The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 4: Resurrected from the dead


Annan was wrapped in frost, and with a flick from bottom to top, he stabbed straight at the opponent's chin.

If this blow hits, it should at least slow down his transformation...

These thoughts flashed through his mind quickly.

But soon, Annan was startled suddenly, and his steps stopped.

It was just a normal upward pick with one blow.

He didn't even hit the enemy, the blade just brushed against the tip of the opponent's nose—

But a faint trace of frost slanted out from the tip of the blade, and slapped the young guard's right eye.

In a very short period of time, the frost mark spread on his head. The opponent's head was completely covered with a layer of hoarfrost, even the movement of turning the head and the twitching of the muscles on the face became stiff, and the skin was radiating a chill visible to the naked eye.

The man's eyes were even more astonished than Annan's:

"...Frost sword technique? You—"

Before the young guard could finish speaking, his throat was covered with frost marks that spread.

After spreading through the heart, the traces of frost suddenly multiplied and spread directly to the whole body. The young guard fell back stiffly, his face was pale and bloodless, and his eyelashes were covered with frost, like a frozen corpse that had been frozen for a long time in the icy world.

Even Annan was shocked by the power of his sword.

He has always been very cautious. He actually wanted to slow down just now, and then make a long-term plan...

—Am I so strong

"I have to experiment to see what the upper limit of frost swordsmanship is."

If this life can't complete the main task in the dungeon, then at least find someone to test your own damage. Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to determine what level of enemy he could fight outside...

As the saying goes, if you can beat it, you will ripple, if you can't beat it, you will run away. When people pretend to be aggressive, they must be a little bit aggressive with themselves so as not to be counter-killed.

Annan quickly made up his mind and began to tidy up the corpses in the room. You don't need to deal with it too much, just bury them with a wine barrel.

Anyway, this is just a copy, as long as no one can see it at a glance when opening the room.

After tidying up his clothes again, Annan walked out of the room calmly, and walked back along the same path.

When he returned to Don Juan's room again, he slowed down in advance.

After walking to the door, Annan really heard someone rummaging through things inside, and he didn't hide it at all.

"Look again, be careful!"

Klaus's deep voice came from the room: "That thing is a piece of paper, it may be anywhere - every book must be carefully turned! Go and see if there is any in the bed!

"There are also rings and seals, and look carefully! If any of them are missing, we can't deliver them. Whoever dares to change his mind, I will throw him into the Black Sea!"


Annan frowned slightly.

He glanced at the taskbar.

[Find out the true identity of the betrayer] The (Completed) mark has been silently marked on the back. But the latter two tasks have not yet been completed.

He didn't disturb these people, but slowly stepped back, preparing to go to the captain's cabin to have a look.

Before he came to the deck, he heard the clanging of swords and swords on the deck.

Just by listening roughly, you can hear at least three groups of people fighting. That wizard doesn't know if it's a friend or an enemy... If it's a friend, he's probably in danger now;

But at this time, hurried footsteps came from behind Annan.

There are wolves in front and tigers in back.

He has no way out.

"Heh... have you been discovered?"

Annan laughed out loud, "It doesn't look too stupid."

Live till dinner starts

Don't let Don Juan Geraint drink the poisoned wine

He had no intention of doing either of those things.

Annan could hear clearly that there was an extra reward for deciphering. Then he has to do it, naturally he has to do his best—he has to make everything clear and get the best benefits.

He can't be revived outside. If he shrinks back and fails to be perfect in the revived copy, how can he pass the more dangerous game outside with one life

Isn't this the simplest truth

Annan didn't hesitate anymore, kicked open the door of the deck, jumped up and climbed up.

As soon as he got on the deck, he looked around and saw the location of the captain's cabin.

He ran to that side without hesitation. The two parties on the ship who were fighting saw him rushing out suddenly, and rushed to the captain's room without hesitation, and couldn't confirm which side he belonged to for a while.

But soon, someone on the side with more people reacted.

"Kill John!"

Someone shouted loudly: "If you want to live, kill him! He can't be persuaded to surrender!"

"You fart!"

While running at top speed, Annan retorted, not to be outdone, "How do you know if you don't try!"

He threw the scabbard far away, and hit the frost sword at the person who tried to intercept him.

He slapped the opponent's blade with a sword, deflecting the opponent's slash. But at this time, the man let out a scream, and dropped the long sword in his hand.

Annan knocked him away with a shoulder bump. The man didn't intend to continue to stop Annan, but just stepped back while holding his right hand and screaming.

I saw a faint cold air coming from the man's right hand, which was pale without the slightest trace of blood, forming a stark contrast with the bloody left hand.

The long sword he threw on the ground quickly frosted and was fixed to the deck.

At this time, Annan finally rushed to the captain's room.

Just as he expected... There were only two people in the captain's cabin.

