The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 49: Annan's Curse


[The Ascension Ceremony has been completed]

[Class promotion-]

A large amount of data flowed across Annan's eyes.

The surrounding crimson ocean suddenly began to boil uncomfortably, and large bubbles burst out.

In the bottomless seabed, black silt suddenly began to leach gradually. Small whispers and light laughter accompanied by melodious and eerie music.

Eventually, the silt hugged each other and slowly rose. A bright red gleam slowly shone in Annan's eyes.

Until it rose to the level of Annan's line of sight, the brilliance suddenly exploded. Like a plane passing by at low altitude, there was a buzzing in Annan's mind, and his vision completely disappeared and became pitch black.

In the dark and lightless world, three clusters of light emerged.

They are an emerald eyeball, a kitchen knife stained with blood, and an abstract drawing of a backstab.

At this moment, a new light curtain flashed in front of Annan's eyes:

[Curse Manifestation—]

[Eternal Lost Eye (Permanent Type): Your left eye will occasionally experience severe pain, as if being dug out with a knife.]

[Note: After the interval between two pains exceeds three days, the duration of pain will gradually increase. The maximum duration of pain will not exceed 12.4 seconds, and the shortest will not be less than 2.4 seconds.]

[Butcher's Blade (Defuse Type): You must use a kitchen knife to kill one person every month.]

[Note: At least 10% of the total damage is caused. The kitchen knife must have previously cooked human food normally within the day prior to the ceremony.]

[Oath of backstab (taboo type): You must not sneak attack from behind and kill someone who trusts you.]

[Note: "Trust" refers to the moment when the other party was attacked by you, you never thought that you would kill him, and the two of you know each other's existence.]

The contents of the three curses were written very clearly, and were placed in front of Annan's eyes by the system.

But contrary to the clearly written negative effects, what power will be obtained by choosing each spell is not written at all.

"Three types of spells...?"

Annan murmured.

In fact, at least as far as the Bronze Rank curse is concerned, there is nothing too harsh.

Except that the first curse is too deadly and it is very easy to hold back at critical moments, the remaining two are actually optional.

The second one is very simple, basically equal to killing one person every month, it can be said that there is almost no difficulty.

After all, Annan has a special identity in hand. It is not difficult to execute a death row prisoner in a month. Even if there is really no one to kill, Annan can also issue a task to the players, asking them to pick one person to die once.

So what if you lose one or two levels once you die

Annan directly compensated him with the experience of being able to advance to level 3 or even level 4, plus 500 personal favorability points. Wouldn't that be good

At that time, I am afraid that the players who will come to give away their heads will definitely be a sea of people with gongs, drums, firecrackers, red flags and red flags.

And the third curse is not too difficult to avoid.

Although this point cannot be betrayed, it is a bit difficult for Annan... With Annan's way of doing things, it is easy to violate this rule.

But fortunately, this curse has very loose requirements for "backstab". The so-called "the opponent didn't think you would kill him at the moment when he was attacked by you"... In other words, as long as you declare that you want to kill him before betraying; or subdue the opponent instead of killing him after backstabbing, you can Avoid this one.

However, Annan thought about it and chose the second option.

Not for anything else.

Just paving the way for the next promotion.

After all, although the third article seems to have little effect now... But in the subsequent advancement, each advancement may get a new curse. They are likely to hinder each other, further limiting Annan's backstab behavior.

And the most important thing about the curse is to keep it secret.

Ideally no one other than the Keeper knows about your spell...or would be unable to break it if they did.

Then, once Annan starts to act with restraints, as long as there is a smart person among his enemies, after they investigate Annan's behavior patterns, it will be easy to guess what his curse is probably.

On the contrary, it is a resolving type of curse. Although it seems to be mandatory, it is the best solution. It is also the least likely to conflict with other spells.


As Annan's heart moved, the blood-stained bubble began to expand rapidly, quickly engulfing the other two bubbles, and the contents gradually turned turbid red, then slowly turned black, and turned into a small black sludge again .

Then, the mud flew over, stuck to Annan's right forearm, and began to flow slowly... as if something was carved on the skin of his arm.

Wherever it flows, there is a corrosive pain. And left a pure black scar visible to the naked eye.

The color is like the skin is naturally split, and the inside is empty... without a trace of blood, it is dim and deep.

The shape of the scar is like an abstract broken sword, or a tortuous circuit.

And Annan's eyes once again flowed a new text:

[Butcher's Blade: Attached to a bladed weapon (the blade cannot be longer than 1.5 meters), no maintenance cost, and the cooling time is 30 minutes after disarming]

[When attacking an edible creature (meaning that it will not die after eating), if an attack does hit and cause damage, and is not blocked, parried or tilted on the way, then when repeatedly attacking the target, the weapon's sharpness The strength and hardness are considered to be doubled temporarily.]

[This effect can be superimposed infinitely, with a built-in cooldown of 2.4 seconds. After superimposing two layers of effects on other enemies, other blessing effects will return to zero.]

... seems to be doing fine.

Annan's eyes lit up.

This is a very practical ability.

This ability can be simply described as...

… the Black Cleaver version of the Flesh Unit Special Attack

For most enemies, as long as Annan's weapon injures the enemy once, the sharpness and hardness of his weapon will begin to increase rapidly. As long as he can bypass the opponent's weapon or shield and hit the opponent one or two times, he will become significantly stronger.

Until his weapon is strengthened, he can cut off the enemy's weapon and the enemy's shield with a single sword.

This means that even if Annan holds two kitchen knives, after a few rounds of fighting, he can use a blade storm to smash the enemy's weapons and armor.

But it seems that this is not suitable for that kind of open and close swordsmanship.

It is a bit suitable for the kind of light and flexible skill fencing.

The shortcoming of the rapier or stabbing sword that the blade is too fragile can also be completely made up for by this weapon. As long as Annan can quickly injure the enemy several times, he can strengthen his weapon to a very amazing level-even directly penetrate the shield or armor, and directly kill the enemy.

The first thing Annan thought of was his Frost Swordsmanship.

The trigger condition for this ability is "causing damage", not necessarily "bleeding". And the sword energy fired by the Frost Sword Technique cannot be blocked or deflected...

Then Annan started with a sword of Frost Swordsmanship and cut it down, will he be able to stably trigger a layer of buff

The only disadvantage is that except for the main target which can be stacked infinitely, other people can only stack one layer at most.

It's a pity that it won't work anymore...

After being branded by the black mud, Annan lost consciousness again.

When he woke up, he had already returned to the frozen water port in the real world.