing. It can also encourage players of all levels to work hard to level up and play actively.

To put it bluntly, if all players start from the same starting line, it will not satisfy all players because of "fairness". On the contrary, because of the inevitable existence of the vast majority of rookie players, because the environment is too fair to recognize the fact that "I am really a rookie", they will lose the enthusiasm for the game at the beginning, and then "accept fate" , to light player.

Therefore, in a game that is biased towards entertainment rather than competition, the introduction of a ranking system and the balance of various occupations are not necessarily healthy.

Annan needs to give them an excuse.

A reason of "Why are you better than others" to divert their attention. Let them focus on improving their strengths instead of complaining and losing motivation.

Why are old players awesome? Because they play early, have time advantage, and experience gap, if I play so much earlier, I can be so strong...

Why are new players awesome? Because they have a lot of time and good activities. If I had these activities back then, I would be better than them...

—In other words, if new players are not allowed to become "untouchables" forever, Annan must provide them with a channel to quickly improve their strength.

But this channel cannot allow all new players to be promoted at the same time, otherwise the old players will be dissatisfied.

"... So, I still have to be in charge of running the event?"

Annan looked in disbelief: "Am I NC, GM, artist, copywriter, numerical planning, system planning, plot planning and operation?"

Hold on, friend. Pause.

Although I don't know which great god let me time travel... But did you really make this game

"So this is not asking me to make a game from scratch? Do I still have to play the protagonist of the plot? Or just give me a vest as an OSS?"

Annan felt deeply sad that he still couldn't escape the fate of working overtime after time travel.

Fortunately, after he had connected his liver for an hour, although he still had a lot of things to fill, he could still start the server for the time being.

"That's it, that's it..."

The rest can be done slowly after the server is opened.

The big deal is to update an expansion piece or DLC or something.

Seeing that the time had reached 23:53, Annan hurriedly opened the Creator's perspective.

His field of vision was pulled up to the sky in an instant, and the ground was unobstructed. After zooming in and out of the map a few times, he mastered this ability proficiently.

"Let me choose a landing location first... hmm?"

Annan paused and frowned slightly: "What is this?"

He quickly zoomed in on the map to check the area around Frozen Water Port.

From the Creator's perspective, Annan clearly saw a group of bandits with their faces covered and armed prostrate far outside the city.

They didn't light their torches, so they couldn't be seen by the watchtowers in Freezingwater Harbor.


Annan frowned slightly.

There is no doubt that this is still the viscount's person.

Different from the dozens of people last time—he dispatched more than a hundred people this time.

And they lugged black wooden barrels wrapped in cotton that looked like heavy tires. Roll them over little by little from a distance.

This is... black fire

Annan quickly recognized it.

He narrowed his eyes.

With so many black fires, is that guy trying to kill him

According to Salvatore's description, although these amounts are far from enough to burn down the entire city... But at least it is more than enough to burn down Salvatore's house and church.

Although Annan's heart was peaceful, even a little happy.

But he thinks he should be angry now.

"Then I... I'm going to be angry too?"

Annan murmured in a low voice, but the corners of his mouth slowly rose.

He squinted his eyes and quickly modified the initial tasks of the players. And start to set up one by one descending places.

The location is set to be around those "robbers", and they will come scattered at intervals of more than ten meters.

The first wave only allows the creation of swordsman characters, the identity is locked as the guard group on the ship, and the number is set to forty. The level has been raised to level five, and all of them are holding long swords and wearing leather armor.

The initial mainline quest is set to...

Unite with your companions, kill all the robbers in front of you, and destroy the "Black Flame".

This is a timed mission.

"I'm good to you guys, just start the game and have a good fight..."

Annan murmured, the corners of his mouth raised strangely.

I don't know what kind of thoughts these robbers will have when they see "The Divine Soldier Comes from the Sky"...

Damn, I should be angry...

But the joyful feelings are almost irresistible!