The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 3: Eat my righteous backstab


Annan carefully searched around Don Juan's room, and successfully found some good things.

First of all, he found a dagger in his hand. The length of the hilt was less than 60 centimeters, more like a slightly longer dagger. Its sheath is luxurious and exquisite. When it is in the sheath, it looks more like a huge pen. When it is pulled out, the blade has a strange blue reflection.

An intricately decorated silver pocket watch, but the pocket watch has been discontinued. The case of the pocket watch was engraved with a three-eyed bird with feathers as sharp as a dagger... It seemed to be the coat of arms of the Geraint family. Because Annan saw that part of this pattern was engraved on many things.

In addition, there is a bag of coins, some letters, a ring inlaid with sapphires, a seal, two handkerchiefs, a bag of candy, and the snacks that Don Juan just brought back...

The whole room was scraped as clean as if a brave man had entered it.

The only thing worth noting is the ring.

Because when Annan picked it up, a light curtain appeared in front of his eyes:

[Dark Blue Guardian]

[Type: Ring (Purple)]

[Description: The relic left by Don Juan Geraint's mother for him, which contains cold magic power and curse]

[Description: It seems to be a certain method to lift the seal, but it is encrypted ("Mysterious Ritual" check failed)]

[Description: You have never heard of this curse ("Advanced Curse Science" test failed)]

Seeing the word "curse", Annan hesitated a little.

But after thinking about it, he still carried it in his arms.

Although I don't know what it's useful for, but in short, it's right not to let the traitors get it.

And more importantly, Annan found the sword he saw before entering this instance. It just hung on the wall closest to Annan.

Its sword is more than one meter long, and the sheath has almost no decorations, but it has been polished and polished. It looks elegant and reliable.

After pulling it out, you can just see that the blade is half of your height. It hasn't chipped yet, the blade is sharp and heavy. If nothing else, this should be John's custom-made saber.

The moment he held the sword, Annan was suddenly taken aback.

A lot of memories of using a sword came to my mind. He was instantly a mature but not so good young swordsman.

—but Annan soon noticed that it was not John's memory when he learned to use the sword. It is the memory of the young "Annan" practicing swords in the icy and snowy environment.

The previous memories flowed quickly, and Annan only had time to grasp the realization. However, the more this memory flows, the clearer it becomes, until finally, he finally saw a short but relatively complete memory:

He was holding a slender sword, lying on the ground exhausted, panting like a husky. The blade of that sword is not metallic, but white like ivory.

Standing opposite Annan was a man who looked only in his thirties. His appearance is seven points similar to Annan's, but his face is cold and stern, and his eyes are ice blue without emotion. From this angle, he looked tall and terrifying.

"Stand up and carry on."

The man said in a deep voice. The voice was low and hoarse, and the ice blue eyes seemed to have magical power.

Just by looking at it, the heart seems to be completely frozen. While he was breathing steadily, the surrounding air gradually crystallized, and the ground continuously condensed and then melted again.

"Stand up, Annan. You've had enough rest."

"Yes, father..."

Annan heard his own voice.

The voice shrank and timidly, as if the soul had been frozen.

He summoned up his courage again and stood up.

"Annan" gritted his teeth and raised the sword. Putting it horizontally in front of his waist, he assumed a somewhat strange pose.

As he drew the sword, white frost spewed out from the palm of his hand, wrapped around the blade of the sword with seemingly endless snowflakes and cold wind.

A layer of frost immediately formed on the white blade. An inconspicuous frost mark in the air struck the man's knee in a straight arc.

But the man didn't move, he just stared at the sword mark. After the frost mark approached him, it seemed to be cut off by some invisible thing, suddenly broke and shattered, and disappeared without a trace in the air.


the man repeated.

The fragment of memory came to an abrupt end.

"… interesting."

Annan raised his eyebrows.

It seems that there are many stories about this child. At least he should have an amazing father.


He tightened the sword in his hand, and a burst of enlightenment surged in his heart.

That kind of swordsmanship that rolls up waves of ice... I seem to be able to use it now.

Is this the "Frost Sword Art" on the panel

Only learned the first level of Frost Swordsmanship...

How powerful might it be

At least it should make one's blood stiff... right

Annan roughly packed his things, restored the somewhat messy room, and went out with two swords. He held the long sword in his hand, carefully hid the short sword in his pocket, and picked up the pocket watch on the table, using it as an excuse for accidentally bumping into Don Juan. Call him aside.

"Master, come here and have a look, your pocket watch has stopped again—"

... It's roughly the same as planting flags for others.

But Annan seems to be worrying too much.

He didn't have to run around the boat looking for clues.

The clues had found their way to the door.

As soon as Annan went out, he found that not far from the door, there were three young men who were dressed similarly to him, leaning around the corner and pretending to chat, but their eyes were fixed on Don Juan's door.

When they found that Annan had opened the door and came out, the three of them were taken aback.

Immediately, they communicated quickly, and one of them ran away quickly.

Noticing that Annan cast his eyes on the man who ran away, the remaining two were obviously flustered.

"John, here!"

One of them had an idea and greeted Annan loudly: "You bastard, where did you go just now!"

"I was a little sleepy just now, so I took a nap in the young master's room."

Annan heard the words, walked over and showed a simple and honest smile: "Why are you here too? Are you also here to take a rest?"

"… Oh, yes."

