The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 34: Don't stop



Annan blinked, not knowing how to reply for a while.

Are people in your world so straight

Seeing Annan looking at her blankly, and meeting those ice-blue eyes that were so clear to almost transparent, Lin Yiyi's heart skipped a beat.

She tried her best to suppress the urge to move in her heart, and said nonchalantly: "I just thought, young master, you may need a few personal guards. It just so happens that I am better at taking care of people..."

This is a lie.

Lin Yiyi has never taken care of others in her 21 years of life. The largest animal that survived in her care was a rabbit.

Annan, who had never chatted with women until now, was also a little moved when he heard the words.

Although for him at this age, superfluous things are temporary nonsense... But it is always good to have someone to take care of his daily life.

He can indeed recruit one or two players who are pleasing to the eye and let them take care of their daily life. After all, as an NC with a golden template, Annan has a lot of experience points every day. At least he can make the growth of his maid team no slower than the elite land reclamation team, and even faster than them.

If Annan wanted to, he could quickly spawn a level 10 dual-professional full-level player within a day.

But it doesn't make sense.

And after Annan thought for a moment, he still felt that this was inappropriate.

It's not that it's wrong to hire players to be your maids... It's just that it's wrong to let them get such benefits without paying anything.

Yes, he didn't say otherwise.

What has to be paid is that the other party is the maid.

Annan has confirmed his appearance, and has a full understanding of his current lofty status. At this time, he is undoubtedly in an absolute leading position...

Therefore, he must be reserved.

In order to create a character who is "cold on the outside and hot on the inside, and has to become stronger because of pain and setbacks", Annan had to reluctantly refuse—

And with its own value, this job can still be sold for a good price.

Annan thought calmly in his heart.

He roughly checked his task amount to see what price he could sell himself at most, so as not to anger these players, so that their "sense of gain" was significantly higher than their "sense of giving".

As a planner, he understands the balance between the sense of giving and the sense of gain. This is also a game with mature and reliable planning, and there is a clear gap with other games:

If this problem cannot be solved, either too few benefits will be distributed, and a considerable number of players will suffer more frustration than they can bear, and then abandon the pit; or because too many benefits will be distributed, players’ abilities and vision will grow. Too fast, which will lead to diminishing happiness when recharging the amount, and then reduce desire.

Yes, the technology of distributing benefits was originally used to deceive Krypton.

And this game obviously does not provide a recharge channel...

Since there are no coupons and no time charges—then Annan only needs to think in the direction of "how to improve playability and durability". For him, this has greatly reduced the workload.

The first point is to make a hard currency out.

Although this game does not have coupons. But this does not mean that Annan cannot create a coupon.

Yes, it is the "favorability" he sent to the player.

As long as this favorability can buy just-needed and unique items, as well as a large number of universal and cost-effective items, then the favorability will become a kind of "token" that players get through missions. And because favorability cannot be traded, this token is even "bound".

Now that there are coupons, Annan can start working.

In fact, all Annan's plans for players revolve around this "token".

The first thing is to make a concept, that is, your own favorability is very useful. As long as it is what you have, you can buy anything.

Even Annan himself can buy it.

Yes, Annan is even thinking about how much money he can sell and how much cash he can get from these players if he is a commodity...

Well, at least one thousand favorability points in the trust stage can be exchanged for such a job opportunity... Just in case, it needs to be limited to women.

If you want to be my maid, how can you not pay me

—Since I'm so cute, of course you gave me the money.

Annan was confident and confident, and his heart was very peaceful.

"I'm living with Senior Salvatore now."

Seeing Jiu'er squeezed over curiously, Annan had no choice but to let the horses go slower, lowered his head and explained to them in a low voice: "This is inconvenient..."


Jiu'er made a soft and curious voice: "Where is the senior? Twenty-four years old?"

"No, he should be in his thirties."

Annan pretended that he didn't understand the stalk of the other party's words, and calmly explained: "He is the former mayor of Frozen Water Port, and he is a more powerful wizard than me."

