The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 31: Sea of fire


In fact, there are very few players who can guarantee that they will not be injured before gathering together.

After all, this is not a game of manipulating the keyboard, mouse or controller.

Even the legendary sword god player who hammered Ganondorf to death with a chicken leg in 22 seconds, presumably the first time he used a real weapon to fight a life and death, would definitely panic for a moment.

And they are the side with fewer people.

The so-called hesitation will lead to defeat.

All players who didn't decide to be reckless in the first place—and those who decided to be reckless but didn't have enough skill, were at least hit once or twice by the bandits who reacted. The one with the worst luck was reborn into the monster heap after being resurrected twice in a row, and now has his third life...

But this is not to say that the players are all better.

If it is only calculated by output, five players have defeated more than ten enemies-after realizing that killing enemies can gain experience, the players killed all the enemies in the field of vision like mad dogs.

Just like Lin Yiyi... After everyone defeats their first enemy, they will immediately realize that their current strength and agility are undoubtedly crushing for these bandits.

How many enemies they beat depends only on how many enemies they can encounter...

Of these three special missions, the most difficult one was not the third mission, but the second mission—how to stay harmless.

"Don't give me a shield, and don't give me the ability to roll, it's really hard to not get hurt..."

Said a player who did not want his real name to be disclosed.

In the end, it was found that there were only three people who could remain uninjured until now:

I was very lucky, the retired professional player who has not met an enemy so far, "Wandering Child";

Killed five enemies with smooth swordsmanship. In real life, he is a card game anchor for full armor fighting enthusiasts, "Delicious Wind Goose";

And the reckless one, Lin Yiyi, who is good at handling at the same time.

Moreover, the three of them ordered charge, basic swordsmanship, and parry respectively, and they happened to be the addition points of the three factions of sensitive body, force body, and force sensitivity. In 100% of the cases, depending on personal preference, whether the rewards obtained will be different.

Because harmless players are so cherished, they cannot be allowed to do that kind of dangerous experiment.

Rather, fortunately, they have such a consciousness.

After paying the price of three lives, the players summed up how to use the black fire:

Just throw it far away.

"This fuze is a deception! Either it was cut short...Anyway, it is absolutely impossible to run out after being ignited!"

Several experimental subjects who were reborn said with lingering fear: "This thing hurts too much."

Once the black flame meets the open flame, it will explode immediately. It directly exploded a huge flame with a range of at least five meters... If it touched anyone, it would stick to it and burn until it died.

But if the black fire is hit, it will start to burn slowly after the liquid inside meets the air. Although it is equally dangerous, at least it will not hurt yourself.

Moreover, the enemy burned to death by the black fire is still considered a solo kill, and it can indeed increase the number of kills. This is indeed the case. The solo kill conditions set by Annan are only calculated according to the proportion of damage.

Of course, in order to prevent players from crazily coming up with special methods to earn experience, enemies whose trap damage exceeds 30% cannot get experience.

A player raised a possibility: "I said, this is not a magic game, is it?"

The players immediately started talking in low voices:

"It's possible..."

"Although the camera flashed by, I saw that after Don Juan patted the man, the man immediately fell to the ground in pain."

"Don't say that, that person may also be from Pengci..."

While they were discussing, the three people selected over there had already started to use black fire and started the work of "wiping people's heads".

Throw the Blackfire and watch the kill count increase. The only pity is that when killing enemies in this way, they cannot gain experience.

Ordinarily, they should try to find those people and kill them. This is how the experience is maximized. But seeing that more than half of the 30-minute limit has passed, the players are starting to get a little anxious.

After Lin Yiyi and the others completed the third task, the other players also began to carry the black fire, throwing it into various corners where people could hide.

But until they almost used up the black fire and filled all the places where people might hide with flames, there were still two final kills that hadn't been completed:

[Main Mission: Black Flame Calamity]

[Mission requirements: kill all Roseburg private troops within 30 minutes (112/), destroy or control all black fires (50/50)]

"Only at this time, I think it's not good for the game to be too real."

