The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 51: Keeper of Secrets


... two days

Annan was a little surprised: "Has it been so long?"

In Annan's subjective time, he spent about three hours in the dungeon.

Did the first two lives live too long? Or…

"Because the flow rate of time is different."

Salvatore yawned, lying on the table with his eyes closed, and lazily explained: "It's like when you fall asleep, a night's dream may last for several days... In a nightmare, you will stay How long, and how long has passed in real time, is not strictly corresponding. Maybe you stayed inside for three days this time, and only two days have passed outside, or you may enter the same nightmare next time, and you may only stay inside for half a day , but a few hours have passed outside...

"But generally speaking, no matter when ordinary people enter a nightmare, as long as they can't bear it and become desperate due to fear and despair, the curse in the nightmare will slowly drain their vitality, and the nightmare itself will gradually become stronger.

"In the area of order without gray fog, usually in the early morning—that is, when the power of order is strongest, the light of the rising sun can temporarily dispel the nightmare, and people will wake up from the nightmare. But because the nightmare is still entangled in the They have not been purified, so they will enter the same dream at night... Over time, they will become extremely weak...

"That's why, when people's research on the supernatural theory is not thorough enough, this kind of memory fragments that are eroded and distorted by curses and can attract souls will be called nightmares by ancient people..."

As Salvatore talked, his voice became smaller and smaller, and he was about to fall asleep.

"Hey, wake up!"

Annan immediately patted Salvatore's shoulder and shook him vigorously: "Don't fall asleep! Wake up!"

He remembered that the spell that Salvatore had undertaken seemed to be related to sleep...

"...Huh? Did I almost fall asleep just now?"

After Salvatore woke up, he straightened up vigilantly, and stood up from the stool: "Well, thanks, Don Juan. You just saved my life..."

"It's not because you're waiting for me that you haven't slept."

Annan sighed: "Did you think I would wake up yesterday?"

"Yeah, we never thought that you could stay in the nightmare for so long."

Salvatore also nodded unceremoniously.

With his hands on the desk, he jogged to wake up, and said intermittently: "That's why we let you enter the nightmare in the morning... so that you can have the most relaxed time to explore the nightmare.

"But before you woke up, Don Juan, I knew you had the talent of a clergyman... But we don't know how long it will take you to wake up, and neither do the priests. So I can only keep watching you. After all, you are an advanced Rituals are different from normal nightmares... If you forget to bring the container of the curse, the power of the curse you brought out of the nightmare will easily dissipate, and may form a new nightmare in the town... "

"Thank you, senior."

When Annan heard this, he thanked Salvatore gratefully.

Whether it is helping himself or helping Frozen Water Port, strictly speaking, Salvatore will not get any benefits. He is about to leave Frozen Water Port and return to the Black Tower to advance. Even if a new nightmare appeared in Frozen Water Harbor afterwards, it had nothing to do with him.

Like Priest Louis, he acted only with the goodwill and sense of responsibility in his heart.

"You have to thank Priest Louis, too."

Salvatore coughed lightly, and added: "You are still growing your body. It is very bad for your body to sleep for two days and not be able to eat. Your body nutrition for these two days is in charge of supplementing you by Priest Louis... Of course, you have to thank me too. Because I paid for your treatment."

"Thank you, senior. I will also thank Priest Louis later."

Annan thanked Salvatore solemnly without hesitation: "I am really grateful that you can help me and the people I protect."

He was never one to be ashamed to say thanks.

As long as it is what he "should do", Annan has always been able to do it very well - thanking or apologizing at the right time is naturally one of them.

On the contrary, Salvatore was a little embarrassed to see Annan thanking him so simply and solemnly.

He coughed lightly again, leaned against the table and pretended to drink water, picked up the teacup and took a sip indiscriminately.

Then, Salvatore looked out the window, with the corners of his mouth raised: "For me, this is what I should do. But you noble lords... not many are willing to thank you sincerely.

"Since we transcendents have stolen power from the curse, we naturally have to take corresponding measures. At least we can't let the curse overflow and endanger innocent people... If you can help stop anything, stop it; Do me a favor, just do me a favor.

"Although I personally think that my moral level is average, and I can't compare with those living saints who have acquired extraordinary powers to help the weak and uphold justice. They often have selfish and distracting thoughts, and occasionally use their own power to get cheap. But after all, we are all A Transcendent with a decent background still has to abide by the rules that should be observed.

"This is for everyone, as well as for myself. It's like what it said in the "Extraordinary Manifesto"..."

The man with a tired face and a thin figure chuckled, and slowly recited in a solemn tone:

"'We shall henceforth bear our own curses, keep others' secrets, keep private oaths, and abide by common rules. This is the case today, and it will be the same in the future.' You must not have forgotten, Don Juan."

"I see… "

Annan nodded slowly when he heard the words, and the relaxed expression on his face gradually subsided.

With his right hand resting lightly on his chest, his icy blue eyes slightly opened wide, looking at Salvatore.

He responded solemnly and earnestly: "I remember."

Hearing Salvatore's words, Annan was vaguely touched.

From the time travel to the present, he has not come into contact with a few living Transcendents.

It wasn't until he heard Salvatore's words that Annan had a vague idea of the extraordinary society in this world—

A world that is somewhat gloomy in tone, but definitely not a gloomy world.

And a group of secret keepers who bear curses, keep their oaths, abide by the rules, and walk silently on their own paths.

A group of people who are alone but not alone.

"Okay," Salvatore said briskly, "it's time to tell me about your curse. I'll be your keeper."

"Is it okay to just say it?"

"Well, at least for you, it doesn't matter for the time being."

Salvatore smiled: "Of course, just remember not to be the secret keeper of a golden-rank transcendent lightly. If possible, it's best to stay away from them, don't inquire about it, and don't let them know about you Do not perform rituals with them, or pronounce their names in nightmares.

"After all, a transcendent of that level is basically not considered human anymore."

What does Can't count as a person... mean

Annan felt a little puzzled and bewildered.

But he just kept an eye out, and secretly wrote down the question, and didn't ask it at this time.

He thought about his curse, and told Salvatore the general content: "My curse is, [Must use a kitchen knife to kill one person every month]."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a new prompt flashing in front of him:

[Confidentiality oath established]

[Current establishment oath: 1]

This counts... the signing is over

Annan was slightly taken aback.

An idea popped into his mind—

If you tell all the players about your oath... will you immediately get a bunch of keepers? Anyway, players must protect the "camp leader" from a standpoint, and they don't have to worry about them targeting themselves.

This is equivalent to giving a bunch of secret keepers for nothing!

… So what if players were to take this news back to their world and spread it across the web