The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 38: Advanced ceremony


Annan has always been very cruel to himself.

You can fall asleep when you say sleep, and you will never stay in bed when you wake up. I don’t smoke or drink alcohol. I don’t think I’ll take another bite when I’m full. I eat a balanced diet every day. I don’t think it’s good to play with my phone before going to bed. I never turn on my phone once in bed. Hours will stop eating and will not open the game again.

After all, he is not the product manager next door, no matter how serious his work is, he will not die suddenly.

Because he never fishes during working hours, all tasks can be completed before get off work, and there is no need to stay up late and work overtime. This is a good habit he developed when he was a student.

And Annan would never take on any redundant tasks beyond his ability - all the workload he took on was just to the extent that he could just complete it when he was working hard.

He is like a perfect rational machine. Precise, graceful and perfect, his bosses say he's excellent, and his doctors say he's healthy.

This perfect ability to control himself is the reason why he can still maintain his normality through common sense after losing half of his emotions.

After he notified the important news to Priest Luis and Salvatore respectively, what he could do had reached its limit.

The rest is no longer up to him whether he works hard or not. It was useless to think about it, so he left Luis and Salvatore to stay up late and work overtime, and he soon fell asleep with peace of mind.

This kind of atmosphere of familiar colleagues staying up late and working overtime by themselves made Annan sleep extra sweetly and feel refreshed after waking up.

When he woke up again, players had already logged in one after another.

Obviously, there should be a considerable number of players among them who didn't sleep at all, but got stuck online for eight hours.

Because Annan didn't seem to wake up, they didn't bother Annan in a rude manner, and they didn't rush to find people to talk to or find clues to the mission. It is to organize a group to stroll around the city and enjoy the scenery of other worlds.

Annan was very pleased.

This shows that this group of players is still very mature.

Being able to clearly understand the principle that sharpening a knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood means that at least you are not a brat.

So moved by Annan, he assigned them a new task:

[The old Viscount from Rosberg really wanted Don Juan Geraint's life—similarly, he also wanted your lives]

[There is indeed a force from the capital behind him. And he also has other forces secretly supporting him, but so what? In any case, you are unwilling to admit defeat here, your adventure has just begun]

[For this, Don Juan Geraint is ready]

[As Don Juan said, 'This is not revenge, but murder'. You have successfully defeated an evil murder conspiracy, and now, it is time for you to take revenge]

[No worries, no mercy, do your best, use whatever means—]

[Just because evil is present, you are all justice]

[Acquired main task: Calamity of Fort Rose / Defending Frozen Water Harbor]

[Main task: Calamity of Fort Rose (0/20)]

[Mission requirements: Use your own means to evade inspections and sneak into Roseburg's territory, and successfully lurk (0/1), create chaos at the right time, and prepare for Don Juan Geraint's plan (0/1)]

[Special needs (+10~100 evaluation): depending on the specific contribution]

[Special requirements: cannot be completed at the same time as "Defend the Frozen Water Port"]

[Main task: Defending the Frozen Water Port (0/20)]

[Mission requirements: Before the plan is successful, assist the militia to take security measures to ensure that the frozen water port is not attacked (0/1), and ensure that "Priest Louis", "Salvatore Black Tower", "Don Juan · Geraint survived (0/3)]

[Special needs (+10~100 evaluation): depending on the specific contribution]

[Special requirements: cannot be completed at the same time as "The Disaster of Fort Rose"]

After receiving the main mission all of a sudden, the players immediately discussed it in the forum.

They roughly understood that this should be Don Juan Geraint waking up, and after discussing with the other two important NCs, he made up his mind to take revenge on Rosberg.

This is a good thing.

Players feel this way from the bottom of their hearts.

After all, the entire Frozen Water Port belongs to friendly units.

After the exciting but not hearty battle, the player fell into a dilemma where there were no monsters to fight, no dungeons to spawn, and only some simple daily tasks to do.

Although the world itself surprises and satisfies them enough, something is always missing.

