The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 50: Inaugural wizard


[Nightmare has been purified]

[Purify the nightmare with the designated identity, and the evaluation will increase]

[Kill Amos, the evaluation will increase]

[Injuring Amos's left eye as Alley, the evaluation will increase]


[Get 152 public experience points, perception +1]

[The current purification rate is 39/350, you can enter the instance again after 71:59 minutes]

[Get dungeon clearance reward: Occupation (optional) up by 1 level]

"Can I not use it temporarily?"

Annan closed his eyes and asked in his heart.

Because of the wrong information from Priest Louis, Annan entered the wrong level of dungeon difficulty. His dungeon clearance reward this time is enough to raise the silver-ranked profession by one level... But it's a pity that he didn't even reach the bronze rank.

But it's a pity that he had to add this career level before he woke up.

"Then, I choose the wizard apprentice."

Annan thought to himself.

As long as Annan's wizard profession is upgraded by another level, he will be able to reach the same level as Don Juan in the identity of a transcendent. This will greatly reduce the possibility of his identity being leaked...

After all, both of them have black hair and blue eyes, and they are about the same height and build. They are all Transcendents of the same class, and they are all wizards of the disabled school.

The possibility of this coincidence recurring is very low.

According to Salvatore's side, basically the entire Noah Kingdom may not be able to find a second such example.

No one would have thought that the young heir of Duke Winter would appear in Noah's Kingdom at this time.

Yes, even Annan himself didn't think of it.

And after Annan chose this award, his inauguration list has become like this.

Wizard (Disability School) LV11: [Instant Spell LV3 (Cold Contact, Slothy Eye, None)], [Channel Spell LV2 (Stall Wall, Frost Nova)], [Chanting Spell LV1 (Frost Wheel)]

Annan's wizard apprentice, finally completely advanced to become a wizard.

He also got a new companion spell, the Wheel of Frost—a spell that Annan suspects might be standard for the School of Disabling.

If there is no accident, this should be the spell that Don Juan showed in front of Annan before.

The spell that conjures a wheel of illusory frost that rolls over Klaus with unrivaled precision without damaging the deck—

[Wheel of Frost (Chanting Spell): Requires the element of frost/cold element/freezing element as the core, and builds a wheel-shaped light belt with the turbid mana restriction curse, constantly accelerating to chase and run over the designated target. The wheel lasts up to 11 seconds (depending on the wizard's professional level), and it will dissipate naturally after completing the pursuit]

[Using the element of frost: the initial movement speed of the wheel is tripled]

[Executed with extremely cold elements: it will leave a cold poison that is difficult to remove on the enemy]

[Execute with freezing elements: the attack of the wheel will immediately freeze the enemy]

[Currently Mastered: Elements of Frost]

[Chant: "Frost is the wheel, - is the road"]

[Each temporary opening of an unmastered element requires ten points of power of order; each chanting consumes one point of power of distortion and at least one point of power of order, and the power (size of the wheel) depends on the amount of power of order invested]

It was the first time Annan saw such a long narrative just to describe a spell.

But this also undoubtedly shows that Annan has truly mastered the extraordinary ability that belongs to a wizard.

It is no longer those instant spells for life-saving and channeled spells that require the cooperation of teammates.

But in the true sense, it belongs to Faye's long-range combat ability—

At least the special effects of this spell are full!

And because of Annan's own template problem, he has a lot of mana, and he has mastered the element of frost.

This means that he can easily summon very large wheels of frost that move at an incredible speed. Or keep summoning smaller wheels to keep chasing distant enemies.

After Annan read the newly obtained spell, the decryption reward of the dungeon also popped up:

[Hidden elements have been cracked: 60%]

[You can receive the rewards of the first stage (obtained when the completion rate is 33%)]

Unexpectedly, although Annan only played the low-end copy of the third level once, he almost unlocked more than half of the content.

You know, there are a total of six levels in this dungeon...

This shows that there is indeed no major problem in Annan's speculation about the plot. At least the frame should be guessed right...

"Receive and receive."

Annan accepted the award without thinking.

He secretly looked forward to what rewards this dungeon could give him.

In the previous simple difficulty dungeon, Annan was given rewards for restoring his state to full and raising his level by one rankless occupation. This is a copy of the twisted level... And the "Ben Zhongben" played by Annan is still silver difficulty!

It is supposed to give something better...

[Reward for dungeon decryption: 200 public experience points, the cursed "bloody kitchen knife"]

[Blooded Kitchen Knife]

[Type: Weapon/Tool/Sundries (Blue)]

[Description: A kitchen knife that can never wipe off the blood, it will drip blood continuously]

[Effect: The holder will suffer from the curse "Painting Breaker", "Extraordinary Throwing"]

[Painting Breaker: If the holder sees a portrait of a middle-aged woman while holding a "blood-stained kitchen knife", he must throw the kitchen knife within three seconds, otherwise the holder himself will be injured by the kitchen knife]

[Active Throwing: When this item is thrown, it will automatically search for enemies within a small range, as if it had been given the same-named order school spell "Active Throwing"]

"It's really good stuff!"

Annan's eyes lit up, he turned the weight of the kitchen knife in his hand, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Don't rush to praise the kitchen knife..."

At this moment, Salvatore's weary voice came from Annan's side: "First determine your curse container—a ring? Or a necklace? A bracelet? Or something else? It should be closer to your curse container." .”

When he opened his eyes, he found that Salvatore was not far from him, looking at him with a tired face.

And on the table in front of him was a table of bronze ornaments.

"Give me a bracelet... just this."

Annan thought for a moment, then stretched out his right hand to a bronze bracelet inlaid with sapphires.

"You will also pick..."

Salvatore muttered: "It happens to be the most expensive."

Yes, I also think it is the most expensive, so I chose this one.

Annan added in his heart.

But seeing that the ceremony hadn't been completed, he didn't say that for a while. Fearing that it would upset Salvatore, the old senior quit.

And seeing that he was so tired, he probably hadn't slept all the time. Or didn't sleep well, waiting for Annan to come back from the dungeon...

Although Annan didn't say anything, his heart felt a little warm.

"I'm sorry to trouble you, senior."

he said softly.

The bronze bracelet was a bit too big for Annan's too slender wrist. But after it was put on, the black mud on Annan's right forearm seemed to be drawn out, and slowly flowed towards the bracelet, seeping in bit by bit.

As the black mud penetrated, the bracelet also began to shrink gradually. The weight also miraculously began to decrease... Until Annan just felt that its thickness and weight were not in the way, the adjustment was completed.

"Look, it's that simple. It's not a hassle at all."

Salvatore lay on the table, squinting his eyes like a salted fish and complaining: "What bothers me is, if only you woke up half the morning...

"It's not even noon yet. Ah... I have to stay up all day to sleep..."

Hearing this, Annan's heart moved.

He asked Salvatore, "Senior, how long has it been since I entered the nightmare?"

"Two days. To be more precise, half an hour is fifty hours."

Salvatore sighed, closed his eyes and meditated.

The corners of his mouth were raised slightly, and his voice was low and lazy:

"To be honest, you guy... your talent is really good. And it's quite reassuring.

"That way I can leave with peace of mind."