Looking at the reaction of their former clumsy and out-of-group companions, the two felt that something was wrong, but they could only respond in this way.

"That's it."

Annan said with a concerned face: "Then you three must be very tired standing here chatting, right? Why don't you come and sit in the room? That one should not have gone far, or I'll go over and call him, you go to the room It's warm inside, and there are some sugar cookies on the table, which are delicious...”

"No, no, no. He's help cook over there on the deck."

Seeing that Annan was really going to chase after him, one of the young guards quickly stopped him and showed a kind smile with great difficulty: "We're going to go ashore tomorrow, and we'll spend the last night on the boat tonight. You can have a big meal." Already!"

"That's it."

Annan sighed regretfully: "I thought he was looking for Instructor Klaus."

Two people: "..."

The two of them were startled, almost thinking that this idiot saw something. However, the two of them are also newbies, and they don't know what to say to hold John at this time.

When the atmosphere was awkward, Annan suddenly said, "I feel a little cold. Let's find a quiet place to practice swords and move our bodies."

"It's either good or good."

One of the guards quickly responded, "I know a place..."

"Yeah, I'm going too."

Another person followed suit.

Seeing Annan making such a request, the two of them showed obvious joy. The two looked at each other and laughed silently.

... Hey, are you trying to make me act so obvious

This is completely undisguised. How tough is this John in your hearts... Forget it, it's easy and difficult after all.

Annan couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

He just showed a simple and harmless commercial smile, and said very politely: "Then you guys lead the way."

Soon, the three of them circled around and turned into a relatively empty small room, and began to slowly arrange the wine barrels around them, trying to make room.

At this time, Annan had roughly determined that Don Juan's room should be in the middle of the ship on the first floor below the deck. There are separate corridors outside the two doors of the room.

The ship is about 70 meters long, and the space is not rich. The rooms are almost adjacent to each other—except for Don Juan himself who has a larger room, the other rooms are almost adjacent to each other. Yes, including the room of the chief guard.

In other words, anyone who wanted to enter Don Juan's room had to go this way. Even if it was found at the door, they have no excuse to explain it... because only Don Juan's room is not adjacent to any room.

So they brought themselves here, probably just to drag themselves out of Don Juan's room.

If you continue to stay in the room, maybe they will knock on the door after a while, so find an excuse to trick yourself out.

"Where is Lord Benjamin?"

Annan asked suddenly.

"Still reading in the captain's cabin."

One of the guards replied casually: "Except for Young Master Don Juan, that Elder Master has not seen anyone."

"What about the instructor?"

Annan asked: "I'm going AWOL... won't I be caught by the instructor?"

"Don't worry, John. The instructor must be on the deck."

Another guard said with certainty: "Only he has [Eagle Eye] ability, he must always look at the sea, how can he have time to go down to the cabin to patrol."

"Is that so..."

Annan murmured softly.

Looking at the two guards who were slowly stacking wine barrels with their backs turned to him, Annan narrowed his eyes slightly.

He slowly drew out the one-handed sword that belonged to John, with a cold light shining on the blade.

He didn't want to wait for the enemy to step on his face before he fought back with a sad face.

No player can resist the temptation to backstab!

Without hesitation, he stabbed the sword flatly at the young guard closest to him, directly piercing through his back!

The sharp blade pierced straight in, and the red blade protruded from the chest.

Then Annan drew his sword horizontally, bringing out a stream of scarlet blood, which splashed on another person's face. His right lung was directly cut in half by Annan, and blood gushed into the lung.

"Eat my righteous backstab!"

After the sneak attack was successful, Annan suddenly shouted.

His voice was like thunder, and the other person was so scared that he almost didn't hold the sword in his hand.

At this time, Annan raised the blade of the sword in his hand and slashed straight at the neck of another person.

The startled young guard was shocked.

He flinched, and subconsciously wanted to get out of the way, but it was still a step too late, so he could only raise his left arm to block it symbolically.

But Annan did not split vertically on his forearm. Instead, he slashed obliquely, and sliced off a piece of flesh on his big arm with one sword.


The young guard let out a miserable howl and stumbled back.

But unexpectedly, he did not lose his ability to fight back due to the pain—

Annan clearly saw a faint reddish aura burst out from the heart of the young guard. His right arm holding the sword suddenly had countless slender tendons burst out, as if there were countless red insects and ants swimming in the blood, his right arm holding the sword became much more stable.

He tried to fight back with his sword. Annan took a step forward and slapped the sword sideways.

Slapping away the opponent's slashing long sword easily, the blade lightly passed over the opponent's right shoulder holding the sword, bringing up another pool of blood.

Obviously it was just an ordinary sword strike, but the blood vessels of the young guard seemed to burst open, and the blood burst open, swimming on the ground like a living thing.

The young guard couldn't help but let go of the sword, and let out a miserable wailing sound as the hilt clattered to the ground. The muscles in his face twitched at an almost crazy frequency, as if something was about to jump out.

"... what the hell is this?"

Seeing this scene, Annan suddenly felt a strong uneasiness in his heart.

Is this the supernatural power of this world

Annan's intuition told him that if the opponent was allowed to continue transforming, this guy might have to play the second stage to fight him...

While his mind was spinning, Annan's eyes were silently ignited with a cold light, and a thin layer of frost covered the blade of the sword in an instant.

— Why don't you try Frost Swordsmanship!