Nothing is missing now.

The main mission has finally advanced to the point where he can fight monsters.

According to the thoughts of the players, they must all want to visit Fort Rose. Not only because they can "kill monsters legally" over there, but also because they don't have to worry about reducing Don Juan's favor.

It's because there is a new map over there... maybe there will be some good things that can't be bought in Frozen Water Port, and new tasks that can't be accepted.

Annan also knew that this was indeed the case.

After all, compared with Frozen Water Port, Fort Rose is closer to the inland. When Frozen Water Port belonged to the Dukedom of Winter, it used to be the frontier fortress of Noah Kingdom, and the traffic with the mainland was much closer than Frozen Water Port. It is indeed not as big as the frozen water port in terms of area, but the number of residents is more than doubled.

Although theoretically speaking, Don Juan is the lord of the entire North Sea Territory, and Viscount Roseburg is a vassal who protects him. But after all, he was only the third son of the Geraint family, not his father... let alone his grandfather.

Today, Freezing Water Port is still the most important city in the Northern Sea Territory—after all, it is the only large port in the Northern Sea Territory. But after the ban on cross-border trade with the Duke of Winter, the most prosperous place has become Roseburg.

But Annan had already guessed what the players were thinking.

So he directly set the two missions to a maximum of 20 people. In other words, only half of the players can go to Fort Rose... so that the house can be prevented from being stolen.

A tactician surnamed Sun once said that all tactics are switchers.

Annan was worried that after he threw forty nails in, the other side would have the same idea as himself...

After setting up like this, the players quickly found out through discussions and elections the top ten people with the strongest frontal fighting ability in the last battle... and the ten anchors who are the oldest, the most bad, and the best at making troubles. Go to pick up this difficult latent task, and be a purchasing agent by the way.

The three people who had completed the task perfectly before were all among them. On the contrary, Jiu'er took the initiative to choose to guard the house.

After the players assigned the tasks, Annan and Salvatore went to the Silver Jue Church.

"Just in case."

In this regard, Salvatore explained: "The advanced ceremony cannot be interrupted. And no one dares to attack the church. After all, the power of the Silver Jue Church... In short, you will be safer staying here."

"And you go to absorb the firepower for me?"

Annan raised his eyebrows and asked back.

Salvatore, however, looked serious: "Because there really might be spies or assassins sneaking in, and they should be by my side. Otherwise, they wouldn't be sure that I was in the basement at that time... After all, if I happened to have Kong, these black flames are impossible to detonate. Before they are detonated, they are just materials for casting spells to me.

"If you're worried about me, you should complete the advancement as soon as possible and come out. With one more extraordinary person, Frozen Water Harbor will be much safer."

"I see."

Annan nodded seriously.

Afterwards, he stood on the ritual circle that had been drawn in advance.

The magic circle is made of red gemstones, and it has not yet completed its formation.

Under the gaze of Priest Louis, Salvatore recited the incantation of the transformation school for the first time in front of Annan:

"The partridge in the east, the crane in the west, the sparrowhawk in the south, the owl in the north. Black with iron, white with fire, yellow with precious stones, red with blood—"

I saw that the gemstones on the magic circle gradually melted and separated. The thin magic circle became three-dimensional, and the black, yellow, and white triple rings began to slowly and quietly rotate around Annan.

At this time, Salvatore breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, it can keep you safe, and we can wake you up at any time... Now, get ready to enter the nightmare."

As he spoke, he handed a note to Annan: "Just read the name on it."

Annan took the note and read softly:

"Skeleton Lord..."

"I am listening."

A deep voice suddenly sounded in Annan's heart with a heavy echo.

The next moment, a line of data flow suddenly appeared in front of his eyes:

[Detection of incompletely purified nightmare fragments]

[Level Requirements: Below the Gold Rank]

[Professional requirements: none]

[Special needs: none]

[The requirements are met, after ten seconds I will fall into a nightmare, ten, nine...]