The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 46: I'm just an ordinary person


She is bleeding.

Yes, as unbelievable as it sounds... But, the painting did bleed.

Or, it could be blood.

The knife flew out and pierced into her chest. As if it had been nailed into the chest and abdomen of a real person, the dark red liquid continuously flowed down from the blade of the kitchen knife, dripping on the ground.


The woman in the painting suddenly let out a painful and hysterical scream.

The moment he heard the voice, Annan suddenly felt a very strong headache mixed with sleepiness and irritability... For example, it was like being caught by the next door or upstairs after only sleeping for three hours. The sound of the fitting drill bit woke me up like a jolt.

And it's the kind of level where you can feel your own bed shaking-even more intense.

Annan felt a blur in front of his eyes, and a fluttering dizziness came from his head.

But on Annan's face, there was no boredom, no fear, or the anger of being attacked...

Only caper.

He smiled happily, pulled out another kitchen knife from behind without hesitation, got up and approached.

Holding the kitchen knife in his backhand, he stabbed hard at the face of the woman in the painting.


After the strange, dull sound came, another bright red drop gushed out from the new wound and slowly dripped down...

But before the traces of dark red dripped out of the painting.

Annan grabbed the second kitchen knife and pulled it out forcefully.

I saw the bright red traces splashing out and falling on Annan's face—that fair and lovely face belonging to Alley Morrison, which looked extraordinarily shiny.

"Can you still call..."

Annan murmured, the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more cheerful: "Then how about this..."

As he spoke, he continued to pull out the kitchen knife vigorously, and then pierced the portrait's mouth, throat, eyes, forehead, hands, and the background without portraits with all his strength.

To Annan's disappointment, even though he pierced the portrait's mouth and cut its throat, he couldn't stop the portrait from screaming; when he pierced the eyeball, he didn't spew out a liquid similar to the color of the eyeball. It's that crimson liquid that feels cold and slippery to the touch... Even when piercing the background without people, it will also "bleed".

But it's not blood. It just looks like blood.

The color of real blood should be darker than that.

And as Annan holds the kitchen knife in both hands and cuts repeatedly, the screams of the portrait become smaller and smaller. In the end, there was no movement.

Annan was a little disappointed. He shook off the blood-red droplets on his hands and wiped his face again.

"...Damn it, the clothes are dirty."

Annan murmured, "Won't Amos find out?"

When he said this, his tone and tone were more and more similar to Ai Lei. If Amos was outside the door at this time, there would be no doubt about his identity.

After reading Ai Lei's diary, Annan had a deeper understanding of imitating Ai Lei:

She doesn't usually call Amos "Father", but usually calls him "Amos". Ai Lei called him dad before, it seemed that she was just expressing her dissatisfaction...

"What a nuisance."

Annan sighed softly, and stretched out his hand to wipe the blood-like, but greasy, oily red liquid on his hand and kitchen knife on the portrait that was not screaming anymore.

Originally, this painting seemed to be alive.

If the portrait of Ellie painted by Amos before is as real as a photo.

Then this screaming painting seems to have a soul. Ai Lei just looked up from a distance, and she couldn't even determine whether it was a painting, or a real person hiding behind the transparent window watching here.

But also because of this... it seems a little scary.

Because it is too real-like—it has exceeded a limit, and it has become terrifying instead.

…and now, it loses that soul and becomes flat. Just like an ordinary portrait, at first glance, there will no longer be the illusion of "how is there a person hidden here".

But at this moment, Annan's footsteps suddenly stopped.

He vaguely heard... The sound of someone downstairs opening the door with a key.

...Damn it, it still hasn't caught up.

Because of the fifteen minutes delay...

Thinking of this, Annan quickly ran back to the desk and put back the two books he had read.

He looked at the third book "The Curse and Seal of the Soul" that he hadn't had time to read, and hesitated for a moment.

"...take it away."

He made up his mind.

After all, the painting was broken. If Amos came back to this room, he would definitely notice the problem. So it makes no difference whether the book is still here or not.

So Annan reached out to mess up the original row of "The Curse and Seal of the Soul", making the gap that was empty for a book less conspicuous. Then he tucked it into his clothes.

... Fortunately, Ailei's figure is relatively very humble, and it doesn't take up too much space on the top.

This is the kind of humility and tolerance that even if a thick book is stuffed in, there is still a lot of space.

Then Annan patted her chest to confirm that the book would not fall out easily, and then she pinned the smaller kitchen knife back to her waist. Turning back to the portrait, he grabbed the first large kitchen knife that flew over and pulled it out forcefully.

He looked at the picture frame that had become tattered and covered in red paint, and was silent for a while.

Then turn it over and put it back in place.

"That way Amos shouldn't notice it at first glance..."

Annan murmured, quickly opened the door of the study, and ran back to his room.

It took less than ten seconds from the time he heard the sound of the door opening until he ran back to his room.

Then he took out the book and put it under the pillow. He took out several kitchen knives and put them in the dresser, then took off his "blood-stained clothes", randomly stacked them into a ball, and stuffed them into the closet.

After that, he took out another long skirt.

—but don't put it on yet.

Annan pretended that he was about to put on his clothes, but he stopped halfway and stopped moving.

Then he kept doing this until Amos opened his room—he deliberately didn't close the door.

Sure enough, soon he heard footsteps getting closer.

Only then did Annan begin to dress.

"Eri, I'm back—oh, sorry..."

"Please go out first, Mr. Amos!"

Annan pretended to be angry, turned around and shouted loudly: "Wait for me at the restaurant, I'll come out right away—"

Seeing Amos leave in a little embarrassment, Annan's face became expressionless again.

That's it.

As long as Annan does this and says this. It can be controlled that Amos will neither search Ai Lei's room immediately, nor return to the study in a hurry...

This is Annan's simple way of manipulating people's hearts. A technique of conversation that even ordinary people can master.

Yes, I am just an ordinary ordinary person. So be more careful.