The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 36: Is there anything that can be brought into the game



When Lin Yiyi opened her eyes again, she found herself curled up in the computer chair with sore body.

Only then did she realize that she seemed to have fallen asleep lying on the chair, and the phone had already come out of her hand and dropped to the ground.

... Is it a dream

no, no...

She suddenly raised her head and looked at the time.

half past three in the morning—

Just in time for her to fall asleep in the game.

If this is a dream, this dream is too real...

"Well, wait..."

Lin Yiyi reacted and turned on the phone.

She quickly turned to the page of "Mist Continent" and opened the app.

— but she failed.

After the app is opened, only one window pops up:

The character sleeps less than eight hours that day, please take a full rest before entering the game.

... not a dream!

Lin Yiyi suddenly felt a burst of ecstasy bursting out of her heart!

That wasn't a dream—she was really selected and became the first beta player of this cross-age game!

"How about playing Snowfield Ghost Cry 5... Can this be as fun as the Fog Continent?"

After the ecstasy, a burst of depression rose in her heart.

Absolutely, after playing the Fog Continent, how can she play other games...

She still has to make videos. This is her job...

If possible, Lin Yiyi would of course want to make the Fog Continent into a live video. But the first problem is that the great god who chose them is likely not willing to reveal this game-this problem is very real.

According to Lin Yiyi's understanding, the first test stage of many masterpieces in the game industry is completely closed. Players participating in the test must sign a very strict non-disclosure agreement, promising not to disclose the content of the game before the ban is lifted.

Although none of them signed such a confidentiality contract... But the binding force of the black technology itself is far stronger than the contract.

She was really afraid of being "dismissed".

Because Lin Yiyi really and deeply loves games, and loves that mysterious and magnificent world...

…and that damn pretty blue-eyed Masahiro.

And even if the great god who summoned them didn't prohibit the live broadcast, she couldn't record it with the naked eye

It's not a question of how to entrain the camera.

Her physical body never entered that world at all...

Lin Yiyi clearly remembered that after her body used the [Charge] skill, her legs were always sore and sore. It didn't get any better until she lay on the bed and chose to go offline and leave.

But when she just woke up, she felt that her body was exactly the same as before she fell asleep. The only difference is that being curled up in the chair for three hours made her feel a little backache...

Unless the planner can provide them with a live broadcast interface, there is no way to record the video, let alone live broadcast it to the audience.

She sleeps eight hours a day... These eight hours can basically synchronize the game with reality.

Then, in the remaining sixteen hours, is she busy with work half and playing games half, or should she play games first

At least for Lin Yiyi, this is not a very difficult choice.

With her appearance and voice, it is too easy to be famous. It is precisely because she loves games from the bottom of her heart that she chooses this line of work.

Her original idea was to "prevent you from having no time to play games when you work in the future." That's why I simply chose the game industry as my main business.

And now, since games conflict with work...

—Then it’s naturally a liver game!

At least for a while, after opening up wasteland to a similar level, at least without any obsessions, then go back and make some game videos, and slowly release them to delay the update rhythm. Let's just gossip about the live broadcast for now.

Lin Yiyi is very fortunate now that she has just finished the ending of a series. In this way, she can free up a lot of time to procrastinate...

Looking at the "upload complete" prompt on the screen, Lin Yiyi fell into deep thought.

She decisively changed the scheduled release time from tomorrow to three days later.

In terms of the rhythm of weekly updates, wouldn't this drag out ten days...

"If you really can't make a video in the end, go to Jiu'er for a side talk."

She made up her mind.

Let's talk about it first.

"It's 3:30 now, and eight hours later it's... Well, do you want to sleep after all?"

Lin Yiyi had a bitter face: "But I feel like I can't sleep at all..."


Sleep while playing games during the day

Since when I was here, the character over there was sleeping... Does it mean that my original body was also sleeping when I was playing the game

If this is the case, not only did her time not decrease, but it also increased by eight hours!

"...but this will require an experiment."

