The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 40: second loop


Annan felt no fear at all.

So he didn't hesitate and just kept going.

But this time, when he was halfway there, the chandelier directly above him suddenly shook violently.

It's like being blown by the wind.

The chandelier creaked and swayed back and forth, making a shrill, teeth-piercing sound.

Annan paused slightly, then continued to walk forward.

Five steps, six steps... seven steps!

When he took the seventh step, Annan heard the very clear sound of the chain breaking.

Amidst the sound of rattling chains being pulled, the chandelier behind him suddenly fell, fell to the ground, and shattered!

Annan clearly felt a hurricane coming from behind him, like a wire, or something else that hit his back.

He suddenly felt a burning pain coming from his back... He didn't need to touch it with his hands, but he knew that he must be bleeding.

But he still didn't look back.

He stood there, waited for a while with a blank face, and continued to walk forward until he left the gallery.

If Annan looked back at this time, or looked around. It can be found that those portraits looking at him from all directions are not the same face as when they passed the gallery for the first time.

They are male and female, old and young.

But they all turned into identical, expressionless faces.

Black hair and blue eyes.

Not the face of his body.

It was the face that belonged to Annan outside the dungeon!

And under the falling chandelier, there was a wounded corpse.

It was wearing gorgeous clothes only for nobles. The back of its head, neck, shoulders, and waist were all pierced by the protrusions on the chandelier. It lay silently under the chandelier with its limbs twisted.

It was like being crushed to death by a falling chandelier.

—And its face is also Annan!

Watching Annan go straight forward without looking back once. The corpse on the ground suddenly raised its head and looked at Annan in disappointment.

Then he was silent, and together with the chandelier on his back, he turned into a pool of black water.

Annan came to the L-shaped corridor for the second time. This time, unlike the first time, it is quite bright this time. The flames were quietly burning on the lampstands on both sides, and the portraits smiled gently and looked ahead.


Suddenly, Annan heard a low female laughter.

"who is it?"

He asked casually, and didn't intend to get a response, so he continued to move forward.

And when he took two steps forward, he heard a faint sound of a hammer hitting a nail. The further he went, the clearer the voice became... the closer it was to him!

It was as if someone was lying behind Annan and hitting a nail on his head with a hammer!

Suddenly, the wall next to him cracked open.

The huge hammer directly smashed the wall open!

Annan rushed forward without hesitation, while avoiding the blow, he ran forward quickly.

There was severe pain in his abdomen, and blood oozing out, but Annan didn't hesitate at all. Because there were hurried footsteps behind him.

He ran forward quickly, and his health was flowing downward at a speed visible to the naked eye, but he still didn't stop.

The first time he walked through a corridor that was less than thirty meters long, he now ran fifty or sixty steps.

When he turned the corner, the footsteps behind him stopped abruptly.

The light in front of my eyes became stable again.

In the narrow room, there was almost no difference from the first time, except that a bloody tan long windbreaker was hung on the coat rack. And in the collection shelf on the left, there is one more... tomato

Annan froze for a moment.

He thought for a moment and wanted to take the tomato. But when he stretched out his hand, he found that the exhibition cabinet seemed to have an invisible glass wall, although he couldn't see anything, it blocked his stretched out hand.

Annan punched him without hesitation. Smash the transparent wall first, then the display case. Annan's finger, which had been smashed all the time, hurt, but there was still no change.

As if the tomato was mocking him, it didn't move or shake.

"[Can't open]... I see."

Annan murmured in a low voice, glanced at the bloody windbreaker, and put it on calmly.

His brain whirled—

The reason why ordinary people are trapped in this nightmare is because they cannot be sure of the decisions they have made before. So they will hesitate repeatedly and cannot make up their minds.

But Annan was different. Before he entered the dungeon, he had already set a strategy for himself:

He knows that when he has a goal for a week, he will definitely follow the strategy strictly. Apart from walking, he won't investigate anything, talk to anyone, or look at anything superfluous.

In this way, when he entered the second week, Annan could know that if he didn't investigate anything, he would definitely die.

Therefore, Annan will investigate all the things he encounters on the premise of the first week's goal in the second week's goal. And if he fails, it means that even if he investigates all the items, he may die.

In other words, he spent the first two weeks gathering information.

Annan's opening this time is three weeks.

This means that whether it is all investigated or not investigated at all, it will die when it deserves to die.

The purification rate of the copy also reveals some information.


This means that Priest Louis has successfully purified thirty-eight nightmares. It's not necessarily perfect, but he's cleared it at least thirty-eight times... so it can't be particularly difficult.

And in this nightmare, the memory of failure will not stay.

In other words, those strategies were summed up by Priest Louis, the "similarities" among his thirty-eight successes.

Priest Louis specifically mentioned that every time he conquered nightmares, the scenes he encountered would be slightly different. But he thought that as long as he acted according to these similarities, he would be able to pass the level... That's why he handed over these strategies to Annan with confidence.

So, what do these strategies and prohibitions have in common

"—Yes [look at]."

Whether it is "watching" portraits, looking for a corridor with paintings (all portraits), or "looking" back, all have a direct relationship with observation.

Got a first and second experience.

In the third week, Kofi Annan remained fearless.

Now that he knows that no investigation at all, and all investigations will not be able to pass the level... Then it shows that at least Priest Louis' strategy is not completely suitable for him.

Priest Louis must have a certain habit, which is different from Annan. He can't even realize that this is a habit that others don't have. That's why he didn't write it in the strategy.

Annan had to come by himself.

Annan touched the material of the windbreaker.

Unsurprisingly, a message box appeared before its eyes:

[Blood-stained robe]

[Type: Material (Common)]

[Description: An old blood-stained dress with a rip in the abdomen]

[Description: Observing the blood, you realize that the owner of the clothes was once stabbed in the abdomen]

"... stabbed in the stomach?"

Annan murmured.

He no longer hesitated to put on this dress.

He gestured and found that the scars on his abdomen were aligned.

"It's really 'my' clothes."

Annan made a conclusion.

He no longer hesitated, and continued to move forward.

He opened the door again.

Back in the gallery again.

But what was different this time was that the gallery was dark and empty.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed outside the window.

In that fleeting light, Annan clearly saw that countless ropes were hanging above the gallery, crookedly tied with picture frames.

The next moment, there was a thunderclap!

The strong wind instantly blew the window open, and the cold and damp air soaked into Annan's chest immediately. Only then did he hear the sound of rain outside the window.

Then the lightning fell again.

Before the sound of thunder falling.

Annan saw, however, what kind of picture frame was tied under the hanging ropes—

Those were corpses hanging from the beams one after another!

Their heads are drooping, they wear luxurious blood-soaked clothes and leather boots, their eyes are cloudy, their faces are swollen, and their bodies sway in the wind.

Just before the light disappeared, Annan vaguely saw all the corpses, and the corners of their mouths were neatly raised slightly strangely.

no doubt.

- These are all Annan's corpses!