Or strictly speaking, a human and a half.

Don Juan was tied up and hung in a corner, looking at Annan with a complicated expression.

And Benjamin, the "Silver Rank Wizard" in a long robe, was already lying on the table. The silver ring on his right hand was cracked, and countless trembling eyeballs emerged from the gap. His own mouth was overflowing with blood, his teeth and plates were stained red, and the eyeballs of his eyes had no pupils, iris, and whites, leaving only pitch black.

"... John, are you from Duke Winter?"

Don Juan asked Annan softly, with a complicated expression: "Are you also a nail that someone arranged for me..."

Annan asked back with great interest, "How did you make sure?"

The young master didn't struggle much, he was probably mentally prepared for his fate.

He was silent for a while, then answered Annan's question in a low voice:

"I saw that you used frost swordsmanship. You have no rank and no witchcraft, but you can freeze others in the air. This can only be done by the frost swordsmanship of Duke Winter's family. They will never pass this trick on to you. For someone with a foreign surname... and you are indeed from the Duchy of Winter."

He paused, then asked Annan again: "Did you come to find the Book of Skycar after you came to the capital all this way? Grand Duke Lin Dong also has ideas about it?"

"No no."

Annan replied casually, looked at the old wizard who had not breathed in much, and asked again: "Master Benjamin, what's wrong? Are you poisoned?"

"He violated his own spell and was counter-cursed."

The young master quickly replied.

"What is the curse? What is the counter-curse?"

Annan asked.

Don Juan didn't struggle, but just whispered, "You'll know when you enter the class... Transcendents are not beautiful things."

"Talk more, talk more."

Annan closed the door, turned his head and urged.

Don Juan sighed, assuming that Annan was already crazy, he fulfilled his wish and told all he knew:

"Power has a price to pay. In this world, all supernatural power comes from curses. Every time you carry a piece of power, you have to bear the same curse... For example, every time your soul rank rises, you have to bear a new The curse. The curse is everyone's greatest secret, every time a curse is violated, one will suffer a piece of pain, and if all the curses are violated, one will be counter-cursed and temporarily lose all power.

"The two curses Master Benjamin holds are 'can't eat squid' and 'can't refuse wine from people older than himself'. I don't know where Klaus learned about his curse, so he Designed to kill Lord Benjamin with poisoned wine mixed with squid juice."

"How did you determine that I didn't enter the rank?"

Annan frowned slightly.

If he didn't figure out this problem, he didn't even dare to use Frost Sword Technique...

This thing is ruthless, but it is a bit revealing. Unless it is the case that the opponent will die after using it, it can only be used when no one notices.

—Of course, it doesn't matter in the copy.

When Don Juan heard this, he looked at him strangely.

"... Isn't this common sense?"

He was a little confused, and seemed to have doubts about Annan's identity.

"Say it quickly, it's just a change of mood. You have nowhere to go anyway, we're all going to die together—"

Annan spoke quickly.

Don Juan was taken aback for a moment, looked at him carefully, and then looked at the bronze ring on his hand.

"... You really don't wear bronze ornaments?"

Don Juan himself was a little uncertain: "Where did you store your curse?"

"...that's it."

When Annan heard these words, his heart suddenly brightened.

He glanced at Benjamin's broken silver ring, then at Don Juan's bronze ring, and he understood.

The supernatural power in this world seems to be accompanied by curses. Curses, on the other hand, need containers to store them... so is the bronze level below the silver level

I see. That's why they are called "Bronze Rank" or "Silver Rank"... is the Gold Rank higher up

At this moment, the door of the captain's room was knocked open.

It was Klaus with a gloomy face who stood in the doorway.

He looked at Annan without saying a word.

"You may not believe it, but I have an iron crotch."

Annan casually read a sentence to Don Juan, and without hesitation launched a frontal attack on Klaus.

The opening was Wang Zha - he directly used his full frost swordsmanship to chop at the opponent's head!

But Don Juan's complexion suddenly changed:

"Don't hit him from the front!"


Annan froze for a moment, the frost marks spreading from his sword had already struck Klaus's chest.

But Klaus didn't evade at all, just looked at Annan coldly, without saying a word.

Annan suddenly felt a chill in his chest.

He lowered his head, and found a smear of frost quickly spreading all over his body. But the frost just made his body stiff, and he didn't feel any destructive power.

"...Is it just ice of this strength? Ice that can't freeze an ordinary person to death?"

Klaus suddenly spoke, and sneered: "If this is Frost Swordsmanship, there will be ghosts."

He didn't hesitate any longer, took a step forward, and cut off Annan's head with a sword.

—The next moment, turn back time.

Annan had just fallen into darkness, but suddenly felt that he was being pushed hard.

"... John? John, wake up!"

A rude male voice sounded in front of him: "Why did you fall asleep! Where did the young master go?"