I have to find someone to observe whether the body stays in place and falls asleep after entering the game, or is directly sucked into the phone...

The game is fun, but it would be bad if you die suddenly while playing.

Lin Yiyi lowered her head and flipped through her phone, finally found Jiu'er's WeChat account, and then began typing information quickly.

Before she could send the message, Jiu'er made a WeChat call.


Lin Yiyi was overjoyed.

Before the two of them, there was no communication at all.

The phone call itself showed that it was really not a dream!

She answered immediately, picked up the phone and said directly: "Jiu'er, are you coming here or should I drive over?"


Jiu'er's keen and vigilant voice came from the other end of the phone: "Sister Hengban, I'm underage..."

"It's not a horizontal bar, it's one by one."

Lin Yiyi retorted habitually, and then lowered her voice subconsciously: "Do an experiment... about the game, you know. We'll talk about it when we meet.

"...Speaking of which, what are you calling for?"

"I want to ask you," Jiu'er mused for a long time before making a soft voice, "Do you think it's useful for us to learn cooking skills?"


Lin Yiyi looked bewildered, not quite understanding what Jiu'er meant: "What did you say?"

Although she had known for a long time that this anchor was known for her wonderful thinking circuits, before Lin Yiyi thought she was pretending for the effect of the show. It's like she is madly shaking people while outputting madly.

But she really didn't understand Jiu'er's jumping logic...

"What I mean is," Jiu'er explained, "shall we bring something to the young master?"

"... You mean, after learning how to cook, bring it into the game to compete for maids?"

Lin Yiyi was wary for a moment, but after thinking about it seriously, she felt that this idea was really good.

The only question is, can the class with the fastest cooking skills be taught in two or three days...

After Lin Yiyi raised this question, Jiu'er also seemed to feel that this plan was not very reliable.

"Since you can't cook..."

Jiu'er murmured in a low voice, with a light voice: "Then we can only make a big explosion..."

Are you competing with the maid by making a big bomb

"Go to bed first, Jiu'er. I think you're too sleepy to wake up."

Lin Yiyi replied decisively: "Well, I will send you the address. Are you on summer vacation recently? Can you go out and live at a friend's house?"

After all, Jiu'er is still underage, and it is said that she is still a rich lady. In the eyes of Lin Yiyi, who is so poor, she must be the kind who has to bring bodyguards when she travels at night...

"I can't go out, you should come to my house."

Jiu'er leaned next to the microphone and whispered, "My house is very big..."

"… OK."

Lin Yiyi was silent for a while, then nodded: "Then I'll pack up and go."

After all, she is a single girl who lives alone at home. If she enters the Misty Continent during the day, she will be in a coma for a day, which is not very safe. It might be safer to live with netizens.

Jiu'er replied humbly, "Then I'll go to Uncle Li and call the hospital."

"...why call the hospital?"

"Buy some hanging bottles."

Jiu'er took it for granted, "Infusion of physiological saline or nutrient solution is fine."

"No, let's eat normally."

Lin Yiyi was tormented by Jiu'er's strange logic, and she replied decisively: "I will supervise you when the time comes. Don't call the hospital either, just send me the address. I'll pack it up and drive there."

"Then I'll get you the bath water?"

Jiu'er hummed obediently again, then turned and said quietly: "But I still have to call the hospital. What if you die suddenly at my house due to anger..."

"I beg you, please don't let me die suddenly..."

Lin Yiyi quickly hung up the phone.

She felt that her blood pressure was going to be full, and she would die on the spot if she didn't hang up the phone.

This man's speech is too chaotic. The most outrageous thing is that she actually knows her own chaos.

How did Jiu'er's fans stand this weird girl? Won't they be pissed off? How can this girl be so popular

—Is it because of your pretty face

"If that's the case, then I'll have to show my face next time I make a video. Then they should be able to forgive me for procrastinating..."

Lin Yiyi thought about it, and hurriedly packed her clothes and daily necessities.

On the other side of the world, Annan finally returned home.

Not surprisingly, Salvatore has already analyzed the source of the black fire.