The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 42: The old frozen water port


Among other things, Annan is still very confident in his acting skills and memory.

After seeing the portrait of Ai Lei, he remembered Ai Lei's expressions and movements.

So he backtracked from the finished product to the real person, and completely reproduced the expression and movements of "Ailey" at that time, allowing Amos Morrison to complete the portrait without any doubts.

But Annan is not the real Alley Morrison after all.

It seems that Annan's performance was too perfect, even more like "Ai Lei" than "Ai Lei"...or he really did not move for more than two hours, which made Amos have a hesitant expression on his face .

Is this suspicious


Annan's heart moved slightly, and he was vaguely moved to kill.

Different from the previous scene.

Previously, Annan used the body of the aging version of the painter "Amos". Not only was his body weak and weak, but his abdomen was also pierced and bleeding profusely. There is really no ability to act.

But his daughter Alley Morrison is different.

This is a very young and healthy body.

Even if Amos is in the prime of life at this moment, Annan is at least 70% sure that he will succeed in the sneak attack and directly kill her father here.

—As long as you're dead, I'm probably safe.

But Annan hesitated and gave up.

Because he soon discovered that Amos was not doubting his identity...

But... a little guilty

"Um... I'm sorry, Ellie. You did a great job, but that's all I can do."

Amos sighed and muttered under his breath, "If there's that thing..."


Annan tried to express doubts with the least amount of information.

The painter sighed again.

He hammered his thigh with some remorse, and muttered to himself: "Unfortunately, it's already used up... no, no. It should be said, it's a good thing it's used up, otherwise you are so beautiful. If there is still stock, I might really I can’t help but use it…”

The man said, slowly put down the brush, and looked at his daughter with a tired expression.

"I'm sorry, Ellie. I lied.

"Our agreement was impossible to complete from the very beginning. Because what you don't know is that the people I have painted portraits of are actually..."

Having said that, Amos's eyes flashed with pain.

Obviously, admitting this to his daughter is tantamount to torture his soul.

However, Annan remained motionless until the portrait was finished, which seemed to trigger some conditions.

It should be that the two had an agreement before that if Ailey can persist until the end, then Amos must draw "that kind of" portrait for her.

Obviously, this condition was impossible to hold in the first place.

"I didn't want to tell you about it. I was thinking, if you fidget or get impatient, I'll just pretend to be angry—I thought you would. Then Dad would blame you for wasting precious God. Give paint, refuse to paint your portrait..."

… God-given paint

Annan quickly realized the key point from Amos' words.

"No need to apologize, Dad."

Through Amos' tone, Annan slowly speculated about Ai Lei's possible character, looked into Amos' eyes and said slowly: "I don't particularly want..."

Seeing a moment of confusion and doubt in Amos' eyes, he suddenly changed the subject: "At least I won't continue to persist if I know it's not good for me. I believe you... You can't The one who lied to me, especially... said the same thing as before. "

Hearing this, Amos finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The smile on his face eased at once: "That's good, Ellie. You've grown up...but remember, don't say these words outside. This painting is for you, happy birthday."


Annan smiled and said, "But I think this gift is not enough."


Amos said again and again: "I'm going to buy you a cake. Some time ago, we just came here from a pastry chef from the capital. It is said that his craftsmanship is very good..."

Wait, pastry chef

A word suddenly flashed in Annan's mind.

That's what senior Salvatore told him when he introduced the "landmark businessman" in Frozen Water Port:

"—The old baker in Frozen Water Port is very skilled. It is said that he came from the capital decades ago."

Here... Could it be the Frozen Water Port decades ago

Annan seemed to feel a burst of lightning rushing from his back, and asked tentatively: "Why did he come from the capital? Our quite remote."

The word remote can be said to be very cautious. Because it's pretty subjective.

No matter where you are, you can call your location remote. Even in the royal capital, people who live on the fringes of the royal capital can call themselves "living in a remote place", and no one will think there is anything wrong with it.

But Amos has no vigilance against Annan, or "Ai Lei".

"It should be that I have saved a lot of money in the first half of my life, so I don't want to do it anymore. After all, the prices here are low."

He replied casually: "Although the frozen water port is a bit remote, it is more or less an ice-free port. You don't know, Ai Lei, that many foreign specialties can be bought from here and sold in the capital, and the price can be doubled by three or four times. "

"Is that so..."

Annan nodded in amazement.

He narrowed his eyes slightly when Amos left the room. The pure and clear emerald green eyes that belonged to Alley Morrison revealed the cunning and deepness of a fox at this moment.

This is indeed the past. It was a frozen water port decades ago.

Speaking of which, the first dungeon seems to have happened in the past...

But that dungeon, because the time span was too small, Annan didn't realize to what extent "Nightmare" could go back in time.

But now, he was finally convinced.

—At least to the extent of decades.

In that copy, he obtained the identity belonging to Annan. Got many secrets belonging to the Geraint family...

So, what can he get in this dungeon

What valuable intelligence can he get from this nightmare woven from real events decades ago

For example...

that baker.

Amos' inference was wrong. Because after several decades, Dongshui Port has become very dilapidated, and it is impossible to buy foreign specialties. But the baker not only didn't leave, but settled down here... People couldn't afford cakes or pastries, so he left his craft to bake bread.

Even the locals in Frozen Water Harbor were very surprised why he did this.

It is said that the baker once won the pastry chef competition in Wangdu. With his status, even if he went to be a white case cook in a nobleman's house, it would definitely be easier and more profitable than opening a bakery.

Regarding his secrets, it seems that it is possible to explore them during this time period.

But before that...

Annan decided to take advantage of Ai Lei's father not at home.

He's going to tear down his house.

Whether it's intelligence, information, knowledge, secrets, plus treasures, weapons, equipment...he wants them all!

This is not a player randomly entering the house to search for NCs—he is doing the main mission!

The main quest has him "Finding the Secret of Amos Morrison".

Since it is a secret, it must not be hidden where anyone can see it.

"Obviously the family emblem of Duke Winter is a wolf's head, why do I have to work as a husky..."

Annan muttered dissatisfiedly while jumping up from the bed.

Annan, not a husky, cold winter, began to skillfully disassemble Ailey Morrison's room.