The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 5: Variety


The dialogue between Annan and Don Juan this time is slightly different from the previous one.

Because Annan didn't ask Don Juan about "the black-haired and blue-eyed boy Klaus asked about" this time, when Don Juan left the room this time, his expression was not so severe.

This time Annan asked one more question:

"Master, where are you going?"

"I'm going to find Master Benjamin," Don Juan told him specifically, "If you come to me urgently, go directly to the captain's cabin. Don't worry about whoever talks to you in the middle, and don't be distracted by going to other places. Go quickly. Come back quickly."


Annan agreed.

For Don Juan's age, he was already very cautious. He has done almost everything he can... But unfortunately, he still missed people's hearts.

He mistakenly placed too much trust in the Chief of Guards. He shouldn't trust anyone like them nobles—especially those nobles who have a lot of treasure, who have offended people and have little resistance.

Including John too.

Annan secretly sighed in his heart, watching Tang Juan close the door and leave, thoughtful in his heart.

Sure enough... In fact, in the previous time, I had unconsciously changed something.

According to the main mission, Don Juan must be prevented from drinking the poisoned wine. Then this shows that in real history, the young master should have been poisoned to death during dinner.

But not long ago, when Annan found Don Juan, he had already been tied up and put away. Seeing that he looked like he was going to die on the spot, there was no need for poisoned wine, and he couldn't wait until dinner time.

The only possibility is that what he said to the young master earlier made him suspicious of the guard... Then he went directly to ask.

The series of chain reactions that were triggered after that were actually alarming the snake.

Perhaps the old wizard would not have died at this time. It was only because of Don Juan's misoperation that the plan was advanced...

But this time I didn't say anything extra.

Then the script should develop towards the original historical track...

[Erosion degree increased to 4%]

Annan frowned slightly.

In other words, after entering this dungeon, if there are multiple opportunities to read files, is it best to try to reproduce the original owner's choice for the first time? No, not necessarily... Maybe the original owner knew the least.

For example, John doesn't even know who the betrayer is.

I don't know how to reduce this erosion. Just in case, try not to die...

When Annan just thought of this, a large data stream suddenly appeared in front of his eyes again:

[Main task: Complete John's unfinished last wish]

[Find out the true identity of the traitor]

[Live until dinner starts]

[Don't let Don Juan Geraint drink the poisoned wine]

But soon, the three lines below began to gradually fade and then shattered.

In the original position, a new line of writing appeared:

[Kill the Chief of Guard Klaus]

[Kill all the traitors]

... Can the dungeon progress be inherited even after death

Annan suddenly realized, and suddenly had many new ideas in his mind.

But just looking at these two new task requirements, he couldn't help but let out a cheerful laugh that didn't match John's simple and honest face: "It's very simple..."

Once the task is simplified to "where to go", "what to kill", and "how many to kill", every player will breathe a sigh of relief.

Compared with complex decryption and troublesome mission goals that I don't know how to achieve, such missions are simpler and clearer, and can better mobilize the player's adrenaline.

Annan did not wait for Don Juan to go far this time—because he knew that the young master would not go back this time—he began to skillfully search the room.

In just over a minute, he found Don Juan's dagger, ring, pocket watch and John's gauntlet.

This time Annan did not bring his seal and letters, but put them all in the house. This is what he wanted to see, if the chief guard got these letters but didn't get the ring, would it "trigger" some new conversations.

After losing his fear and anger, the world became more and more like a game to him... Even though Annan logically agreed with its dangers, he knew that this was a real world, but he had nothing substantive about it feel.

Annan exhaled lightly and slowly, and pulled out the long sword.

He simply left the sheath in the room.

The reason is also very simple, it is inconvenient and not easy to carry around.

After all, he didn't want to go out to practice swords.

But to go out and kill people.

It didn't take too long. After Annan packed his things, he went straight out the door.

At this time, Don Juan has not gone far. Maybe it's because the face hasn't been torn apart yet, the three people who received the task of the chief guard and came to stare at John haven't come yet.

They were probably also afraid that Don Juan would go and return.

But Annan did not have so much fear at all.

His pupils turned rapidly, constantly looking at every place where there might be people. His steps were light and his breathing was very gentle—not so that others could not hear his breathing, but so as not to interfere with his own listening state.

As soon as he walked out of this corridor, he heard a series of chaotic footsteps.

"Can't you just go in and tie John up?"

"No, even though that idiot is not smart, he still has relatively strong force. Whoever strikes first will probably be injured... Anyway, I don't want to be injured."

"Well, I don't want to either."

"Don't overdo it, just follow orders..."

I'm coming.

Everything is as expected. Hearing the complaints and chatting of those three people, Annan sneered and silently retreated into the room closest to him.

Fortunately, the room was unlocked and no one was in it. This saved him a lot of trouble...

At least when entering the door, there is no need to stun or kill everyone inside.

Annan used to do this when he played stealth games.

He held the knife and leaned against the door. The weight of the body was evenly pressed against the door, and he listened carefully to the voices of the three people.

The weight of the body is pressed against the door to prevent the body from suddenly leaning forward, and the aging door hinges that are subjected to a sudden press often make a sound. So from the very beginning, we must slowly withstand it.

In this way, as long as the door is opened quickly enough, it will not make too much noise when opening the door.

"...Let's just stay here anyway," said a somewhat lazy voice, "it's safer to keep an eye on John than to deal with that old immortal. That's a real wizard, not some trickster."

"I think it's best to stay here."

The guard who was the first to be killed by Annan interjected: "In case your master's plan fails, we have a reason to explain it. Anyway, we didn't participate in the siege of Lord Benjamin, so it's better to say that we are just lazy here... It is better to be punished." Death is strong here.

"If your lord's plan succeeds, we will also make meritorious deeds. There will be no disadvantages, and this is the best."

"Yeah, John can't beat the three of us after all..."

The guard who was frozen to death by Annan also agreed: "You are right. So, we are quite lucky."

"Of course..."

Hearing the voices of the three people getting closer and then gradually farther away, the corners of Annan's mouth raised silently.

He opened the door, walked out of the room without hesitation, and raised his long sword.

Frost Cover—

Among the three, an older guard subconsciously glanced back when he heard a voice behind him.

From the very beginning, he never thought about the possibility of John leaving Don Juan's room and ambush here, so he hardly had any vigilance.

Therefore, at the moment when his face showed astonishment, a streak of frost cut straight towards his head!

The icy white trace spread rapidly from the cheek as the contact point, covering the entire head in an instant, making him unable to make the slightest movement, and continued to spread downward—

The other two heard the abnormal noise, and stretched out their hands to the weapons at their waists vigilantly.

But before they even turned their heads, they felt a chill in the back of their heads, and then they lost consciousness.

"—Eat my righteous backstab again!"

Annan was delayed by three and a half beats before the warning sound came late.

Although there are many things that have changed, your fate of eating backstabs will not change!