"In other words, are those people planning to attack Frozen Water Port in front of Lord Salvatore?"

Lin Yiyi asked instead.

She very cleverly changed the previous topic, just like when trying to test the other party's mind is about to fail, she casually throws out a topic to attract the other party's attention. It is a common skill for girls.

But she chose to change the subject at this time, not because she wanted to take the question back.

She just noticed that Jiu'er, who was following behind, suddenly came over with a curious expression.

Immediately, Lin Yiyi had a warning sign in his heart, and asked Annan to quickly bring this issue to the past.

Although I am only twenty-one years old this year...but to the little lord who is only twelve or thirteen years old, I am still a "big sister" who is half a generation older.

Whether it is in age or height, there must be a gap.

On the contrary, Jiu'er, who is too petite and even half a head shorter than "Don Juan Geraint", is more like a peer, and is more likely to have a common topic with the other party.

Moreover, Jiu'er is not a real "twelve or thirteen-year-old peer".

Jiu'er's real age is not only about to reach adulthood, but she is also an anchor. Compared with other girls of this age, she is better at talking, chatting, attracting love from others, and understanding people's hearts.

Among the forty players in the first test, although women are not particularly rare, there are actually not many who are competitive.

Lin Yiyi is very confident.

Because she believed that the other female players who came here must also be aiming at the task of the lord.

Only she is different—

Because she came for the face! She just wants to rub her face!

She can confidently speak out her desires—this is enlightenment.

Suddenly, Lin Yiyi had an idea, and a bold idea:

Speaking of which, is this game for all ages

Being watched closely by her undisguised eyes, Annan was shocked.

Damn, are the players in this world so scary...

He coughed lightly, pretending not to notice, and replied in a low voice: "However, because the black fire was discovered before. So Senior Salvatore is currently doing research in the soundproof basement...

"He happened to be away during these hours."

"Then it's a coincidence."

Lin Yiyi nodded with a serious face, and agreed.

In fact, she didn't listen much at all, her mind was full of those icy blue eyes like a puppet cat...

Annan could only cough lightly again, and replied flatly, "Yeah, so... this is definitely not revenge, but deliberate murder. They have already laid a conspiracy to kill me.

"I don't know how to offend them. But since they want to come, I will."

Annan made a cold voice, with a persecuted and aggrieved expression on his face, but at the same time, his expression was firm and his words were full of confidence: "I will never give in here. No matter how great the danger is, it can't stop me—"

Although there are many dramas, Annan actually didn't take this enemy to heart at all.

After all, in this assassination operation that completely broke the rules of the game, Annan did not see a single extraordinary person during the whole process.

This has undoubtedly shown Annan his background.

If it wasn't for the players staring at him, he wouldn't have been able to talk to those two people before, and he went straight up with two swords and hacked the two invisible ones to death. But after all, the player looks at it, and he needs to "disclose some information about the plot to them from the dialogue", so it is a bit troublesome.

But Annan is still very grateful to the old Viscount.

Thanks to his blind operations, Annan successfully pretended to be a bully in front of the players, and established a positive image of himself being innocent and persecuted. No matter what he does next, he will be understood by the players.

In principle, it is the same as Annan showing Salvatore that he was attacked. If you first put yourself on the side of the persecuted, you will get people's pity; and if you have great potential, status, ability, and most importantly, good looks, you will immediately win over a group of neutral people. the masses.

Now after Annan goes back, he is ready to enter the dungeon.

He was very much looking forward to whether this old foolish old man of Roseburg would continue to do some mysterious operations... It would be best to take advantage of his absence to completely anger the players and the citizens of Frozen Water Port.

In this way, he took the "revenge" of the players, which was an act of justice. It will even establish his prestige and the goodwill of the citizens of Frozen Water Port, and completely twist this force into a single rope.

So don't stop, old man!

please! Please continue to die!

I'm good at killing, let's send another wave——

I will definitely not fight back this time!