Delicious Wind Goose complained: "I want a small map. Or an enemy marker... It's so hot that my eyes are almost dazzled."

"No no no, I still prefer this level of authenticity..."

Lin Yiyi complained; "Is there any dissatisfaction with playing such an awesome game? And this kind of task of finding the last person, even if you are given a small map, you may not be able to find it..."

"We are the chosen ones."

The street child on the side repeated what he had said before.

"They haven't run away, have they?"

Jiu'er asked in a worried voice.


A player replied bluntly: "My birth point is a high platform, so I can see clearly that these bandits were all driven towards the middle by us. We were born around them."

"That's weird..."

"...can't they see those two?"

Annan narrowed his eyes slightly.

He sees clearly from the Creator's perspective...

The remaining two people squatted not far from the crowd. She shrank in place, not daring to move.

Listening to dozens of people chatting and laughing happily, discussing how to kill them all, the two looked at each other in fear, and their spirits were obviously on the verge of collapse.

The two of them are no more than five or six meters away from the nearest player.

But none of the players can see them.

… Is this some kind of stealth ability

"Just in time, it's time for me to appear..."

Annan whispered.

He was leading a group of militiamen on night duty, and he was riding towards the direction of the fire, and he would arrive soon.

yes, firelight—

These players obviously didn't realize one thing.

The spread of fire is a very difficult thing to stop while allowing complete environmental devastation.

When they reacted, it was a bit late:

"Wait a minute, are we surrounded!"

Lin Yiyi felt that the air was getting hotter and hotter, and suddenly she was shocked.

She quickly interrupted everyone's conversation: "This fire is getting bigger and bigger!"

"When you put it that way..."

"Go out first! Don't be in a hurry, move out those black flames that are under control—this thing should be very valuable! I think even if it can't be sold for money, it can at least improve the mission evaluation!"

"What if they blow up when they get close to the fire!"

Someone shouted: "This thing will explode when it catches fire!"

Delicious Wind Goose replied bluntly: "Then you have to move out! Run one by one! Don't go out together! If these fires really surround us, these black fires will blow up here sooner or later!"

After saying that, he raised two buckets of black fire one by one, and rushed out with the lead.

Then, without hesitation, he quickly ran towards the sea of fire that had not closed yet.

The other players also reacted quickly.

The next one was Lin Yiyi, because she lost the scabbard and needed to carry the sword in one hand, so she only carried a bucket of black fire.

The players moved the black fire out quickly in an orderly manner.

When the seventh person passed, the two barrels of black fire suddenly exploded.

The bursting flames engulfed the player in an instant. He couldn't even yell, and he disappeared without a trace in the fire.

This is the first time for other players to see the scene of the player's death:

It was as if the whole person had been turned into burnt ashes, collapsing downwards and disintegrating. It was then blown away in the winds of the explosion.

And with his death, the flames finally closed. The Black Flame can no longer be transported... But there is still a small gap in the flame sword, probably people can get out.

There were more than thirty players inside—as well as another player who fell out of the void in embarrassment and had just been resurrected.

"... Didn't get stuck?"

He was obviously disappointed.

The others also greeted each other and prepared to evacuate.

At this time, the players can no longer find and kill the last two robbers.

However, the players in the sea of flames suddenly heard the exclamation of those players who had already run out:


"This person is..."

"Master Don Juan!"

This is the clever Lin Yiyi.

She directly interrupted the others and shouted with the loudest voice.

Hearing her voice, the players inside who had just become nervous suddenly realized.

And Lin Yiyi also wanted to warn the players inside, telling them not to talk nonsense in front of the "important NC"... It's like when the demons are dancing in the classroom, the classmate at Fangfeng at the door shouted "Hello Teacher X":

"Master, we are back! That viscount is going to murder you... This is the black fire they brought! There are still people trapped by the fire!"

"I see. I'm going to get them out."

The people inside the sea of fire heard Don Juan Geraint's cold and immature voice: "Yi Yi, you watch my horse."